path: root/project/scripts/genDocs
blob: a657a06f32d3e2fc309fe514ed9d3c43519500b2 (plain) (tree)



#!/usr/bin/env bash

# Usage: ./genDocs <test variable> <dotty-bot password>

set -e
# set extended glob, needed for rm everything but x
shopt -s extglob

if [ "$1" = "test" ]; then

    # make sure that BOT_PASS is set
    if [ -z ${2+x} ]; then
        echo "BOT_PASS unset, unable to push without password" 1>&2
        exit 1

    echo "Working directory: $PWD"

    # this command will generate docs in $PWD/docs/_site
    sbt -J-Xmx4096m \
        -J-XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=512m \
        -J-XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=1024m \
        -Ddotty.drone.mem=4096m \
        -ivy /var/cache/drone/ivy2 \

    # make sure that the previous command actually succeeded
    if [ ! -d "$PWD/docs/_site" ]; then
        echo "Output directory did not exist: $PWD/docs/_site" 1>&2
        exit 1

    # save current head for commit message in gh-pages
    GIT_HEAD=$(git rev-parse HEAD)

    # check out correct branch
    git fetch origin gh-pages:gh-pages
    git checkout gh-pages

    # move newly generated _site dir to $PWD
    mv $PWD/docs/_site .

    # remove everything BUT _site dir
    rm -rf !(_site)

    # copy new contents to $PWD
    mv _site/* .

    # remove now empty _site dir
    rm -rf _site

    # set github credentials
    git config user.name "dotty-bot"
    git config user.email "felix.mulder@epfl.ch"

    # add all contents of $PWD to commit
    git add -A
    git commit -m "Update gh-pages site for $GIT_HEAD" || true

    # push using dotty-bot to origin
    git push https://dotty-bot:$BOT_PASS@github.com/lampepfl/dotty.git || true
    # wrong parameter passed, should only generate docs if argument is "test"
    # to avoid multiple site gens
    echo "Not generating docs for $1"