path: root/bin/common
diff options
authorDmitry Petrashko <dark@d-d.me>2016-06-22 14:22:36 +0200
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2016-06-22 14:22:36 +0200
commitaf93e8821f7885819e04f3dfd6ab798e600d68cf (patch)
tree6be0e69402bf2513ca0f41e01bc8d6acbea48d67 /bin/common
parent82a0bd3bdd47fd01765c2e3e8e6e33bf4e943ad1 (diff)
parenta338ac76accb3149603b91f1dff1f6f53b11dcb2 (diff)
Merge pull request #1324 from felixmulder/fix/dotc-version#1321
Multiple fixes for `bin/dotc` and `bin/dotr`
Diffstat (limited to 'bin/common')
1 files changed, 138 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bin/common b/bin/common
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..150e79016
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/common
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+# Finds in dotty build file a line containing PATTERN
+# returns last "" escaped string in this line
+function getLastStringOnLineWith {
+ PATTERN="$1"
+ grep "$PATTERN" "$DOTTY_ROOT/project/Build.scala"|sed -n 's/.*\"\(.*\)\".*/\1/'p
+# Configuration
+SCALA_VERSION=$(getLastStringOnLineWith "scalaVersion in")
+SCALA_COMPILER_VERSION=$(getLastStringOnLineWith "scala-compiler")
+JLINE_VERSION=$(getLastStringOnLineWith "jline")
+SBT_VERSION=$(grep "sbt.version=" "$DOTTY_ROOT/project/build.properties" | sed 's/sbt.version=//')
+default_java_opts="-Xmx768m -Xms768m"
+programName=$(basename "$0")
+# uncomment next line to enable debug output
+declare -a java_args scala_args residual_args
+unset verbose quiet cygwin toolcp colors saved_stty CDPATH
+function find_jar {
+ # Usage:
+ # find_jar path/to/location file.jar
+ local artifact="$1/$2"
+ if [ ! -f "$artifact" ]; then
+ artifact=$(find "$HOME/.coursier/cache" -iname "$2")
+ fi
+ echo "$artifact"
+# Autodetecting the scala-library location, in case it wasn't provided by an environment variable
+if [ "$SCALA_LIBRARY_JAR" == "" ]; then
+ SCALA_LIBRARY_JAR=$(find_jar "$HOME/.ivy2/cache/org.scala-lang/scala-library/jars" "scala-library-$SCALA_VERSION.jar")
+if [ "$SCALA_REFLECT_JAR" == "" ]; then
+ SCALA_REFLECT_JAR=$(find_jar "$HOME/.ivy2/cache/org.scala-lang/scala-reflect/jars" "scala-reflect-$SCALA_VERSION.jar")
+if [ "$SCALA_COMPILER_JAR" == "" ]; then
+ SCALA_COMPILER_JAR=$(find_jar "$HOME/.ivy2/cache/me.d-d/scala-compiler/jars" "scala-compiler-$SCALA_COMPILER_VERSION.jar")
+if [ "$JLINE_JAR" == "" ]; then
+ JLINE_JAR=$(find_jar "$HOME/.ivy2/cache/jline/jline/jars" "jline-$JLINE_VERSION.jar")
+if [ "$SBT_INTERFACE_JAR" == "" ]; then
+ SBT_INTERFACE_JAR=$(find_jar "$HOME/.ivy2/cache/org.scala-sbt/interface/jars" "interface-$SBT_VERSION.jar")
+function build_jar {
+ # Usage:
+ # build_jar package path/to/jar/dir ['/some/sed/command']
+ #
+ # Last arg is optional
+ cd $DOTTY_ROOT >& /dev/null
+ local build_output=$(sbt "$1")
+ local jar=$(echo $build_output | sed -n 's/.*Packaging //g; s/ \.\.\..*//g; /^\/.*/p')
+ local sedjar="$3"
+ if [ "$sedjar" == "" ]; then
+ sedjar="/.*\.jar/p"
+ fi
+ if [ "$jar" == "" ]; then
+ # Didn't build a jar - could've run sbt by oneself, get latest jar in target:
+ jar="$DOTTY_ROOT/$2/$(ls -1t "$2" | sed -n "$sedjar" | awk 'NR==1')"
+ fi
+ cd - >& /dev/null
+ echo $jar
+function update_packages {
+ echo "$INTERFACES_JAR" > $DOTTY_ROOT/.packages
+ echo "$MAIN_JAR" >> $DOTTY_ROOT/.packages
+ echo "$TEST_JAR" >> $DOTTY_ROOT/.packages
+function build_all {
+ echo "The script is going to build the required jar files"
+ printf "Building dotty-interfaces..."
+ INTERFACES_JAR=$(build_jar dotty-interfaces/package interfaces/target)
+ printf "done\n"
+ printf "Building dotty..."
+ MAIN_JAR=$(build_jar package target/scala-2.11)
+ printf "done\n"
+ printf "Building tests..."
+ TEST_JAR=$(build_jar test:package target/scala-2.11 '/dotty.*-tests\.jar/p')
+ printf "done\n"
+ update_packages
+# Check if .packages file does not exist - if so assume old build and rebuild all
+if [ ! -f "$DOTTY_ROOT/.packages" ]; then
+ build_all
+ IFS=$'\r\n' GLOBIGNORE='*' command eval 'JARS=($(cat $DOTTY_ROOT/.packages))'
+ if [ "${#JARS[@]}" == "3" ]; then
+ MAIN_JAR="${JARS[1]}"
+ TEST_JAR="${JARS[2]}"
+ else
+ echo "Corrupted .packages file"
+ build_all
+ fi
+################# After this point, jar variables will be set #################
+function check_jar {
+ # Usage:
+ # check_jar "name" "path/to/package.jar" "sources/dir" 'lambda to exec on failure'
+ local new_files="$(find "$3" \( -iname "*.scala" -o -iname "*.java" \) -newer "$2")"
+ if [ ! -z "$new_files" ]; then
+ printf "New files detected in $1, rebuilding..."
+ eval "$4"
+ printf "done\n"
+ update_packages
+ fi
+check_jar "dotty-interfaces" $INTERFACES_JAR "interfaces" 'INTERFACES_JAR=$(build_jar dotty-interfaces/package interfaces/target)'
+check_jar "dotty" $MAIN_JAR "src" 'MAIN_JAR=$(build_jar package target/scala-2.11)'
+check_jar "dotty-tests" $TEST_JAR "test" 'TEST_JAR=$(build_jar test:package target/scala-2.11 /dotty.*-tests\.jar/p)'