path: root/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/Names.scala
blob: 74e1fd2d2d022dbdc55fac682464d9ffc07f290f (plain) (tree)










































































package dotty.tools
package dotc
package core

import scala.io.Codec
import util.NameTransformer
import printing.{Showable, Texts, Printer}
import Texts.Text
import Decorators._
import Contexts.Context
import collection.IndexedSeqOptimized
import collection.generic.CanBuildFrom
import collection.mutable.{ Builder, StringBuilder, AnyRefMap }
import collection.immutable.WrappedString
import collection.generic.CanBuildFrom
import util.{DotClass, SimpleMap}
import java.util.HashMap

//import annotation.volatile

object Names {

  /** A common class for things that can be turned into names.
   *  Instances are both names and strings, the latter via a decorator.
  trait PreName extends Any with Showable {
    def toTypeName: TypeName
    def toTermName: TermName

  implicit def eqName: Eq[Name, Name] = Eq

  /** A name is essentially a string, with three differences
   *  1. Names belong in one of two name spaces: they are type names or term names.
   *     Term names have a sub-category of "local" field names.
   *     The same string can correspond a name in each of the three namespaces.
   *  2. Names are hash-consed. Two names
   *     representing the same string in the same universe are always reference identical.
   *  3. Names are intended to be encoded strings. @see dotc.util.NameTransformer.
   *     The encoding will be applied when converting a string to a name.
  abstract class Name extends DotClass
    with PreName
    with collection.immutable.Seq[Char]
    with IndexedSeqOptimized[Char, Name] {

    /** A type for names of the same kind as this name */
    type ThisName <: Name

    /** The start index in the character array */
    def start: Int

    /** The length of the names */
    override def length: Int

    /** Is this name a type name? */
    def isTypeName: Boolean

    /** Is this name a term name? */
    def isTermName: Boolean

    /** This name converted to a type name */
    def toTypeName: TypeName

    /** This name converted to a term name */
    def toTermName: TermName

    /** This name downcasted to a type name */
    def asTypeName: TypeName

    /** This name downcasted to a term name */
    def asTermName: TermName

    /** A name of the same kind as this name and with same characters as given `name` */
    def fromName(name: Name): ThisName

    override def toString =
      if (length == 0) "" else new String(chrs, start, length)

    def toText(printer: Printer): Text = printer.toText(this)

    /** Write to UTF8 representation of this name to given character array.
     *  Start copying to index `to`. Return index of next free byte in array.
     *  Array must have enough remaining space for all bytes
     *  (i.e. maximally 3*length bytes).
    final def copyUTF8(bs: Array[Byte], offset: Int): Int = {
      val bytes = Codec.toUTF8(chrs, start, length)
      scala.compat.Platform.arraycopy(bytes, 0, bs, offset, bytes.length)
      offset + bytes.length

    /** Replace \$op_name's by corresponding operator symbols. */
    def decode: Name =
      if (contains('$')) fromName(termName(NameTransformer.decode(toString)))
      else this

    /** Replace operator symbols by corresponding \$op_name's. */
    def encode: Name =
      if (dontEncode(toTermName)) this else NameTransformer.encode(this)

    /** A more efficient version of concatenation */
    def ++ (other: Name): ThisName = ++ (other.toString)

    def ++ (other: String): ThisName = fromName(termName(toString + other))

    def replace(from: Char, to: Char): ThisName = {
      val cs = new Array[Char](length)
      Array.copy(chrs, start, cs, 0, length)
      for (i <- 0 until length) {
        if (cs(i) == from) cs(i) = to
      fromName(termName(cs, 0, length))

    def contains(ch: Char): Boolean = {
      var i = 0
      while (i < length && chrs(start + i) != ch) i += 1
      i < length

    def firstChar = chrs(start)

    // ----- Collections integration -------------------------------------

    override protected[this] def thisCollection: WrappedString = new WrappedString(repr.toString)
    override protected[this] def toCollection(repr: Name): WrappedString = new WrappedString(repr.toString)

    override protected[this] def newBuilder: Builder[Char, Name] = unsupported("newBuilder")

    override def apply(index: Int): Char = chrs(start + index)

    override def slice(from: Int, until: Int): ThisName =
      fromName(termName(chrs, start + from, until - from))

    override def equals(that: Any) = this eq that.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]

    override def seq = toCollection(this)

  abstract class TermName extends Name {
    type ThisName = TermName
    def isTypeName = false
    def isTermName = true
    def toTermName = this
    def asTypeName = throw new ClassCastException(this + " is not a type name")
    def asTermName = this

    @sharable // because it is only modified in the synchronized block of toTypeName.
    @volatile private[this] var _typeName: TypeName = null

    def toTypeName: TypeName = {
      if (_typeName == null)
        synchronized {
          if (_typeName == null)
            _typeName = new TypeName(this)

    def fromName(name: Name): TermName = name.toTermName

    def info = NameInfo.TermName
    def underlying: TermName = unsupported("underlying")

    private var derivedNames: AnyRef /* SimpleMap | j.u.HashMap */ =

    private def getDerived(info: NameInfo): DerivedTermName /* | Null */= derivedNames match {
      case derivedNames: SimpleMap[NameInfo, DerivedTermName] @unchecked =>
      case derivedNames: HashMap[NameInfo, DerivedTermName] @unchecked =>

    private def putDerived(info: NameInfo, name: DerivedTermName): name.type = {
      derivedNames match {
        case derivedNames: SimpleMap[NameInfo, DerivedTermName] @unchecked =>
          if (derivedNames.size < 4)
            this.derivedNames = derivedNames.updated(info, name)
          else {
            val newMap = new HashMap[NameInfo, DerivedTermName]
            derivedNames.foreachBinding(newMap.put(_, _))
            newMap.put(info, name)
            this.derivedNames = newMap
        case derivedNames: HashMap[NameInfo, DerivedTermName] @unchecked =>
          derivedNames.put(info, name)

    /** Return derived name with given `info` and the current
     *  name as underlying name.
    def derived(info: NameInfo): TermName = {
      def addIt() = synchronized {
        getDerived(info) match {
          case null => putDerived(info, new DerivedTermName(this, info))
          case derivedName => derivedName

      val ownKind = this.info.kind
      if (ownKind > info.kind)
      else if (ownKind == info.kind)
        if (info.oneOfAKind) {
          assert(info == this.info)
        else addIt()
      else addIt()

    def is(kind: NameInfo.Kind): Boolean = {
      val ownKind = info.kind
      ownKind == kind || ownKind > kind && underlying.is(kind)

    override def hashCode: Int = start

    override protected[this] def newBuilder: Builder[Char, Name] = termNameBuilder

  class SimpleTermName(val start: Int, val length: Int, @sharable private[Names] var next: SimpleTermName) extends TermName {
    // `next` is @sharable because it is only modified in the synchronized block of termName.

  class TypeName(val toTermName: TermName) extends Name {
    def start = toTermName.start
    override def length = toTermName.length

    type ThisName = TypeName
    def isTypeName = true
    def isTermName = false
    def toTypeName = this
    def asTypeName = this
    def asTermName = throw new ClassCastException(this + " is not a term name")

    def fromName(name: Name): TypeName = name.toTypeName

    override def hashCode: Int = -start

    override protected[this] def newBuilder: Builder[Char, Name] =

  /** A term name that's derived from an `underlying` name and that
   *  adds `info` to it.
  class DerivedTermName(override val underlying: TermName, override val info: NameInfo)
  extends TermName {
    def start = underlying.start
    override def length = underlying.length
    override def toString = info.mkString(underlying)

  // Nametable

  private final val InitialHashSize = 0x8000
  private final val InitialNameSize = 0x20000
  private final val fillFactor = 0.7

  /** Memory to store all names sequentially. */
  @sharable // because it's only mutated in synchronized block of termName
  private[dotty] var chrs: Array[Char] = new Array[Char](InitialNameSize)

  /** The number of characters filled. */
  @sharable // because it's only mutated in synchronized block of termName
  private var nc = 0

  /** Hashtable for finding term names quickly. */
  @sharable // because it's only mutated in synchronized block of termName
  private var table = new Array[SimpleTermName](InitialHashSize)

  /** The number of defined names. */
  @sharable // because it's only mutated in synchronized block of termName
  private var size = 1

  /** The hash of a name made of from characters cs[offset..offset+len-1].  */
  private def hashValue(cs: Array[Char], offset: Int, len: Int): Int =
    if (len > 0)
      (len * (41 * 41 * 41) +
        cs(offset) * (41 * 41) +
        cs(offset + len - 1) * 41 +
        cs(offset + (len >> 1)))
    else 0

  /** Is (the ASCII representation of) name at given index equal to
   *  cs[offset..offset+len-1]?
  private def equals(index: Int, cs: Array[Char], offset: Int, len: Int): Boolean = {
    var i = 0
    while ((i < len) && (chrs(index + i) == cs(offset + i)))
      i += 1
    i == len

  /** Create a term name from the characters in cs[offset..offset+len-1].
   *  Assume they are already encoded.
  def termName(cs: Array[Char], offset: Int, len: Int): TermName = synchronized {
    val h = hashValue(cs, offset, len) & (table.size - 1)

    /** Make sure the capacity of the character array is at least `n` */
    def ensureCapacity(n: Int) =
      if (n > chrs.length) {
        val newchrs = new Array[Char](chrs.length * 2)
        chrs = newchrs

    /** Enter characters into chrs array. */
    def enterChars(): Unit = {
      ensureCapacity(nc + len)
      var i = 0
      while (i < len) {
        chrs(nc + i) = cs(offset + i)
        i += 1
      nc += len

    /** Rehash chain of names */
    def rehash(name: SimpleTermName): Unit =
      if (name != null) {
        val oldNext = name.next
        val h = hashValue(chrs, name.start, name.length) & (table.size - 1)
        name.next = table(h)
        table(h) = name

    /** Make sure the hash table is large enough for the given load factor */
    def incTableSize() = {
      size += 1
      if (size.toDouble / table.size > fillFactor) {
        val oldTable = table
        table = new Array[SimpleTermName](table.size * 2)
        for (i <- 0 until oldTable.size) rehash(oldTable(i))

    val next = table(h)
    var name = next
    while (name ne null) {
      if (name.length == len && equals(name.start, cs, offset, len))
        return name
      name = name.next
    name = new SimpleTermName(nc, len, next)
    table(h) = name

  /** Create a type name from the characters in cs[offset..offset+len-1].
   *  Assume they are already encoded.
  def typeName(cs: Array[Char], offset: Int, len: Int): TypeName =
    termName(cs, offset, len).toTypeName

  /** Create a term name from the UTF8 encoded bytes in bs[offset..offset+len-1].
   *  Assume they are already encoded.
  def termName(bs: Array[Byte], offset: Int, len: Int): TermName = {
    val chars = Codec.fromUTF8(bs, offset, len)
    termName(chars, 0, chars.length)

  /** Create a type name from the UTF8 encoded bytes in bs[offset..offset+len-1].
   *  Assume they are already encoded.
  def typeName(bs: Array[Byte], offset: Int, len: Int): TypeName =
    termName(bs, offset, len).toTypeName

  /** Create a term name from a string, without encoding operators */
  def termName(s: String): TermName = termName(s.toCharArray, 0, s.length)

  /** Create a type name from a string, without encoding operators */
  def typeName(s: String): TypeName = typeName(s.toCharArray, 0, s.length)

  table(0) = new SimpleTermName(-1, 0, null)

  /** The term name represented by the empty string */
  val EmptyTermName: TermName = table(0)

  /** The type name represented by the empty string */
  val EmptyTypeName = EmptyTermName.toTypeName

  // can't move CONSTRUCTOR/EMPTY_PACKAGE to `nme` because of bootstrap failures in `encode`.
  val CONSTRUCTOR = termName("<init>")
  val STATIC_CONSTRUCTOR = termName("<clinit>")
  val EMPTY_PACKAGE = termName("<empty>")

  val dontEncode = Set[TermName](CONSTRUCTOR, EMPTY_PACKAGE)

  def termNameBuilder: Builder[Char, TermName] =

  implicit val nameCanBuildFrom: CanBuildFrom[Name, Char, Name] = new CanBuildFrom[Name, Char, Name] {
    def apply(from: Name): Builder[Char, Name] =
      StringBuilder.newBuilder.mapResult(s =>
        from.fromName(termName(s.toCharArray, 0, s.length)))
    def apply(): Builder[Char, Name] = termNameBuilder

  implicit val NameOrdering: Ordering[Name] = new Ordering[Name] {
    def compare(x: Name, y: Name): Int = {
      if (x.isTermName && y.isTypeName) 1
      else if (x.isTypeName && y.isTermName) -1
      else if (x eq y) 0
      else {
        val until = x.length min y.length
        var i = 0

        while (i < until && x(i) == y(i)) i = i + 1

        if (i < until) {
          if (x(i) < y(i)) -1
          else /*(x(i) > y(i))*/ 1
        } else {
          x.length - y.length