path: root/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/TypeApplications.scala
blob: 17573466f496baeaa0a8b8e669ea1d83720b3e6c (plain) (tree)











































































































package dotty.tools.dotc
package core

import Types._
import Contexts._
import Symbols._
import SymDenotations.TypeParamsCompleter
import Decorators._
import util.Stats._
import util.common._
import Names._
import NameOps._
import Flags._
import StdNames.tpnme
import typer.Mode
import util.Positions.Position
import config.Printers._
import collection.mutable
import java.util.NoSuchElementException

object TypeApplications {

  /** Assert type is not a TypeBounds instance and return it unchanged */
  val noBounds = (tp: Type) => tp match {
    case tp: TypeBounds => throw new AssertionError("no TypeBounds allowed")
    case _ => tp

  /** If `tp` is a TypeBounds instance return its lower bound else return `tp` */
  val boundsToLo = (tp: Type) => tp match {
    case tp: TypeBounds => tp.lo
    case _ => tp

  /** If `tp` is a TypeBounds instance return its upper bound else return `tp` */
  val boundsToHi = (tp: Type) => tp match {
    case tp: TypeBounds => tp.hi
    case _ => tp

  /** Does the variance of `sym1` conform to the variance of `sym2`?
   *  This is the case if the variances are the same or `sym` is nonvariant.
  def varianceConforms(sym1: TypeSymbol, sym2: TypeSymbol)(implicit ctx: Context) =
    sym1.variance == sym2.variance || sym2.variance == 0

  def variancesConform(syms1: List[TypeSymbol], syms2: List[TypeSymbol])(implicit ctx: Context) =

  /** Extractor for
   *    [v1 X1: B1, ..., vn Xn: Bn] -> T
   *    ==>
   *    Lambda$_v1...vn { type $hk_i: B_i, type $Apply = [X_i := this.$Arg_i] T }
  object TypeLambda {
    def apply(variances: List[Int],
              argBoundsFns: List[RefinedType => TypeBounds],
              bodyFn: RefinedType => Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = {
      def argRefinements(parent: Type, i: Int, bs: List[RefinedType => TypeBounds]): Type = bs match {
        case b :: bs1 =>
          argRefinements(RefinedType(parent, tpnme.hkArg(i), b), i + 1, bs1)
        case nil =>
      assert(argBoundsFns.length == variances.length)
        argRefinements(defn.LambdaTrait(variances).typeRef, 0, argBoundsFns),
        tpnme.hkApply, bodyFn(_).bounds.withVariance(1))

    def unapply(tp: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[(List[Int], List[TypeBounds], Type)] = tp match {
      case app @ RefinedType(parent, tpnme.hkApply) =>
        val cls = parent.typeSymbol
        val variances = cls.typeParams.map(_.variance)
        def collectBounds(t: Type, acc: List[TypeBounds]): List[TypeBounds] = t match {
          case t @ RefinedType(p, rname) =>
            collectBounds(p, t.refinedInfo.bounds :: acc)
          case TypeRef(_, lname) =>
        val argBounds = collectBounds(parent, Nil)
        Some((variances, argBounds, app.refinedInfo.argInfo))
      case _ =>

  /** Extractor for
   *    [v1 X1: B1, ..., vn Xn: Bn] -> C[X1, ..., Xn]
   *  where v1, ..., vn and B1, ..., Bn are the variances and bounds of the type parameters
   *  of the class C.
   *  @param tycon     C
  object EtaExpansion {
    def apply(tycon: TypeRef)(implicit ctx: Context) = {

    def unapply(tp: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[TypeRef] = {
      def argsAreForwarders(args: List[Type], n: Int): Boolean = args match {
        case Nil =>
          n == 0
        case TypeRef(RefinedThis(rt), sel) :: args1 =>
          rt.eq(tp) && sel == tpnme.hkArg(n - 1) && argsAreForwarders(args1, n - 1)
        case _ =>
      tp match {
        case TypeLambda(_, argBounds, AppliedType(fn: TypeRef, args))
        if argsAreForwarders(args, tp.typeParams.length) => Some(fn)
        case _ => None

  /** Extractor for type application T[U_1, ..., U_n]. This is the refined type
   *     T { type p_1 v_1= U_1; ...; type p_n v_n= U_n }
   *  where v_i, p_i are the variances and names of the type parameters of T,
   *  If `T`'s class symbol is a lambda trait, follow the refined type with a
   *  projection
   *      T { ... } # $Apply
  object AppliedType {
    def apply(tp: Type, args: List[Type])(implicit ctx: Context): Type = tp.appliedTo(args)

    def unapply(tp: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[(Type, List[Type])] = tp match {
      case TypeRef(prefix, tpnme.hkApply) => unapp(prefix)
      case _ =>
        unapp(tp) match {
          case Some((tycon: TypeRef, _)) if tycon.symbol.isLambdaTrait =>
            // We are seeing part of a lambda abstraction, not an applied type
          case x => x

    private def unapp(tp: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[(Type, List[Type])] = tp match {
      case _: RefinedType =>
        val tparams = tp.classSymbol.typeParams
        if (tparams.isEmpty) None
        else {
          val argBuf = new mutable.ListBuffer[Type]
          def stripArgs(tp: Type, n: Int): Type =
            if (n == 0) tp
            else tp match {
              case tp @ RefinedType(parent, pname) if pname == tparams(n - 1).name =>
                val res = stripArgs(parent, n - 1)
                if (res.exists) argBuf += tp.refinedInfo.argInfo
              case _ =>
          val res = stripArgs(tp, tparams.length)
          if (res.exists) Some((res, argBuf.toList)) else None
      case _ => None

   /** Adapt all arguments to possible higher-kinded type parameters using etaExpandIfHK
  def etaExpandIfHK(tparams: List[Symbol], args: List[Type])(implicit ctx: Context): List[Type] =
    if (tparams.isEmpty) args
    else args.zipWithConserve(tparams)((arg, tparam) => arg.etaExpandIfHK(tparam.infoOrCompleter))

  /** The references `<rt>.this.$hk0, ..., <rt>.this.$hk<n-1>`. */
  def argRefs(rt: RefinedType, n: Int)(implicit ctx: Context) =
    List.range(0, n).map(i => RefinedThis(rt).select(tpnme.hkArg(i)))

  /** Merge `tp1` and `tp2` under a common lambda, combining them with `op`.
   *  @param tparams1   The type parameters of `tp1`
   *  @param tparams2   The type parameters of `tp2`
   *  @pre tparams1.length == tparams2.length
   *  Produces the type lambda
   *     [v1 X1 B1, ..., vn Xn Bn] -> op(tp1[X1, ..., Xn], tp2[X1, ..., Xn])
   *  where
   *   - variances `vi` are the variances of corresponding type parameters for `tp1`
   *     or `tp2`, or are 0 of the latter disagree.
   *   - bounds `Bi` are the intersection of the corresponding type parameter bounds
   *     of `tp1` and `tp2`.
  def hkCombine(tp1: Type, tp2: Type,
      tparams1: List[TypeSymbol], tparams2: List[TypeSymbol], op: (Type, Type) => Type)
      (implicit ctx: Context): Type = {
    val variances = (tparams1, tparams2).zipped.map { (tparam1, tparam2) =>
      val v1 = tparam1.variance
      val v2 = tparam2.variance
      if (v1 == v2) v1 else 0
    val bounds: List[RefinedType => TypeBounds] =
      (tparams1, tparams2).zipped.map { (tparam1, tparam2) =>
        val b1: RefinedType => TypeBounds =
        val b2: RefinedType => TypeBounds =
        (rt: RefinedType) => b1(rt) & b2(rt)
    val app1: RefinedType => Type = rt => tp1.appliedTo(argRefs(rt, tparams1.length))
    val app2: RefinedType => Type = rt => tp2.appliedTo(argRefs(rt, tparams2.length))
    val body: RefinedType => Type = rt => op(app1(rt), app2(rt))
    TypeLambda(variances, bounds, body)

import TypeApplications._

/** A decorator that provides methods for modeling type application */
class TypeApplications(val self: Type) extends AnyVal {

  /** The type parameters of this type are:
   *  For a ClassInfo type, the type parameters of its class.
   *  For a typeref referring to a class, the type parameters of the class.
   *  For a typeref referring to a Lambda class, the type parameters of
   *    its right hand side or upper bound.
   *  For a refinement type, the type parameters of its parent, dropping
   *  any type parameter that is-rebound by the refinement. "Re-bind" means:
   *  The refinement contains a TypeAlias for the type parameter, or
   *  it introduces bounds for the type parameter, and we are not in the
   *  special case of a type Lambda, where a LambdaTrait gets refined
   *  with the bounds on its hk args. See `LambdaAbstract`, where these
   *  types get introduced, and see `isBoundedLambda` below for the test.
  final def typeParams(implicit ctx: Context): List[TypeSymbol] = /*>|>*/ track("typeParams") /*<|<*/ {
    self match {
      case self: ClassInfo =>
      case self: TypeRef =>
        val tsym = self.symbol
        if (tsym.isClass) tsym.typeParams
        else tsym.infoOrCompleter match {
          case completer: TypeParamsCompleter =>
            val tparams = completer.completerTypeParams(tsym)
          case _ =>
            if (!tsym.isCompleting || tsym.isAliasType) tsym.info.typeParams
              // We are facing a problem when computing the type parameters of an uncompleted
              // abstract type. We can't access the bounds of the symbol yet because that
              // would cause a cause a cyclic reference. So we return `Nil` instead
              // and try to make up for it later. The acrobatics in Scala2Unpicker#readType
              // for reading a TypeRef show what's needed.
      case self: RefinedType =>
        // inlined and optimized version of
        //   val sym = self.LambdaTrait
        //   if (sym.exists) return sym.typeParams
        if (self.refinedName == tpnme.hkApply) {
          val sym = self.parent.classSymbol
          if (sym.isLambdaTrait) return sym.typeParams
        self.parent.typeParams.filterNot(_.name == self.refinedName)
      case self: SingletonType =>
      case self: TypeProxy =>
      case _ =>

  /** The named type parameters declared or inherited by this type.
   *  These are all uninstantiated named type parameters of this type or one
   *  of its base types.
  final def namedTypeParams(implicit ctx: Context): Set[TypeSymbol] = self match {
    case self: ClassInfo =>
    case self: RefinedType =>
      self.parent.namedTypeParams.filterNot(_.name == self.refinedName)
    case self: SingletonType =>
    case self: TypeProxy =>
    case _ =>

  /** The smallest supertype of this type that instantiated none of the named type parameters
   *  in `params`. That is, for each named type parameter `p` in `params`, either there is
   *  no type field named `p` in this type, or `p` is a named type parameter of this type.
   *  The first case is important for the recursive case of AndTypes, because some of their operands might
   *  be missing the named parameter altogether, but the AndType as a whole can still
   *  contain it.
  final def widenToNamedTypeParams(params: Set[TypeSymbol])(implicit ctx: Context): Type = {

    /** Is widening not needed for `tp`? */
    def isOK(tp: Type) = {
      val ownParams = tp.namedTypeParams
      def isMissingOrOpen(param: TypeSymbol) = {
        val ownParam = tp.nonPrivateMember(param.name).symbol
        !ownParam.exists || ownParams.contains(ownParam.asType)

    /** Widen type by forming the intersection of its widened parents */
    def widenToParents(tp: Type) = {
      val parents = tp.parents.map(p =>
      parents.reduceLeft(ctx.typeComparer.andType(_, _))

    if (isOK(self)) self
    else self match {
      case self @ AppliedType(tycon, args) if !isOK(tycon) =>
      case self: TypeRef if self.symbol.isClass =>
      case self: RefinedType =>
        val parent1 = self.parent.widenToNamedTypeParams(params)
        if (params.exists(_.name == self.refinedName)) parent1
        else self.derivedRefinedType(parent1, self.refinedName, self.refinedInfo)
      case self: TypeProxy =>
      case self: AndOrType =>
          self.tp1.widenToNamedTypeParams(params), self.tp2.widenToNamedTypeParams(params))

  /** The Lambda trait underlying a type lambda */
  def LambdaTrait(implicit ctx: Context): Symbol = self.stripTypeVar match {
    case RefinedType(parent, tpnme.hkApply) =>
      val sym = self.classSymbol
      if (sym.isLambdaTrait) sym else NoSymbol
    case TypeBounds(lo, hi) => hi.LambdaTrait
    case _ => NoSymbol

  /** Is receiver type higher-kinded (i.e. of kind != "*")? */
  def isHK(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean = self.dealias match {
    case self: TypeRef => self.info.isHK
    case RefinedType(_, name) => name == tpnme.hkApply
    case TypeBounds(_, hi) => hi.isHK
    case _ => false

  /** is receiver of the form T#$Apply? */
  def isHKApply: Boolean = self match {
    case TypeRef(_, name) => name == tpnme.hkApply
    case _ => false

  /** True if it can be determined without forcing that the class symbol
   *  of this application exists and is not a lambda trait.
   *  Equivalent to
   *    self.classSymbol.exists && !self.classSymbol.isLambdaTrait
   *  but without forcing anything.
  def classNotLambda(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean = self.stripTypeVar match {
    case self: RefinedType =>
    case self: TypeRef =>
      self.denot.exists && {
        val sym = self.symbol
        if (sym.isClass) !sym.isLambdaTrait
        else sym.isCompleted && self.info.isAlias && self.info.bounds.hi.classNotLambda
    case _ =>

  /** Replace references to type parameters with references to hk arguments `this.$hk_i`
   * Care is needed not to cause cyclic reference errors, hence `SafeSubstMap`.
  private[TypeApplications] def internalizeFrom[T <: Type](tparams: List[Symbol])(implicit ctx: Context): RefinedType => T =
    (rt: RefinedType) =>
      new ctx.SafeSubstMap(tparams , argRefs(rt, tparams.length))

  /** Lambda abstract `self` with given type parameters. Examples:
   *      type T[X] = U        becomes    type T = [X] -> U
   *      type T[X] >: L <: U  becomes    type T >: L <: ([X] -> _ <: U)
  def LambdaAbstract(tparams: List[Symbol])(implicit ctx: Context): Type = {

    /** Replace references to type parameters with references to hk arguments `this.$hk_i`
     * Care is needed not to cause cycles, hence `SafeSubstMap`.
    def internalize[T <: Type](tp: T) =
      (rt: RefinedType) =>
        new ctx.SafeSubstMap(tparams, argRefs(rt, tparams.length))

    def expand(tp: Type) = {
        tparams.map(tparam => internalize(self.memberInfo(tparam).bounds)),
    self match {
      case self: TypeAlias =>
      case self @ TypeBounds(lo, hi) =>
        self.derivedTypeBounds(lo, expand(TypeBounds.upper(hi)))
      case _ => expand(self)

  /** A type ref is eta expandable if it refers to a non-lambda class.
   *  In that case we can look for parameterized base types of the type
   *  to eta expand them.
  def isEtaExpandable(implicit ctx: Context) = self match {
    case self: TypeRef => self.symbol.isClass && !self.name.isLambdaTraitName
    case _ => false

  /** Convert a type constructor `TC` which has type parameters `T1, ..., Tn`
   *  in a context where type parameters `U1,...,Un` are expected to
   *     LambdaXYZ { Apply = TC[hk$0, ..., hk$n] }
   *  Here, XYZ corresponds to the variances of
   *   - `U1,...,Un` if the variances of `T1,...,Tn` are pairwise compatible with `U1,...,Un`,
   *   - `T1,...,Tn` otherwise.
   *  v1 is compatible with v2, if v1 = v2 or v2 is non-variant.
  def EtaExpand(tparams: List[TypeSymbol])(implicit ctx: Context): Type = {
    val tparamsToUse = if (variancesConform(typeParams, tparams)) tparams else typeParams
    self.appliedTo(tparams map (_.typeRef)).LambdaAbstract(tparamsToUse)
      //.ensuring(res => res.EtaReduce =:= self, s"res = $res, core = ${res.EtaReduce}, self = $self, hc = ${res.hashCode}")

  /** Eta expand the prefix in front of any refinements. */
  def EtaExpandCore(implicit ctx: Context): Type = self.stripTypeVar match {
    case self: RefinedType =>
      self.derivedRefinedType(self.parent.EtaExpandCore, self.refinedName, self.refinedInfo)
    case _ =>

  /** Eta expand if `self` is a (non-lambda) class reference and `bound` is a higher-kinded type */
  def etaExpandIfHK(bound: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = {
    val boundLambda = bound.LambdaTrait
    val hkParams = boundLambda.typeParams
    if (hkParams.isEmpty) self
    else self match {
      case self: TypeRef if self.symbol.isClass && self.typeParams.length == hkParams.length =>
      case _ => self

  /** If argument A and type parameter P are higher-kinded, adapt the variances
   *  of A to those of P, ensuring that the variances of the type lambda A
   *  agree with the variances of corresponding higher-kinded type parameters of P. Example:
   *     class GenericCompanion[+CC[X]]
   *     GenericCompanion[List]
   *  with adaptHkVariances, the argument `List` will expand to
   *     [X] => List[X]
   *  instead of
   *     [+X] => List[X]
   *  even though `List` is covariant. This adaptation is necessary to ignore conflicting
   *  variances in overriding members that have types of hk-type parameters such as
   *  `GenericCompanion[GenTraversable]` or `GenericCompanion[ListBuffer]`.
   *  When checking overriding, we need to validate the subtype relationship
   *      GenericCompanion[[X] -> ListBuffer[X]] <: GenericCompanion[[+X] -> GenTraversable[X]]
   *   Without adaptation, this would be false, and hence an overriding error would
   *   result. But with adaptation, the rhs argument will be adapted to
   *     [X] -> GenTraversable[X]
   *   which makes the subtype test succeed. The crucial point here is that, since
   *   GenericCompanion only expects a non-variant CC, the fact that GenTraversable
   *   is covariant is irrelevant, so can be ignored.
  def adaptHkVariances(bound: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = {
    val boundLambda = bound.LambdaTrait
    val hkParams = boundLambda.typeParams
    if (hkParams.isEmpty) self
    else {
      def adaptArg(arg: Type): Type = arg match {
        case arg: TypeRef if arg.symbol.isLambdaTrait &&
          !arg.symbol.typeParams.corresponds(hkParams)(_.variance == _.variance) &&
          arg.symbol.typeParams.corresponds(hkParams)(varianceConforms) =>
        case arg: RefinedType =>
          arg.derivedRefinedType(adaptArg(arg.parent), arg.refinedName, arg.refinedInfo)
        case arg @ TypeAlias(alias) =>
        case arg @ TypeBounds(lo, hi) =>
          arg.derivedTypeBounds(lo, adaptArg(hi))
        case _ =>

  /** Encode
   *     T[U1, ..., Un]
   *  where
   *  @param  self   = `T`
   *  @param  args   = `U1,...,Un`
   *  performing the following simplifications
   *  1. If `T` is an eta expansion `[X1,..,Xn] -> C[X1,...,Xn]` of class `C` compute
   *     `C[U1, ..., Un]` instead.
   *  2. If `T` is some other type lambda `[X1,...,Xn] -> S` none of the arguments
   *     `U1,...,Un` is a wildcard, compute `[X1:=U1, ..., Xn:=Un]S` instead.
   *  3. If `T` is a polytype, instantiate it to `U1,...,Un`.
  final def appliedTo(args: List[Type])(implicit ctx: Context): Type = /*>|>*/ track("appliedTo") /*<|<*/ {
    def substHkArgs = new TypeMap {
      def apply(tp: Type): Type = tp match {
        case TypeRef(RefinedThis(rt), name) if rt.eq(self) && name.isHkArgName =>
        case _ =>
    if (args.isEmpty || ctx.erasedTypes) self
    else self.stripTypeVar match {
      case EtaExpansion(self1) =>
      case TypeLambda(_, _, body) if !args.exists(_.isInstanceOf[TypeBounds]) =>
      case self: PolyType =>
      case _ =>
        appliedTo(args, typeParams)

  /** Encode application `T[U1, ..., Un]` without simplifications, where
   *  @param self     = `T`
   *  @param args     = `U1, ..., Un`
   *  @param tparams  are assumed to be the type parameters of `T`.
  final def appliedTo(args: List[Type], typParams: List[TypeSymbol])(implicit ctx: Context): Type = {
    def matchParams(t: Type, tparams: List[TypeSymbol], args: List[Type])(implicit ctx: Context): Type = args match {
      case arg :: args1 =>
        try {
          val tparam :: tparams1 = tparams
          matchParams(RefinedType(t, tparam.name, arg.toBounds(tparam)), tparams1, args1)
        } catch {
          case ex: MatchError =>
            println(s"applied type mismatch: $self $args, typeParams = $typParams") // !!! DEBUG
            //println(s"precomplete decls = ${self.typeSymbol.unforcedDecls.toList.map(_.denot).mkString("\n  ")}")
            throw ex
      case nil => t
    matchParams(self, typParams, args) match {
      case refined @ RefinedType(_, pname) if pname.isHkArgName =>
        TypeRef(refined, tpnme.hkApply)
      case refined =>

  final def appliedTo(arg: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = appliedTo(arg :: Nil)
  final def appliedTo(arg1: Type, arg2: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = appliedTo(arg1 :: arg2 :: Nil)

  /** A cycle-safe version of `appliedTo` where computing type parameters do not force
   *  the typeconstructor. Instead, if the type constructor is completing, we make
   *  up hk type parameters matching the arguments. This is needed when unpickling
   *  Scala2 files such as `scala.collection.generic.Mapfactory`.
  final def safeAppliedTo(args: List[Type])(implicit ctx: Context) = {
    val safeTypeParams = self match {
      case self: TypeRef if !self.symbol.isClass && self.symbol.isCompleting =>
        // This happens when unpickling e.g. scala$collection$generic$GenMapFactory$$CC
        ctx.warning(i"encountered F-bounded higher-kinded type parameters for ${self.symbol}; assuming they are invariant")
        defn.LambdaTrait(args map alwaysZero).typeParams
      case _ =>
    appliedTo(args, safeTypeParams)

  /** Turn this type, which is used as an argument for
   *  type parameter `tparam`, into a TypeBounds RHS
  final def toBounds(tparam: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): TypeBounds = self match {
    case self: TypeBounds => // this can happen for wildcard args
    case _ =>
      val v = tparam.variance
      /* Not neeeded.
      if (v > 0 && !(tparam is Local) && !(tparam is ExpandedTypeParam)) TypeBounds.upper(self)
      else if (v < 0 && !(tparam is Local) && !(tparam is ExpandedTypeParam)) TypeBounds.lower(self)
      TypeAlias(self, v)

  /** The type arguments of this type's base type instance wrt. `base`.
   *  Existential types in arguments are returned as TypeBounds instances.
  final def baseArgInfos(base: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): List[Type] =
    if (self derivesFrom base)
      base.typeParams map (param => self.member(param.name).info.argInfo)

  /** The type arguments of this type's base type instance wrt.`base`.
   *  Existential types in arguments are disallowed.
  final def baseArgTypes(base: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): List[Type] =
    baseArgInfos(base) mapConserve noBounds

  /** The type arguments of this type's base type instance wrt.`base`.
   *  Existential types in arguments are approximated by their lower bound.
  final def baseArgTypesLo(base: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): List[Type] =
    baseArgInfos(base) mapConserve boundsToLo

  /** The type arguments of this type's base type instance wrt.`base`.
   *  Existential types in arguments are approximated by their upper bound.
  final def baseArgTypesHi(base: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): List[Type] =
    baseArgInfos(base) mapConserve boundsToHi

  /** The first type argument of the base type instance wrt `base` of this type */
  final def firstBaseArgInfo(base: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = base.typeParams match {
    case param :: _ if self derivesFrom base =>
    case _ =>

  /** The base type including all type arguments and applicable refinements
   *  of this type. Refinements are applicable if they refine a member of
   *  the parent type which furthermore is not a name-mangled type parameter.
   *  Existential types in arguments are returned as TypeBounds instances.
  final def baseTypeWithArgs(base: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = ctx.traceIndented(s"btwa ${self.show} wrt $base", core, show = true) {
    def default = self.baseTypeRef(base).appliedTo(baseArgInfos(base))
    self match {
      case tp: TypeRef =>
        tp.info match {
          case TypeBounds(_, hi) => hi.baseTypeWithArgs(base)
          case _ => default
      case tp @ RefinedType(parent, name) if !tp.member(name).symbol.is(ExpandedTypeParam) =>
      case tp: TermRef =>
      case AndType(tp1, tp2) =>
        tp1.baseTypeWithArgs(base) & tp2.baseTypeWithArgs(base)
      case OrType(tp1, tp2) =>
        tp1.baseTypeWithArgs(base) | tp2.baseTypeWithArgs(base)
      case _ =>

  /** Translate a type of the form From[T] to To[T], keep other types as they are.
   *  `from` and `to` must be static classes, both with one type parameter, and the same variance.
   *  Do the same for by name types => From[T] and => To[T]
  def translateParameterized(from: ClassSymbol, to: ClassSymbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = self match {
    case self @ ExprType(tp) =>
      self.derivedExprType(tp.translateParameterized(from, to))
    case _ =>
      if (self.derivesFrom(from))
        if (ctx.erasedTypes) to.typeRef
        else RefinedType(to.typeRef, to.typeParams.head.name, self.member(from.typeParams.head.name).info)
      else self

  /** If this is repeated parameter type, its underlying Seq type,
   *  or, if isJava is true, Array type, else the type itself.
  def underlyingIfRepeated(isJava: Boolean)(implicit ctx: Context): Type =
    if (self.isRepeatedParam) {
      val seqClass = if (isJava) defn.ArrayClass else defn.SeqClass
      translateParameterized(defn.RepeatedParamClass, seqClass)
    else self

  /** If this is an encoding of a (partially) applied type, return its arguments,
   *  otherwise return Nil.
   *  Existential types in arguments are returned as TypeBounds instances.
  final def argInfos(implicit ctx: Context): List[Type] = self match {
    case AppliedType(tycon, args) => args
    case _ => Nil

  /** Argument types where existential types in arguments are disallowed */
  def argTypes(implicit ctx: Context) = argInfos mapConserve noBounds

  /** Argument types where existential types in arguments are approximated by their lower bound */
  def argTypesLo(implicit ctx: Context) = argInfos mapConserve boundsToLo

  /** Argument types where existential types in arguments are approximated by their upper bound  */
  def argTypesHi(implicit ctx: Context) = argInfos mapConserve boundsToHi

  /** The core type without any type arguments.
   *  @param `typeArgs` must be the type arguments of this type.
  final def withoutArgs(typeArgs: List[Type]): Type = typeArgs match {
    case _ :: typeArgs1 =>
      val RefinedType(tycon, _) = self
    case nil =>

  final def typeConstructor(implicit ctx: Context): Type = self.stripTypeVar match {
    case AppliedType(tycon, _) => tycon
    case self => self

  /** If this is the image of a type argument; recover the type argument,
   *  otherwise NoType.
  final def argInfo(implicit ctx: Context): Type = self match {
    case self: TypeAlias => self.alias
    case self: TypeBounds => self
    case _ => NoType

  /** If this is a type alias, its underlying type, otherwise the type itself */
  def dropAlias(implicit ctx: Context): Type = self match {
    case TypeAlias(alias) => alias
    case _ => self

  /** The element type of a sequence or array */
  def elemType(implicit ctx: Context): Type = self match {
    case defn.ArrayOf(elemtp) => elemtp
    case JavaArrayType(elemtp) => elemtp
    case _ => firstBaseArgInfo(defn.SeqClass)

  /** Does this type contain RefinedThis type with `target` as its underling
   *  refinement type?
  def containsRefinedThis(target: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean = {
    def recur(tp: Type): Boolean = tp.stripTypeVar match {
      case RefinedThis(tp) =>
        tp eq target
      case tp: NamedType =>
        if (tp.symbol.isClass) !tp.symbol.isStatic && recur(tp.prefix)
        else tp.info match {
          case TypeAlias(alias) => recur(alias)
          case _ => recur(tp.prefix)
      case tp: RefinedType =>
        recur(tp.refinedInfo) || recur(tp.parent)
      case tp: TypeBounds =>
        recur(tp.lo) || recur(tp.hi)
      case tp: AnnotatedType =>
      case tp: AndOrType =>
        recur(tp.tp1) || recur(tp.tp2)
      case _ =>