diff options
authorChristopher Vogt <oss.nsp@cvogt.org>2016-03-26 16:20:50 -0400
committerChristopher Vogt <oss.nsp@cvogt.org>2016-03-28 11:53:52 -0400
commitbd75b5af0161013b26e2feda9cfcc1e152926071 (patch)
parent2c20a0dddc70a5eee207fb1c588bfd53eaaa7841 (diff)
Early classloading improvements
- Changed launcher to already load zinc - use code generation to generate necessary dependencies - changed resolver to linearize dependency DAG in a way that guarantees that every transitive dependee of a node in the DAG is a transitive dependee of that node in the linear sequence - move exit code trapping code into java so it can be used for zinc early There seems to be a bug in this version, where CBT crashes about half of the time with a "object is not an instance of declaring class" Exception during running the task from the build object via reflection.
12 files changed, 394 insertions, 203 deletions
diff --git a/cbt b/cbt
index 372c145..5224744 100755
--- a/cbt
+++ b/cbt
@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ stage1 () {
if [ $changed -eq 1 ]; then
- rm $NAILGUN$TARGET/cbt/*.class 2>/dev/null # defensive delete of potentially broken class files
+ #rm $NAILGUN$TARGET/cbt/*.class 2>/dev/null # defensive delete of potentially broken class files
echo "Compiling cbt/nailgun_launcher" 1>&2
javac -Xlint:deprecation -Xlint:unchecked -d $NAILGUN$TARGET `ls $NAILGUN*.java`
diff --git a/nailgun_launcher/CBTUrlClassLoader.java b/nailgun_launcher/CBTUrlClassLoader.java
index 72423a0..15440c7 100644
--- a/nailgun_launcher/CBTUrlClassLoader.java
+++ b/nailgun_launcher/CBTUrlClassLoader.java
@@ -13,6 +13,10 @@ class CbtURLClassLoader extends URLClassLoader{
+ "\n)"
+ public Class loadClass(String name) throws ClassNotFoundException{
+ //System.out.println("loadClass("+name+") on \n"+this);
+ return super.loadClass(name);
+ }
void assertExist(URL[] urls){
for(URL url: urls){
if(!new File(url.getPath()).exists()){
diff --git a/nailgun_launcher/Dependency.java b/nailgun_launcher/Dependency.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 93f4785..0000000
--- a/nailgun_launcher/Dependency.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-package cbt;
-import java.net.MalformedURLException;
-import java.net.URL;
-import java.nio.file.Path;
-import java.nio.file.Paths;
-class EarlyDependency {
- final URL url;
- final Path path;
- final String hash;
- public EarlyDependency(String folder, String file, String hash) throws MalformedURLException {
- this.path = Paths.get(NailgunLauncher.CBT_HOME + "/cache/maven/" + folder + "/" + file + ".jar");
- this.url = new URL("https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/" + folder + "/" + file + ".jar");
- this.hash = hash;
- }
- // scala-lang dependency
- public static EarlyDependency scala(String scalaModule, String hash)
- throws MalformedURLException {
- return new EarlyDependency(
- "org/scala-lang/scala-" + scalaModule + "/" + NailgunLauncher.SCALA_VERSION,
- "scala-" + scalaModule + "-" + NailgunLauncher.SCALA_VERSION,
- hash
- );
- }
diff --git a/nailgun_launcher/EarlyDependencies.java b/nailgun_launcher/EarlyDependencies.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e129c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nailgun_launcher/EarlyDependencies.java
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+// This file was auto-generated using `cbt admin cbtEarlyDependencies`
+package cbt;
+import java.io.*;
+import java.nio.file.*;
+import java.net.*;
+import java.security.*;
+import static cbt.NailgunLauncher.*;
+class EarlyDependencies{
+ /** ClassLoader for stage1 */
+ ClassLoader stage1;
+ /** ClassLoader for zinc */
+ ClassLoader zinc;
+ String scalaReflect_2_11_8_File = MAVEN_CACHE + "/org/scala-lang/scala-reflect/2.11.8/scala-reflect-2.11.8.jar";
+ String scalaCompiler_2_11_8_File = MAVEN_CACHE + "/org/scala-lang/scala-compiler/2.11.8/scala-compiler-2.11.8.jar";
+ String scalaXml_1_0_5_File = MAVEN_CACHE + "/org/scala-lang/modules/scala-xml_2.11/1.0.5/scala-xml_2.11-1.0.5.jar";
+ String scalaLibrary_2_11_8_File = MAVEN_CACHE + "/org/scala-lang/scala-library/2.11.8/scala-library-2.11.8.jar";
+ String zinc_0_3_9_File = MAVEN_CACHE + "/com/typesafe/zinc/zinc/0.3.9/zinc-0.3.9.jar";
+ String incrementalCompiler_0_13_9_File = MAVEN_CACHE + "/com/typesafe/sbt/incremental-compiler/0.13.9/incremental-compiler-0.13.9.jar";
+ String compilerInterface_0_13_9_File = MAVEN_CACHE + "/com/typesafe/sbt/compiler-interface/0.13.9/compiler-interface-0.13.9-sources.jar";
+ String scalaCompiler_2_10_5_File = MAVEN_CACHE + "/org/scala-lang/scala-compiler/2.10.5/scala-compiler-2.10.5.jar";
+ String sbtInterface_0_13_9_File = MAVEN_CACHE + "/com/typesafe/sbt/sbt-interface/0.13.9/sbt-interface-0.13.9.jar";
+ String scalaReflect_2_10_5_File = MAVEN_CACHE + "/org/scala-lang/scala-reflect/2.10.5/scala-reflect-2.10.5.jar";
+ String scalaLibrary_2_10_5_File = MAVEN_CACHE + "/org/scala-lang/scala-library/2.10.5/scala-library-2.10.5.jar";
+ public EarlyDependencies() throws MalformedURLException, IOException, NoSuchAlgorithmException{
+ download(new URL(MAVEN_URL + "/org/scala-lang/scala-reflect/2.11.8/scala-reflect-2.11.8.jar"), Paths.get(scalaReflect_2_11_8_File), "b74530deeba742ab4f3134de0c2da0edc49ca361");
+ download(new URL(MAVEN_URL + "/org/scala-lang/scala-compiler/2.11.8/scala-compiler-2.11.8.jar"), Paths.get(scalaCompiler_2_11_8_File), "fe1285c9f7b58954c5ef6d80b59063569c065e9a");
+ // org.scala-lang:scala-library:2.10.5
+ download(new URL(MAVEN_URL + "/org/scala-lang/scala-library/2.10.5/scala-library-2.10.5.jar"), Paths.get(scalaLibrary_2_10_5_File), "57ac67a6cf6fd591e235c62f8893438e8d10431d");
+ ClassLoader scalaLibrary_2_10_5_ = cachePut(
+ classLoader( scalaLibrary_2_10_5_File ),
+ scalaLibrary_2_10_5_File
+ );
+ // org.scala-lang:scala-reflect:2.10.5
+ download(new URL(MAVEN_URL + "/org/scala-lang/scala-reflect/2.10.5/scala-reflect-2.10.5.jar"), Paths.get(scalaReflect_2_10_5_File), "7392facb48876c67a89fcb086112b195f5f6bbc3");
+ ClassLoader scalaReflect_2_10_5_ = cachePut(
+ classLoader( scalaReflect_2_10_5_File, scalaLibrary_2_10_5_ ),
+ scalaLibrary_2_10_5_File, scalaReflect_2_10_5_File
+ );
+ // com.typesafe.sbt:sbt-interface:0.13.9
+ download(new URL(MAVEN_URL + "/com/typesafe/sbt/sbt-interface/0.13.9/sbt-interface-0.13.9.jar"), Paths.get(sbtInterface_0_13_9_File), "29848631415402c81b732e919be88f268df37250");
+ ClassLoader sbtInterface_0_13_9_ = cachePut(
+ classLoader( sbtInterface_0_13_9_File, scalaReflect_2_10_5_ ),
+ sbtInterface_0_13_9_File, scalaLibrary_2_10_5_File, scalaReflect_2_10_5_File
+ );
+ // org.scala-lang:scala-compiler:2.10.5
+ download(new URL(MAVEN_URL + "/org/scala-lang/scala-compiler/2.10.5/scala-compiler-2.10.5.jar"), Paths.get(scalaCompiler_2_10_5_File), "f0f5bb444ca26a6e489af3dd35e24f7e2d2d118e");
+ ClassLoader scalaCompiler_2_10_5_ = cachePut(
+ classLoader( scalaCompiler_2_10_5_File, sbtInterface_0_13_9_ ),
+ sbtInterface_0_13_9_File, scalaCompiler_2_10_5_File, scalaLibrary_2_10_5_File, scalaReflect_2_10_5_File
+ );
+ // com.typesafe.sbt:compiler-interface:0.13.9
+ download(new URL(MAVEN_URL + "/com/typesafe/sbt/compiler-interface/0.13.9/compiler-interface-0.13.9-sources.jar"), Paths.get(compilerInterface_0_13_9_File), "2311addbed1182916ad00f83c57c0eeca1af382b");
+ ClassLoader compilerInterface_0_13_9_ = cachePut(
+ classLoader( compilerInterface_0_13_9_File, scalaCompiler_2_10_5_ ),
+ compilerInterface_0_13_9_File, sbtInterface_0_13_9_File, scalaCompiler_2_10_5_File, scalaLibrary_2_10_5_File, scalaReflect_2_10_5_File
+ );
+ // com.typesafe.sbt:incremental-compiler:0.13.9
+ download(new URL(MAVEN_URL + "/com/typesafe/sbt/incremental-compiler/0.13.9/incremental-compiler-0.13.9.jar"), Paths.get(incrementalCompiler_0_13_9_File), "fbbf1cadbed058aa226643e83543c35de43b13f0");
+ ClassLoader incrementalCompiler_0_13_9_ = cachePut(
+ classLoader( incrementalCompiler_0_13_9_File, compilerInterface_0_13_9_ ),
+ compilerInterface_0_13_9_File, incrementalCompiler_0_13_9_File, sbtInterface_0_13_9_File, scalaCompiler_2_10_5_File, scalaLibrary_2_10_5_File, scalaReflect_2_10_5_File
+ );
+ // com.typesafe.zinc:zinc:0.3.9
+ download(new URL(MAVEN_URL + "/com/typesafe/zinc/zinc/0.3.9/zinc-0.3.9.jar"), Paths.get(zinc_0_3_9_File), "46a4556d1f36739879f4b2cc19a73d12b3036e9a");
+ ClassLoader zinc_0_3_9_ = cachePut(
+ classLoader( zinc_0_3_9_File, incrementalCompiler_0_13_9_ ),
+ compilerInterface_0_13_9_File, incrementalCompiler_0_13_9_File, sbtInterface_0_13_9_File, zinc_0_3_9_File, scalaCompiler_2_10_5_File, scalaLibrary_2_10_5_File, scalaReflect_2_10_5_File
+ );
+ // org.scala-lang:scala-library:2.11.8
+ download(new URL(MAVEN_URL + "/org/scala-lang/scala-library/2.11.8/scala-library-2.11.8.jar"), Paths.get(scalaLibrary_2_11_8_File), "ddd5a8bced249bedd86fb4578a39b9fb71480573");
+ ClassLoader scalaLibrary_2_11_8_ = cachePut(
+ classLoader( scalaLibrary_2_11_8_File ),
+ scalaLibrary_2_11_8_File
+ );
+ // org.scala-lang.modules:scala-xml_2.11:1.0.5
+ download(new URL(MAVEN_URL + "/org/scala-lang/modules/scala-xml_2.11/1.0.5/scala-xml_2.11-1.0.5.jar"), Paths.get(scalaXml_1_0_5_File), "77ac9be4033768cf03cc04fbd1fc5e5711de2459");
+ ClassLoader scalaXml_1_0_5_ = cachePut(
+ classLoader( scalaXml_1_0_5_File, scalaLibrary_2_11_8_ ),
+ scalaXml_1_0_5_File, scalaLibrary_2_11_8_File
+ );
+ stage1 = scalaXml_1_0_5_;
+ zinc = zinc_0_3_9_;
+ }
diff --git a/nailgun_launcher/NailgunLauncher.java b/nailgun_launcher/NailgunLauncher.java
index 9121797..c213518 100644
--- a/nailgun_launcher/NailgunLauncher.java
+++ b/nailgun_launcher/NailgunLauncher.java
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import java.lang.reflect.*;
import java.net.*;
import java.nio.*;
import java.nio.file.*;
+import static java.io.File.pathSeparator;
import java.security.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
@@ -15,6 +16,16 @@ import javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.HexBinaryAdapter;
* dependencies outside the JDK.
public class NailgunLauncher{
+ public static String SCALA_VERSION = "2.11.8";
+ public static String SCALA_XML_VERSION = "1.0.5";
+ public static String ZINC_VERSION = "0.3.9";
+ public static String CBT_HOME = System.getenv("CBT_HOME");
+ public static String NAILGUN = System.getenv("NAILGUN");
+ public static String TARGET = System.getenv("TARGET");
+ public static String STAGE1 = CBT_HOME + "/stage1/";
+ public static String MAVEN_CACHE = CBT_HOME + "/cache/maven";
+ public static String MAVEN_URL = "https://repo1.maven.org/maven2";
* Persistent cache for caching classloaders for the JVM life time. Can be used as needed by user
@@ -25,18 +36,8 @@ public class NailgunLauncher{
public static SecurityManager defaultSecurityManager = System.getSecurityManager();
- public static String CBT_HOME = System.getenv("CBT_HOME");
- public static String NAILGUN = System.getenv("NAILGUN");
- public static String STAGE1 = CBT_HOME + "/stage1/";
- public static String TARGET = System.getenv("TARGET");
- public static String SCALA_VERSION = "2.11.8";
- public static void _assert(Boolean condition, Object msg){
- if(!condition){
- throw new AssertionError("Assertion failed: "+msg);
- }
- }
+ public static long lastSuccessfullCompile = 0;
+ static ClassLoader stage1classLoader = null;
public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException,
@@ -45,125 +46,136 @@ public class NailgunLauncher{
NoSuchAlgorithmException {
+ long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
+ //System.err.println("ClassLoader: "+stage1classLoader);
+ //System.err.println("lastSuccessfullCompile: "+lastSuccessfullCompile);
+ //System.err.println("now: "+now);
_assert(CBT_HOME != null, CBT_HOME);
_assert(NAILGUN != null, NAILGUN);
_assert(TARGET != null, TARGET);
_assert(STAGE1 != null, STAGE1);
- File f2 = new File(STAGE1);
- _assert(f2.listFiles() != null, f2);
- long lastCompiled = new File(STAGE1 + TARGET + "/cbt/Stage1.class").lastModified();
- for( File file: f2.listFiles() ){
- if( file.isFile() && file.toString().endsWith(".scala")
- && file.lastModified() > lastCompiled ){
- EarlyDependency[] dependencies = new EarlyDependency[]{
- EarlyDependency.scala("library", "DDD5A8BCED249BEDD86FB4578A39B9FB71480573"),
- EarlyDependency.scala("compiler","FE1285C9F7B58954C5EF6D80B59063569C065E9A"),
- EarlyDependency.scala("reflect", "B74530DEEBA742AB4F3134DE0C2DA0EDC49CA361"),
- new EarlyDependency("org/scala-lang/modules/scala-xml_2.11/1.0.5", "scala-xml_2.11-1.0.5", "77ac9be4033768cf03cc04fbd1fc5e5711de2459")
- };
- ArrayList<String> scalaClassPath = new ArrayList<String>();
- for (EarlyDependency d: dependencies) {
- download( d.url, d.path, d.hash );
- scalaClassPath.add( d.path.toString() );
- }
- File stage1ClassFiles = new File(STAGE1 + TARGET + "/cbt/");
- if( stage1ClassFiles.exists() ){
- for( File f: stage1ClassFiles.listFiles() ){
- if( f.toString().endsWith(".class") ){
- f.delete();
- }
- }
- }
+ if(args[0].equals("check-alive")){
+ System.exit(33);
+ return;
+ }
- new File(STAGE1 + TARGET).mkdirs();
- String s = File.pathSeparator;
- ArrayList<String> scalacArgsList = new ArrayList<String>(
- Arrays.asList(
- new String[]{
- "-deprecation", "-feature",
- "-cp", String.join( s, scalaClassPath.toArray(new String[scalaClassPath.size()])) + s + NAILGUN+TARGET,
- }
- )
- );
- for( File f: new File(STAGE1).listFiles() ){
- if( f.isFile() && f.toString().endsWith(".scala") ){
- scalacArgsList.add( f.toString() );
- }
- }
+ List<File> stage1SourceFiles = new ArrayList<File>();
+ for( File f: new File(STAGE1).listFiles() ){
+ if( f.isFile() && f.toString().endsWith(".scala") ){
+ stage1SourceFiles.add(f);
+ }
+ }
- ArrayList<URL> urls = new ArrayList<URL>();
- for( String c: scalaClassPath ){
- urls.add(new URL("file:"+c));
- }
- ClassLoader cl = new CbtURLClassLoader( (URL[]) urls.toArray(new URL[urls.size()]) );
- cl.loadClass("scala.tools.nsc.Main")
- .getMethod("main", String[].class)
- .invoke( null/* _cls.newInstance()*/, (Object) scalacArgsList.toArray(new String[scalacArgsList.size()]));
+ Boolean stage1SourcesChanged = false;
+ for( File file: stage1SourceFiles ){
+ if( file.lastModified() > lastSuccessfullCompile ){
+ stage1SourcesChanged = true;
+ //System.err.println("File change: "+file.lastModified());
- String library = CBT_HOME+"/cache/maven/org/scala-lang/scala-library/"+SCALA_VERSION+"/scala-library-"+SCALA_VERSION+".jar";
- if(!classLoaderCacheKeys.containsKey(library)){
- Object libraryKey = new Object();
- classLoaderCacheKeys.put(library,libraryKey);
- ClassLoader libraryClassLoader = new CbtURLClassLoader( new URL[]{ new URL("file:"+library) } );
- classLoaderCacheValues.put(libraryKey, libraryClassLoader);
- String xml = CBT_HOME+"/cache/maven/org/scala-lang/modules/scala-xml_2.11/1.0.5/scala-xml_2.11-1.0.5.jar";
- Object xmlKey = new Object();
- classLoaderCacheKeys.put(xml,xmlKey);
- ClassLoader xmlClassLoader = new CbtURLClassLoader(
- new URL[]{ new URL("file:"+xml) },
- libraryClassLoader
- );
- classLoaderCacheValues.put(xmlKey, xmlClassLoader);
- Object nailgunKey = new Object();
- classLoaderCacheKeys.put(NAILGUN+TARGET,nailgunKey);
- ClassLoader nailgunClassLoader = new CbtURLClassLoader(
- new URL[]{ new URL("file:"+NAILGUN+TARGET) },
- xmlClassLoader
- );
- classLoaderCacheValues.put(nailgunKey, nailgunClassLoader);
+ if(stage1SourcesChanged || stage1classLoader == null){
+ EarlyDependencies earlyDeps = new EarlyDependencies();
+ int exitCode = zinc(earlyDeps, stage1SourceFiles);
+ if( exitCode == 0 ){
+ lastSuccessfullCompile = now;
+ } else {
+ System.exit( exitCode );
+ }
+ ClassLoader nailgunClassLoader;
+ if( classLoaderCacheKeys.containsKey( NAILGUN+TARGET ) ){
+ nailgunClassLoader = cacheGet( NAILGUN+TARGET );
+ } else {
+ nailgunClassLoader = cachePut( classLoader(NAILGUN+TARGET, earlyDeps.stage1), NAILGUN+TARGET ); // FIXME: key is wrong here, should be full CP
+ }
+ stage1classLoader = classLoader(STAGE1+TARGET, nailgunClassLoader);
+ }
+ try{
+ stage1classLoader
+ .loadClass("cbt.Stage1")
+ .getMethod("main", String[].class, ClassLoader.class)
+ .invoke( null, (Object) args, stage1classLoader);
+ }catch(Exception e){
+ System.err.println(stage1classLoader);
+ throw e;
+ }
- if(args[0].equals("check-alive")){
- System.exit(33);
- return;
+ public static void _assert(Boolean condition, Object msg){
+ if(!condition){
+ throw new AssertionError("Assertion failed: "+msg);
+ }
+ public static void runMain(String cls, String[] args, ClassLoader cl) throws ClassNotFoundException, NoSuchMethodException, IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException{
+ cl.loadClass(cls)
+ .getMethod("main", String[].class)
+ .invoke( null, (Object) args);
+ }
- ClassLoader cl = new CbtURLClassLoader(
- new URL[]{ new URL("file:"+STAGE1+TARGET) },
- classLoaderCacheValues.get(
- classLoaderCacheKeys.get( NAILGUN+TARGET )
+ static int zinc( EarlyDependencies earlyDeps, List<File> sourceFiles ) throws ClassNotFoundException, NoSuchMethodException, IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException{
+ String cp = NAILGUN+TARGET + pathSeparator + earlyDeps.scalaXml_1_0_5_File + pathSeparator + earlyDeps.scalaLibrary_2_11_8_File;
+ List<String> zincArgs = new ArrayList<String>(
+ Arrays.asList(
+ new String[]{
+ "-scala-compiler", earlyDeps.scalaCompiler_2_11_8_File,
+ "-scala-library", earlyDeps.scalaLibrary_2_11_8_File,
+ "-scala-extra", earlyDeps.scalaReflect_2_11_8_File,
+ "-sbt-interface", earlyDeps.sbtInterface_0_13_9_File,
+ "-compiler-interface", earlyDeps.compilerInterface_0_13_9_File,
+ "-cp", cp,
+ }
- try{
- cl.loadClass("cbt.Stage1")
- .getMethod("main", String[].class, ClassLoader.class)
- .invoke( null/* _cls.newInstance()*/, (Object) args, cl);
- }catch(ClassNotFoundException e){
- System.err.println(cl);
- throw e;
- }catch(NoClassDefFoundError e){
- System.err.println(cl);
- throw e;
- }catch(InvocationTargetException e){
- System.err.println(cl);
- throw e;
+ for( File f: sourceFiles ){
+ zincArgs.add(f.toString());
+ }
+ try{
+ System.setSecurityManager( new TrapSecurityManager() );
+ PrintStream oldOut = System.out;
+ System.setOut(System.err);
+ runMain( "com.typesafe.zinc.Main", zincArgs.toArray(new String[zincArgs.size()]), earlyDeps.zinc );
+ System.setOut(oldOut);
+ return 0;//throw new RuntimeException("zinc should have thrown an exit code");
+ }catch( TrappedExitCode trapped ){
+ return trapped.exitCode;
+ } finally {
+ System.setSecurityManager(NailgunLauncher.defaultSecurityManager);
+ static ClassLoader classLoader( String file ) throws MalformedURLException{
+ return new CbtURLClassLoader(
+ new URL[]{ new URL("file:"+file) }
+ );
+ }
+ static ClassLoader classLoader( String file, ClassLoader parent ) throws MalformedURLException{
+ return new CbtURLClassLoader(
+ new URL[]{ new URL("file:"+file) }, parent
+ );
+ }
+ static ClassLoader cacheGet( String key ){
+ return classLoaderCacheValues.get(
+ classLoaderCacheKeys.get( key )
+ );
+ }
+ static ClassLoader cachePut( ClassLoader classLoader, String... jars ){
+ String key = String.join( pathSeparator, jars );
+ Object keyObject = new Object();
+ classLoaderCacheKeys.put( key, keyObject );
+ classLoaderCacheValues.put( keyObject, classLoader );
+ return classLoader;
+ }
public static void download(URL urlString, Path target, String sha1) throws IOException, NoSuchAlgorithmException {
final Path unverified = Paths.get(target+".unverified");
if(!Files.exists(target)) {
@@ -189,5 +201,3 @@ public class NailgunLauncher{
return (new HexBinaryAdapter()).marshal(sha1.digest());
diff --git a/nailgun_launcher/TrapSecurityManager.java b/nailgun_launcher/TrapSecurityManager.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed00582
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nailgun_launcher/TrapSecurityManager.java
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+package cbt;
+import java.security.*;
+public class TrapSecurityManager extends SecurityManager{
+ public void checkPermission( Permission permission ){
+ /*
+ NOTE: is it actually ok, to just make these empty?
+ Calling .super leads to ClassNotFound exteption for a lambda.
+ Calling to the previous SecurityManager leads to a stack overflow
+ */
+ }
+ public void checkPermission( Permission permission, Object context ){
+ /* Does this methods need to be overidden? */
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void checkExit( int status ){
+ super.checkExit(status);
+ throw new TrappedExitCode(status);
+ }
diff --git a/nailgun_launcher/TrappedExitCode.java b/nailgun_launcher/TrappedExitCode.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..154db27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nailgun_launcher/TrappedExitCode.java
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+package cbt;
+import java.security.*;
+public class TrappedExitCode extends SecurityException{
+ public int exitCode;
+ public TrappedExitCode(int exitCode){
+ this.exitCode = exitCode;
+ }
diff --git a/stage1/Stage1.scala b/stage1/Stage1.scala
index 69fc372..7278fcf 100644
--- a/stage1/Stage1.scala
+++ b/stage1/Stage1.scala
@@ -53,32 +53,29 @@ object Stage1{
val classLoaderCache = new ClassLoaderCache(logger)
- val deps = ClassPath.flatten(
- Seq(
- JavaDependency("net.incongru.watchservice","barbary-watchservice","1.0"),
- JavaDependency("org.scala-lang","scala-reflect",constants.scalaVersion),
- ScalaDependency(
- "org.scala-lang.modules", "scala-xml", "1.0.5", scalaVersion=constants.scalaMajorVersion
- ),
- JavaDependency("org.eclipse.jgit", "org.eclipse.jgit", "")
- ).map(_.classpath)
+ val deps = Dependencies(
+ JavaDependency("net.incongru.watchservice","barbary-watchservice","1.0"),
+ JavaDependency("org.scala-lang","scala-reflect",constants.scalaVersion),
+ JavaDependency("org.eclipse.jgit", "org.eclipse.jgit", "")
+ val scalaXml = JavaDependency("org.scala-lang.modules","scala-xml_"+constants.scalaMajorVersion,constants.scalaXmlVersion)
logger.stage1("before conditionally running zinc to recompile CBT")
if( src.exists(newerThan(_, changeIndicator)) ) {
logger.stage1("cbt.lib has changed. Recompiling.")
- zinc( true, src, stage2Target, nailgunTarget +: stage1Target +: deps, classLoaderCache, Seq("-deprecation") )( zincVersion = "0.3.9", scalaVersion = constants.scalaVersion )
+ zinc( true, src, stage2Target, nailgunTarget +: stage1Target +: Dependencies(deps, scalaXml).classpath, classLoaderCache, Seq("-deprecation") )( zincVersion = "0.3.9", scalaVersion = constants.scalaVersion )
logger.stage1(s"[$now] calling CbtDependency.classLoader")
val cp = stage2Target
val cl = classLoaderCache.transient.get(
- (stage2Target +: deps).string,
+ (stage2Target +: deps.classpath).string,
- deps.string,
- cbt.URLClassLoader( deps, classLoader )
+ deps.classpath.string,
+ cbt.URLClassLoader( deps.classpath, classLoader )
diff --git a/stage1/Stage1Lib.scala b/stage1/Stage1Lib.scala
index 0259cb0..c8af672 100644
--- a/stage1/Stage1Lib.scala
+++ b/stage1/Stage1Lib.scala
@@ -20,14 +20,14 @@ object ExitCode{
val Failure = ExitCode(1)
-class TrappedExitCode(private val exitCode: Int) extends Exception
-object TrappedExitCode{
- def unapply(e: Throwable): Option[ExitCode] =
+object CatchTrappedExitCode{
+ def unapply(e: Throwable): Option[ExitCode] = {
Option(e) flatMap {
case i: InvocationTargetException => unapply(i.getTargetException)
case e: TrappedExitCode => Some( ExitCode(e.exitCode) )
case _ => None
+ }
case class Context( cwd: File, args: Seq[String], logger: Logger, classLoaderCache: ClassLoaderCache )
@@ -205,30 +205,12 @@ class Stage1Lib( val logger: Logger ) extends BaseLib{
- private val trapSecurityManager = new SecurityManager {
- override def checkPermission( permission: Permission ) = {
- /*
- NOTE: is it actually ok, to just make these empty?
- Calling .super leads to ClassNotFound exteption for a lambda.
- Calling to the previous SecurityManager leads to a stack overflow
- */
- }
- override def checkPermission( permission: Permission, context: Any ) = {
- /* Does this methods need to be overidden? */
- }
- override def checkExit( status: Int ) = {
- super.checkExit(status)
- logger.lib(s"checkExit($status)")
- throw new TrappedExitCode(status)
- }
- }
def trapExitCode( code: => ExitCode ): ExitCode = {
- System.setSecurityManager( trapSecurityManager )
+ System.setSecurityManager( new TrapSecurityManager )
} catch {
- case TrappedExitCode(exitCode) =>
+ case CatchTrappedExitCode(exitCode) =>
} finally {
diff --git a/stage1/constants.scala b/stage1/constants.scala
index 147e10c..4c39237 100644
--- a/stage1/constants.scala
+++ b/stage1/constants.scala
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
package cbt
object constants{
+ val scalaXmlVersion = NailgunLauncher.SCALA_XML_VERSION
val scalaVersion = NailgunLauncher.SCALA_VERSION
+ val zincVersion = NailgunLauncher.ZINC_VERSION
val scalaMajorVersion = scalaVersion.split("\\.").take(2).mkString(".")
diff --git a/stage1/resolver.scala b/stage1/resolver.scala
index e5cd027..b8e6544 100644
--- a/stage1/resolver.scala
+++ b/stage1/resolver.scala
@@ -154,16 +154,20 @@ abstract class Dependency{
new Tree(this, (dependencies diff parents).map(_.resolveRecursive(this :: parents)))
+ def linearize(deps: Seq[Dependency]): Seq[Dependency] =
+ if(deps.isEmpty) deps else ( deps ++ linearize(deps.flatMap(_.dependencies)) )
private object transitiveDependenciesCache extends Cache[Seq[Dependency]]
+ /** return dependencies in order of linearized dependence. this is a bit tricky. */
def transitiveDependencies: Seq[Dependency] = transitiveDependenciesCache{
- val deps = (dependencies ++ dependencies.flatMap(_.transitiveDependencies)).distinct
+ val deps = linearize(dependencies)
val hasInfo = deps.collect{ case d:ArtifactInfo => d }
val noInfo = deps.filter{
case _:ArtifactInfo => false
case _ => true
- noInfo ++ JavaDependency.removeOutdated( hasInfo )
- }.sortBy(_.targetClasspath.string)
+ noInfo ++ JavaDependency.updateOutdated( hasInfo ).reverse.distinct
+ }
def show: String = this.getClass.getSimpleName
// ========== debug ==========
@@ -172,8 +176,8 @@ abstract class Dependency{
( " " * indent )
++ (if(updated) lib.red(show) else show)
++ dependencies.map(
- _.dependencyTreeRecursion(indent + 1)
- ).map( "\n" ++ _.toString ).mkString("")
+ "\n" ++ _.dependencyTreeRecursion(indent + 1)
+ ).mkString
@@ -202,6 +206,15 @@ case class BinaryDependency( path: File, dependencies: Seq[Dependency] )(implici
def targetClasspath = exportedClasspath
+/** Allows to easily assemble a bunch of dependencies */
+case class Dependencies( _dependencies: Dependency* )(implicit val logger: Logger) extends Dependency{
+ override def dependencies = _dependencies.to
+ def updated = dependencies.exists(_.updated)
+ def exportedClasspath = ClassPath(Seq())
+ def exportedJars = Seq()
+ def targetClasspath = ClassPath(Seq())
case class Stage1Dependency()(implicit val logger: Logger) extends Dependency{
def updated = false // FIXME: think this through, might allow simplifications and/or optimizations
override def canBeCached = false
@@ -262,7 +275,7 @@ case class JavaDependency(
private def jarFile: File = baseFile ++ ".jar"
//private def coursierJarFile = userHome++"/.coursier/cache/v1/https/repo1.maven.org/maven2"++basePath++".jar"
private def pomUrl: URL = baseUrl ++ ".pom"
- private def jarUrl: URL = baseUrl ++ ".jar"
+ private[cbt] def jarUrl: URL = baseUrl ++ ".jar"
def exportedJars = Seq( jar )
def exportedClasspath = ClassPath( exportedJars )
@@ -271,31 +284,27 @@ case class JavaDependency(
def jarSha1 = {
val file = jarFile ++ ".sha1"
- scala.util.Try{
- lib.download( jarUrl ++ ".sha1" , file, None )
- // split(" ") here so checksum file contents in this format work: df7f15de037a1ee4d57d2ed779739089f560338c jna-3.2.2.pom
- Files.readAllLines(Paths.get(file.string)).mkString("\n").split(" ").head.trim
- }.toOption // FIXME: .toOption is a temporary solution to ignore if libs don't have one (not sure that's even possible)
+ lib.download( jarUrl ++ ".sha1" , file, None )
+ // split(" ") here so checksum file contents in this format work: df7f15de037a1ee4d57d2ed779739089f560338c jna-3.2.2.pom
+ Files.readAllLines(Paths.get(file.string)).mkString("\n").split(" ").head.trim
def pomSha1 = {
val file = pomFile++".sha1"
- scala.util.Try{
- lib.download( pomUrl++".sha1" , file, None )
- // split(" ") here so checksum file contents in this format work: df7f15de037a1ee4d57d2ed779739089f560338c jna-3.2.2.pom
- Files.readAllLines(Paths.get(file.string)).mkString("\n").split(" ").head.trim
- }.toOption // FIXME: .toOption is a temporary solution to ignore if libs don't have one (not sure that's even possible)
+ lib.download( pomUrl++".sha1" , file, None )
+ // split(" ") here so checksum file contents in this format work: df7f15de037a1ee4d57d2ed779739089f560338c jna-3.2.2.pom
+ Files.readAllLines(Paths.get(file.string)).mkString("\n").split(" ").head.trim
private object jarCache extends Cache[File]
def jar = jarCache{
- lib.download( jarUrl, jarFile, jarSha1 )
+ lib.download( jarUrl, jarFile, Some(jarSha1) )
def pomXml = XML.loadFile(pom.toString)
def pom = {
- lib.download( pomUrl, pomFile, pomSha1 )
+ lib.download( pomUrl, pomFile, Some(pomSha1) )
@@ -381,7 +390,7 @@ object JavaDependency{
case e: NumberFormatException => Right(str)
/* this obviously should be overridable somehow */
- def removeOutdated(
+ def updateOutdated(
deps: Seq[ArtifactInfo],
versionLessThan: (String, String) => Boolean = semanticVersionLessThan
)(implicit logger: Logger): Seq[ArtifactInfo] = {
@@ -391,11 +400,11 @@ object JavaDependency{
_.sortBy( _.version )( Ordering.fromLessThan(versionLessThan) )
- deps.flatMap{
+ deps.map{
d =>
- val l = latest.get((d.groupId,d.artifactId))
+ val l = latest((d.groupId,d.artifactId))
if(d != l) logger.resolver("outdated: "++d.show)
- }.distinct
+ }
diff --git a/stage2/AdminTasks.scala b/stage2/AdminTasks.scala
index f825cc1..47fcce3 100644
--- a/stage2/AdminTasks.scala
+++ b/stage2/AdminTasks.scala
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
package cbt
import scala.collection.immutable.Seq
-import java.io._
+import java.io.{Console=>_,_}
+import java.nio.file._
class AdminTasks(lib: Lib, args: Array[String], cwd: File){
implicit val logger: Logger = lib.logger
def resolve = {
@@ -8,7 +9,7 @@ class AdminTasks(lib: Lib, args: Array[String], cwd: File){
d =>
val v = d.split(":")
- new JavaDependency(v(0),v(1),v(2))(lib.logger).classpath
+ new JavaDependency(v(0),v(1),v(2)).classpath
@@ -16,7 +17,7 @@ class AdminTasks(lib: Lib, args: Array[String], cwd: File){
d =>
val v = d.split(":")
- new JavaDependency(v(0),v(1),v(2))(lib.logger).dependencyTree
+ new JavaDependency(v(0),v(1),v(2)).dependencyTree
def amm = ammonite
@@ -39,4 +40,93 @@ class AdminTasks(lib: Lib, args: Array[String], cwd: File){
def scaffoldBasicBuild: Unit = lib.scaffoldBasicBuild( cwd )
+ def cbtEarlyDependencies = {
+ val scalaVersion = args.lift(1).getOrElse(constants.scalaVersion)
+ val scalaMajorVersion = scalaVersion.split("\\.").take(2).mkString(".")
+ val scalaXmlVersion = args.lift(2).getOrElse(constants.scalaXmlVersion)
+ val zincVersion = args.lift(3).getOrElse(constants.zincVersion)
+ /*
+ def tree(d: JavaDependency, indent: Int): String ={
+ val dependencies = {
+ if( d.dependencies.nonEmpty ){
+ d.dependencies.map{
+ case d: JavaDependency => tree(d,indent + 1)
+ }.mkString(",\n" ++ ( " " * indent ),",\n" ++ ( " " * indent ), "")
+ } else ""
+ }
+ (
+ s"""new EarlyDependency( "${d.groupId}", "${d.artifactId}", "${d.version}", "${d.jarSha1}"$dependencies)"""
+ )
+ }*/
+ val scalaDeps = Seq(
+ JavaDependency("org.scala-lang","scala-reflect",scalaVersion),
+ JavaDependency("org.scala-lang","scala-compiler",scalaVersion)
+ )
+ val scalaXml = Dependencies(
+ JavaDependency("org.scala-lang.modules","scala-xml_"+scalaMajorVersion,scalaXmlVersion),
+ JavaDependency("org.scala-lang","scala-library",scalaVersion)
+ )
+ val zinc = JavaDependency("com.typesafe.zinc","zinc",zincVersion)
+ println(zinc.dependencyTree)
+ def valName(dep: JavaDependency) = {
+ val words = dep.artifactId.split("_").head.split("-")
+ words(0) ++ words.drop(1).map(s => s(0).toString.toUpperCase ++ s.drop(1)).mkString ++ "_" ++ dep.version.replace(".","_") ++ "_"
+ }
+ def vals(d: JavaDependency) = s""" """
+ def jarVal(dep: JavaDependency) = "_" + valName(dep) +"Jar"
+ def transitive(dep: Dependency) = (dep +: dep.transitiveDependencies.reverse).collect{case d: JavaDependency => d}
+ def codeEach(dep: Dependency) = {
+ transitive(dep).tails.map(_.reverse).toVector.reverse.drop(1).map{
+ deps =>
+ val d = deps.last
+ val parents = deps.dropRight(1)
+ val parentString = if(parents.isEmpty) "" else ( ", " ++ valName(parents.last) )
+ val n = valName(d)
+ s"""
+ // ${d.groupId}:${d.artifactId}:${d.version}
+ download(new URL(MAVEN_URL + "${d.basePath}.jar"), Paths.get(${n}File), "${d.jarSha1}");
+ ClassLoader $n = cachePut(
+ classLoader( ${n}File$parentString ),
+ ${deps.sortBy(_.jar).map(valName(_)+"File").mkString(", ")}
+ );"""
+ }
+ }
+ val assignments = codeEach(zinc) ++ codeEach(scalaXml)
+ //{ case (name, dep) => s"$name =\n ${tree(dep, 4)};" }.mkString("\n\n ")
+ val code = s"""// This file was auto-generated using `cbt admin cbtEarlyDependencies`
+package cbt;
+import java.io.*;
+import java.nio.file.*;
+import java.net.*;
+import java.security.*;
+import static cbt.NailgunLauncher.*;
+class EarlyDependencies{
+ /** ClassLoader for stage1 */
+ ClassLoader stage1;
+ /** ClassLoader for zinc */
+ ClassLoader zinc;
+${(scalaDeps ++ transitive(scalaXml) ++ transitive(zinc)).map(d => s""" String ${valName(d)}File = MAVEN_CACHE + "${d.basePath}.jar";""").mkString("\n")}
+ public EarlyDependencies() throws MalformedURLException, IOException, NoSuchAlgorithmException{
+${scalaDeps.map(d => s""" download(new URL(MAVEN_URL + "${d.basePath}.jar"), Paths.get(${valName(d)}File), "${d.jarSha1}");""").mkString("\n")}
+ stage1 = scalaXml_${scalaXmlVersion.replace(".","_")}_;
+ zinc = zinc_${zincVersion.replace(".","_")}_;
+ }
+ val file = paths.nailgun ++ ("/" ++ "EarlyDependencies.java")
+ Files.write( file.toPath, code.getBytes )
+ println( Console.GREEN ++ "Wrote " ++ file.string ++ Console.RESET )
+ }