path: root/src/dotty/tools/dotc/printing/RefinedPrinter.scala
blob: 9a3baa03f2ba96623d3f72eefdefb8cd2b3cc15c (plain) (tree)








































package dotty.tools.dotc
package printing

import core._
import Texts._, Types._, Flags._, Names._, Symbols._, NameOps._, Constants._
import Contexts.Context, Scopes.Scope, Denotations.Denotation, Annotations.Annotation
import StdNames.nme
import ast.Trees._
import ast.untpd
import scala.annotation.switch

class RefinedPrinter(_ctx: Context) extends PlainPrinter(_ctx) {

  override protected def recursionLimitExceeeded() = {}

  protected val PrintableFlags = (ModifierFlags | Label | Module).toCommonFlags

  /** The closest enclosing DefDef, TypeDef, or ClassDef node */
  private var currentOwner: Tree[_ >: Untyped] = emptyTree()

  def atOwner(owner: Tree[_ >: Untyped])(op: => Text): Text = {
    val saved = owner
    currentOwner = owner
    try op
    finally { currentOwner = saved }

  private def ownerIsClass =
    currentOwner.isInstanceOf[ClassDef[_]] || currentOwner.isInstanceOf[untpd.ModuleDef]

  override def nameString(name: Name): String = name.decode.toString

  override protected def simpleNameString(sym: Symbol): String = {
    var name = sym.originalName
    if (sym is ModuleClass) name = name.stripModuleClassSuffix

  override def toTextPrefix(tp: Type): Text = controlled {
    tp match {
      case ThisType(cls) =>
        if (cls.isAnonymousClass) return "this."
        if (isOmittablePrefix(cls)) return ""
        if (cls is ModuleClass) return fullNameString(cls) + "."
      case tp @ TermRef(pre, name) =>
        val sym = tp.symbol
        if (sym.isPackageObject) return toTextPrefix(pre)
        if (isOmittablePrefix(sym)) return ""
      case _ =>

  override protected def refinementNameString(tp: RefinedType): String = {
    val tsym = tp.member(tp.refinedName).symbol
    val name = tsym.originalName
    nameString(if (tsym is ExpandedTypeParam) name.asTypeName.unexpandedName() else name)

  override def toText(tp: Type): Text = controlled {
    def toTextTuple(args: List[Type]): Text =
      "(" ~ toTextGlobal(args, ", ") ~ ")"
    def toTextFunction(args: List[Type]): Text =
      changePrec(GlobalPrec) {
        val argStr: Text =
          if (args.length == 2 && !(defn.TupleClasses contains args.head.typeSymbol))
            atPrec(InfixPrec) { toText(args.head) }
        argStr ~ " => " ~ toText(args.last)
    tp match {
      case tp: RefinedType =>
        val args = tp.typeArgs
        if (args.nonEmpty) {
          val tycon = tp.unrefine
          val cls = tycon.typeSymbol
          if (cls.typeParams.length == args.length) {
            if (cls == defn.RepeatedParamClass) return toTextLocal(args.head) ~ "*"
            if (cls == defn.ByNameParamClass) return "=> " ~ toText(args.head)
            if (defn.FunctionClasses contains cls) return toTextFunction(args)
            if (defn.TupleClasses contains cls) return toTextTuple(args)
          return (toTextLocal(tycon) ~ "[" ~ toTextGlobal(args, ", ") ~ "]").close
      case tp @ TypeRef(pre, name) =>
        if (tp.symbol is TypeParam) return nameString(tp.symbol)
      case _ =>

  override def toText[T >: Untyped](tree: Tree[T]): Text = {

    def optDotPrefix(name: Name) = optText(name)(_ ~ ".")

    def optAscription(tpt: Tree[T]) = optText(tpt)(": " ~ _)

    def tparamsText(params: List[Tree[T]]): Text =
      "[" ~ toText(params, ", ") ~ "]" provided params.nonEmpty

    def addVparamssText(txt: Text, vparamss: List[List[ValDef[T]]]): Text =
      (txt /: vparamss)((txt, vparams) => txt ~ "(" ~ toText(vparams, ", ") ~ ")")

    def blockText(trees: List[Tree[T]]): Text =
      "{" ~ toText(trees, "\n") ~ "}"

    def caseBlockText(tree: Tree[T]): Text = tree match {
      case Block(stats, expr) => toText(stats :+ expr, "\n")
      case expr => toText(expr)

    def forText(enums: List[Tree[T]], expr: Tree[T], sep: String): Text =
      changePrec(GlobalPrec) { "for " ~ toText(enums, "; ") ~ sep ~ toText(expr) }

    def cxBoundToText(bound: Tree[T]): Text = bound match {
      case AppliedTypeTree(tpt, _) => " : " ~ toText(tpt)
      case untpd.Function(_, tpt) => " <% " ~ toText(tpt)

    def constrText(tree: Tree[T]): Text = toTextLocal(tree).stripPrefix("new ")

    def annotText(tree: Tree[T]): Text = "@" ~ constrText(tree)

    def modText(mods: Modifiers[T], kw: String): Text = {
      val suppressKw = if (ownerIsClass) mods is ParamAndLocal else mods is Param
      val flagMask = if (suppressKw) PrintableFlags &~ Private else PrintableFlags
      val modsText: Text = (mods.flags & flagMask).toString
      Text(mods.annotations.map(annotText), " ") ~~ modsText ~~ (kw provided !suppressKw)

    import untpd._

    val txt: Text = tree match {
      case id: BackquotedIdent[_] =>
        "`" ~ toText(id.name) ~ "`"
      case Ident(name) =>
      case Select(qual, name) =>
        toTextLocal(qual) ~ ("." ~ toText(name) provided name != nme.CONSTRUCTOR)
      case This(name) =>
        optDotPrefix(name) ~ "this"
      case Super(This(name), mix) =>
        optDotPrefix(name) ~ "super" ~ optText(mix)("[" ~ _ ~ "]")
      case Apply(fun, args) =>
        toTextLocal(fun) ~ "(" ~ toTextGlobal(args, ", ") ~ ")"
      case TypeApply(fun, args) =>
        toTextLocal(fun) ~ "[" ~ toTextGlobal(args, ", ") ~ "]"
      case Literal(c) =>
      case New(tpt) =>
        "new " ~ toTextLocal(tpt)
      case Pair(l, r) =>
        "(" ~ toTextGlobal(l) ~ ", " ~ toTextGlobal(r) ~ ")"
      case Typed(l, tpt) =>
        changePrec(InfixPrec) { toText(l) ~ ": " ~ toText(tpt) }
      case NamedArg(name, arg) =>
        toText(name) ~ " = " ~ toText(arg)
      case Assign(lhs, rhs) =>
        changePrec(GlobalPrec) { toTextLocal(lhs) ~ " = " ~ toText(rhs) }
      case Block(stats, expr) =>
        blockText(stats :+ expr)
      case If(cond, thenp, elsep) =>
        changePrec(GlobalPrec) {
          "if " ~ toText(cond) ~ (" then" provided !cond.isInstanceOf[Parens]) ~~ toText(thenp) ~ optText(elsep)(" else " ~ _)
      case Closure(env, ref) =>
        if (env.isEmpty) toText(ref)
        else "closure<" ~ toTextGlobal(env, ", ") ~ " | " ~ toTextGlobal(ref) ~ ">"
      case Match(sel, cases) =>
        if (sel.isEmpty) blockText(cases)
        else changePrec(GlobalPrec) { toText(sel) ~ " match " ~ blockText(cases) }
      case CaseDef(pat, guard, body) =>
        "case " ~ toText(pat) ~ optText(guard)("if " ~ _) ~ " => " ~ caseBlockText(body)
      case Return(expr, from) =>
        changePrec(GlobalPrec) { "return " ~ optText(expr)(" " ~ _) }
      case Try(expr, handler, finalizer) =>
        changePrec(GlobalPrec) {
          "try " ~ toText(expr) ~ optText(handler)(" catch " ~ _) ~ optText(finalizer)(" finally " ~ _)
      case Throw(expr) =>
        changePrec(GlobalPrec) {
          "throw " ~ toText(expr)
      case SeqLiteral(elempt, elems) =>
        "[" ~ toTextGlobal(elems, ",") ~ "]"
      case TypeTree(orig) =>
        if (tree.hasType) toText(tree.typeOpt) else toText(orig)
      case SingletonTypeTree(ref) =>
        toTextLocal(ref) ~ ".type"
      case SelectFromTypeTree(qual, name) =>
        toTextLocal(qual) ~ "#" ~ toText(name)
      case AndTypeTree(l, r) =>
        changePrec(AndPrec) { toText(l) ~ " & " ~ toText(r) }
      case OrTypeTree(l, r) =>
        changePrec(OrPrec) { toText(l) ~ " | " ~ toText(r) }
      case RefinedTypeTree(tpt, refines) =>
        toTextLocal(tpt) ~ " " ~ blockText(refines)
      case AppliedTypeTree(tpt, args) =>
        toTextLocal(tpt) ~ "[" ~ toTextGlobal(args, ", ") ~ "]"
      case TypeBoundsTree(lo, hi) =>
        optText(lo)(" >: " ~ _) ~ optText(hi)(" <: " ~ _)
      case Bind(name, body) =>
        changePrec(InfixPrec) { toText(name) ~ " @ " ~ toText(body) }
      case Alternative(trees) =>
        changePrec(OrPrec) { toText(trees, " | ") }
      case UnApply(fun, args) =>
        toTextLocal(fun) ~ "(" ~ toTextGlobal(args, ", ") ~ ")"
      case ValDef(mods, name, tpt, rhs) =>
        modText(mods, if (mods is Mutable) "var" else "val") ~~ toText(name) ~
          optAscription(tpt) ~ optText(rhs)(" = " ~ _)
      case DefDef(mods, name, tparams, vparamss, tpt, rhs) =>
        atOwner(tree) {
          val first = modText(mods, "def") ~~ toText(name) ~ tparamsText(tparams)
          addVparamssText(first, vparamss) ~ optAscription(tpt) ~ optText(rhs)(" = " ~ _)
      case TypeDef(mods, name, tparams, rhs) =>
        atOwner(tree) {
          val rhsText = rhs match {
            case TypeBoundsTree(_, _) => toText(rhs)
            case _ => optText(rhs)(" = " ~ _)
          modText(mods, "type") ~~ toText(name) ~ tparamsText(tparams) ~ rhsText
      case Template(DefDef(mods, _, _, vparamss, _, _), parents, self, stats) =>
        val prefix: Text =
          if (vparamss.isEmpty) ""
          else {
            var modsText = modText(mods, "")
            if (mods.hasAnnotations && !mods.hasFlags) modsText = modsText ~~ " this"
            addVparamssText(modsText, vparamss)
        val parentsText = Text(parents map constrText, " with ")
        val selfText = {
          val selfName = if (self.name == nme.WILDCARD) "this" else self.name.toString
          (selfName ~ optText(self.tpt)(": " ~ _) ~ " =>").close
        } provided !self.isEmpty
        val bodyText = "{" ~~ selfText ~~ toTextGlobal(stats, "\n") ~ "}"
        prefix ~~ (" extends" provided ownerIsClass) ~~ parentsText ~~ bodyText
      case ClassDef(mods, name, tparams, impl) =>
        atOwner(tree) {
          modText(mods, if (mods is Trait) "trait" else "class") ~~
            toText(name) ~ tparamsText(tparams) ~ toText(impl)
      case Import(expr, selectors) =>
        def selectorText(sel: Tree): Text = sel match {
          case Pair(l, r) => toTextGlobal(l) ~ " => " ~ toTextGlobal(r)
          case _ => toTextGlobal(sel)
        val selectorsText: Text = selectors match {
          case Ident(name) :: Nil => toText(name)
          case _ => "{" ~ Text(selectors map selectorText, ", ") ~ "}"
        "import " ~ toTextLocal(expr) ~ "." ~ selectorsText
      case PackageDef(pid, stats) =>
        val statsText = stats match {
          case (pdef: PackageDef) :: Nil => toText(pdef)
          case _ => toTextGlobal(stats, "\n")
        val bodyText =
          if (currentPrecedence == TopLevelPrec) "\n" ~ statsText else " {" ~ statsText ~ "}"
        "package " ~ toTextLocal(pid) ~ bodyText
      case Annotated(annot, arg) =>
        toTextLocal(arg) ~~ annotText(annot)
      case EmptyTree =>
      case SharedTree(shared) =>
      case TypedSplice(t) =>
      case ModuleDef(mods, name, impl) =>
        atOwner(tree) {
          modText(mods, "object") ~~ toText(name) ~ toText(impl)
      case SymbolLit(str) =>
        "'" + str
      case InterpolatedString(id, strings, elems) =>
        def interleave(strs: List[Text], elems: List[Text]): Text = ((strs, elems): @unchecked) match {
          case (Nil, Nil) => ""
          case (str :: Nil, Nil) => str
          case (str :: strs1, elem :: elems1) => str ~ elem ~ interleave(strs1, elems1)
        val strTexts = strings map (str => Str(escapedString(str.const.stringValue)))
        val elemsTexts = elems map (elem => "{" ~ toTextGlobal(elem) ~ "}")
        toText(id) ~ "\"" ~ interleave(strTexts, elemsTexts) ~ "\""
      case Function(args, body) =>
        var implicitSeen: Boolean = false
        def argToText(arg: Tree) = arg match {
          case ValDef(mods, name, tpt, _) =>
            val implicitText =
              if ((mods is Implicit) && !implicitSeen) { implicitSeen = true; "implicit " }
              else ""
            implicitText ~ toText(name) ~ optAscription(tpt)
          case _ =>
        val argsText = args match {
          case (arg @ ValDef(_, _, tpt, _)) :: Nil if tpt.isEmpty => argToText(arg)
          case _ => "(" ~ Text(args map argToText, ", ") ~ ")"
        changePrec(GlobalPrec) {
          argsText ~ " => " ~ toText(body)
      case InfixOp(l, op, r) =>
        val opPrec = parsing.precedence(op)
        changePrec(opPrec) { toText(l) ~ " " ~ toText(op) ~ " " ~ toText(r) }
      case PostfixOp(l, op) =>
        changePrec(InfixPrec) { toText(l) ~ " " ~ toText(op) }
      case PrefixOp(op, r) =>
        changePrec(DotPrec) { toText(op) ~ " " ~ toText(r) }
      case Parens(t) =>
        "(" ~ toTextGlobal(t) ~ ")"
      case Tuple(ts) =>
        "(" ~ toTextGlobal(ts, ", ") ~ ")"
      case WhileDo(cond, body) =>
        changePrec(GlobalPrec) { "while " ~ toText(cond) ~ " do " ~ toText(body) }
      case DoWhile(cond, body) =>
        changePrec(GlobalPrec) { "do " ~ toText(body) ~ " while " ~ toText(cond) }
      case ForYield(enums, expr) =>
        forText(enums, expr, " yield ")
      case ForDo(enums, expr) =>
        forText(enums, expr, " do ")
      case GenFrom(pat, expr) =>
        toText(pat) ~ " <- " ~ toText(expr)
      case GenAlias(pat, expr) =>
        toText(pat) ~ " = " ~ toText(expr)
      case ContextBounds(bounds, cxBounds) =>
        (toText(bounds) /: cxBounds) {(t, cxb) =>
          t ~ cxBoundToText(cxb)
      case PatDef(mods, pats, tpt, rhs) =>
        modText(mods, "val") ~~ toText(pats, ", ") ~ optAscription(tpt) ~
          optText(rhs)(" = " ~ _)
      case _ =>
    tree match {
      case Block(_, _) | Template(_, _, _, _) => txt
      case _ => txt.close

  def optText(name: Name)(encl: Text => Text): Text =
    if (name.isEmpty) "" else encl(toText(name))

  def optText[T >: Untyped](tree: Tree[T])(encl: Text => Text): Text =
    if (tree.isEmpty) "" else encl(toText(tree))

  override protected def polyParamName(name: TypeName): TypeName =

  override protected def treatAsTypeParam(sym: Symbol): Boolean = sym is TypeParam

  override protected def treatAsTypeArg(sym: Symbol) =
    sym.isType && (sym is ProtectedLocal) &&
      (sym.allOverriddenSymbols exists (_ is TypeParam))

  override protected def reconstituteParent(cls: ClassSymbol, parent: Type): Type =
    (parent /: parent.classSymbol.typeParams) { (parent, tparam) =>
      val targSym = cls.decls.lookup(tparam.name)
      if (targSym.exists) RefinedType(parent, targSym.name, targSym.info)
      else parent

  override def kindString(sym: Symbol) = {
    val flags = sym.flagsUNSAFE
    if (flags is Package) "package"
    else if (sym.isPackageObject) "package object"
    else if (flags is Module) "object"
    else if (flags is ImplClass) "class"
    else if (sym.isClassConstructor) "constructor"
    else super.kindString(sym)

  override protected def keyString(sym: Symbol): String = {
    val flags = sym.flagsUNSAFE
    if (sym.isType && (flags is ExpandedTypeParam)) ""
    else super.keyString(sym)

  override def toTextFlags(sym: Symbol) = {
    var flags = sym.flags
    if (flags is TypeParam) flags = flags &~ Protected
    Text(flags.flagStrings.filterNot(_.startsWith("<")) map stringToText, " ")

  override def toText(denot: Denotation): Text = toText(denot.symbol)