path: root/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/repl/ammonite/filters/HistoryFilter.scala
blob: dac1c9d2394c8b788c96c82e5d95e44b34a70651 (plain) (tree)
























package dotty.tools
package dotc
package repl
package ammonite
package terminal
package filters

import terminal.FilterTools._
import terminal.LazyList._
import terminal._

  * Provides history navigation up and down, saving the current line, a well
  * as history-search functionality (`Ctrl R` in bash) letting you quickly find
  * & filter previous commands by entering a sub-string.
class HistoryFilter(
  history: () => IndexedSeq[String],
  commentStartColor: String,
  commentEndColor: String
) extends DelegateFilter {

  def identifier = "HistoryFilter"
    * `-1` means we haven't started looking at history, `n >= 0` means we're
    * currently at history command `n`
  var historyIndex = -1

    * The term we're searching for, if any.
    * - `None` means we're not searching for anything, e.g. we're just
    *   browsing history
    * - `Some(term)` where `term` is not empty is what it normally looks
    *   like when we're searching for something
    * - `Some(term)` where `term` is empty only really happens when you
    *   start searching and delete things, or if you `Ctrl-R` on an empty
    *   prompt
  var searchTerm: Option[Vector[Char]] = None

    * Records the last buffer that the filter has observed while it's in
    * search/history mode. If the new buffer differs from this, assume that
    * some other filter modified the buffer and drop out of search/history
  var prevBuffer: Option[Vector[Char]] = None

    * Kicks the HistoryFilter from passive-mode into search-history mode
  def startHistory(b: Vector[Char], c: Int): (Vector[Char], Int, String) = {
    if (b.nonEmpty) searchTerm = Some(b)
    up(Vector(), c)

  def searchHistory(
    start: Int,
    increment: Int,
    buffer: Vector[Char],
    skipped: Vector[Char]
  ) = {

    def nextHistoryIndexFor(v: Vector[Char]) = {
      HistoryFilter.findNewHistoryIndex(start, v, history(), increment, skipped)

    val (newHistoryIndex, newBuffer, newMsg, newCursor) = searchTerm match {
      // We're not searching for anything, just browsing history.
      // Pass in Vector.empty so we scroll through all items
      case None =>
        val (i, b, c) = nextHistoryIndexFor(Vector.empty)
        (i, b, "", 99999)

      // We're searching for some item with a particular search term
      case Some(b) if b.nonEmpty =>
        val (i, b1, c) = nextHistoryIndexFor(b)

        val msg =
          if (i.nonEmpty) ""
          else commentStartColor + HistoryFilter.cannotFindSearchMessage + commentEndColor

        (i, b1, msg, c)

      // We're searching for nothing in particular; in this case,
      // show a help message instead of an unhelpful, empty buffer
      case Some(b) if b.isEmpty =>
        val msg = commentStartColor + HistoryFilter.emptySearchMessage + commentEndColor
        // The cursor in this case always goes to zero
        (Some(start), Vector(), msg, 0)


    historyIndex = newHistoryIndex.getOrElse(-1)

    (newBuffer, newCursor, newMsg)

  def activeHistory = searchTerm.nonEmpty || historyIndex != -1
  def activeSearch = searchTerm.nonEmpty

  def up(b: Vector[Char], c: Int) =
    searchHistory(historyIndex + 1, 1, b, b)

  def down(b: Vector[Char], c: Int) =
    searchHistory(historyIndex - 1, -1, b, b)

  def wrap(rest: LazyList[Int], out: (Vector[Char], Int, String)) =
    TS(rest, out._1, out._2, out._3)

  def ctrlR(b: Vector[Char], c: Int) =
    if (activeSearch) up(b, c)
    else {
      searchTerm = Some(b)
      up(Vector(), c)

  def printableChar(char: Char)(b: Vector[Char], c: Int) = {
    searchTerm = searchTerm.map(_ :+ char)
    searchHistory(historyIndex.max(0), 1, b :+ char, Vector())

  def backspace(b: Vector[Char], c: Int) = {
    searchTerm = searchTerm.map(_.dropRight(1))
    searchHistory(historyIndex, 1, b, Vector())

    * Predicate to check if either we're searching for a term or if we're in
    * history-browsing mode and some predicate is true.
    * Very often we want to capture keystrokes in search-mode more aggressively
    * than in history-mode, e.g. search-mode drops you out more aggressively
    * than history-mode does, and its up/down keys cycle through history more
    * aggressively on every keystroke while history-mode only cycles when you
    * reach the top/bottom line of the multi-line input.
  def searchOrHistoryAnd(cond: Boolean) =
    activeSearch || (activeHistory && cond)

  val dropHistoryChars = Set(9, 13, 10) // Tab or Enter

  def endHistory() = {
    historyIndex = -1
    searchTerm = None

  def filter = Filter.wrap("historyFilterWrap1") {
    (ti: TermInfo) => {
      prelude.op(ti) match {
        case None =>
          prevBuffer = Some(ti.ts.buffer)
          filter0.op(ti) match {
            case Some(ts: TermState) =>
              prevBuffer = Some(ts.buffer)
            case x => x
        case some => some

  def prelude: Filter = Filter("historyPrelude") {
    case TS(inputs, b, c, _) if activeHistory && prevBuffer.exists(_ != b) =>
      prevBuffer = None
      TS(inputs, b, c)

  def filter0: Filter = Filter("filter0") {
    // Ways to kick off the history/search if you're not already in it

    // `Ctrl-R`
    case TS(18 ~: rest, b, c, _) => wrap(rest, ctrlR(b, c))

    // `Up` from the first line in the input
    case TermInfo(TS(p"\u001b[A$rest", b, c, _), w) if firstRow(c, b, w) && !activeHistory =>
      wrap(rest, startHistory(b, c))

    // `Ctrl P`
    case TermInfo(TS(p"\u0010$rest", b, c, _), w) if firstRow(c, b, w) && !activeHistory =>
      wrap(rest, startHistory(b, c))

    // `Page-Up` from first character starts history
    case TermInfo(TS(p"\u001b[5~$rest", b, c, _), w) if c == 0 && !activeHistory =>
      wrap(rest, startHistory(b, c))

    // Things you can do when you're already in the history search

    // Navigating up and down the history. Each up or down searches for
    // the next thing that matches your current searchTerm
    // Up
    case TermInfo(TS(p"\u001b[A$rest", b, c, _), w) if searchOrHistoryAnd(firstRow(c, b, w)) =>
      wrap(rest, up(b, c))

    // Ctrl P
    case TermInfo(TS(p"\u0010$rest", b, c, _), w) if searchOrHistoryAnd(firstRow(c, b, w)) =>
      wrap(rest, up(b, c))

    // `Page-Up` from first character cycles history up
    case TermInfo(TS(p"\u001b[5~$rest", b, c, _), w) if searchOrHistoryAnd(c == 0) =>
      wrap(rest, up(b, c))

    // Down
    case TermInfo(TS(p"\u001b[B$rest", b, c, _), w) if searchOrHistoryAnd(lastRow(c, b, w))  =>
      wrap(rest, down(b, c))

    // `Ctrl N`

    case TermInfo(TS(p"\u000e$rest", b, c, _), w) if searchOrHistoryAnd(lastRow(c, b, w))  =>
      wrap(rest, down(b, c))
    // `Page-Down` from last character cycles history down
    case TermInfo(TS(p"\u001b[6~$rest", b, c, _), w) if searchOrHistoryAnd(c == b.length - 1) =>
      wrap(rest, down(b, c))

    // Intercept Backspace and delete a character in search-mode, preserving it, but
    // letting it fall through and dropping you out of history-mode if you try to make
    // edits
    case TS(127 ~: rest, buffer, cursor, _) if activeSearch =>
      wrap(rest, backspace(buffer, cursor))

    // Any other control characters drop you out of search mode, but only the
    // set of `dropHistoryChars` drops you out of history mode
    case TS(char ~: inputs, buffer, cursor, _)
      if char.toChar.isControl && searchOrHistoryAnd(dropHistoryChars(char)) =>
      val newBuffer =
      // If we're back to -1, it means we've wrapped around and are
      // displaying the original search term with a wrap-around message
      // in the terminal. Drop the message and just preserve the search term
        if (historyIndex == -1) searchTerm.get
        // If we're searching for an empty string, special-case this and return
        // an empty buffer rather than the first history item (which would be
        // the default) because that wouldn't make much sense
        else if (searchTerm.exists(_.isEmpty)) Vector()
        // Otherwise, pick whatever history entry we're at and use that
        else history()(historyIndex).toVector

      TS(char ~: inputs, newBuffer, cursor)

    // Intercept every other printable character when search is on and
    // enter it into the current search
    case TS(char ~: rest, buffer, cursor, _) if activeSearch =>
      wrap(rest, printableChar(char.toChar)(buffer, cursor))

    // If you're not in search but are in history, entering any printable
    // characters kicks you out of it and preserves the current buffer. This
    // makes it harder for you to accidentally lose work due to history-moves
    case TS(char ~: rest, buffer, cursor, _) if activeHistory && !char.toChar.isControl =>
      historyIndex = -1
      TS(char ~: rest, buffer, cursor)

object HistoryFilter {

  def mangleBuffer(
    historyFilter: HistoryFilter,
    buffer: Ansi.Str,
    cursor: Int,
    startColor: Ansi.Attr
  ) = {
    if (!historyFilter.activeSearch) buffer
    else {
      val (searchStart, searchEnd) =
        if (historyFilter.searchTerm.get.isEmpty) (cursor, cursor+1)
        else {
          val start = buffer.plainText.indexOfSlice(historyFilter.searchTerm.get)

          val end = start + (historyFilter.searchTerm.get.length max 1)
          (start, end)

      val newStr = buffer.overlay(startColor, searchStart, searchEnd)

    * @param startIndex The first index to start looking from
    * @param searchTerm The term we're searching from; can be empty
    * @param history The history we're searching through
    * @param indexIncrement Which direction to search, +1 or -1
    * @param skipped Any buffers which we should skip in our search results,
    *                e.g. because the user has seen them before.
  def findNewHistoryIndex(
    startIndex: Int,
    searchTerm: Vector[Char],
    history: IndexedSeq[String],
    indexIncrement: Int,
    skipped: Vector[Char]
  ) = {
      * `Some(i)` means we found a reasonable result at history element `i`
      * `None` means we couldn't find anything, and should show a not-found
      * error to the user
    def rec(i: Int): Option[Int] = history.lift(i) match {
      // If i < 0, it means the user is pressing `down` too many times, which
      // means it doesn't show anything but we shouldn't show an error
      case None if i < 0 => Some(-1)
      case None => None
      case Some(s) if s.contains(searchTerm) && !s.contentEquals(skipped) =>
      case _ => rec(i + indexIncrement)

    val newHistoryIndex = rec(startIndex)
    val foundIndex = newHistoryIndex.find(_ != -1)
    val newBuffer = foundIndex match {
      case None => searchTerm
      case Some(i) => history(i).toVector

    val newCursor = foundIndex match {
      case None => newBuffer.length
      case Some(i) => history(i).indexOfSlice(searchTerm) + searchTerm.length

    (newHistoryIndex, newBuffer, newCursor)

  val emptySearchMessage =
    s" ...enter the string to search for, then `up` for more"
  val cannotFindSearchMessage =
    s" ...can't be found in history; re-starting search"