path: root/cask/src/cask/main/Routes.scala
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authorLi Haoyi <>2019-09-15 12:36:39 +0800
committerLi Haoyi <>2019-09-15 12:36:39 +0800
commit0e098a93da94c251eb05d42bc7ef48394600508c (patch)
treeb4c3e7ec654e16aa50f149ce255ef187791461e7 /cask/src/cask/main/Routes.scala
parent38c6a84a0e8fbc3debb93bbacaf8c092e675ecb3 (diff)
Break circular dependency by splitting `RouteEndpointMetadata` into its own file
Diffstat (limited to 'cask/src/cask/main/Routes.scala')
1 files changed, 2 insertions, 68 deletions
diff --git a/cask/src/cask/main/Routes.scala b/cask/src/cask/main/Routes.scala
index a6bdd65..be33581 100644
--- a/cask/src/cask/main/Routes.scala
+++ b/cask/src/cask/main/Routes.scala
@@ -1,84 +1,18 @@
package cask.main
-import cask.internal.Router.EntryPoint
-import scala.reflect.macros.blackbox.Context
import language.experimental.macros
-object Routes{
- case class EndpointMetadata[T](decorators: Seq[RawDecorator],
- endpoint: Endpoint[_, _],
- entryPoint: EntryPoint[T, _])
- case class RoutesEndpointsMetadata[T](value: EndpointMetadata[T]*)
- object RoutesEndpointsMetadata{
- implicit def initialize[T]: RoutesEndpointsMetadata[T] = macro initializeImpl[T]
- implicit def initializeImpl[T: c.WeakTypeTag](c: Context): c.Expr[RoutesEndpointsMetadata[T]] = {
- import c.universe._
- val router = new cask.internal.Router[c.type](c)
- val routeParts = for{
- m <- c.weakTypeOf[T].members
- annotations = m.annotations.filter(_.tree.tpe <:< c.weakTypeOf[Decorator[_, _]])
- if annotations.nonEmpty
- } yield {
- if(!(annotations.last.tree.tpe <:< weakTypeOf[Endpoint[_, _]])) c.abort(
- annotations.head.tree.pos,
- s"Last annotation applied to a function must be an instance of Endpoint, " +
- s"not ${annotations.last.tree.tpe}"
- )
- val allEndpoints = annotations.filter(_.tree.tpe <:< weakTypeOf[Endpoint[_, _]])
- if(allEndpoints.length > 1) c.abort(
- annotations.last.tree.pos,
- s"You can only apply one Endpoint annotation to a function, not " +
- s"${allEndpoints.length} in ${", ")}"
- )
- val annotObjects =
- for(annot <- annotations)
- yield q"new ${annot.tree.tpe}(..${annot.tree.children.tail})"
- val annotObjectSyms =
- for(_ <- annotations.indices)
- yield c.universe.TermName(c.freshName("annotObject"))
- val route = router.extractMethod(
- m.asInstanceOf[MethodSymbol],
- weakTypeOf[T],
- q"${annotObjectSyms.last}.convertToResultType",
- tq"cask.Request",
- => q"$annotObjectSym.getParamParser"),
- => tq"$annotObjectSym.InputTypeAlias")
- )
- val declarations =
- for((sym, obj) <-
- yield q"val $sym = $obj"
- val res = q"""{
- ..$declarations
- cask.main.Routes.EndpointMetadata(
- Seq(..${annotObjectSyms.dropRight(1)}),
- ${annotObjectSyms.last},
- $route
- )
- }"""
- res
- }
- c.Expr[RoutesEndpointsMetadata[T]](q"""cask.main.Routes.RoutesEndpointsMetadata(..$routeParts)""")
- }
- }
trait Routes{
def decorators = Seq.empty[cask.main.RawDecorator]
- private[this] var metadata0: Routes.RoutesEndpointsMetadata[this.type] = null
+ private[this] var metadata0: RoutesEndpointsMetadata[this.type] = null
def caskMetadata =
if (metadata0 != null) metadata0
else throw new Exception("Routes not yet initialize")
- protected[this] def initialize()(implicit routes: Routes.RoutesEndpointsMetadata[this.type]): Unit = {
+ protected[this] def initialize()(implicit routes: RoutesEndpointsMetadata[this.type]): Unit = {
metadata0 = routes