path: root/cask
diff options
authorLi Haoyi <>2018-07-21 19:05:57 +0800
committerLi Haoyi <>2018-07-21 19:05:57 +0800
commitaa67cc44e7154601bdccd852ce43585b9f138215 (patch)
treefc1d8848e308639f72adbe1069f354c668effef0 /cask
parent65f27110fa611c34fe8867dbe69ba608da23f592 (diff)
Add user-overrideable error renderer
Diffstat (limited to 'cask')
3 files changed, 304 insertions, 31 deletions
diff --git a/cask/src/cask/Annotations.scala b/cask/src/cask/Annotations.scala
index 83534e6..e77d98c 100644
--- a/cask/src/cask/Annotations.scala
+++ b/cask/src/cask/Annotations.scala
@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ class get(val path: String) extends StaticAnnotation with RouteBase
class post(val path: String) extends StaticAnnotation with RouteBase
class put(val path: String) extends StaticAnnotation with RouteBase
class route(val path: String, val methods: Seq[String]) extends StaticAnnotation with RouteBase
class static(val path: String) extends StaticAnnotation{
def wrapOutput(t: String) = t
diff --git a/cask/src/cask/Main.scala b/cask/src/cask/Main.scala
index acf7a0d..d16172c 100644
--- a/cask/src/cask/Main.scala
+++ b/cask/src/cask/Main.scala
@@ -29,14 +29,26 @@ abstract class BaseMain{
yield (Util.splitPath(metadata.metadata.path): IndexedSeq[String], (route, metadata.entryPoint))
+ def handleError(statusCode: Int): Response = {
+ Response(
+ s"Error $statusCode: ${Status.codesToStatus(statusCode).reason}",
+ statusCode = statusCode
+ )
+ }
+ def writeResponse(exchange: HttpServerExchange, response: Response) = {
+ response.headers.foreach{case (k, v) =>
+ exchange.getResponseHeaders.put(new HttpString(k), v)
+ }
+ exchange.setStatusCode(response.statusCode)
+ }
lazy val defaultHandler = new HttpHandler() {
def handleRequest(exchange: HttpServerExchange): Unit = {
routeTrie.lookup(Util.splitPath(exchange.getRequestPath).toList, Map()) match{
- case None =>
- exchange.setStatusCode(404)
- exchange.getResponseHeaders.put(Headers.CONTENT_TYPE, "text/plain")
- exchange.getResponseSender.send("404 Not Found")
+ case None => writeResponse(exchange, handleError(404))
case Some(((routes, entrypoint), bindings)) =>
import collection.JavaConverters._
val allBindings =
@@ -51,31 +63,8 @@ abstract class BaseMain{
.invoke(routes, exchange,{case (k, v) => (k, Some(v))})
result match{
- case Router.Result.Success(response: Response) =>
- response.headers.foreach{case (k, v) =>
- exchange.getResponseHeaders.put(new HttpString(k), v)
- }
- exchange.setStatusCode(response.statusCode)
- new OutputStream {
- def write(b: Int) = {
- exchange.getResponseSender.send(ByteBuffer.wrap(Array(b.toByte)))
- }
- override def write(b: Array[Byte]) = {
- exchange.getResponseSender.send(ByteBuffer.wrap(b))
- }
- override def write(b: Array[Byte], off: Int, len: Int) = {
- exchange.getResponseSender.send(ByteBuffer.wrap(b.slice(off, off + len)))
- }
- }
- )
- case err: Router.Result.Error =>
- exchange.setStatusCode(400)
- exchange.getResponseHeaders.put(Headers.CONTENT_TYPE, "text/plain")
- exchange.getResponseSender.send("400 Not Found " + result)
+ case Router.Result.Success(response: Response) => writeResponse(exchange, response)
+ case err: Router.Result.Error => writeResponse(exchange, handleError(400))
diff --git a/cask/src/cask/Status.scala b/cask/src/cask/Status.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a1915b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cask/src/cask/Status.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
+package cask
+sealed trait Status {
+ val code: Int
+ val reason: String
+object Status {
+ val codesToStatus: Map[Int, Status] = Map(
+ 100 -> Continue,
+ 101 -> SwitchingProtocols,
+ 200 -> OK,
+ 201 -> Created,
+ 202 -> Accepted,
+ 203 -> NonAuthoritativeInformation,
+ 204 -> NoContent,
+ 205 -> ResetContent,
+ 206 -> PartialContent,
+ 300 -> MultipleChoices,
+ 301 -> MovedPermanently,
+ 302 -> Found,
+ 303 -> SeeOther,
+ 304 -> NotModified,
+ 305 -> UseProxy,
+ 307 -> TemporaryRedirect,
+ 308 -> PermanentRedirect,
+ 400 -> BadRequest,
+ 401 -> Unauthorized,
+ 402 -> PaymentRequired,
+ 403 -> Forbidden,
+ 404 -> NotFound,
+ 405 -> MethodNotAllowed,
+ 406 -> NotAcceptable,
+ 407 -> ProxyAuthenticationRequired,
+ 408 -> RequestTimeout,
+ 409 -> Conflict,
+ 410 -> Gone,
+ 411 -> LengthRequired,
+ 412 -> PreconditionFailed,
+ 413 -> RequestEntityTooLarge,
+ 414 -> RequestURITooLong,
+ 415 -> UnsupportedMediaType,
+ 416 -> RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable,
+ 417 -> ExpectationFailed,
+ 418 -> Teapot,
+ 420 -> EnhanceYourCalm,
+ 429 -> TooManyRequests,
+ 451 -> UnavailableForLegalReasons,
+ 501 -> NotImplemented,
+ 502 -> BadGateway,
+ 503 -> ServiceUnavailable,
+ 504 -> GatewayTimeout,
+ 505 -> HTTPVersionNotSupported
+ )
+ val statusToCodes: Map[String, Int] =
+ { case (code, status) => status.reason -> code }
+case class Unknown(code: Int, reason: String) extends Status
+case object Continue extends Status {
+ val code = 100
+ val reason: String = "Continue"
+case object SwitchingProtocols extends Status {
+ val code = 101
+ val reason: String = "Switching Protocols"
+case object OK extends Status {
+ val code = 200
+ val reason: String = "OK"
+case object Created extends Status {
+ val code = 201
+ val reason: String = "Created"
+case object Accepted extends Status {
+ val code = 202
+ val reason: String = "Accepted"
+case object NonAuthoritativeInformation extends Status {
+ val code = 203
+ val reason: String = "Non-Authoritative Information"
+case object NoContent extends Status {
+ val code = 204
+ val reason: String = "No Content"
+case object ResetContent extends Status {
+ val code = 205
+ val reason: String = "Reset Content"
+case object PartialContent extends Status {
+ val code = 206
+ val reason: String = "Partial Content"
+case object MultipleChoices extends Status {
+ val code = 300
+ val reason: String = "Multiple Choices"
+case object MovedPermanently extends Status {
+ val code = 301
+ val reason: String = "Moved Permanently"
+case object Found extends Status {
+ val code = 302
+ val reason: String = "Found"
+case object SeeOther extends Status {
+ val code = 303
+ val reason: String = "See Other"
+case object NotModified extends Status {
+ val code = 304
+ val reason: String = "Not Modified"
+case object UseProxy extends Status {
+ val code = 305
+ val reason: String = "Use Proxy"
+case object TemporaryRedirect extends Status {
+ val code = 307
+ val reason: String = "Temporary Redirect"
+case object PermanentRedirect extends Status {
+ val code = 308
+ val reason: String = "Permanent Redirect"
+case object BadRequest extends Status {
+ val code = 400
+ val reason: String = "Bad Request"
+case object Unauthorized extends Status {
+ val code = 401
+ val reason: String = "Unauthorized"
+case object PaymentRequired extends Status {
+ val code = 402
+ val reason: String = "Payment Required"
+case object Forbidden extends Status {
+ val code = 403
+ val reason: String = "Forbidden"
+case object NotFound extends Status {
+ val code = 404
+ val reason: String = "Not Found"
+case object MethodNotAllowed extends Status {
+ val code = 405
+ val reason: String = "Method Not Allowed"
+case object NotAcceptable extends Status {
+ val code = 406
+ val reason: String = "Not Acceptable"
+case object ProxyAuthenticationRequired extends Status {
+ val code = 407
+ val reason: String = "Proxy Authentication Required"
+case object RequestTimeout extends Status {
+ val code = 408
+ val reason: String = "Request Time-out"
+case object Conflict extends Status {
+ val code = 409
+ val reason: String = "Conflict"
+case object Gone extends Status {
+ val code = 410
+ val reason: String = "Gone"
+case object LengthRequired extends Status {
+ val code = 411
+ val reason: String = "Length Required"
+case object PreconditionFailed extends Status {
+ val code = 412
+ val reason: String = "Precondition Failed"
+case object RequestEntityTooLarge extends Status {
+ val code = 413
+ val reason: String = "Request Entity Too Large"
+case object RequestURITooLong extends Status {
+ val code = 414
+ val reason: String = "Request-URI Too Large"
+case object UnsupportedMediaType extends Status {
+ val code = 415
+ val reason: String = "Unsupported Media Type"
+case object RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable extends Status {
+ val code = 416
+ val reason: String = "Requested range not satisfiable"
+case object ExpectationFailed extends Status {
+ val code = 417
+ val reason: String = "Expectation Failed"
+case object Teapot extends Status {
+ val code = 418
+ val reason: String = "I'm a teapot"
+case object EnhanceYourCalm extends Status {
+ val code = 420
+ val reason: String = "Enhance Your Calm"
+case object TooManyRequests extends Status {
+ val code = 429
+ val reason: String = "Too Many Requests"
+case object UnavailableForLegalReasons extends Status {
+ val code = 451
+ val reason: String = "Unavailable For Legal Reasons"
+case object InternalServerError extends Status {
+ val code = 500
+ val reason: String = "Internal Server Error"
+case object NotImplemented extends Status {
+ val code = 501
+ val reason: String = "Not Implemented"
+case object BadGateway extends Status {
+ val code = 502
+ val reason: String = "Bad Gateway"
+case object ServiceUnavailable extends Status {
+ val code = 503
+ val reason: String = "Service Unavailable"
+case object GatewayTimeout extends Status {
+ val code = 504
+ val reason: String = "Gateway Time-out"
+case object HTTPVersionNotSupported extends Status {
+ val code = 505
+ val reason: String = "HTTP Version not supported"