path: root/src/dotty/tools/dotc/transform/FirstTransform.scala
blob: 5d42d4c1651b3b79ce24d9a8bbea58a82a00ead3 (plain) (tree)





























package dotty.tools.dotc
package transform

import core._
import Names._
import dotty.tools.dotc.ast.tpd
import dotty.tools.dotc.core.Phases.NeedsCompanions
import dotty.tools.dotc.transform.TreeTransforms._
import ast.Trees._
import Flags._
import Types._
import Constants.Constant
import Contexts.Context
import Symbols._
import SymDenotations._
import Decorators._
import dotty.tools.dotc.core.Annotations.ConcreteAnnotation
import dotty.tools.dotc.core.Denotations.SingleDenotation
import scala.collection.mutable
import DenotTransformers._
import typer.Checking
import Names.Name
import NameOps._
import StdNames._

/** The first tree transform
 *   - ensures there are companion objects for all classes except module classes
 *   - eliminates some kinds of trees: Imports, NamedArgs
 *   - stubs out native methods
class FirstTransform extends MiniPhaseTransform with IdentityDenotTransformer with AnnotationTransformer { thisTransformer =>
  import ast.tpd._

  override def phaseName = "firstTransform"

  private var needsCompanionPredicate: ClassSymbol => Boolean = null

  override def prepareForUnit(tree: tpd.Tree)(implicit ctx: Context): TreeTransform = {
    needsCompanionPredicate = ctx.phasePlan.flatMap(_.filter(x => x.isInstanceOf[NeedsCompanions])).
      foldLeft((x: ClassSymbol) => false)((pred, phase) => x => pred(x) || phase.asInstanceOf[NeedsCompanions].isCompanionNeeded(x))

  def transformInfo(tp: Type, sym: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = tp

  override def checkPostCondition(tree: Tree)(implicit ctx: Context): Unit = tree match {
    case Select(qual, _) if tree.symbol.exists =>
      assert(qual.tpe derivesFrom tree.symbol.owner, i"non member selection of ${tree.symbol.showLocated} from ${qual.tpe}")
    case _: TypeTree =>
    case _: Import | _: NamedArg | _: TypTree =>
      assert(false, i"illegal tree: $tree")
    case _ =>

  /** Reorder statements so that module classes always come after their companion classes, add missing companion classes */
  private def reorderAndComplete(stats: List[Tree])(implicit ctx: Context): List[Tree] = {
    val moduleClassDefs, singleClassDefs = mutable.Map[Name, Tree]()

    def reorder(stats: List[Tree]): List[Tree] = stats match {
      case (stat: TypeDef) :: stats1 if stat.symbol.isClass =>
        if (stat.symbol is Flags.Module) {
          moduleClassDefs += (stat.name -> stat)
          singleClassDefs -= stat.name.stripModuleClassSuffix
          val stats1r = reorder(stats1)
          if (moduleClassDefs contains stat.name) stat :: stats1r else stats1r
        } else {
          def stats1r = reorder(stats1)
          val normalized = moduleClassDefs remove stat.name.moduleClassName match {
            case Some(mcdef) =>
              mcdef :: stats1r
            case None =>
              singleClassDefs += (stat.name -> stat)
          stat :: normalized
      case stat :: stats1 => stat :: reorder(stats1)
      case Nil => Nil

    def newCompanion(name: TermName, forClass: Symbol): Thicket = {
      val modul = ctx.newCompleteModuleSymbol(ctx.owner, name, Synthetic, Synthetic,
        defn.ObjectType :: Nil, Scopes.newScope)
      val mc = modul.moduleClass
      if (ctx.owner.isClass) modul.enteredAfter(thisTransformer)
      ctx.synthesizeCompanionMethod(nme.COMPANION_CLASS_METHOD, forClass, mc).enteredAfter(thisTransformer)
      ctx.synthesizeCompanionMethod(nme.COMPANION_MODULE_METHOD, mc, forClass).enteredAfter(thisTransformer)
      ModuleDef(modul, Nil)

    def addMissingCompanions(stats: List[Tree]): List[Tree] = stats map {
      case stat: TypeDef if (singleClassDefs contains stat.name) && needsCompanionPredicate(stat.symbol.asClass) =>
        val objName = stat.name.toTermName
        val nameClash = stats.exists {
          case other: MemberDef =>
            other.name == objName && other.symbol.info.isParameterless
          case _ =>
        val uniqueName = if (nameClash) objName.avoidClashName else objName
        Thicket(stat :: newCompanion(uniqueName, stat.symbol).trees)
      case stat => stat


  override def transformDefDef(ddef: DefDef)(implicit ctx: Context, info: TransformerInfo) = {
    if (ddef.symbol.hasAnnotation(defn.NativeAnnot)) {
        _ => ref(defn.Sys_errorR).withPos(ddef.pos)
          .appliedTo(Literal(Constant("native method stub"))))
    } else ddef

  override def transformStats(trees: List[Tree])(implicit ctx: Context, info: TransformerInfo): List[Tree] =

  override def transformOther(tree: Tree)(implicit ctx: Context, info: TransformerInfo) = tree match {
    case tree: Import => EmptyTree
    case tree: NamedArg => transform(tree.arg)
    case tree => tree

  // invariants: all modules have companion objects
  // all types are TypeTrees
  // all this types are explicit