path: root/stage2/plugins/Ensime.scala
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Diffstat (limited to 'stage2/plugins/Ensime.scala')
1 files changed, 295 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/stage2/plugins/Ensime.scala b/stage2/plugins/Ensime.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..019ab87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stage2/plugins/Ensime.scala
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+package cbt
+import java.io.{File, FileNotFoundException}
+import java.lang.management.ManagementFactory
+import java.util.{Map => JMap}
+import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
+import scala.sys.process._
+import scala.util.Try
+import scala.util.control.NonFatal
+ * Plugin that provides ENSIME (http://ensime.org/) support.
+ *
+ * The central method provided by this plugin is `ensime`, which will generate an ENSIME
+ * configuration file describing the current build. This configuration file may be used by ENSIME
+ * server and clients, adding IDE capabilities to plain text editors.
+ *
+ * Most methods and helper classes were copied verbatim or with minor changes from the
+ * ensime-related projects, ensime-server (https://github.com/ensime/ensime-server) and ensime-sbt
+ * (https://github.com/ensime/ensime-sbt). Licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.
+ */
+trait Ensime extends BaseBuild {
+ import Ensime._
+ /** The Java (JDK, not JRE) root directory that will be used to launch ENSIME. */
+ def ensimeJavaHome: File = jdkHome
+ /** Flags to be passed to ENSIME JVM process. */
+ def ensimeJavaFlags: Seq[String] = baseJavaFlags(ensimeServerVersion)
+ /** The version of ensime to use. */
+ def ensimeServerVersion: String = "2.0.0-SNAPSHOT"
+ /** All jars required to launch ENSIME-server, including its dependencies. */
+ def ensimeServerJars: Seq[File] = {
+ val deps = Dependencies(Resolver(mavenCentral, sonatypeReleases, sonatypeSnapshots).bind(
+ MavenDependency("org.ensime", s"server_$scalaMajorVersion", ensimeServerVersion)
+ ))
+ (deps.dependencies ++ deps.transitiveDependencies).flatMap(_.exportedClasspathArray)
+ }
+ /** Version of Scala that ENSIME will assume is used in this build. */
+ def ensimeScalaVersion: String = defaultScalaVersion
+ /** The scala compiler's jars. */
+ def ensimeScalaJars: Seq[File] = new ScalaDependencies(
+ context.cbtLastModified,
+ context.paths.mavenCache,
+ scalaVersion
+ ).dependencies.flatMap(_.exportedClasspathArray)
+ /** ENSIME server and client configuration. */
+ def ensimeConfig: EnsimeConfig = EnsimeConfig(
+ scalaCompilerJars = ensimeScalaJars,
+ ensimeServerJars = ensimeServerJars,
+ ensimeServerVersion = ensimeServerVersion,
+ rootDir = projectDirectory,
+ cacheDir = projectDirectory / ".ensime_cache",
+ javaHome = ensimeJavaHome,
+ name = name,
+ scalaVersion = ensimeScalaVersion,
+ javaSources = jdkSource.toSeq,
+ javaFlags = ensimeJavaFlags,
+ projects = EnsimeProject(
+ id = EnsimeProjectId(
+ project = name,
+ config = "compile"
+ ),
+ depends = Nil, // currently only one project is supported
+ sources = sources.filter(_.isDirectory),
+ targets = Seq(compileTarget),
+ scalacOptions = scalacOptions.toList,
+ javacOptions = Nil,
+ libraryJars = transitiveDependencies.flatMap(_.exportedClasspathArray).toList,
+ librarySources = resolveWithClassifier(transitiveDependencies, Classifier.sources),
+ libraryDocs = resolveWithClassifier(transitiveDependencies, Classifier.javadoc)
+ ) :: Nil
+ )
+ /** Generate an ENSIME configuration file for this build. */
+ def ensime: File = lib.writeIfChanged(
+ projectDirectory / ".ensime",
+ ensimeConfig.toSexp
+ )
+object Ensime {
+ def jdkHome: File = List(
+ // manual
+ sys.env.get("JDK_HOME"),
+ sys.env.get("JAVA_HOME"),
+ // fallback
+ sys.props.get("java.home").map(new File(_).getParent),
+ sys.props.get("java.home"),
+ // osx
+ Try("/usr/libexec/java_home".!!.trim).toOption
+ ).flatten.filter { n =>
+ new File(n + "/lib/tools.jar").exists
+ }.headOption.map(new File(_).getCanonicalFile).getOrElse(
+ throw new FileNotFoundException(
+ """Could not automatically find the JDK/lib/tools.jar.
+ |You must explicitly set JDK_HOME or JAVA_HOME.""".stripMargin
+ )
+ )
+ def jdkSource: Option[File] = {
+ val src = new File(jdkHome, "src.zip")
+ if (src.exists) Some(src) else None
+ }
+ def baseJavaFlags(serverVersion: String) = {
+ val raw = ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean.getInputArguments.asScala.toList
+ // WORKAROUND https://github.com/ensime/ensime-sbt/issues/91
+ // WORKAROUND https://github.com/ensime/ensime-server/issues/1756
+ val StackSize = "-Xss[^ ]+".r
+ val MinHeap = "-Xms[^ ]+".r
+ val MaxHeap = "-Xmx[^ ]+".r
+ val MaxPerm = "-XX:MaxPermSize=[^ ]+".r
+ val corrected = raw.filter {
+ case StackSize() => false
+ case MinHeap() => false
+ case MaxHeap() => false
+ case MaxPerm() => false
+ case other => true
+ }
+ val memory = Seq(
+ "-Xss2m",
+ "-Xms512m",
+ "-Xmx4g"
+ )
+ val server = serverVersion.substring(0, 3)
+ val java = sys.props("java.version").substring(0, 3)
+ val versioned = (java, server) match {
+ case (_, "1.0") | ("1.6" | "1.7", _) => Seq(
+ "-XX:MaxPermSize=256m"
+ )
+ case _ => List(
+ "-XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=256m",
+ // these improve ensime-server performance
+ "-XX:StringTableSize=1000003",
+ "-XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions",
+ "-XX:SymbolTableSize=1000003"
+ )
+ }
+ // WORKAROUND: https://github.com/scala/scala/pull/5592
+ val zipFix = Seq("-Dscala.classpath.closeZip=true")
+ corrected ++ memory ++ versioned ++ zipFix
+ }
+ /** Attempt to download a maven dependency with a given classifer. Warn if it is not available. */
+ def resolveWithClassifier(dependencies: Seq[Dependency], classifier: Classifier)(implicit logger: Logger,
+ cache: JMap[AnyRef, AnyRef], classLoaderCache: ClassLoaderCache): Seq[File] = {
+ val classifierName = classifier.name.getOrElse("<none>")
+ val classified = dependencies.collect{ case m: BoundMavenDependency =>
+ m.copy(mavenDependency = m.mavenDependency.copy(classifier = classifier))
+ }
+ classified.flatMap{ dependency =>
+ try {
+ dependency.exportedJars
+ } catch {
+ case NonFatal(_) =>
+ logger.resolver(
+ s"ensime: could not find $classifierName of ${dependency.mavenDependency.serialize}")
+ Seq.empty
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ final case class EnsimeConfig(
+ scalaCompilerJars: Seq[File],
+ ensimeServerJars: Seq[File],
+ ensimeServerVersion: String,
+ rootDir: File,
+ cacheDir: File,
+ javaHome: File,
+ name: String,
+ scalaVersion: String,
+ javaSources: Seq[File],
+ javaFlags: Seq[String],
+ projects: Seq[EnsimeProject]
+ ) {
+ def toSexp: String = sexp(this)
+ }
+ final case class EnsimeProjectId(
+ project: String,
+ config: String
+ )
+ final case class EnsimeProject(
+ id: EnsimeProjectId,
+ depends: Seq[EnsimeProjectId],
+ sources: Seq[File],
+ targets: Seq[File],
+ scalacOptions: Seq[String],
+ javacOptions: Seq[String],
+ libraryJars: Seq[File],
+ librarySources: Seq[File],
+ libraryDocs: Seq[File]
+ )
+ /* EnsimeModules are required for backwards-compatibility with clients.
+ * They can automatically be derived from projects (see method below). */
+ private final case class EnsimeModule(
+ name: String,
+ mainRoots: Set[File],
+ testRoots: Set[File],
+ targets: Set[File],
+ testTargets: Set[File],
+ dependsOnNames: Set[String],
+ compileJars: Set[File],
+ runtimeJars: Set[File],
+ testJars: Set[File],
+ sourceJars: Set[File],
+ docJars: Set[File]
+ )
+ private def ensimeProjectsToModule(p: Iterable[EnsimeProject]): EnsimeModule = {
+ val name = p.head.id.project
+ val deps = for {
+ s <- p
+ d <- s.depends
+ if d.project != name
+ } yield d.project
+ val (mains, tests) = p.toSet.partition(_.id.config == "compile")
+ val mainSources = mains.flatMap(_.sources)
+ val mainTargets = mains.flatMap(_.targets)
+ val mainJars = mains.flatMap(_.libraryJars)
+ val testSources = tests.flatMap(_.sources)
+ val testTargets = tests.flatMap(_.targets)
+ val testJars = tests.flatMap(_.libraryJars).toSet -- mainJars
+ val sourceJars = p.flatMap(_.librarySources).toSet
+ val docJars = p.flatMap(_.libraryDocs).toSet
+ EnsimeModule(
+ name, mainSources, testSources, mainTargets, testTargets, deps.toSet,
+ mainJars, Set.empty, testJars, sourceJars, docJars
+ )
+ }
+ private def sexp(value: Any): String = value match {
+ case s: String => s""""$s""""
+ case f: File => sexp(f.getAbsolutePath)
+ case (k, v) => s":$k ${sexp(v)}\n"
+ case xss: Traversable[_] if xss.isEmpty => "nil"
+ case xss: Traversable[_] => xss.map(sexp(_)).mkString("(", " ", ")")
+ case EnsimeProjectId(project, config) => sexp(List(
+ "project" -> project,
+ "config" -> config
+ ))
+ case proj: EnsimeProject => sexp(List(
+ "id" -> proj.id,
+ "depends" -> proj.depends,
+ "sources" -> proj.sources,
+ "targets" -> proj.targets,
+ "scalac-options" -> proj.scalacOptions,
+ "javac-options" -> proj.javacOptions,
+ "library-jars" -> proj.libraryJars,
+ "library-sources" -> proj.librarySources,
+ "library-docs" -> proj.libraryDocs
+ ))
+ case conf: EnsimeConfig => sexp(List(
+ "root-dir" -> conf.rootDir,
+ "cache-dir" -> conf.cacheDir,
+ "scala-compiler-jars" -> conf.scalaCompilerJars,
+ "ensime-server-jars" -> conf.ensimeServerJars,
+ "ensime-server-version" -> conf.ensimeServerVersion,
+ "name" -> conf.name,
+ "scala-version" -> conf.scalaVersion,
+ "java-home" -> conf.javaHome,
+ "java-flags" -> conf.javaFlags,
+ "java-sources" -> conf.javaSources,
+ "projects" -> conf.projects,
+ "subprojects" -> List(ensimeProjectsToModule(conf.projects))
+ ))
+ case module: EnsimeModule => sexp(List(
+ "name" -> module.name,
+ "source-roots" -> (module.mainRoots ++ module.testRoots),
+ "targets" -> module.targets,
+ "test-targets" -> module.testTargets,
+ "depends-on-modules" -> module.dependsOnNames,
+ "compile-deps" -> module.compileJars,
+ "runtime-deps" -> module.runtimeJars,
+ "test-deps" -> module.testJars,
+ "doc-jars"-> module.docJars,
+ "reference-source-roots" -> module.sourceJars
+ ))
+ }