path: root/cask/actor/test
diff options
authorLi Haoyi <>2019-11-07 13:07:06 +0800
committerLi Haoyi <>2019-11-07 13:07:40 +0800
commit9be09d4f6961e80ef3fccda1e82dc063d395494f (patch)
treeedcbb6a1d48f6c8eb5a6ffd425b08065f18f101e /cask/actor/test
parent1d52dd1c848d245c269a7a274602fdf57e47cac9 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'cask/actor/test')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 382 deletions
diff --git a/cask/actor/test/src-jvm/JvmActorsTest.scala b/cask/actor/test/src-jvm/JvmActorsTest.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 63da92c..0000000
--- a/cask/actor/test/src-jvm/JvmActorsTest.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,365 +0,0 @@
-import utest._
-object JvmActorsTest extends TestSuite{
- def tests = Tests{
- os.remove.all(os.pwd / "out" / "scratch")
- test("lock"){
- val rotateSize = 50
- val logPath = os.pwd / "out" / "scratch" / "log.txt"
- val oldPath = os.pwd / "out" / "scratch" / "log-old.txt"
- var logSize = 0
- def logLine(s: String): Unit = synchronized{
- val newLogSize = logSize + s.length + 1
- if (newLogSize <= rotateSize) logSize = newLogSize
- else {
- logSize = 0
- os.move(logPath, oldPath, replaceExisting = true)
- }
- os.write.append(logPath, s + "\n", createFolders = true)
- }
- logLine("I am cow")
- logLine("hear me moo")
- logLine("I weight twice as much as you")
- logLine("And I look good on the barbecue")
- logLine("Yoghurt curds cream cheese and butter")
- logLine("Comes from liquids from my udder")
- logLine("I am cow, I am cow")
- logLine("Hear me moo, moooo")
- ==> "Yoghurt curds cream cheese and butter\nComes from liquids from my udder"
- ==> "I am cow, I am cow\nHear me moo, moooo"
- }
- test("actor"){
- class Logger(log: os.Path, old: os.Path, rotateSize: Int)
- (implicit ac: Context) extends SimpleActor[String]{
- def run(s: String) = {
- val newLogSize = logSize + s.length + 1
- if (newLogSize <= rotateSize) logSize = newLogSize
- else {
- logSize = s.length
- os.move(log, old, replaceExisting = true)
- }
- os.write.append(log, s + "\n", createFolders = true)
- }
- private var logSize = 0
- }
- implicit val ac = new Context.Test()
- val logPath = os.pwd / "out" / "scratch" / "log.txt"
- val oldPath = os.pwd / "out" / "scratch" / "log-old.txt"
- val logger = new Logger(logPath, oldPath, rotateSize = 50)
- logger.send("I am cow")
- logger.send("hear me moo")
- logger.send("I weight twice as much as you")
- logger.send("And I look good on the barbecue")
- logger.send("Yoghurt curds cream cheese and butter")
- logger.send("Comes from liquids from my udder")
- logger.send("I am cow, I am cow")
- logger.send("Hear me moo, moooo")
- // Logger hasn't finished yet, running in the background
- ac.waitForInactivity()
- // Now logger has finished
- ==> Seq("Comes from liquids from my udder")
- ==> Seq("I am cow, I am cow", "Hear me moo, moooo")
- }
- test("pipeline"){
- class Writer(log: os.Path, old: os.Path, rotateSize: Int)
- (implicit ac: Context) extends SimpleActor[String]{
- def run(s: String) = {
- val newLogSize = logSize + s.length + 1
- if (newLogSize <= rotateSize) logSize = newLogSize
- else {
- logSize = s.length
- os.move(log, old, replaceExisting = true)
- }
- os.write.append(log, s + "\n", createFolders = true)
- }
- private var logSize = 0
- }
- class Logger(dest: Actor[String])(implicit ac: Context) extends SimpleActor[String]{
- def run(s: String) = dest.send(java.util.Base64.getEncoder.encodeToString(s.getBytes))
- }
- implicit val ac = new Context.Test()
- val logPath = os.pwd / "out" / "scratch" / "log.txt"
- val oldPath = os.pwd / "out" / "scratch" / "log-old.txt"
- val writer = new Writer(logPath, oldPath, rotateSize = 50)
- val logger = new Logger(writer)
- logger.send("I am cow")
- logger.send("hear me moo")
- logger.send("I weight twice as much as you")
- logger.send("And I look good on the barbecue")
- logger.send("Yoghurt curds cream cheese and butter")
- logger.send("Comes from liquids from my udder")
- logger.send("I am cow, I am cow")
- logger.send("Hear me moo, moooo")
- ac.waitForInactivity()
- ==> "Q29tZXMgZnJvbSBsaXF1aWRzIGZyb20gbXkgdWRkZXI=\n"
- ==> "SSBhbSBjb3csIEkgYW0gY293\nSGVhciBtZSBtb28sIG1vb29v\n"
- def decodeFile(p: os.Path) = {
- => new String(java.util.Base64.getDecoder.decode(s)))
- }
- decodeFile(oldPath) ==> Seq("Comes from liquids from my udder")
- decodeFile(logPath) ==> Seq("I am cow, I am cow", "Hear me moo, moooo")
- }
- test("batch"){
- sealed trait Msg
- case class Text(value: String) extends Msg
- case class Rotate() extends Msg
- class Writer(log: os.Path, old: os.Path)
- (implicit ac: Context) extends BatchActor[Msg]{
- def runBatch(msgs: Seq[Msg]): Unit = {
- msgs.lastIndexOf(Rotate()) match{
- case -1 => os.write.append(log, groupMsgs(msgs), createFolders = true)
- case rotateIndex =>
- val prevRotateIndex = msgs.lastIndexOf(Rotate(), rotateIndex - 1)
- if (prevRotateIndex != -1) os.remove.all(log)
- os.write.append(log, groupMsgs(msgs.slice(prevRotateIndex, rotateIndex)), createFolders = true)
- os.move(log, old, replaceExisting = true)
- os.write.over(log, groupMsgs(msgs.drop(rotateIndex)), createFolders = true)
- }
- }
- def groupMsgs(msgs: Seq[Msg]) = msgs.collect{case Text(value) => value}.mkString("\n") + "\n"
- }
- class Logger(dest: Actor[Msg], rotateSize: Int)
- (implicit ac: Context) extends SimpleActor[String]{
- def run(s: String) = {
- val newLogSize = logSize + s.length + 1
- if (newLogSize <= rotateSize) logSize = newLogSize
- else {
- logSize = s.length
- dest.send(Rotate())
- }
- dest.send(Text(s))
- }
- private var logSize = 0
- }
- implicit val ac = new Context.Test()
- val logPath = os.pwd / "out" / "scratch" / "log.txt"
- val oldPath = os.pwd / "out" / "scratch" / "log-old.txt"
- val writer = new Writer(logPath, oldPath)
- val logger = new Logger(writer, rotateSize = 50)
- logger.send("I am cow")
- logger.send("hear me moo")
- logger.send("I weight twice as much as you")
- logger.send("And I look good on the barbecue")
- logger.send("Yoghurt curds cream cheese and butter")
- logger.send("Comes from liquids from my udder")
- logger.send("I am cow, I am cow")
- logger.send("Hear me moo, moooo")
- // Logger hasn't finished yet, running in the background
- ac.waitForInactivity()
- // Now logger has finished
- ==> Seq("Comes from liquids from my udder")
- ==> Seq("I am cow, I am cow", "Hear me moo, moooo")
- }
- test("debounce"){
- sealed trait Msg
- case class Debounced() extends Msg
- case class Text(value: String) extends Msg
- class Logger(log: os.Path, debounceTime: java.time.Duration)
- (implicit ac: Context) extends StateMachineActor[Msg]{
- def initialState = Idle()
- case class Idle() extends State({
- case Text(value) =>
- ac.scheduleMsg(this, Debounced(), debounceTime)
- Buffering(Vector(value))
- })
- case class Buffering(buffer: Vector[String]) extends State({
- case Text(value) => Buffering(buffer :+ value)
- case Debounced() =>
- os.write.append(log, buffer.mkString(" ") + "\n", createFolders = true)
- Idle()
- })
- }
- implicit val ac = new Context.Test()
- val logPath = os.pwd / "out" / "scratch" / "log.txt"
- val logger = new Logger(logPath, java.time.Duration.ofMillis(50))
- logger.send(Text("I am cow"))
- logger.send(Text("hear me moo"))
- Thread.sleep(100)
- logger.send(Text("I weight twice as much as you"))
- logger.send(Text("And I look good on the barbecue"))
- Thread.sleep(100)
- logger.send(Text("Yoghurt curds cream cheese and butter"))
- logger.send(Text("Comes from liquids from my udder"))
- logger.send(Text("I am cow, I am cow"))
- logger.send(Text("Hear me moo, moooo"))
- ac.waitForInactivity()
- ==> Seq(
- "I am cow hear me moo",
- "I weight twice as much as you And I look good on the barbecue",
- "Yoghurt curds cream cheese and butter Comes from liquids from my udder I am cow, I am cow Hear me moo, moooo",
- )
- }
- test("log"){
- sealed trait Msg
- case class Debounced() extends Msg
- case class Text(value: String) extends Msg
- class Logger(log: os.Path, debounceTime: java.time.Duration)
- (implicit ac: Context) extends StateMachineActor[Msg]{
- def initialState = Idle()
- case class Idle() extends State({
- case Text(value) =>
- ac.scheduleMsg(this, Debounced(), debounceTime)
- Buffering(Vector(value))
- })
- case class Buffering(buffer: Vector[String]) extends State({
- case Text(value) => Buffering(buffer :+ value)
- case Debounced() =>
- os.write.append(log, buffer.mkString(" ") + "\n", createFolders = true)
- Idle()
- })
- override def run(msg: Msg): Unit = {
- println(s"$state + $msg -> ")
- println(state)
- }
- }
- implicit val ac = new Context.Test()
- val logPath = os.pwd / "out" / "scratch" / "log.txt"
- val logger = new Logger(logPath, java.time.Duration.ofMillis(50))
- logger.send(Text("I am cow"))
- // Idle() + Text(I am cow) ->
- // Buffering(Vector(I am cow))
- logger.send(Text("hear me moo"))
- // Buffering(Vector(I am cow)) + Text(hear me moo) ->
- // Buffering(Vector(I am cow, hear me moo))
- Thread.sleep(100)
- // Buffering(Vector(I am cow, hear me moo)) + Debounced() ->
- // Idle()
- logger.send(Text("I weight twice as much as you"))
- // Idle() + Text(I weight twice as much as you) ->
- // Buffering(Vector(I weight twice as much as you))
- logger.send(Text("And I look good on the barbecue"))
- // Buffering(Vector(I weight twice as much as you)) + Text(And I look good on the barbecue) ->
- // Buffering(Vector(I weight twice as much as you, And I look good on the barbecue))
- Thread.sleep(100)
- // Buffering(Vector(I weight twice as much as you, And I look good on the barbecue)) + Debounced() ->
- // Idle()
- logger.send(Text("Yoghurt curds cream cheese and butter"))
- // Idle() + Text(Yoghurt curds cream cheese and butter) ->
- // Buffering(Vector(Yoghurt curds cream cheese and butter))
- logger.send(Text("Comes from liquids from my udder"))
- // Buffering(Vector(Yoghurt curds cream cheese and butter)) +
- // Text(Comes from liquids from my udder) -> Buffering(Vector(Yoghurt curds cream cheese and butter, Comes from liquids from my udder))
- logger.send(Text("I am cow, I am cow"))
- // Buffering(Vector(Yoghurt curds cream cheese and butter, Comes from liquids from my udder)) + Text(I am cow, I am cow) ->
- // Buffering(Vector(Yoghurt curds cream cheese and butter, Comes from liquids from my udder, I am cow, I am cow))
- logger.send(Text("Hear me moo, moooo"))
- // Buffering(Vector(Yoghurt curds cream cheese and butter, Comes from liquids from my udder, I am cow, I am cow)) + Text(Hear me moo, moooo) ->
- // Buffering(Vector(Yoghurt curds cream cheese and butter, Comes from liquids from my udder, I am cow, I am cow, Hear me moo, moooo))
- ac.waitForInactivity()
- // Buffering(Vector(Yoghurt curds cream cheese and butter, Comes from liquids from my udder, I am cow, I am cow, Hear me moo, moooo)) + Debounced() ->
- // Idle()
- ==> Seq(
- "I am cow hear me moo",
- "I weight twice as much as you And I look good on the barbecue",
- "Yoghurt curds cream cheese and butter Comes from liquids from my udder I am cow, I am cow Hear me moo, moooo",
- )
- }
- test("pipelineLog"){
- class Writer(log: os.Path, old: os.Path, rotateSize: Int)
- (implicit ac: Context) extends SimpleActor[String]{
- def run(s: String) = {
- val newLogSize = logSize + s.length + 1
- if (newLogSize <= rotateSize) logSize = newLogSize
- else {
- logSize = s.length
- os.move(log, old, replaceExisting = true)
- }
- os.write.append(log, s + "\n", createFolders = true)
- }
- private var logSize = 0
- }
- class Logger(dest: Actor[String])(implicit ac: Context) extends SimpleActor[String]{
- def run(s: String) = dest.send(java.util.Base64.getEncoder.encodeToString(s.getBytes))
- }
- implicit val ac = new Context.Test(
- scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.fromExecutor(
- java.util.concurrent.Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor()
- )
- ){
- override def reportRun(a: Actor[_], msg: Any, token: Context.Token): Unit = {
- println(s"$a <- $msg")
- super.reportRun(a, msg, token)
- }
- }
- val logPath = os.pwd / "out" / "scratch" / "log.txt"
- val oldPath = os.pwd / "out" / "scratch" / "log-old.txt"
- val writer = new Writer(logPath, oldPath, rotateSize = 50)
- val logger = new Logger(writer)
- logger.send("I am cow")
- logger.send("hear me moo")
- logger.send("I weight twice as much as you")
- logger.send("And I look good on the barbecue")
- logger.send("Yoghurt curds cream cheese and butter")
- logger.send("Comes from liquids from my udder")
- logger.send("I am cow, I am cow")
- logger.send("Hear me moo, moooo")
- ac.waitForInactivity()
- ==> "Q29tZXMgZnJvbSBsaXF1aWRzIGZyb20gbXkgdWRkZXI=\n"
- ==> "SSBhbSBjb3csIEkgYW0gY293\nSGVhciBtZSBtb28sIG1vb29v\n"
- def decodeFile(p: os.Path) = {
- => new String(java.util.Base64.getDecoder.decode(s)))
- }
- decodeFile(oldPath) ==> Seq("Comes from liquids from my udder")
- decodeFile(logPath) ==> Seq("I am cow, I am cow", "Hear me moo, moooo")
- }
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cask/actor/test/src/ActorsTest.scala b/cask/actor/test/src/ActorsTest.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 2c81e5b..0000000
--- a/cask/actor/test/src/ActorsTest.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-import utest._
-object ActorsTest extends TestSuite{
- def tests = Tests{
- test("hello"){
- import
- sealed trait Msg
- object logger extends SimpleActor[Msg]{
- def run(msg: Msg) = {
- }
- }
- }
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file