path: root/DEVELOPER_GUIDE.txt
blob: 78b99634e7dd4dabbfddef4bc1e2bee4ef4c0fcd (plain) (tree)

Welcome developer.

CBT has a very easy code base that you can fully master in under an hour.
Don't shy away to submit PRs :).

CBT launches in stages in order to bootstrap from source out of Java into Scala and finally CBT.

The ./cbt bash script starts the process.

You currently need javac, nailgun, gpg and realpath or gcc installed.

CBT's directory structure

cbt                 Shell script launching cbt. Can be symlinked.
bootstrap_scala/    Self-contained downloader for the core Scala jars. Allows bootstrapping from Java into Scala.
nailgun_launcher/   Self-contained helper that allows using Nailgun with minimal permanent classpath. (Is this actually needed?)
realpath/           Self-contained realpath source code to correctly figure our CBTs home directory. (Open for replacement ideas.)
stage1/	            CBT's code that only relies only on Scala/Java built-ins. Contains a Maven resolver to download libs for stage2.
stage2/             CBT's code that requires additional libs, e.g. barbary watchservice.
test/               Unit tests that can serve as example builds
sonatype.login      Sonatype credentials for deployment. Not in git obviously.