path: root/Documentation/building.md
blob: f198c77444da2cb9c5a1cb7e4d921187df72b41f (plain) (tree)



# Building from Source
A complete build of flow involves two parts

1. Building Scala sources (the front-end), resulting in a platform independent artifact (i.e. a jar file).

2. Building C sources (the back-end), yielding a native library that may only be used on systems resembling the platform for which it was compiled

Both steps are independent, their only interaction being a header file generated by the JDK utility `javah` (see `sbt javah` for details), and may therefore be built in any order.

## Building Scala Sources
Run `sbt flow/packageBin` in the base directory. This simply compiles Scala sources as with any standard SBT project and packages the resulting class-files in a jar.

## Building Native Sources
The back-end is managed by GNU Autotools and all relevant files are contained in `flow-native`.

Several steps are involved in producing the native library:

1. When compiling for the first time, initialize Autotools by running the script `./bootstrap`.

2. Once initialized, `./configure && make` will build the back-end.

3. The native library is now ready and can be:

	- copied to a local directory: `DESTDIR=$(pwd)/<directory> make install`

    - installed system-wide: `make install`

    - put into a "fat" jar, useful for dependency management with SBT (see next section)

### Creating a Fat Jar
The native library produced in the previous step may be bundled into a "fat" jar so that it can be included in SBT projects through its regular dependency mechanisms. In this process, SBT basically acts as a wrapper script around Autotools, calling the native build process and packaging generated libraries. Running `sbt flow-native/packageBin` in the base directory produces the fat jar in `flow-native-sbt/target`.

Note: an important feature of fat jars is to include native libraries for several platforms. To copy binaries compiled on other platforms to the fat jar, place them in a subfolder of `flow-native-sbt/lib_native`. The subfolder should have the name `$(os.name)-$(os.arch)`, where `os.name` and `os.arch` are the Java system properties of the respective platforms.

### Note About Versioning
The project and package versions follow a sematic pattern: `M.m.p`, where

- `M` is the major version, representing backwards incompatible changes

- `m` is the minor version, indicating backwards compatible changes such as new feature additions

- `p` is the patch number, representing internal modifications such as bug-fixes
Usually (following most Linux distribution's conventions), shared libraries produced by a project `name` of version `M.m.p` are named `libname.so.M.m.p`. However, since when accessing shared libraries through the JVM, only the `name` can be specified and no particular version, the convention adopted by flow is to append `M` to the library name and always keep the major version at zero. E.g. `libflow.so.3.1.2` becomes `libflow3.so.0.1.2`.