path: root/compiler/test/dotc/scala-collections.blacklist
blob: 407cb0a4b58b99113eff9bd2318ccc3e58de44f0 (plain) (tree)













































# 55 |abstract class AnyVal extends Any {
#    |^
#    |illegal redefinition of standard class AnyVal

# 34 |    def remove() = throw new UnsupportedOperationException
#    |        ^
#    |        overriding method remove in trait Iterator of type ()Unit;
#    |         method remove of type ()Unit needs `override' modifier


# 22 |    "(kv: " + key + ", " + value + ")" + (if (next != null) " -> " + next.toString else "")
#    |                                                                     ^^^^
#    |                                                                     cyclic reference involving method toString

# 78 |  override def toString() = imap.toString()
#    |                            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
#    |                            missing argument for parameter index of method apply: (index: Int)Char

#  102 |  protected class FilteredKeys(p: A => Boolean) extends super.FilteredKeys(p) {
#      |                                                        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
#      |                                                        cyclic inheritance: class FilteredKeys extends itself
# ...

#  assertion failed

# 35 |      publish(new Include(elem) with Undoable { def undo = -=(elem) })
#    |                                                    ^
#    |                         overriding method undo in trait Undoable of type ()Unit;
#    |                          method undo of type => scala.collection.mutable.ObservableSet[A] has incompatible type

# 102 |  override def toString() = synchronized { super.toString() }
#      |                                           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
#      |                                        missing argument for parameter index of method apply: (index: Int)Char

# 347 |    override def toString = array.take(size).mkString("Unrolled[" + array.length + "](", ", ", ")") + " -> " + (if (next ne null) next.toString else "")
#     |                                                                                                                                  ^^^^
#     |                                                                    cyclic reference involving method toString

# assertion failed

# 648 |  class Map[S](f: T => S, targetarr: Array[Any], offset: Int, howmany: Int) extends Task[Unit, Map[S]] {
#     |        ^
#     |        overriding class Map in trait ParIterableLike;
#     |         class Map cannot be used here - class definitions cannot be overridden

# 42 |  override def updated [U >: V](key: K, value: U): ParMap[K, U] = this + ((key, value))
#    |                                                                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
#    |                                                       found:    scala.collection.parallel.ParMap[K, U]
#    |                                                       required: scala.collection.parallel.mutable.ParMap'[K, U]
#    |
#    |                                                       where:    ParMap  is a trait in package parallel
#    |                                                                 ParMap' is a trait in package mutable

# 91 |    new { val chain = c } with ResizableParArrayCombiner[T] // was: with EnvironmentPassingCombiner[T, ParArray[T]]
#    |                          ^
#    |                          early definitions are not supported; use trait parameters instead

# 136 |    it.iterated = this.iterated
#     |    ^^^^^^^^^^^
#     |    value `iterated` is not a member of scala.collection.concurrent.TrieMapIterator[K, V](it)

# 75 |    implicit def factory2ops[From, Elem, To](bf: CanBuildFrom[From, Elem, To]) = new FactoryOps[From, Elem, To] {
#     |    ^
#     |    result type of implicit definition needs to be given explicitly

# 304 |  protected implicit def task2ops[R, Tp](tsk: SSCTask[R, Tp]) = new TaskOps[R, Tp] {
#     |  ^
#     |  result type of implicit definition needs to be given explicitly

# 324 |  protected implicit def delegatedSignalling2ops[PI <: DelegatedSignalling](it: PI) = new SignallingOps[PI] {
#     |  ^
#     |  result type of implicit definition needs to be given explicitly


# 334 |  protected trait Accessor[R, Tp] extends super.Accessor[R, Tp] {
#     |                                          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
#     |                                          cyclic inheritance: trait Accessor extends itself

# 617 |  class Zipped[S](ti: SeqSplitter[S]) extends super.Zipped[S](ti) with SeqSplitter[(T, S)] {
#     |                                              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
#     |                                              cyclic inheritance: class Zipped extends itself

# 429 |    fjtask.body.result
#    |    ^^^^^^^^^^^
#    |    value `body` is not a member of ForkJoinTasks.this.WrappedTask[R, Tp](fjtask)

# 188 |    implicit val ec = internalExecutor
#     |    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
#     |    type of implicit definition needs to be given explicitly

# 45 |    writeReq.get
#    |    ^^^^^^^^^^^^
#    |    none of the overloaded alternatives of method get in class SyncVar with types
#    |     (timeout: Long)Option[Boolean]
#    |     => Boolean
#    |    match expected type Unit

# assertion failed

# assertion failed


# 38 |  override lazy val iter = (
#    |                    ^
#    |                    overriding getter iter in class Source of type => collection.Iterator[Char];
#    |                     lazy value iter of type collection.Iterator[Char] may not override a non-lazy value

# 303 |    report(pos, msg, out)
#     |                ^^^
#     |                not found: msg

# 33 |    if (x != null) Some(x) else None
#    |       ^^^^^^^^^^^
#    |       Values of types wr.underlying.java$lang$ref$WeakReference$$T and Null cannot be compared with == or !=

# 51 |      import Manifest._
#    |             ^^^^^^^^
#    |             not found: Manifest
# 124 |  val Short   : ClassTag[scala.Short]      = Manifest.Short
#     |                                             ^^^^^^^^
#     |                                             not found: Manifest
# 104 |    private def readResolve(): Any = Manifest.Short
#     |                                     ^^^^^^^^
#     |                                     not found: Manifest
# 89 |    if (buf eq null) name else buf.toString()
#    |                               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
#    |                               missing argument for parameter index of method apply: (index: Int)Char
# 63 |  private[scala] def materializeClassTag[T](): ClassTag[T] = macro ???
#    |                                                             ^^^^^
#    |                                                             not found: macro

# 122 |        val buf = bf(x._1)
#     |                     ^^^^
#     |                     found:    T1
#     |                     required: CC1[_]

# 131 |        val buf = bf(x._1)
#     |                     ^^^^
#     |                     found:    T1
#     |                     required: CC1[_]

# 168 |  def f[A >: Any](args: A*): String = macro ???
#     |                                      ^^^^^
#     |                                      not found: macro


# scala.MatchError: PostfixOp(Select(Ident(pf),isDefinedAt),_) (of class dotty.tools.dotc.ast.untpd$PostfixOp)
#      at dotty.tools.dotc.ast.Trees$Instance$TreeAccumulator.foldOver(Trees.scala:1173)

# assertion failed

# 35 |  implicit def default[T] = new Default[T]
#    |  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
#    |  result type of implicit definition needs to be given explicitly

# crashes on dotty.tools.dottydoc.TestWhitelistedCollections.arrayHasDocumentation

# assertion failed: invalid prefix ImplicitMethodType(List(ord), List(RefinedType(TypeRef(ThisType(TypeRef(NoPrefix,math)),Ordering), scala$math$Ordering$$T, TypeAlias(TypeRef(NoPrefix,K), 0))), RefinedType(TypeRef(ThisType(TypeRef(NoPrefix,math)),Ordering), scala$math$Ordering$$T, TypeAlias(TypeRef(NoPrefix,K), 0)))