path: root/stage2/Lib.scala
diff options
authorChristopher Vogt <oss.nsp@cvogt.org>2017-03-20 22:09:38 -0400
committerChristopher Vogt <oss.nsp@cvogt.org>2017-03-27 19:56:13 -0400
commitbba2abe7ee38b8903822a07578c46466923d13ed (patch)
treea357fb8def6f58a9ea9a37411f3f5640dcb525fe /stage2/Lib.scala
parentd2f8cade709b7d55a93e18592b6e38247d648ca9 (diff)
start modularizing cbt into libraries
this extracts certain parts of cbt into stand-alone libraries, which can be published to maven and used outside of cbt. This also adds scalariform for these parts of the code. This slows down cbt’s own build a lot because of the number of projects involved! So we’ll follow this by a bunch of performance tweak commits.
Diffstat (limited to 'stage2/Lib.scala')
1 files changed, 2 insertions, 56 deletions
diff --git a/stage2/Lib.scala b/stage2/Lib.scala
index fd3346e..6488c1a 100644
--- a/stage2/Lib.scala
+++ b/stage2/Lib.scala
@@ -64,10 +64,8 @@ final class Lib(val logger: Logger) extends Stage1Lib(logger){
c =>
- .filter{ m =>
- java.lang.reflect.Modifier.isPublic(m.getModifiers)
- }
- .filter( _.getParameterTypes.length == 0 )
+ .filter( _.isPublic )
+ .filter( _.parameterTypes.length == 0 )
.map(m => NameTransformer.decode(m.getName) -> m)
.filterNot(_._1 contains "$")
@@ -262,34 +260,6 @@ final class Lib(val logger: Logger) extends Stage1Lib(logger){
- def autoRelative( files: Seq[File], collector: PartialFunction[(File,String), String] = { case (_,r) => r }): Seq[(File, String)] = {
- val map = files.sorted.flatMap{ base =>
- val b = base.getCanonicalFile.string
- if( base.isDirectory ){
- base.listRecursive.map{ f =>
- f -> f.getCanonicalFile.string.stripPrefix(b).stripPrefix(File.separator)
- }
- } else {
- Seq( base -> base.getName )
- }
- }.collect{
- case v@(file, _) if collector.isDefinedAt(v) => file -> collector(v)
- }
- val relatives = map.unzip._2
- val duplicateFiles = (relatives diff relatives.distinct).distinct
- assert(
- duplicateFiles.isEmpty,
- {
- val rs = relatives.toSet
- "Conflicting:\n\n" +
- map.filter(rs contains _._2).groupBy(_._2).mapValues(_.map(_._1).sorted).toSeq.sortBy(_._1).map{
- case (name, files) => s"$name:\n" ++ files.mkString("\n")
- }.mkString("\n\n")
- }
- )
- map
- }
def createJar( jarFile: File, files: Seq[File], mainClass: Option[String] = None ): Option[File] = {
if( files.isEmpty ){
@@ -474,29 +444,5 @@ final class Lib(val logger: Logger) extends Stage1Lib(logger){
) findOuterMostModuleDirectory(directory.getParentFile) else directory
- def transformFiles( files: Seq[File], transform: String => String ): Seq[File] = {
- transformFilesOrError( files, s => Right(transform(s)) )._1
- }
- def transformFilesOrError[T]( files: Seq[File], transform: String => Either[T,String] ): ( Seq[File], Seq[(File, T)] ) = {
- val results = files.map{ file =>
- val string = file.readAsString
- transform( string ).left.map(
- file -> _
- ).right.map(
- replaced =>
- if( string != replaced ) {
- val tmpFile = file ++ ".cbt-tmp"
- assert( !tmpFile.exists )
- write( tmpFile, replaced )
- move( tmpFile.toPath, file.toPath, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING )
- Some( file )
- } else None
- )
- }
- ( results.map(_.right.toOption).flatten.flatten, results.map(_.left.toOption).flatten )
- }
def clearScreen = System.err.println( (27.toChar +: "[2J").mkString )