path: root/docs/docs/internals/type-system.md
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layout: default

Type System
The types are defined in [dotty/tools/dotc/core/Types.scala][1]

## Class diagram ##
- [PDF][2], generated with [a fork of scaladiagrams][3]

## Proxy types and ground types ##
A type which inherits `TypeProxy` is a proxy for another type accessible using
the `underlying` method, other types are called _ground_ types and inherit
`CachedGroundType` or `UncachedGroundType`.

Type -+- ProxyType --+- NamedType ----+--- TypeRef
      |              |                 \
      |              +- SingletonType-+-+- TermRef
      |              |                |
      |              |                +--- ThisType
      |              |                +--- SuperType
      |              |                +--- ConstantType
      |              |                +--- MethodParam
      |              |                +--- RefinedThis
      |              +- PolyParam
      |              +- RefinedType
      |              +- TypeBounds
      |              +- ExprType
      |              +- AnnotatedType
      |              +- TypeVar
      +- GroundType -+- AndType
                     +- OrType
                     +- MethodType -----+- ImplicitMethodType
                     |                  +- JavaMethodType
                     +- PolyType
                     +- ClassInfo
                     +- NoType
                     +- NoPrefix
                     +- ErrorType
                     +- WildcardType


## Representations of types ##
 Type                      | Representation
 ------------------------- | -----------------------------
 `p.x.type`                | `TermRef(p, x)`
 `p#T`                     | `TypeRef(p, T)`
 `p.x.T` == `p.x.type#T`   | `TypeRef(TermRef(p, x), T)`
 `this.type`               | `ThisType`
 `A & B`                   | `AndType(A, B)`
 `A | B`                   | `OrType(A, B)`
 `=> T`                    | `ExprType(T)`
 `p { refinedName }`       | `RefinedType(p, refinedName)`
 type of the value `super` | `SuperType`
 `type T >: A <: B`        | `TypeRef` with underlying type `RealTypeBounds(A, B)`
 `type T = A`              | `TypeRef` with underlying type `TypeAlias(A)`
 `class p.C ...`           | `ClassInfo(p, C, ...)`

### Representation of methods ###
def f[A, B <: Ord[A]](x: A, y: B): Unit
is represented as:

val p = PolyType(List("A", "B"))(
  List(TypeBounds(Nothing, Any),
           scala$math$Ordering$$T, TypeAlias(PolyParam(p, 0))))),

val m = MethodType(List("x", "y"),
  List(PolyParam(p, 0), PolyParam(p, 1)))(Unit)
(This is a slightly simplified version, e.g. we write `Unit` instead of

Note that a PolyParam refers to a type parameter using its index (here A is 0
and B is 1).

## Subtyping checks ##
`topLevelSubType(tp1, tp2)` in [dotty/tools/dotc/core/TypeComparer.scala][4]
checks if `tp1` is a subtype of `tp2`.

### Type rebasing ###
**FIXME**: This section is no longer accurate because
https://github.com/lampepfl/dotty/pull/331 changed the handling of refined

Consider [tests/pos/refinedSubtyping.scala][5]
class Test {

  class C { type T; type Coll }

  type T1 = C { type T = Int }

  type T11 = T1 { type Coll = Set[Int] }

  type T2 = C { type Coll = Set[T] }

  type T22 = T2 { type T = Int }

  var x: T11 = _
  var y: T22 = _

  x = y
  y = x

We want to do the subtyping checks recursively, since it would be nice if we
could check if `T22 <: T11` by first checking if `T2 <: T1`. To achieve this
recursive subtyping check, we remember that `T2#T` is really `T22#T`. This
procedure is called rebasing and is done by storing refined names in
`pendingRefinedBases` and looking them up using `rebase`.

## Type caching ##

## Type inference via constraint solving ##

[1]: https://github.com/lampepfl/dotty/blob/master/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/Types.scala
[2]: https://github.com/samuelgruetter/dotty/blob/classdiagrampdf/dotty-types.pdf
[3]: https://github.com/samuelgruetter/scaladiagrams/tree/print-descendants
[4]: https://github.com/lampepfl/dotty/blob/master/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/TypeComparer.scala
[5]: https://github.com/lampepfl/dotty/blob/master/tests/pos/refinedSubtyping.scala