diff options
authorMartin Odersky <odersky@gmail.com>2015-03-04 13:52:44 +0100
committerDmitry Petrashko <dmitry.petrashko@gmail.com>2015-03-18 11:14:14 +0100
commit96fbd7bfe252026f59d1f5e8aa33f2d8fae65769 (patch)
parente926f3167f8d9a1407f131abcb33a02b07477597 (diff)
Allow several units to be pickle-tested at once.
Also: Make Pickler a plain phase; it is neither a macro transformer nor a miniphase. Add tests to pickleOK that are known to be stable under pickling/unpicking by comparing tree representations via show.
7 files changed, 187 insertions, 19 deletions
diff --git a/src/dotty/tools/dotc/transform/Pickler.scala b/src/dotty/tools/dotc/transform/Pickler.scala
index 7bc41321c..79240c957 100644
--- a/src/dotty/tools/dotc/transform/Pickler.scala
+++ b/src/dotty/tools/dotc/transform/Pickler.scala
@@ -2,16 +2,17 @@ package dotty.tools.dotc
package transform
import core._
-import TreeTransforms._
import Contexts.Context
import Decorators._
import pickling._
import config.Printers.{noPrinter, pickling}
import java.io.PrintStream
import Periods._
+import Phases._
+import collection.mutable
/** This miniphase pickles trees */
-class Pickler extends MiniPhaseTransform { thisTransform =>
+class Pickler extends Phase {
import ast.tpd._
override def phaseName: String = "pickler"
@@ -22,36 +23,48 @@ class Pickler extends MiniPhaseTransform { thisTransform =>
- override def transformUnit(tree: Tree)(implicit ctx: Context, info: TransformerInfo): Tree = {
- if (!ctx.compilationUnit.isJava) {
- val pickler = new TastyPickler
+ private val beforePickling = new mutable.HashMap[CompilationUnit, String]
+ override def run(implicit ctx: Context): Unit = {
+ val unit = ctx.compilationUnit
+ if (!unit.isJava) {
+ val tree = unit.tpdTree
pickling.println(i"unpickling in run ${ctx.runId}")
- val previous = if (ctx.settings.YtestPickler.value) tree.show else ""
+ if (ctx.settings.YtestPickler.value) beforePickling(unit) = tree.show
+ val pickler = new TastyPickler
val treePkl = new TreePickler(pickler)
treePkl.pickle(tree :: Nil)
if (tree.pos.exists)
new PositionPickler(pickler, treePkl.buf.addrOfTree).picklePositions(tree :: Nil, tree.pos)
- val bytes = pickler.assembleParts()
- ctx.compilationUnit.pickled = bytes
+ unit.pickled = pickler.assembleParts()
def rawBytes = // not needed right now, but useful to print raw format.
- bytes.iterator.grouped(10).toList.zipWithIndex.map {
+ unit.pickled.iterator.grouped(10).toList.zipWithIndex.map {
case (row, i) => s"${i}0: ${row.mkString(" ")}"
// println(i"rawBytes = \n$rawBytes%\n%") // DEBUG
- if (pickling ne noPrinter) new TastyPrinter(bytes).printContents()
- if (ctx.settings.YtestPickler.value)
- unpickle(bytes, previous)(ctx.fresh.setPeriod(Period(ctx.runId + 1, FirstPhaseId)))
+ if (pickling ne noPrinter) new TastyPrinter(unit.pickled).printContents()
+ }
+ }
+ override def runOn(units: List[CompilationUnit])(implicit ctx: Context): List[CompilationUnit] = {
+ val result = super.runOn(units)
+ if (ctx.settings.YtestPickler.value)
+ testUnpickler(units)(ctx.fresh.setPeriod(Period(ctx.runId + 1, FirstPhaseId)))
+ result
+ }
+ private def testUnpickler(units: List[CompilationUnit])(implicit ctx: Context): Unit = {
+ println(i"testing unpickler at run ${ctx.runId}")
+ ctx.definitions.init
+ for (unit <- units) {
+ unpickle(unit.pickled, beforePickling(unit))
- tree
private def unpickle(bytes: Array[Byte], previous: String)(implicit ctx: Context) = {
- println(i"unpickle run = ${ctx.runId}")
- ctx.definitions.init
- val unpickled = i"${new DottyUnpickler(bytes, readPositions = false).result}%\n%"
+ val unpickled = i"${new DottyUnpickler(bytes, Set(), readPositions = false).result}%\n%"
println(i"previous :\n $previous")
println(i"unpickled:\n $unpickled")
if (previous != unpickled) {
diff --git a/tests/pos/pickleOK/Coder.scala b/tests/pos/pickleOK/Coder.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..77bbd134c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/pos/pickleOK/Coder.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+import collection.mutable.HashMap
+class Coder(words: List[String]) {
+ (2 -> "ABC", new ArrowAssoc('3') -> "DEF")
+ private val mnemonics = Map(
+ '2' -> "ABC", '3' -> "DEF", '4' -> "GHI", '5' -> "JKL",
+ '6' -> "MNO", '7' -> "PQRS", '8' -> "TUV", '9' -> "WXYZ")
+ ('1', "1") match {
+ case (digit, str) => true
+ case _ => false
+ }
+ /** Invert the mnemonics map to give a map from chars 'A' ... 'Z' to '2' ... '9' */
+ private val charCode0: Map[Char, Char] = mnemonics withFilter {
+ case (digit, str) => true
+ case _ => false
+ } flatMap { x$1 =>
+ x$1 match {
+ case (digit, str) => str map (ltr => ltr -> digit)
+ }
+ }
+ private val charCode: Map[Char, Char] =
+ for ((digit, str) <- mnemonics; ltr <- str) yield ltr -> digit
+ /** Maps a word to the digit string it can represent */
+ private def wordCode(word: String): String = word map charCode
+ /** A map from digit strings to the words that represent them */
+ private val wordsForNum: Map[String, List[String]] =
+ words groupBy wordCode withDefaultValue Nil
+ /** All ways to encode a number as a list of words */
+ def encode(number: String): Set[List[String]] =
+ if (number.isEmpty) Set(Nil)
+ else {
+ for {
+ splitPoint <- 1 to number.length
+ word <- wordsForNum(number take splitPoint)
+ rest <- encode(number drop splitPoint)
+ } yield word :: rest
+ }.toSet
+ /** Maps a number to a list of all word phrases that can represent it */
+ def translate(number: String): Set[String] = encode(number) map (_ mkString " ")
+object Coder {
+ def main(args : Array[String]) : Unit = {
+ val coder = new Coder(List("Scala", "sobls", "Python", "Ruby", "C", "A", "rocks", "sucks", "works", "Racka"))
+// println(coder.wordsForNum)
+ println(coder.translate("7225276257"))
+ }
diff --git a/tests/pos/pickleOK/alias.scala b/tests/pos/pickleOK/alias.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a66edc73a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/pos/pickleOK/alias.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+class A(val x: Int)
+class B(x: Int) extends A(x)
diff --git a/tests/pos/pickleOK/new-array.scala b/tests/pos/pickleOK/new-array.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a323783de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/pos/pickleOK/new-array.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+package newArray
+object Test {
+ val w = new Array[String](10)
+ val x = new Array[Int](10)
+ def f[T: reflect.ClassTag] = new Array[T](10)
+ val y = new Array[Any](10)
+ val z = new Array[Unit](10)
+object Test2 {
+ val w: Array[Any] = new Array(10)
+ val x: Array[Int] = new Array(10)
+ def f[T: reflect.ClassTag]: Array[T] = new Array(10)
+ val y: Array[Any] = new Array(10)
+ val z: Array[Unit] = new Array(10)
diff --git a/tests/pos/pickleOK/templateParents.scala b/tests/pos/pickleOK/templateParents.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..316d8c81c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/pos/pickleOK/templateParents.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+object templateParents {
+ // traits do not call a constructor
+ class C[+T](val x: T)
+ trait D extends C[String]
+ trait E extends C[Int]
+ class F extends C[Boolean](true) {
+ def foo = x
+ }
+ new C("abc") with D
+object templateParents1 {
+ // tests inference of synthesized class type
+ class C[+T]
+ trait D extends C[String]
+ trait E extends C[Int]
+ val x = new D with E
+ val y: C[Int & String] = x
diff --git a/tests/pos/pickleOK/unapply.scala b/tests/pos/pickleOK/unapply.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ba885be73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/pos/pickleOK/unapply.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+object test {
+ class Foo[T](val arg : T)
+ object Foo {
+ def unapply [a](m : Foo[a]) = Some (m.arg)
+ }
+ def matchAndGetArgFromFoo[b]( e:Foo[b]):b = {e match { case Foo(x) => x }}
+// Unapply node here will have type argument [a] instantiated to scala.Nothing:
+// UnApply(TypeApply(Select(Ident(Foo),unapply),List(TypeTree[TypeVar(PolyParam(a) -> TypeRef(ThisType(TypeRef(NoPrefix,scala)),Nothing))])),List(),List(Bind(x,Ident(_))))
+// but the type of the UnApply node itself is correct: RefinedType(TypeRef(ThisType(TypeRef(ThisType(TypeRef(NoPrefix,<empty>)),test$)),Foo), test$$Foo$$a, TypeAlias(TypeRef(NoPrefix,a)))
diff --git a/tests/pos/pickleOK/zoo.scala b/tests/pos/pickleOK/zoo.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..02dac8f5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/pos/pickleOK/zoo.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+object Test {
+trait FoodStuff
+trait Meat extends FoodStuff {
+ type IsMeat = Any
+trait Grass extends FoodStuff {
+ type IsGrass = Any
+trait Animal {
+ type Food <: FoodStuff
+ def eats(food: Food): Unit
+ def gets: Food
+trait Cow extends Animal {
+ type IsMeat = Any
+ type Food <: Grass
+ def eats(food: Grass): Unit
+ def gets: Food
+trait Lion extends Animal {
+ type Food = Meat
+ def eats(food: Meat): Unit
+ def gets: Meat
+def newMeat: Meat = new Meat {
+def newGrass: Grass = new Grass {
+def newCow: Cow = new Cow {
+ type Food = Grass
+ def eats(food: Grass) = ()
+ def gets = newGrass
+def newLion: Lion = new Lion {
+ def eats(food: Meat) = ()
+ def gets = newMeat
+val milka = newCow
+val leo = newLion
+//leo.eats(milka) // structural select not supported