path: root/example/todo/app/src
diff options
authorLi Haoyi <>2018-08-12 22:18:39 +0800
committerLi Haoyi <>2018-08-12 22:18:39 +0800
commitfd9c399db8c1c0d86cc65d5e1c41968b42a813d1 (patch)
tree8e8fc2875cb1c26f309384a9ca0ad72e1fa893f3 /example/todo/app/src
parent9bf8c31fa9321558d7d02f6a5b687cd55a924e7f (diff)
auto-upload examples
Diffstat (limited to 'example/todo/app/src')
1 files changed, 179 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/example/todo/app/src/todo/TodoServer.scala b/example/todo/app/src/todo/TodoServer.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0c66895
--- /dev/null
+++ b/example/todo/app/src/todo/TodoServer.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+package app
+import cask.internal.Router
+import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory
+import io.getquill.{SnakeCase, SqliteJdbcContext}
+import scalatags.Text.all._
+import scalatags.Text.tags2
+object TodoServer extends cask.MainRoutes{
+ val tmpDb = java.nio.file.Files.createTempDirectory("todo-cask-sqlite")
+ object ctx extends SqliteJdbcContext(
+ SnakeCase,
+ ConfigFactory.parseString(
+ s"""{"driverClassName":"org.sqlite.JDBC","jdbcUrl":"jdbc:sqlite:$tmpDb/file.db"}"""
+ )
+ )
+ class transactional extends cask.Decorator{
+ class TransactionFailed(val value: Router.Result.Error) extends Exception
+ def wrapFunction(pctx: cask.ParamContext, delegate: Delegate): Returned = {
+ try ctx.transaction(
+ delegate(Map()) match{
+ case Router.Result.Success(t) => Router.Result.Success(t)
+ case e: Router.Result.Error => throw new TransactionFailed(e)
+ }
+ )
+ catch{case e: TransactionFailed => e.value}
+ }
+ }
+ case class Todo(id: Int, checked: Boolean, text: String)
+ ctx.executeAction(
+ """CREATE TABLE todo (
+ | checked BOOLEAN,
+ | text TEXT
+ |);
+ |""".stripMargin
+ )
+ ctx.executeAction(
+ """INSERT INTO todo (checked, text) VALUES
+ |(1, 'Get started with Cask'),
+ |(0, 'Profit!');
+ |""".stripMargin
+ )
+ import ctx._
+ @transactional
+ def list(state: String) = renderBody(state).render
+ @transactional
+ def add(state: String, request: cask.Request) = {
+ val body = new String(
+ run(query[Todo].insert(_.checked -> lift(false), _.text -> lift(body)).returning(
+ renderBody(state).render
+ }
+ @transactional
+ def delete(state: String, index: Int) = {
+ run(query[Todo].filter( == lift(index)).delete)
+ renderBody(state).render
+ }
+ @transactional
+ def toggle(state: String, index: Int) = {
+ run(query[Todo].filter( == lift(index)).update(p => p.checked -> !p.checked))
+ renderBody(state).render
+ }
+ @transactional
+ def clearCompleted(state: String) = {
+ run(query[Todo].filter(_.checked).delete)
+ renderBody(state).render
+ }
+ @transactional
+ def toggleAll(state: String) = {
+ val next = run(query[Todo].filter(_.checked).size) != 0
+ run(query[Todo].update(_.checked -> !lift(next)))
+ renderBody(state).render
+ }
+ def renderBody(state: String) = {
+ val filteredTodos = state match{
+ case "all" => run(query[Todo]).sortBy(
+ case "active" => run(query[Todo].filter(!_.checked)).sortBy(
+ case "completed" => run(query[Todo].filter(_.checked)).sortBy(
+ }
+ frag(
+ header(cls := "header",
+ h1("todos"),
+ input(cls := "new-todo", placeholder := "What needs to be done?", autofocus := "")
+ ),
+ tags2.section(cls := "main",
+ input(
+ id := "toggle-all",
+ cls := "toggle-all",
+ `type` := "checkbox",
+ if (run(query[Todo].filter(_.checked).size != 0)) checked else ()
+ ),
+ label(`for` := "toggle-all","Mark all as complete"),
+ ul(cls := "todo-list",
+ for(todo <- filteredTodos) yield li(
+ if (todo.checked) cls := "completed" else (),
+ div(cls := "view",
+ input(
+ cls := "toggle",
+ `type` := "checkbox",
+ if (todo.checked) checked else (),
+ data("todo-index") :=
+ ),
+ label(todo.text),
+ button(cls := "destroy", data("todo-index") :=
+ ),
+ input(cls := "edit", value := todo.text)
+ )
+ )
+ ),
+ footer(cls := "footer",
+ span(cls := "todo-count",
+ strong(run(query[Todo].filter(!_.checked).size).toInt),
+ " items left"
+ ),
+ ul(cls := "filters",
+ li(cls := "todo-all",
+ a(if (state == "all") cls := "selected" else (), "All")
+ ),
+ li(cls := "todo-active",
+ a(if (state == "active") cls := "selected" else (), "Active")
+ ),
+ li(cls := "todo-completed",
+ a(if (state == "completed") cls := "selected" else (), "Completed")
+ )
+ ),
+ button(cls := "clear-completed","Clear completed")
+ )
+ )
+ }
+ @transactional
+ @cask.get("/")
+ def index() = {
+ cask.Response(
+ "<!doctype html>" + html(lang := "en",
+ head(
+ meta(charset := "utf-8"),
+ meta(name := "viewport", content := "width=device-width, initial-scale=1"),
+ tags2.title("Template • TodoMVC"),
+ link(rel := "stylesheet", href := "/static/index.css")
+ ),
+ body(
+ tags2.section(cls := "todoapp", renderBody("all")),
+ footer(cls := "info",
+ p("Double-click to edit a todo"),
+ p("Created by ",
+ a(href := "","Li Haoyi")
+ ),
+ p("Part of ",
+ a(href := "","TodoMVC")
+ )
+ ),
+ script(src := "/static/app.js")
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ }
+ @cask.static("/static")
+ def static() = "example/todo/resources/todo"
+ initialize()