path: root/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/Periods.scala
blob: 2a38acd15bb8359f2911f143df230f3efad369ac (plain) (tree)




















package dotty.tools.dotc.core

import Contexts._

/** Periods are the central "clock" of the compiler.
 *  A period consists of a run id and a phase id.
 *  run ids represent compiler runs
 *  phase ids represent compiler phases
abstract class Periods extends DotClass { self: Context =>
  import Periods._

  /** The current phase identifier */
  def phaseId: Int = period.phaseId

  /** The current run identifier */
  def runId: Int = period.runId

  /** Execute `op` at given period */
  def atPeriod[T](pd: Period)(op: Context => T): T =

  /** Execute `op` at given phase id */
  def atPhase[T](pid: PhaseId)(op: Context => T): T =

  /** The period containing the current period where denotations do not change.
   *  We compute this by taking as first phase the first phase less or equal to
   *  the current phase that has the same "nextTransformer". As last phase
   *  we take the phaseId of the nextTransformer - 1. This has the advantage that
   *  it works even if no transformer is installed other than the sentinel
   *  NoTransformer, which is always installed automatically.
  def stablePeriod = {
    var first = phaseId
    val transformers = base.symTransformers
    val nxTrans = transformers.nextTransformer(first)
    while (first - 1 > NoPhaseId &&
           (transformers.nextTransformer(first - 1) eq nxTrans)) {
      first -= 1
    Period(runId, first, nxTrans.phaseId - 1)

object Periods {

  /** A period is a contiguous sequence of phase ids in some run.
   *  It is coded as follows:
   *     sign, always 0        1 bit
   *     runid                21 bits
   *     last phase id:        5 bits
   *     #phases before last:  5 bits
  class Period(val code: Int) extends AnyVal {

    /** The run identifier of this period. */
    def runId: RunId = code >>> (PhaseWidth * 2)

    /** The phase identifier of this single-phase period. */
    def phaseId: PhaseId = (code >>> PhaseWidth) & PhaseMask

    /** The last phase of this period */
    def lastPhaseId: PhaseId =
      (code >>> PhaseWidth) & PhaseMask

    /** The first phase of this period */
    def firstPhaseId = lastPhaseId - (code & PhaseMask)

    /** Does this period contain given period? */
    def contains(that: Period): Boolean = {
      // Let    this = (r1, l1, d1), that = (r2, l2, d2)
      // where  r = runid, l = last phase, d = duration - 1
      // Then seen as intervals:
      //  this = r1 / (l1 - d1) .. l1
      //  that = r2 / (l2 - d2) .. l2
      // Let's compute:
      //  lastDiff = X * 2^5 + (l1 - l2) mod 2^5
      //             where X >= 0, X == 0 iff r1 == r2 & l1 - l2 >= 0
      //  result = lastDiff + d2 <= d1
      //  We have:
      //      lastDiff + d2 <= d1
      //  iff X == 0 && l1 - l2 >= 0 && l1 - l2 + d2 <= d1
      //  iff r1 == r2 & l1 >= l2 && l1 - d1 <= l2 - d2
      //  q.e.d
      val lastDiff = (code - that.code) >>> PhaseWidth
      lastDiff + (that.code & PhaseMask ) <= (this.code & PhaseMask)

    /** Does this period overlap with given period? */
    def overlaps(that: Period): Boolean =
      this.runId == that.runId &&
      this.firstPhaseId <= that.lastPhaseId &&
      that.firstPhaseId <= this.lastPhaseId

    /** The intersection of two periods */
    def & (that: Period): Period =
      if (this overlaps that)
          this.firstPhaseId max that.firstPhaseId,
          this.lastPhaseId min that.lastPhaseId)

    override def toString = s"Period($firstPhaseId..$lastPhaseId, run = $runId)"

  object Period {

    /** The single-phase period consisting of given run id and phase id */
    def apply(rid: RunId, pid: PhaseId): Period =
      new Period(((rid << PhaseWidth) | pid) << PhaseWidth)

    /** The period consisting of given run id, and lo/hi phase ids */
    def apply(rid: RunId, loPid: PhaseId, hiPid: PhaseId): Period =
      new Period(((rid << PhaseWidth) | hiPid) << PhaseWidth | (hiPid - loPid))

    /** The interval consisting of all periods of given run id */
    def allInRun(rid: RunId) =
      apply(rid, 0, PhaseMask)


  final val Nowhere = new Period(0)

  final val InitialPeriod = Period(InitialRunId, FirstPhaseId)

  /** An ordinal number for compiler runs. First run has number 1. */
  type RunId = Int
  final val NoRunId = 0
  final val InitialRunId = 1

  /** An ordinal number for phases. First phase has number 1. */
  type PhaseId = Int
  final val NoPhaseId = 0
  final val FirstPhaseId = 1

  /** The number of bits needed to encode a phase identifier. */
  final val PhaseWidth = 5
  final val PhaseMask = (1 << PhaseWidth) - 1
  final val MaxPossiblePhaseId = PhaseMask