path: root/cask/src/cask/router/Result.scala
blob: 52ef0f86b148703eb0a25c4d4ec09450413e1aef (plain) (tree)

package cask.router

 * Represents what comes out of an attempt to invoke an [[EntryPoint]].
 * Could succeed with a value, but could fail in many different ways.
sealed trait Result[+T]{
  def map[V](f: T => V): Result[V]
object Result{

   * Invoking the [[EntryPoint]] was totally successful, and returned a
   * result
  case class Success[T](value: T) extends Result[T]{
    def map[V](f: T => V) = Success(f(value))

   * Invoking the [[EntryPoint]] was not successful
  sealed trait Error extends Result[Nothing]{
    def map[V](f: Nothing => V) = this

  object Error{

     * Invoking the [[EntryPoint]] failed with an exception while executing
     * code within it.
    case class Exception(t: Throwable) extends Error

     * Invoking the [[EntryPoint]] failed because the arguments provided
     * did not line up with the arguments expected
    case class MismatchedArguments(missing: Seq[ArgSig[_, _, _, _]],
                                   unknown: Seq[String]) extends Error
     * Invoking the [[EntryPoint]] failed because there were problems
     * deserializing/parsing individual arguments
    case class InvalidArguments(values: Seq[ParamError]) extends Error

  sealed trait ParamError
  object ParamError{
     * Something went wrong trying to de-serialize the input parameter;
     * the thrown exception is stored in [[ex]]
    case class Invalid(arg: ArgSig[_, _, _, _], value: String, ex: Throwable) extends ParamError
     * Something went wrong trying to evaluate the default value
     * for this input parameter
    case class DefaultFailed(arg: ArgSig[_, _, _, _], ex: Throwable) extends ParamError