path: root/stage2/Lib.scala
diff options
authorChristopher Vogt <oss.nsp@cvogt.org>2017-03-12 01:47:57 -0500
committerChristopher Vogt <oss.nsp@cvogt.org>2017-03-12 11:56:25 -0400
commit244f86a9cdf19904169456c234a2752f125dd427 (patch)
tree51e1f79100cc3651dfce66d4a284584d6bef3997 /stage2/Lib.scala
parent4eb753e4d4ef5be7443b99832892bac697b10b50 (diff)
revamp loop feature
now CBT and builds pass their file names to the current build via the context. The build then simply blocks until any file changes. Then it returns with a special exit code, which the bash script picks up and restarts CBT. Thats works well for looping over project files. It works less well for looping over builds and CBT itself. For this a build has to success once, so that the .cbt-loop.tmp file exists. Then looping works for cbt and builds, but the file list is not updated in case of compile errors, etc. Fixes - https://github.com/cvogt/cbt/issues/406 - https://github.com/cvogt/cbt/issues/405 - https://github.com/cvogt/cbt/issues/202 - https://github.com/cvogt/cbt/issues/50 - https://github.com/cvogt/cbt/issues/22 We should improve for 1.0 in https://github.com/cvogt/cbt/issues/419 to handle looping over build files and cbt itself smarter.
Diffstat (limited to 'stage2/Lib.scala')
1 files changed, 44 insertions, 41 deletions
diff --git a/stage2/Lib.scala b/stage2/Lib.scala
index 46668b7..5e35ea7 100644
--- a/stage2/Lib.scala
+++ b/stage2/Lib.scala
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ final class Lib(val logger: Logger) extends Stage1Lib(logger){
val name = NameTransformer.decode(taskName)
logger.lib("Calling task " ++ taskName.toString)
taskMethods(obj.getClass).get(name).map{ method =>
- Option(method.invoke(obj) /* null in case of Unit */ ).getOrElse(().asInstanceOf[AnyRef]) match {
+ Option(trapExitCodeOrValue(method.invoke(obj)).merge /* null in case of Unit */ ).getOrElse(().asInstanceOf[AnyRef]) match {
case code if code.getClass.getSimpleName == "ExitCode" =>
// FIXME: ExitCode needs to be part of the compatibility interfaces
Seq((None, Some(ExitCode(Stage0Lib.get(code,"integer").asInstanceOf[Int])), None))
@@ -480,49 +480,50 @@ final class Lib(val logger: Logger) extends Stage1Lib(logger){
// code for continuous compile
- def watch(files: Seq[File])(action: PartialFunction[File, Unit]): Unit = {
+ def watch[T]( files: () => Set[File] )(
+ action: Seq[File] => Option[T] = (f: Seq[File]) => Some(f)
+ ): T = {
import com.barbarysoftware.watchservice._
import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
- val watcher = WatchService.newWatchService
- val realFiles = files.map(realpath)
- realFiles.map{
- // WatchService can only watch folders
- case file if file.isFile => dirname(file)
- case file => file
- }.distinct.map{ file =>
- val watchableFile = new WatchableFile(file)
- val key = watchableFile.register(
- watcher,
- StandardWatchEventKind.ENTRY_CREATE,
- StandardWatchEventKind.ENTRY_DELETE,
- StandardWatchEventKind.ENTRY_MODIFY
- )
- }
- scala.util.control.Breaks.breakable{
- while(true){
- logger.loop("Waiting for file changes...")
- logger.loop("Waiting for file changes...2")
- Option(watcher.take).map{
- key =>
- val changedFiles = key
- .pollEvents
- .toVector
- .filterNot(_.kind == StandardWatchEventKind.OVERFLOW)
- .map(_.context.toString)
- // make sure we don't react on other files changed
- // in the same folder like the files we care about
- .filter{ name => realFiles.exists(name startsWith _.toString) }
- .map(new File(_))
- changedFiles.foreach( f => logger.loop( "Changed: " ++ f.toString ) )
- changedFiles.collect(action)
- key.reset
- }
+ Iterator.continually{
+ val watcher = WatchService.newWatchService
+ val realFiles = files().map(realpath)
+ realFiles.map{
+ // WatchService can only watch folders
+ case file if file.isFile => dirname(file)
+ case file => file
+ }.map{ file =>
+ val watchableFile = new WatchableFile(file)
+ val key = watchableFile.register(
+ watcher,
+ StandardWatchEventKind.ENTRY_CREATE,
+ StandardWatchEventKind.ENTRY_DELETE,
+ StandardWatchEventKind.ENTRY_MODIFY
+ )
- }
+ Option( watcher.take ) -> realFiles
+ }.collect{
+ case (Some(key),f) => key -> f
+ }.map{ case (key, realFiles) =>
+ logger.loop("Waiting for file changes...")
+ val changedFiles = key
+ .pollEvents
+ .toVector
+ .filterNot(_.kind == StandardWatchEventKind.OVERFLOW)
+ .map(_.context.toString)
+ // make sure we don't react on other files changed
+ // in the same folder like the files we care about
+ .filter{ name => realFiles.exists(name startsWith _.toString) }
+ .map(new File(_))
+ changedFiles.foreach( f => logger.loop( "Changed: " ++ f.toString ) )
+ val res = action(changedFiles)
+ key.reset
+ res
+ }.filterNot(_.isEmpty)
+ .take(1)
+ .toList
+ .head.get
def findInnerMostModuleDirectory(directory: File): File = {
@@ -559,4 +560,6 @@ final class Lib(val logger: Logger) extends Stage1Lib(logger){
( results.map(_.right.toOption).flatten.flatten, results.map(_.left.toOption).flatten )
+ def clearScreen = System.err.println( (27.toChar +: "[2J").mkString )