path: root/tests/disabled/macro/run/reify_classfileann_a.check
blob: 51f255b232954c5b34a4ff9ef18575df18f32bce (plain) (tree)

reify_classfileann_a.scala:6: warning: Implementation restriction: subclassing Classfile does not
make your annotation visible at runtime.  If that is what
you want, you must write the annotation class in Java.
class ann(bar: String, quux: Array[String] = Array(), baz: ann = null) extends annotation.ClassfileAnnotation
  @new ann(bar = "1", quux = Array("2", "3"), baz = new ann(bar = "4")) class C extends AnyRef {
    def <init>() = {
  @ann(bar = "1", quux = ["2", "3"], baz = ann(bar = "4")) class C extends AnyRef {
    def <init>(): C = {