path: root/tests/pending/run/xMigration.check
blob: 378f7bb6c3f1df39a4227992eafd8d9da0c991d5 (plain) (tree)

Type in expressions to have them evaluated.
Type :help for more information.

scala> Map(1 -> "eis").values    // no warn
res0: Iterable[String] = MapLike(eis)

scala> :setting -Xmigration:none

scala> Map(1 -> "eis").values    // no warn
res1: Iterable[String] = MapLike(eis)

scala> :setting -Xmigration:any

scala> Map(1 -> "eis").values    // warn
<console>:8: warning: method values in trait MapLike has changed semantics in version 2.8.0:
`values` returns `Iterable[B]` rather than `Iterator[B]`.
              Map(1 -> "eis").values    // warn
res2: Iterable[String] = MapLike(eis)

scala> :setting -Xmigration:2.8

scala> Map(1 -> "eis").values    // no warn
res3: Iterable[String] = MapLike(eis)

scala> :setting -Xmigration:2.7

scala> Map(1 -> "eis").values    // warn
<console>:8: warning: method values in trait MapLike has changed semantics in version 2.8.0:
`values` returns `Iterable[B]` rather than `Iterator[B]`.
              Map(1 -> "eis").values    // warn
res4: Iterable[String] = MapLike(eis)

scala> :setting -Xmigration:2.11

scala> Map(1 -> "eis").values    // no warn
res5: Iterable[String] = MapLike(eis)

scala> :setting -Xmigration      // same as :any

scala> Map(1 -> "eis").values    // warn
<console>:8: warning: method values in trait MapLike has changed semantics in version 2.8.0:
`values` returns `Iterable[B]` rather than `Iterator[B]`.
              Map(1 -> "eis").values    // warn
res6: Iterable[String] = MapLike(eis)

scala> :quit