path: root/tests/untried/neg/warn-unused-privates.scala
blob: cb6e946a3407fe4a302e95347bd7a4ce6148c3cb (plain) (tree)

class Bippy(a: Int, b: Int) {
  private def this(c: Int) = this(c, c)           // warn
  private def bippy(x: Int): Int      = bippy(x)  // TODO: could warn
  private def boop(x: Int)            = x+a+b     // warn
  final private val MILLIS1           = 2000      // no warn, might have been inlined
  final private val MILLIS2: Int      = 1000      // warn
  final private val HI_COMPANION: Int = 500       // no warn, accessed from companion
  def hi() = Bippy.HI_INSTANCE
object Bippy {
  def hi(x: Bippy) = x.HI_COMPANION
  private val HI_INSTANCE: Int = 500      // no warn, accessed from instance
  private val HEY_INSTANCE: Int = 1000    // warn

class A(val msg: String)
class B1(msg: String) extends A(msg)
class B2(msg0: String) extends A(msg0)
class B3(msg0: String) extends A("msg")

/*** Early defs warnings disabled primarily due to SI-6595.
 *   The test case is here to assure we aren't issuing false positives;
 *   the ones labeled "warn" don't warn.
class Boppy extends {
  private val hmm: String = "abc"       // no warn, used in early defs
  private val hom: String = "def"       // no warn, used in body
  private final val him   = "ghi"       // no warn, might have been (was) inlined
  final val him2          = "ghi"       // no warn, same
  final val himinline     = him
  private val hum: String = "jkl"       // warn
  final val ding = hmm.length
} with Mutable {
  val dinger = hom
  private val hummer = "def" // warn

  private final val bum   = "ghi"       // no warn, might have been (was) inlined
  final val bum2          = "ghi"       // no warn, same

trait Accessors {
  private var v1: Int = 0 // warn
  private var v2: Int = 0 // warn, never set
  private var v3: Int = 0 // warn, never got
  private var v4: Int = 0 // no warn

  def bippy(): Int = {
    v3 = 5
    v4 = 6
    v2 + v4

trait DefaultArgs {
  // warn about default getters for x2 and x3
  private def bippy(x1: Int, x2: Int = 10, x3: Int = 15): Int = x1 + x2 + x3

  def boppy() = bippy(5, 100, 200)

class Outer {
  class Inner

trait Locals {
  def f0 = {
    var x = 1 // warn
    var y = 2
    y = 3
    y + y
  def f1 = {
    val a = new Outer // no warn
    val b = new Outer // warn
    new a.Inner
  def f2 = {
    var x = 100 // warn about it being a var

object Types {
  private object Dongo { def f = this } // warn
  private class Bar1 // warn
  private class Bar2 // no warn
  private type Alias1 = String // warn
  private type Alias2 = String // no warn
  def bippo = (new Bar2).toString

  def f(x: Alias2) = x.length

  def l1() = {
    object HiObject { def f = this } // warn
    class Hi { // warn
      def f1: Hi = new Hi
      def f2(x: Hi) = x
    class DingDongDoobie // warn
    class Bippy // no warn
    type Something = Bippy // no warn
    type OtherThing = String // warn
    (new Bippy): Something