path: root/stage2/BasicBuild.scala
blob: 4be0e5833583dc5287c2bd58d4ff40170a0e4393 (plain) (tree)
































package cbt

import java.io._
import java.net._
import java.nio.file.{Path =>_,_}
import java.nio.file.Files.readAllBytes
import java.security.MessageDigest
import java.util.jar._

import scala.util._

trait Recommended extends BaseBuild{
  override def scalacOptions = super.scalacOptions ++ Seq(
class BasicBuild(val context: Context) extends BaseBuild
trait BaseBuild extends DependencyImplementation with BuildInterface with TriggerLoop with SbtDependencyDsl{
  def context: Context
  // library available to builds
  implicit protected final val logger: Logger = context.logger
  implicit protected final val classLoaderCache: ClassLoaderCache = context.classLoaderCache
  implicit protected final val _context = context
  override protected final val lib: Lib = new Lib(logger)

  // ========== general stuff ==========

  def enableConcurrency = false
  final def projectDirectory: File = lib.realpath(context.projectDirectory)
  assert( projectDirectory.exists, "projectDirectory does not exist: " ++ projectDirectory.string )
  final def usage: String = lib.usage(this.getClass, show)

  // ========== meta data ==========

  def defaultScalaVersion: String = constants.scalaVersion
  final def scalaVersion = context.scalaVersion getOrElse defaultScalaVersion
  final def scalaMajorVersion: String = lib.libMajorVersion(scalaVersion)
  def crossScalaVersions: Seq[String] = Seq(scalaVersion, "2.10.6")
  final def crossScalaVersionsArray: Array[String] = crossScalaVersions.to
  def projectName = "default"

  // TODO: this should probably provide a nice error message if class has constructor signature
  def copy(context: Context): BuildInterface = lib.copy(this.getClass, context).asInstanceOf[BuildInterface]
  def zincVersion = "0.3.9"

  def dependencies: Seq[Dependency] =
    // FIXME: this should probably be removed
    Resolver( mavenCentral ).bind(
      "org.scala-lang" % "scala-library" % scalaVersion

  // ========== paths ==========
  final private val defaultSourceDirectory = projectDirectory ++ "/src"

  /** base directory where stuff should be generated */
  def target: File = projectDirectory ++ "/target"
  /** base directory where stuff should be generated for this scala version*/
  def scalaTarget: File = target ++ s"/scala-$scalaMajorVersion"
  /** directory where jars (and the pom file) should be put */
  def jarTarget: File = scalaTarget
  /** directory where the scaladoc should be put */
  def apiTarget: File = scalaTarget ++ "/api"
  /** directory where the class files should be put (in package directories) */
  def compileTarget: File = scalaTarget ++ "/classes"
  File which cbt uses to determine if it needs to trigger an incremental re-compile.
  Last modified date is the time when the last successful compilation started.
  Contents is the cbt version git hash.
  def compileStatusFile: File = compileTarget ++ ".last-success"

  /** Source directories and files. Defaults to .scala and .java files in src/ and top-level. */
  def sources: Seq[File] = Seq(defaultSourceDirectory) ++ projectDirectory.listFiles.toVector.filter(lib.sourceFileFilter)

  /** Absolute path names for all individual files found in sources directly or contained in directories. */
  final def sourceFiles: Seq[File] = lib.sourceFiles(sources)

  protected def logEmptySourceDirectories(): Unit = {
    val nonExisting =
        .filterNot( _.exists )
        .diff( Seq(defaultSourceDirectory) )
    if(!nonExisting.isEmpty) logger.stage2("Some sources do not exist: \n"++nonExisting.mkString("\n"))

  def Resolver( urls: URL* ) = MavenResolver( context.cbtHasChanged, context.paths.mavenCache, urls: _* )

  def ScalaDependency(
    groupId: String, artifactId: String, version: String, classifier: Classifier = Classifier.none,
    scalaVersion: String = scalaMajorVersion
  ) = lib.ScalaDependency( groupId, artifactId, version, classifier, scalaVersion )

  final def BuildDependency(path: File) = cbt.BuildDependency(
    context.copy( projectDirectory = path, args = Seq() )

  def triggerLoopFiles: Seq[File] = sources ++ transitiveDependencies.collect{ case b: TriggerLoop => b.triggerLoopFiles }.flatten

  def localJars           : Seq[File] =
    Seq(projectDirectory ++ "/lib")

  override def dependencyClasspath : ClassPath = ClassPath(localJars) ++ super.dependencyClasspath

  protected def compileDependencies: Seq[Dependency] = Nil
  final def compileClasspath : ClassPath = ClassPath( compileDependencies.flatMap(_.exportedClasspath.files).distinct )

  def exportedClasspath   : ClassPath = ClassPath(compile.toSeq)
  def targetClasspath = ClassPath(Seq(compileTarget))
  // ========== compile, run, test ==========

  /** scalac options used for zinc and scaladoc */
  def scalacOptions: Seq[String] = Seq()

  private object needsUpdateCache extends Cache[Boolean]
  def needsUpdate: Boolean = needsUpdateCache(
    || lib.needsUpdate( sourceFiles, compileStatusFile )
    || transitiveDependencies.filterNot(_ == context.parentBuild).exists(_.needsUpdate)

  private object compileCache extends Cache[Option[File]]
  def compile: Option[File] = compileCache{
      needsUpdate || context.parentBuild.map(_.needsUpdate).getOrElse(false),
      sourceFiles, compileTarget, compileStatusFile, dependencyClasspath ++ compileClasspath,
      context.paths.mavenCache, scalacOptions, context.classLoaderCache,
      zincVersion = zincVersion, scalaVersion = scalaVersion

  def runClass: String = "Main"
  def run: ExitCode = lib.runMainIfFound( runClass, context.args, classLoader(context.classLoaderCache) )

  def test: Option[ExitCode] = {

  def recursiveSafe(_run: BuildInterface => Any): ExitCode = {
    val builds = (this +: transitiveDependencies).collect{
      case b: BuildInterface => b
    val results = builds.map(_run)
        case Some(_:ExitCode) => true
        case None => true
        case _:ExitCode => true
        case other => false
          case Some(c:ExitCode) => c
          case c:ExitCode => c
        }.filter(_ != 0)
      ) ExitCode.Failure
      else ExitCode.Success
    } else ExitCode.Success

  def recursive: ExitCode = {

  def recursiveUnsafe(taskName: Option[String]): ExitCode = {
      b =>
      lib.trapExitCode{ // FIXME: trapExitCode does not seem to work here
          new lib.ReflectBuild(b).callNullary(taskName)
        } catch {
          case e: Throwable => println(e.getClass); throw e

  def c = compile
  def t = test
  def r = run
  def rt = recursiveUnsafe(Some("test"))

  context.logger.composition("class   " ++ this.getClass.toString)
  context.logger.composition("dir     " ++ projectDirectory.string)
  context.logger.composition("sources " ++ sources.toList.mkString(" "))
  context.logger.composition("target  " ++ target.string)
  context.logger.composition("context " ++ context.toString)
  context.logger.composition("dependencyTree\n" ++ dependencyTree)

  // ========== cbt internals ==========
  def finalBuild: BuildInterface = this
  override def show = this.getClass.getSimpleName ++ "(" ++ projectDirectory.string ++ ")"