path: root/plugins/scalajs
diff options
authorChristopher Vogt <oss.nsp@cvogt.org>2016-06-17 22:38:18 -0400
committerChristopher Vogt <oss.nsp@cvogt.org>2016-06-19 20:57:54 -0400
commit47cc41ecaa2eaf5677fcb1794db7bbba6533b559 (patch)
tree8708b8cd5954dfa03f2478b77440340c7664972b /plugins/scalajs
parent12d5bad267b5759e941b7101578808aeb6351e66 (diff)
refactor/simplify scalaJs plugin and example
- Restructure code as 1 library case class and 1 Build mixin trait. A library is generally easier to understand and could be re-used independently. 1 trait seems simpler than several here. - Let not the plugin create the multi-project build, but the user project manually. I think while this adds some minor code overhead it is much simpler to understand. Fewer tasks and other moving parts needed. - Remove verbose nested sbt-style folder structure. It's simpler without it :).
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/scalajs')
4 files changed, 103 insertions, 118 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/scalajs/ScalaJs.scala b/plugins/scalajs/ScalaJs.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b55044..0000000
--- a/plugins/scalajs/ScalaJs.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-import java.io.File
-import cbt._
-trait ScalaJsSbtDependencyDsl extends SbtDependencyDsl { self: ScalaJsBuild =>
- //Note: We make same assumption about scala version.
- //In order to be able to choose different scala version, one has to use %.
- implicit class ScalaJsDependencyBuilder(groupId: String){
- def %%%(artifactId: String) = new DependencyBuilder2(
- groupId, artifactId + artifactIdSuffix, Some(scalaMajorVersion))
- }
-trait ScalaJsBuild extends BaseBuild with ScalaJsSbtDependencyDsl with ScalaJsInformation { outer =>
- def sharedFolder = projectDirectory ++ "/shared"
- def jvmFolder = projectDirectory ++ "/jvm"
- def jsFolder = projectDirectory ++ "/js"
- private lazy val jvmBuild = new BasicBuild(outer.context){
- override def sources = Seq(sharedFolder ++ "/src/main/scala", jvmFolder ++ "/src/main/scala")
- override def target = jvmFolder ++ "/target"
- override def dependencies = outer.dependencies ++ jvmDependencies
- }
- private lazy val jsBuild = new BasicBuild(outer.context){
- override def sources = Seq(sharedFolder ++ "/src/main/scala", jsFolder ++ "/src/main/scala")
- override def target = jsFolder ++ "/target"
- override def dependencies = outer.dependencies :+ scalaJsLibDep
- override def scalacOptions = super.scalacOptions ++
- Seq(s"-Xplugin:${scalaJsCompilerDep.jar.getAbsolutePath}", "-Xplugin-require:scalajs")
- }
- override def triggerLoopFiles = super.triggerLoopFiles ++ (jvmBuild.sources ++ jsBuild.sources).distinct
- def jvmDependencies = Seq.empty[Dependency]
- //TODO: implement
- def jsDependencies = Seq.empty[Dependency]
- def jvmCompile: Option[File] = jvmBuild.compile
- def jsCompile: Option[File] = jsBuild.compile
- override def compile = {
- jvmCompile
- jsCompile
- }
- trait JsOutputMode {
- def option: String
- def fileSuffix: String
- }
- case object FastOptJS extends JsOutputMode{
- override val option = "--fastOpt"
- override val fileSuffix = "fastopt"
- }
- case object FullOptJS extends JsOutputMode{
- override val option = "--fullOpt"
- override val fileSuffix = "fullopt"
- }
- private def output(mode: JsOutputMode) = s"${jsBuild.target.getAbsolutePath}/$projectName-${mode.fileSuffix}.js"
- private def link(mode: JsOutputMode, outputPath: String) = {
- lib.runMain(
- "org.scalajs.cli.Scalajsld",
- Seq(
- mode.option,
- "--sourceMap",
- "--stdlib", s"${scalaJsLibDep.jar.getAbsolutePath}",
- "--output", outputPath
- ) ++ scalaJsOptions ++ Seq(
- jsBuild.target.getAbsolutePath) ++
- jsBuild.dependencies.collect{case d: BoundMavenDependency => d.jar.getAbsolutePath},
- scalaJsCliDep.classLoader(jsBuild.context.classLoaderCache)
- )
- }
- def scalaJsOptions: Seq[String] = Seq()
- def fastOptJS = {
- compile
- link(FastOptJS, fastOptOutput, scalaJsOptions)
- }
- def fullOptJS = {
- compile
- link(FullOptJS, fastOptOutput, scalaJsOptions)
- }
- def fastOptOutput: String = output(FastOptJS)
- def fullOptOutput: String = output(FullOptJS)
diff --git a/plugins/scalajs/ScalaJsBuild.scala b/plugins/scalajs/ScalaJsBuild.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9374f66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/scalajs/ScalaJsBuild.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+package cbt
+import java.io.File
+import java.net.URL
+trait ScalaJsBuild extends BaseBuild {
+ final protected val scalaJsLib = ScalaJsLib(
+ scalaJsVersion,
+ scalaVersion,
+ context.cbtHasChanged,
+ context.classLoaderCache,
+ context.paths.mavenCache
+ )
+ import scalaJsLib.{link => _,_}
+ def scalaJsVersion = "0.6.8"
+ final protected val scalaJsMajorVersion: String = lib.libMajorVersion(scalaJsVersion)
+ final protected val artifactIdSuffix = s"_sjs$scalaJsMajorVersion"
+ override def dependencies = super.dependencies :+ scalaJsLibraryDependency
+ override def scalacOptions = super.scalacOptions ++ scalaJsLib.scalacOptions
+ /** Note: We make same assumption about scala version.
+ In order to be able to choose different scala version, one has to use %. */
+ implicit class ScalaJsDependencyBuilder(groupId: String){
+ def %%%(artifactId: String) = new DependencyBuilder2(
+ groupId, artifactId + artifactIdSuffix, Some(scalaMajorVersion))
+ }
+ private def link(mode: ScalaJsOutputMode, outputPath: File) = scalaJsLib.link(
+ mode, outputPath, scalaJsOptions,
+ target +: dependencies.collect{case d: BoundMavenDependency => d.jar}
+ )
+ def scalaJsOptions: Seq[String] = Seq()
+ def scalaJsOptionsFastOpt: Seq[String] = scalaJsOptions
+ def scalaJsOptionsFullOpt: Seq[String] = scalaJsOptions
+ private def output(mode: ScalaJsOutputMode) = target ++ s"/$projectName-${mode.fileSuffix}.js"
+ protected def fastOptJSFile: File = output(FastOptJS)
+ protected def fullOptJSFile: File = output(FullOptJS)
+ def fastOptJS = {
+ compile
+ link(FastOptJS, fastOptJSFile)
+ fastOptJSFile
+ }
+ def fullOptJS = {
+ compile
+ link(FullOptJS, fullOptJSFile)
+ fullOptJSFile
+ }
diff --git a/plugins/scalajs/ScalaJsInformation.scala b/plugins/scalajs/ScalaJsInformation.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index ada3baf..0000000
--- a/plugins/scalajs/ScalaJsInformation.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-import cbt._
-trait ScalaJsInformation extends BaseBuild { outer =>
- val sjsVersion = "0.6.8"
- final private val sjsMajorVersion: String = lib.libMajorVersion(sjsVersion)
- final protected val artifactIdSuffix = s"_sjs$sjsMajorVersion"
- final protected val scalaJsCompilerDep =
- Resolver( mavenCentral ).bindOne(
- // Has to be full Scala version because the compiler is incompatible between versions
- MavenDependency("org.scala-js", "scalajs-compiler_2.11.8", sjsVersion)
- )
- final protected val scalaJsLibDep =
- Resolver( mavenCentral ).bindOne(
- ScalaDependency("org.scala-js", "scalajs-library", sjsVersion)
- )
- final protected val scalaJsCliDep =
- Resolver( mavenCentral ).bindOne(
- ScalaDependency("org.scala-js", "scalajs-cli", sjsVersion)
- )
diff --git a/plugins/scalajs/ScalaJsLib.scala b/plugins/scalajs/ScalaJsLib.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0355850
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/scalajs/ScalaJsLib.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+package cbt
+import java.io.File
+case class ScalaJsLib(
+ scalaJsVersion: String, scalaVersion: String,
+ cbtHasChanged: Boolean, classLoaderCache: ClassLoaderCache, mavenCache: File
+)(implicit logger: Logger){
+ sealed trait ScalaJsOutputMode {
+ def option: String
+ def fileSuffix: String
+ }
+ case object FastOptJS extends ScalaJsOutputMode{
+ override val option = "--fastOpt"
+ override val fileSuffix = "fastopt"
+ }
+ case object FullOptJS extends ScalaJsOutputMode{
+ override val option = "--fullOpt"
+ override val fileSuffix = "fullopt"
+ }
+ val lib = new Lib(logger)
+ def dep(artifactId: String) = MavenResolver( cbtHasChanged, mavenCache, mavenCentral ).bindOne(
+ MavenDependency("org.scala-js", artifactId, scalaJsVersion)
+ )
+ def link(
+ mode: ScalaJsOutputMode, outputPath: File,
+ scalaJsOptions: Seq[String], entriesToLink: Seq[File]
+ ) = {
+ val scalaJsCliDep = dep( "scalajs-cli_"++lib.libMajorVersion(scalaVersion) )
+ lib.runMain(
+ "org.scalajs.cli.Scalajsld",
+ Seq(
+ mode.option,
+ "--sourceMap",
+ "--stdlib", s"${scalaJsLibraryDependency.jar.getAbsolutePath}",
+ "--output", outputPath.string
+ ) ++ scalaJsOptions ++ entriesToLink.map(_.getAbsolutePath),
+ scalaJsCliDep.classLoader(classLoaderCache)
+ )
+ }
+ val scalaJsLibraryDependency = dep( "scalajs-library_"++lib.libMajorVersion(scalaVersion) )
+ // Has to be full Scala version because the compiler is incompatible between versions
+ val scalaJsCompilerDependency = dep( "scalajs-compiler_"++scalaVersion )
+ val scalacOptions = Seq(
+ "-Xplugin:" ++ scalaJsCompilerDependency.jar.string,
+ "-Xplugin-require:scalajs"
+ )