path: root/site/src/main/jekyll/core/tracing/logging.md
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 43 deletions
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-title: Kamon | Core | Documentation
-layout: documentation
-Kamon provides a very simple way to make sure that the trace token available when the log statement was executed is
-included in your logs, no matter if you are logging synchronously or asynchronously. Kamon provides built in support
-for logging with Logback, but extending the support to any other logging framework should be a trivial task.
-When using `ActorLogging` all logging events are sent to your actor system's event stream and then picked up by your
-registered listeners for actual logging. Akka captures the actor, thread and timestamp from the instant in which the
-event was generated and makes that info available when performing the actual logging. As an addition to this, Kamon
-attaches the `TraceContext` that is present when creating the log events and makes it available when the actual logging
-is performed. If you are using the loggers directly then the `TraceContext` should be already available.
-`TraceRecorder.currentContext` gives you access to the currently `TraceContext`, so the following expression gives you
-the trace token for the currently available context:
-Kamon already packs a Logback converter that you can register in your `logback.xml` file and use in your logging
-patterns as show bellow:
-<configuration scan="true">
- <conversionRule conversionWord="traceToken" converterClass="kamon.trace.logging.LogbackTraceTokenConverter" />
- <appender name="STDOUT" class="ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender">
- <encoder>
- <pattern>%date{HH:mm:ss.SSS} %-5level [%traceToken][%X{akkaSource}] %msg%n</pattern>
- </encoder>
- </appender>
- <root level="debug">
- <appender-ref ref="STDOUT" />
- </root>