path: root/library/src/dotty/DottyPredef.scala
blob: c7cf2a9061f5bbbe74da12d558bbf7d4cee202a9 (plain) (tree)




package dotty

import scala.reflect.runtime.universe.TypeTag
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
import scala.Predef.???
import scala.collection.Seq

/** unimplemented implicit for TypeTag */
object DottyPredef {
  implicit def typeTag[T]: TypeTag[T] = ???

  /** A fall-back implicit to compare values of any types.
   *  The compiler will restrict implicit instances of `eqAny`. An instance
   *  `eqAny[T, U]` is _valid_ if `T <: U` or `U <: T` or both `T` and `U` are
   *  Eq-free. A type `S` is Eq-free if there is no implicit instance of `Eq[S, S]`.
   *  An implicit search will fail instead of returning an invalid `eqAny` instance.
  implicit def eqAny[L, R]: Eq[L, R] = Eq

  implicit def eqNumber   : Eq[Number, Number] = Eq
  implicit def eqString   : Eq[String, String] = Eq

  // true asymmetry, modeling the (somewhat problematic) nature of equals on Proxies
  implicit def eqProxy    : Eq[Proxy, Any]     = Eq

  implicit def eqSeq[T, U](implicit eq: Eq[T, U]): Eq[Seq[T], Seq[U]] = Eq

  implicit def eqByteNum  : Eq[Byte, Number]   = Eq
  implicit def eqNumByte  : Eq[Number, Byte]   = Eq
  implicit def eqCharNum  : Eq[Char, Number]   = Eq
  implicit def eqNumChar  : Eq[Number, Char]   = Eq
  implicit def eqShortNum : Eq[Short, Number]  = Eq
  implicit def eqNumShort : Eq[Number, Short]  = Eq
  implicit def eqIntNum   : Eq[Int, Number]    = Eq
  implicit def eqNumInt   : Eq[Number, Int]    = Eq
  implicit def eqLongNum  : Eq[Long, Number]   = Eq
  implicit def eqNumLong  : Eq[Number, Long]   = Eq
  implicit def eqFloatNum : Eq[Float, Number]  = Eq
  implicit def eqNumFloat : Eq[Number, Float]  = Eq
  implicit def eqDoubleNum: Eq[Double, Number] = Eq
  implicit def eqNumDouble: Eq[Number, Double] = Eq