path: root/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc
diff options
authorGuillaume Martres <smarter@ubuntu.com>2017-04-05 00:10:30 +0200
committerGuillaume Martres <smarter@ubuntu.com>2017-04-11 16:04:31 +0200
commit2b04d2a96100fad5fc88b78b6b4094ae6ae25a37 (patch)
treeba9741bab0d92d9bf92853385d5d0c207e01f16e /compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc
parent92a9d05fd64ac97140aa0f01214c4738526383c3 (diff)
Fix #2186: Synchronize classpath handling with Scala 2.12
This commit is a very crude port of the classpath handling as it exists in the 2.12.x branch of scalac (hash: 232d95a198c94da0c6c8393624e83e9b9ac84e81), this replaces the existing Classpath code that was adapted from scalac years ago. This code was written by Grzegorz Kossakowski, MichaƂ Pociecha, Lukas Rytz, Jason Zaugg and other scalac contributors, many thanks to them! For more information on this implementation, see the description of the PR that originally added it to scalac: https://github.com/scala/scala/pull/4060 Changes made to the copied code to get it to compile with dotty: - Rename scala.tools.nsc.util.ClassPath to dotty.tools.io.ClassPath - Rename scala.tools.nsc.classpath.* to dotty.tools.dotc.classpath.* - Replace "private[nsc]" by "private[dotty]" - Changed `isClass` methods in FileUtils to skip Scala 2.11 implementation classes (needed until we stop being retro-compatible with Scala 2.11) I also copied PlainFile.scala from scalac to get access to `PlainNioFile`.
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc')
15 files changed, 989 insertions, 35 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/classpath/AggregateClassPath.scala b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/classpath/AggregateClassPath.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ec3e8fdf4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/classpath/AggregateClassPath.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2014 Contributor. All rights reserved.
+ */
+package dotty.tools.dotc.classpath
+import java.net.URL
+import scala.annotation.tailrec
+import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
+import scala.reflect.internal.FatalError
+import scala.reflect.io.AbstractFile
+import dotty.tools.io.ClassPath
+import dotty.tools.io.ClassRepresentation
+ * A classpath unifying multiple class- and sourcepath entries.
+ * The Classpath can obtain entries for classes and sources independently
+ * so it tries to do operations quite optimally - iterating only these collections
+ * which are needed in the given moment and only as far as it's necessary.
+ *
+ * @param aggregates classpath instances containing entries which this class processes
+ */
+case class AggregateClassPath(aggregates: Seq[ClassPath]) extends ClassPath {
+ override def findClassFile(className: String): Option[AbstractFile] = {
+ @tailrec
+ def find(aggregates: Seq[ClassPath]): Option[AbstractFile] =
+ if (aggregates.nonEmpty) {
+ val classFile = aggregates.head.findClassFile(className)
+ if (classFile.isDefined) classFile
+ else find(aggregates.tail)
+ } else None
+ find(aggregates)
+ }
+ override def findClass(className: String): Option[ClassRepresentation] = {
+ @tailrec
+ def findEntry(aggregates: Seq[ClassPath], isSource: Boolean): Option[ClassRepresentation] =
+ if (aggregates.nonEmpty) {
+ val entry = aggregates.head.findClass(className) match {
+ case s @ Some(_: SourceFileEntry) if isSource => s
+ case s @ Some(_: ClassFileEntry) if !isSource => s
+ case _ => None
+ }
+ if (entry.isDefined) entry
+ else findEntry(aggregates.tail, isSource)
+ } else None
+ val classEntry = findEntry(aggregates, isSource = false)
+ val sourceEntry = findEntry(aggregates, isSource = true)
+ (classEntry, sourceEntry) match {
+ case (Some(c: ClassFileEntry), Some(s: SourceFileEntry)) => Some(ClassAndSourceFilesEntry(c.file, s.file))
+ case (c @ Some(_), _) => c
+ case (_, s) => s
+ }
+ }
+ override def asURLs: Seq[URL] = aggregates.flatMap(_.asURLs)
+ override def asClassPathStrings: Seq[String] = aggregates.map(_.asClassPathString).distinct
+ override def asSourcePathString: String = ClassPath.join(aggregates map (_.asSourcePathString): _*)
+ override private[dotty] def packages(inPackage: String): Seq[PackageEntry] = {
+ val aggregatedPackages = aggregates.flatMap(_.packages(inPackage)).distinct
+ aggregatedPackages
+ }
+ override private[dotty] def classes(inPackage: String): Seq[ClassFileEntry] =
+ getDistinctEntries(_.classes(inPackage))
+ override private[dotty] def sources(inPackage: String): Seq[SourceFileEntry] =
+ getDistinctEntries(_.sources(inPackage))
+ override private[dotty] def list(inPackage: String): ClassPathEntries = {
+ val (packages, classesAndSources) = aggregates.map { cp =>
+ try {
+ cp.list(inPackage)
+ } catch {
+ case ex: java.io.IOException =>
+ val e = new FatalError(ex.getMessage)
+ e.initCause(ex)
+ throw e
+ }
+ }.unzip
+ val distinctPackages = packages.flatten.distinct
+ val distinctClassesAndSources = mergeClassesAndSources(classesAndSources: _*)
+ ClassPathEntries(distinctPackages, distinctClassesAndSources)
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns only one entry for each name. If there's both a source and a class entry, it
+ * creates an entry containing both of them. If there would be more than one class or source
+ * entries for the same class it always would use the first entry of each type found on a classpath.
+ */
+ private def mergeClassesAndSources(entries: Seq[ClassRepresentation]*): Seq[ClassRepresentation] = {
+ // based on the implementation from MergedClassPath
+ var count = 0
+ val indices = collection.mutable.HashMap[String, Int]()
+ val mergedEntries = new ArrayBuffer[ClassRepresentation](1024)
+ for {
+ partOfEntries <- entries
+ entry <- partOfEntries
+ } {
+ val name = entry.name
+ if (indices contains name) {
+ val index = indices(name)
+ val existing = mergedEntries(index)
+ if (existing.binary.isEmpty && entry.binary.isDefined)
+ mergedEntries(index) = ClassAndSourceFilesEntry(entry.binary.get, existing.source.get)
+ if (existing.source.isEmpty && entry.source.isDefined)
+ mergedEntries(index) = ClassAndSourceFilesEntry(existing.binary.get, entry.source.get)
+ }
+ else {
+ indices(name) = count
+ mergedEntries += entry
+ count += 1
+ }
+ }
+ mergedEntries.toIndexedSeq
+ }
+ private def getDistinctEntries[EntryType <: ClassRepresentation](getEntries: ClassPath => Seq[EntryType]): Seq[EntryType] = {
+ val seenNames = collection.mutable.HashSet[String]()
+ val entriesBuffer = new ArrayBuffer[EntryType](1024)
+ for {
+ cp <- aggregates
+ entry <- getEntries(cp) if !seenNames.contains(entry.name)
+ } {
+ entriesBuffer += entry
+ seenNames += entry.name
+ }
+ entriesBuffer.toIndexedSeq
+ }
+object AggregateClassPath {
+ def createAggregate(parts: ClassPath*): ClassPath = {
+ val elems = new ArrayBuffer[ClassPath]()
+ parts foreach {
+ case AggregateClassPath(ps) => elems ++= ps
+ case p => elems += p
+ }
+ if (elems.size == 1) elems.head
+ else AggregateClassPath(elems.toIndexedSeq)
+ }
diff --git a/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/classpath/ClassPath.scala b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/classpath/ClassPath.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..129c6b9fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/classpath/ClassPath.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2014 Contributor. All rights reserved.
+ */
+package dotty.tools.dotc.classpath
+import scala.reflect.io.AbstractFile
+import dotty.tools.io.ClassRepresentation
+case class ClassPathEntries(packages: Seq[PackageEntry], classesAndSources: Seq[ClassRepresentation])
+object ClassPathEntries {
+ import scala.language.implicitConversions
+ // to have working unzip method
+ implicit def entry2Tuple(entry: ClassPathEntries): (Seq[PackageEntry], Seq[ClassRepresentation]) = (entry.packages, entry.classesAndSources)
+trait ClassFileEntry extends ClassRepresentation {
+ def file: AbstractFile
+trait SourceFileEntry extends ClassRepresentation {
+ def file: AbstractFile
+trait PackageEntry {
+ def name: String
+private[dotty] case class ClassFileEntryImpl(file: AbstractFile) extends ClassFileEntry {
+ override def name = FileUtils.stripClassExtension(file.name) // class name
+ override def binary: Option[AbstractFile] = Some(file)
+ override def source: Option[AbstractFile] = None
+private[dotty] case class SourceFileEntryImpl(file: AbstractFile) extends SourceFileEntry {
+ override def name = FileUtils.stripSourceExtension(file.name)
+ override def binary: Option[AbstractFile] = None
+ override def source: Option[AbstractFile] = Some(file)
+private[dotty] case class ClassAndSourceFilesEntry(classFile: AbstractFile, srcFile: AbstractFile) extends ClassRepresentation {
+ override def name = FileUtils.stripClassExtension(classFile.name)
+ override def binary: Option[AbstractFile] = Some(classFile)
+ override def source: Option[AbstractFile] = Some(srcFile)
+private[dotty] case class PackageEntryImpl(name: String) extends PackageEntry
+private[dotty] trait NoSourcePaths {
+ def asSourcePathString: String = ""
+ private[dotty] def sources(inPackage: String): Seq[SourceFileEntry] = Seq.empty
+private[dotty] trait NoClassPaths {
+ def findClassFile(className: String): Option[AbstractFile] = None
+ private[dotty] def classes(inPackage: String): Seq[ClassFileEntry] = Seq.empty
diff --git a/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/classpath/ClassPathFactory.scala b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/classpath/ClassPathFactory.scala
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index 000000000..ac8fc633f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/classpath/ClassPathFactory.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2014 Contributor. All rights reserved.
+ */
+package dotty.tools.dotc.classpath
+import scala.reflect.io.{AbstractFile, VirtualDirectory}
+import scala.reflect.io.Path.string2path
+import dotty.tools.dotc.config.Settings
+import FileUtils.AbstractFileOps
+import dotty.tools.io.ClassPath
+import dotty.tools.dotc.core.Contexts.Context
+ * Provides factory methods for classpath. When creating classpath instances for a given path,
+ * it uses proper type of classpath depending on a types of particular files containing sources or classes.
+ */
+class ClassPathFactory {
+ /**
+ * Create a new classpath based on the abstract file.
+ */
+ def newClassPath(file: AbstractFile)(implicit ctx: Context): ClassPath = ClassPathFactory.newClassPath(file)
+ /**
+ * Creators for sub classpaths which preserve this context.
+ */
+ def sourcesInPath(path: String)(implicit ctx: Context): List[ClassPath] =
+ for {
+ file <- expandPath(path, expandStar = false)
+ dir <- Option(AbstractFile getDirectory file)
+ } yield createSourcePath(dir)
+ def expandPath(path: String, expandStar: Boolean = true): List[String] = dotty.tools.io.ClassPath.expandPath(path, expandStar)
+ def expandDir(extdir: String): List[String] = dotty.tools.io.ClassPath.expandDir(extdir)
+ def contentsOfDirsInPath(path: String)(implicit ctx: Context): List[ClassPath] =
+ for {
+ dir <- expandPath(path, expandStar = false)
+ name <- expandDir(dir)
+ entry <- Option(AbstractFile.getDirectory(name))
+ } yield newClassPath(entry)
+ def classesInExpandedPath(path: String)(implicit ctx: Context): IndexedSeq[ClassPath] =
+ classesInPathImpl(path, expand = true).toIndexedSeq
+ def classesInPath(path: String)(implicit ctx: Context) = classesInPathImpl(path, expand = false)
+ def classesInManifest(useManifestClassPath: Boolean)(implicit ctx: Context) =
+ if (useManifestClassPath) dotty.tools.io.ClassPath.manifests.map(url => newClassPath(AbstractFile getResources url))
+ else Nil
+ // Internal
+ protected def classesInPathImpl(path: String, expand: Boolean)(implicit ctx: Context) =
+ for {
+ file <- expandPath(path, expand)
+ dir <- {
+ def asImage = if (file.endsWith(".jimage")) Some(AbstractFile.getFile(file)) else None
+ Option(AbstractFile.getDirectory(file)).orElse(asImage)
+ }
+ } yield newClassPath(dir)
+ private def createSourcePath(file: AbstractFile)(implicit ctx: Context): ClassPath =
+ if (file.isJarOrZip)
+ ZipAndJarSourcePathFactory.create(file)
+ else if (file.isDirectory)
+ new DirectorySourcePath(file.file)
+ else
+ sys.error(s"Unsupported sourcepath element: $file")
+object ClassPathFactory {
+ def newClassPath(file: AbstractFile)(implicit ctx: Context): ClassPath = file match {
+ case vd: VirtualDirectory => VirtualDirectoryClassPath(vd)
+ case _ =>
+ if (file.isJarOrZip)
+ ZipAndJarClassPathFactory.create(file)
+ else if (file.isDirectory)
+ new DirectoryClassPath(file.file)
+ else
+ sys.error(s"Unsupported classpath element: $file")
+ }
diff --git a/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/classpath/DirectoryClassPath.scala b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/classpath/DirectoryClassPath.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..94a6ad585
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/classpath/DirectoryClassPath.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2014 Contributor. All rights reserved.
+ */
+package dotty.tools.dotc.classpath
+import java.io.File
+import java.net.{URI, URL}
+import java.nio.file.{FileSystems, Files, SimpleFileVisitor}
+import java.util.function.IntFunction
+import java.util
+import java.util.Comparator
+import scala.reflect.io.{AbstractFile, PlainFile}
+import dotty.tools.io.{ClassPath, ClassRepresentation, PlainNioFile}
+import FileUtils._
+import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
+ * A trait allowing to look for classpath entries in directories. It provides common logic for
+ * classes handling class and source files.
+ * It makes use of the fact that in the case of nested directories it's easy to find a file
+ * when we have a name of a package.
+ * It abstracts over the file representation to work with both JFile and AbstractFile.
+ */
+trait DirectoryLookup[FileEntryType <: ClassRepresentation] extends ClassPath {
+ type F
+ val dir: F
+ protected def emptyFiles: Array[F] // avoids reifying ClassTag[F]
+ protected def getSubDir(dirName: String): Option[F]
+ protected def listChildren(dir: F, filter: Option[F => Boolean] = None): Array[F]
+ protected def getName(f: F): String
+ protected def toAbstractFile(f: F): AbstractFile
+ protected def isPackage(f: F): Boolean
+ protected def createFileEntry(file: AbstractFile): FileEntryType
+ protected def isMatchingFile(f: F): Boolean
+ private def getDirectory(forPackage: String): Option[F] = {
+ if (forPackage == ClassPath.RootPackage) {
+ Some(dir)
+ } else {
+ val packageDirName = FileUtils.dirPath(forPackage)
+ getSubDir(packageDirName)
+ }
+ }
+ private[dotty] def packages(inPackage: String): Seq[PackageEntry] = {
+ val dirForPackage = getDirectory(inPackage)
+ val nestedDirs: Array[F] = dirForPackage match {
+ case None => emptyFiles
+ case Some(directory) => listChildren(directory, Some(isPackage))
+ }
+ val prefix = PackageNameUtils.packagePrefix(inPackage)
+ nestedDirs.map(f => PackageEntryImpl(prefix + getName(f)))
+ }
+ protected def files(inPackage: String): Seq[FileEntryType] = {
+ val dirForPackage = getDirectory(inPackage)
+ val files: Array[F] = dirForPackage match {
+ case None => emptyFiles
+ case Some(directory) => listChildren(directory, Some(isMatchingFile))
+ }
+ files.map(f => createFileEntry(toAbstractFile(f)))
+ }
+ private[dotty] def list(inPackage: String): ClassPathEntries = {
+ val dirForPackage = getDirectory(inPackage)
+ val files: Array[F] = dirForPackage match {
+ case None => emptyFiles
+ case Some(directory) => listChildren(directory)
+ }
+ val packagePrefix = PackageNameUtils.packagePrefix(inPackage)
+ val packageBuf = collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[PackageEntry]
+ val fileBuf = collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[FileEntryType]
+ for (file <- files) {
+ if (isPackage(file))
+ packageBuf += PackageEntryImpl(packagePrefix + getName(file))
+ else if (isMatchingFile(file))
+ fileBuf += createFileEntry(toAbstractFile(file))
+ }
+ ClassPathEntries(packageBuf, fileBuf)
+ }
+trait JFileDirectoryLookup[FileEntryType <: ClassRepresentation] extends DirectoryLookup[FileEntryType] {
+ type F = File
+ protected def emptyFiles: Array[File] = Array.empty
+ protected def getSubDir(packageDirName: String): Option[File] = {
+ val packageDir = new File(dir, packageDirName)
+ if (packageDir.exists && packageDir.isDirectory) Some(packageDir)
+ else None
+ }
+ protected def listChildren(dir: File, filter: Option[File => Boolean]): Array[File] = {
+ val listing = filter match {
+ case Some(f) => dir.listFiles(mkFileFilter(f))
+ case None => dir.listFiles()
+ }
+ // Sort by file name for stable order of directory .class entries in package scope.
+ // This gives stable results ordering of base type sequences for unrelated classes
+ // with the same base type depth.
+ //
+ // Notably, this will stably infer`Product with Serializable`
+ // as the type of `case class C(); case class D(); List(C(), D()).head`, rather than the opposite order.
+ // On Mac, the HFS performs this sorting transparently, but on Linux the order is unspecified.
+ //
+ // Note this behaviour can be enabled in javac with `javac -XDsortfiles`, but that's only
+ // intended to improve determinism of the compiler for compiler hackers.
+ java.util.Arrays.sort(listing,
+ new java.util.Comparator[File] {
+ def compare(o1: File, o2: File) = o1.getName.compareTo(o2.getName)
+ })
+ listing
+ }
+ protected def getName(f: File): String = f.getName
+ protected def toAbstractFile(f: File): AbstractFile = new PlainFile(new scala.reflect.io.File(f))
+ protected def isPackage(f: File): Boolean = f.isPackage
+ assert(dir != null, "Directory file in DirectoryFileLookup cannot be null")
+ def asURLs: Seq[URL] = Seq(dir.toURI.toURL)
+ def asClassPathStrings: Seq[String] = Seq(dir.getPath)
+object JrtClassPath {
+ import java.nio.file._, java.net.URI
+ def apply(): Option[ClassPath] = {
+ try {
+ val fs = FileSystems.getFileSystem(URI.create("jrt:/"))
+ Some(new JrtClassPath(fs))
+ } catch {
+ case _: ProviderNotFoundException | _: FileSystemNotFoundException =>
+ None
+ }
+ }
+ * Implementation `ClassPath` based on the JDK 9 encapsulated runtime modules (JEP-220)
+ *
+ * https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8066492 is the most up to date reference
+ * for the structure of the jrt:// filesystem.
+ *
+ * The implementation assumes that no classes exist in the empty package.
+ */
+final class JrtClassPath(fs: java.nio.file.FileSystem) extends ClassPath with NoSourcePaths {
+ import java.nio.file.Path, java.nio.file._
+ type F = Path
+ private val dir: Path = fs.getPath("/packages")
+ // e.g. "java.lang" -> Seq("/modules/java.base")
+ private val packageToModuleBases: Map[String, Seq[Path]] = {
+ val ps = Files.newDirectoryStream(dir).iterator().asScala
+ def lookup(pack: Path): Seq[Path] = {
+ Files.list(pack).iterator().asScala.map(l => if (Files.isSymbolicLink(l)) Files.readSymbolicLink(l) else l).toList
+ }
+ ps.map(p => (p.toString.stripPrefix("/packages/"), lookup(p))).toMap
+ }
+ override private[dotty] def packages(inPackage: String): Seq[PackageEntry] = {
+ def matches(packageDottedName: String) =
+ if (packageDottedName.contains("."))
+ packageOf(packageDottedName) == inPackage
+ else inPackage == ""
+ packageToModuleBases.keysIterator.filter(matches).map(PackageEntryImpl(_)).toVector
+ }
+ private[dotty] def classes(inPackage: String): Seq[ClassFileEntry] = {
+ if (inPackage == "") Nil
+ else {
+ packageToModuleBases.getOrElse(inPackage, Nil).flatMap(x =>
+ Files.list(x.resolve(inPackage.replace('.', '/'))).iterator().asScala.filter(_.getFileName.toString.endsWith(".class"))).map(x =>
+ ClassFileEntryImpl(new PlainNioFile(x))).toVector
+ }
+ }
+ override private[dotty] def list(inPackage: String): ClassPathEntries =
+ if (inPackage == "") ClassPathEntries(packages(inPackage), Nil)
+ else ClassPathEntries(packages(inPackage), classes(inPackage))
+ def asURLs: Seq[URL] = Seq(dir.toUri.toURL)
+ // We don't yet have a scheme to represent the JDK modules in our `-classpath`.
+ // java models them as entries in the new "module path", we'll probably need to follow this.
+ def asClassPathStrings: Seq[String] = Nil
+ def findClassFile(className: String): Option[AbstractFile] = {
+ if (!className.contains(".")) None
+ else {
+ val inPackage = packageOf(className)
+ packageToModuleBases.getOrElse(inPackage, Nil).iterator.flatMap{x =>
+ val file = x.resolve(className.replace('.', '/') + ".class")
+ if (Files.exists(file)) new PlainNioFile(file) :: Nil else Nil
+ }.take(1).toList.headOption
+ }
+ }
+ private def packageOf(dottedClassName: String): String =
+ dottedClassName.substring(0, dottedClassName.lastIndexOf("."))
+case class DirectoryClassPath(dir: File) extends JFileDirectoryLookup[ClassFileEntryImpl] with NoSourcePaths {
+ override def findClass(className: String): Option[ClassRepresentation] = findClassFile(className) map ClassFileEntryImpl
+ def findClassFile(className: String): Option[AbstractFile] = {
+ val relativePath = FileUtils.dirPath(className)
+ val classFile = new File(s"$dir/$relativePath.class")
+ if (classFile.exists) {
+ val wrappedClassFile = new scala.reflect.io.File(classFile)
+ val abstractClassFile = new PlainFile(wrappedClassFile)
+ Some(abstractClassFile)
+ } else None
+ }
+ protected def createFileEntry(file: AbstractFile): ClassFileEntryImpl = ClassFileEntryImpl(file)
+ protected def isMatchingFile(f: File): Boolean = f.isClass
+ private[dotty] def classes(inPackage: String): Seq[ClassFileEntry] = files(inPackage)
+case class DirectorySourcePath(dir: File) extends JFileDirectoryLookup[SourceFileEntryImpl] with NoClassPaths {
+ def asSourcePathString: String = asClassPathString
+ protected def createFileEntry(file: AbstractFile): SourceFileEntryImpl = SourceFileEntryImpl(file)
+ protected def isMatchingFile(f: File): Boolean = endsScalaOrJava(f.getName)
+ override def findClass(className: String): Option[ClassRepresentation] = findSourceFile(className) map SourceFileEntryImpl
+ private def findSourceFile(className: String): Option[AbstractFile] = {
+ val relativePath = FileUtils.dirPath(className)
+ val sourceFile = Stream("scala", "java")
+ .map(ext => new File(s"$dir/$relativePath.$ext"))
+ .collectFirst { case file if file.exists() => file }
+ sourceFile.map { file =>
+ val wrappedSourceFile = new scala.reflect.io.File(file)
+ val abstractSourceFile = new PlainFile(wrappedSourceFile)
+ abstractSourceFile
+ }
+ }
+ private[dotty] def sources(inPackage: String): Seq[SourceFileEntry] = files(inPackage)
diff --git a/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/classpath/FileUtils.scala b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/classpath/FileUtils.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..823efbb9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/classpath/FileUtils.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2014 Contributor. All rights reserved.
+ */
+package dotty.tools.dotc.classpath
+import java.io.{File => JFile, FileFilter}
+import java.net.URL
+import scala.reflect.internal.FatalError
+import scala.reflect.io.AbstractFile
+ * Common methods related to Java files and abstract files used in the context of classpath
+ */
+object FileUtils {
+ implicit class AbstractFileOps(val file: AbstractFile) extends AnyVal {
+ def isPackage: Boolean = file.isDirectory && mayBeValidPackage(file.name)
+ def isClass: Boolean = !file.isDirectory && file.hasExtension("class") && !file.name.endsWith("$class.class")
+ // FIXME: drop last condition when we stop being compatible with Scala 2.11
+ def isScalaOrJavaSource: Boolean = !file.isDirectory && (file.hasExtension("scala") || file.hasExtension("java"))
+ // TODO do we need to check also other files using ZipMagicNumber like in scala.tools.nsc.io.Jar.isJarOrZip?
+ def isJarOrZip: Boolean = file.hasExtension("jar") || file.hasExtension("zip")
+ /**
+ * Safe method returning a sequence containing one URL representing this file, when underlying file exists,
+ * and returning given default value in other case
+ */
+ def toURLs(default: => Seq[URL] = Seq.empty): Seq[URL] = if (file.file == null) default else Seq(file.toURL)
+ }
+ implicit class FileOps(val file: JFile) extends AnyVal {
+ def isPackage: Boolean = file.isDirectory && mayBeValidPackage(file.getName)
+ def isClass: Boolean = file.isFile && file.getName.endsWith(".class") && !file.getName.endsWith("$class.class")
+ // FIXME: drop last condition when we stop being compatible with Scala 2.11
+ }
+ def stripSourceExtension(fileName: String): String = {
+ if (endsScala(fileName)) stripClassExtension(fileName)
+ else if (endsJava(fileName)) stripJavaExtension(fileName)
+ else throw new FatalError("Unexpected source file ending: " + fileName)
+ }
+ def dirPath(forPackage: String) = forPackage.replace('.', '/')
+ def endsClass(fileName: String): Boolean =
+ fileName.length > 6 && fileName.substring(fileName.length - 6) == ".class"
+ def endsScalaOrJava(fileName: String): Boolean =
+ endsScala(fileName) || endsJava(fileName)
+ def endsJava(fileName: String): Boolean =
+ fileName.length > 5 && fileName.substring(fileName.length - 5) == ".java"
+ def endsScala(fileName: String): Boolean =
+ fileName.length > 6 && fileName.substring(fileName.length - 6) == ".scala"
+ def stripClassExtension(fileName: String): String =
+ fileName.substring(0, fileName.length - 6) // equivalent of fileName.length - ".class".length
+ def stripJavaExtension(fileName: String): String =
+ fileName.substring(0, fileName.length - 5)
+ // probably it should match a pattern like [a-z_]{1}[a-z0-9_]* but it cannot be changed
+ // because then some tests in partest don't pass
+ def mayBeValidPackage(dirName: String): Boolean =
+ (dirName != "META-INF") && (dirName != "") && (dirName.charAt(0) != '.')
+ def mkFileFilter(f: JFile => Boolean) = new FileFilter {
+ def accept(pathname: JFile): Boolean = f(pathname)
+ }
diff --git a/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/classpath/PackageNameUtils.scala b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/classpath/PackageNameUtils.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..303f142b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/classpath/PackageNameUtils.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2014 Contributor. All rights reserved.
+ */
+package dotty.tools.dotc.classpath
+import dotty.tools.io.ClassPath.RootPackage
+ * Common methods related to package names represented as String
+ */
+object PackageNameUtils {
+ /**
+ * @param fullClassName full class name with package
+ * @return (package, simple class name)
+ */
+ def separatePkgAndClassNames(fullClassName: String): (String, String) = {
+ val lastDotIndex = fullClassName.lastIndexOf('.')
+ if (lastDotIndex == -1)
+ (RootPackage, fullClassName)
+ else
+ (fullClassName.substring(0, lastDotIndex), fullClassName.substring(lastDotIndex + 1))
+ }
+ def packagePrefix(inPackage: String): String = if (inPackage == RootPackage) "" else inPackage + "."
diff --git a/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/classpath/VirtualDirectoryClassPath.scala b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/classpath/VirtualDirectoryClassPath.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5b0855554
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/classpath/VirtualDirectoryClassPath.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+package dotty.tools.dotc.classpath
+import dotty.tools.io.ClassRepresentation
+import scala.reflect.io.{AbstractFile, Path, PlainFile, VirtualDirectory}
+import FileUtils._
+import java.net.URL
+import scala.reflect.internal.util.AbstractFileClassLoader
+import dotty.tools.io.ClassPath
+case class VirtualDirectoryClassPath(dir: VirtualDirectory) extends ClassPath with DirectoryLookup[ClassFileEntryImpl] with NoSourcePaths {
+ type F = AbstractFile
+ // From AbstractFileClassLoader
+ private final def lookupPath(base: AbstractFile)(pathParts: Seq[String], directory: Boolean): AbstractFile = {
+ var file: AbstractFile = base
+ for (dirPart <- pathParts.init) {
+ file = file.lookupName(dirPart, directory = true)
+ if (file == null)
+ return null
+ }
+ file.lookupName(pathParts.last, directory = directory)
+ }
+ protected def emptyFiles: Array[AbstractFile] = Array.empty
+ protected def getSubDir(packageDirName: String): Option[AbstractFile] =
+ Option(lookupPath(dir)(packageDirName.split('/'), directory = true))
+ protected def listChildren(dir: AbstractFile, filter: Option[AbstractFile => Boolean] = None): Array[F] = filter match {
+ case Some(f) => dir.iterator.filter(f).toArray
+ case _ => dir.toArray
+ }
+ def getName(f: AbstractFile): String = f.name
+ def toAbstractFile(f: AbstractFile): AbstractFile = f
+ def isPackage(f: AbstractFile): Boolean = f.isPackage
+ // mimic the behavior of the old nsc.util.DirectoryClassPath
+ def asURLs: Seq[URL] = Seq(new URL(dir.name))
+ def asClassPathStrings: Seq[String] = Seq(dir.path)
+ override def findClass(className: String): Option[ClassRepresentation] = findClassFile(className) map ClassFileEntryImpl
+ def findClassFile(className: String): Option[AbstractFile] = {
+ val relativePath = FileUtils.dirPath(className) + ".class"
+ Option(lookupPath(dir)(relativePath split '/', directory = false))
+ }
+ private[dotty] def classes(inPackage: String): Seq[ClassFileEntry] = files(inPackage)
+ protected def createFileEntry(file: AbstractFile): ClassFileEntryImpl = ClassFileEntryImpl(file)
+ protected def isMatchingFile(f: AbstractFile): Boolean = f.isClass
diff --git a/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/classpath/ZipAndJarFileLookupFactory.scala b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/classpath/ZipAndJarFileLookupFactory.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5210c699e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/classpath/ZipAndJarFileLookupFactory.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2014 Contributor. All rights reserved.
+ */
+package dotty.tools.dotc.classpath
+import java.io.File
+import java.net.URL
+import scala.annotation.tailrec
+import scala.reflect.io.{AbstractFile, FileZipArchive, ManifestResources}
+import dotty.tools.io.ClassPath
+import dotty.tools.dotc.config.Settings
+import dotty.tools.dotc.core.Contexts.Context
+import FileUtils._
+ * A trait providing an optional cache for classpath entries obtained from zip and jar files.
+ * It's possible to create such a cache assuming that entries in such files won't change (at
+ * least will be the same each time we'll load classpath during the lifetime of JVM process)
+ * - unlike class and source files in directories, which can be modified and recompiled.
+ * It allows us to e.g. reduce significantly memory used by PresentationCompilers in Scala IDE
+ * when there are a lot of projects having a lot of common dependencies.
+ */
+sealed trait ZipAndJarFileLookupFactory {
+ private val cache = collection.mutable.Map.empty[AbstractFile, ClassPath]
+ def create(zipFile: AbstractFile)(implicit ctx: Context): ClassPath = {
+ if (ctx.settings.YdisableFlatCpCaching.value) createForZipFile(zipFile)
+ else createUsingCache(zipFile)
+ }
+ protected def createForZipFile(zipFile: AbstractFile): ClassPath
+ private def createUsingCache(zipFile: AbstractFile)(implicit ctx: Context): ClassPath = cache.synchronized {
+ def newClassPathInstance = {
+ if (ctx.settings.verbose.value || ctx.settings.Ylogcp.value)
+ println(s"$zipFile is not yet in the classpath cache")
+ createForZipFile(zipFile)
+ }
+ cache.getOrElseUpdate(zipFile, newClassPathInstance)
+ }
+ * Manages creation of classpath for class files placed in zip and jar files.
+ * It should be the only way of creating them as it provides caching.
+ */
+object ZipAndJarClassPathFactory extends ZipAndJarFileLookupFactory {
+ private case class ZipArchiveClassPath(zipFile: File)
+ extends ZipArchiveFileLookup[ClassFileEntryImpl]
+ with NoSourcePaths {
+ override def findClassFile(className: String): Option[AbstractFile] = {
+ val (pkg, simpleClassName) = PackageNameUtils.separatePkgAndClassNames(className)
+ classes(pkg).find(_.name == simpleClassName).map(_.file)
+ }
+ override private[dotty] def classes(inPackage: String): Seq[ClassFileEntry] = files(inPackage)
+ override protected def createFileEntry(file: FileZipArchive#Entry): ClassFileEntryImpl = ClassFileEntryImpl(file)
+ override protected def isRequiredFileType(file: AbstractFile): Boolean = file.isClass
+ }
+ /**
+ * This type of classpath is closely related to the support for JSR-223.
+ * Its usage can be observed e.g. when running:
+ * jrunscript -classpath scala-compiler.jar;scala-reflect.jar;scala-library.jar -l scala
+ * with a particularly prepared scala-library.jar. It should have all classes listed in the manifest like e.g. this entry:
+ * Name: scala/Function2$mcFJD$sp.class
+ */
+ private case class ManifestResourcesClassPath(file: ManifestResources) extends ClassPath with NoSourcePaths {
+ override def findClassFile(className: String): Option[AbstractFile] = {
+ val (pkg, simpleClassName) = PackageNameUtils.separatePkgAndClassNames(className)
+ classes(pkg).find(_.name == simpleClassName).map(_.file)
+ }
+ override def asClassPathStrings: Seq[String] = Seq(file.path)
+ override def asURLs: Seq[URL] = file.toURLs()
+ import ManifestResourcesClassPath.PackageFileInfo
+ import ManifestResourcesClassPath.PackageInfo
+ /**
+ * A cache mapping package name to abstract file for package directory and subpackages of given package.
+ *
+ * ManifestResources can iterate through the collections of entries from e.g. remote jar file.
+ * We can't just specify the path to the concrete directory etc. so we can't just 'jump' into
+ * given package, when it's needed. On the other hand we can iterate over entries to get
+ * AbstractFiles, iterate over entries of these files etc.
+ *
+ * Instead of traversing a tree of AbstractFiles once and caching all entries or traversing each time,
+ * when we need subpackages of a given package or its classes, we traverse once and cache only packages.
+ * Classes for given package can be then easily loaded when they are needed.
+ */
+ private lazy val cachedPackages: collection.mutable.HashMap[String, PackageFileInfo] = {
+ val packages = collection.mutable.HashMap[String, PackageFileInfo]()
+ def getSubpackages(dir: AbstractFile): List[AbstractFile] =
+ (for (file <- dir if file.isPackage) yield file)(collection.breakOut)
+ @tailrec
+ def traverse(packagePrefix: String,
+ filesForPrefix: List[AbstractFile],
+ subpackagesQueue: collection.mutable.Queue[PackageInfo]): Unit = filesForPrefix match {
+ case pkgFile :: remainingFiles =>
+ val subpackages = getSubpackages(pkgFile)
+ val fullPkgName = packagePrefix + pkgFile.name
+ packages.put(fullPkgName, PackageFileInfo(pkgFile, subpackages))
+ val newPackagePrefix = fullPkgName + "."
+ subpackagesQueue.enqueue(PackageInfo(newPackagePrefix, subpackages))
+ traverse(packagePrefix, remainingFiles, subpackagesQueue)
+ case Nil if subpackagesQueue.nonEmpty =>
+ val PackageInfo(packagePrefix, filesForPrefix) = subpackagesQueue.dequeue()
+ traverse(packagePrefix, filesForPrefix, subpackagesQueue)
+ case _ =>
+ }
+ val subpackages = getSubpackages(file)
+ packages.put(ClassPath.RootPackage, PackageFileInfo(file, subpackages))
+ traverse(ClassPath.RootPackage, subpackages, collection.mutable.Queue())
+ packages
+ }
+ override private[dotty] def packages(inPackage: String): Seq[PackageEntry] = cachedPackages.get(inPackage) match {
+ case None => Seq.empty
+ case Some(PackageFileInfo(_, subpackages)) =>
+ val prefix = PackageNameUtils.packagePrefix(inPackage)
+ subpackages.map(packageFile => PackageEntryImpl(prefix + packageFile.name))
+ }
+ override private[dotty] def classes(inPackage: String): Seq[ClassFileEntry] = cachedPackages.get(inPackage) match {
+ case None => Seq.empty
+ case Some(PackageFileInfo(pkg, _)) =>
+ (for (file <- pkg if file.isClass) yield ClassFileEntryImpl(file))(collection.breakOut)
+ }
+ override private[dotty] def list(inPackage: String): ClassPathEntries = ClassPathEntries(packages(inPackage), classes(inPackage))
+ }
+ private object ManifestResourcesClassPath {
+ case class PackageFileInfo(packageFile: AbstractFile, subpackages: Seq[AbstractFile])
+ case class PackageInfo(packageName: String, subpackages: List[AbstractFile])
+ }
+ override protected def createForZipFile(zipFile: AbstractFile): ClassPath =
+ if (zipFile.file == null) createWithoutUnderlyingFile(zipFile)
+ else ZipArchiveClassPath(zipFile.file)
+ private def createWithoutUnderlyingFile(zipFile: AbstractFile) = zipFile match {
+ case manifestRes: ManifestResources =>
+ ManifestResourcesClassPath(manifestRes)
+ case _ =>
+ val errorMsg = s"Abstract files which don't have an underlying file and are not ManifestResources are not supported. There was $zipFile"
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException(errorMsg)
+ }
+ * Manages creation of classpath for source files placed in zip and jar files.
+ * It should be the only way of creating them as it provides caching.
+ */
+object ZipAndJarSourcePathFactory extends ZipAndJarFileLookupFactory {
+ private case class ZipArchiveSourcePath(zipFile: File)
+ extends ZipArchiveFileLookup[SourceFileEntryImpl]
+ with NoClassPaths {
+ override def asSourcePathString: String = asClassPathString
+ override private[dotty] def sources(inPackage: String): Seq[SourceFileEntry] = files(inPackage)
+ override protected def createFileEntry(file: FileZipArchive#Entry): SourceFileEntryImpl = SourceFileEntryImpl(file)
+ override protected def isRequiredFileType(file: AbstractFile): Boolean = file.isScalaOrJavaSource
+ }
+ override protected def createForZipFile(zipFile: AbstractFile): ClassPath = ZipArchiveSourcePath(zipFile.file)
diff --git a/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/classpath/ZipArchiveFileLookup.scala b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/classpath/ZipArchiveFileLookup.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8184708ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/classpath/ZipArchiveFileLookup.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2014 Contributor. All rights reserved.
+ */
+package dotty.tools.dotc.classpath
+import java.io.File
+import java.net.URL
+import scala.collection.Seq
+import scala.reflect.io.AbstractFile
+import scala.reflect.io.FileZipArchive
+import FileUtils.AbstractFileOps
+import dotty.tools.io.{ClassPath, ClassRepresentation}
+ * A trait allowing to look for classpath entries of given type in zip and jar files.
+ * It provides common logic for classes handling class and source files.
+ * It's aware of things like e.g. META-INF directory which is correctly skipped.
+ */
+trait ZipArchiveFileLookup[FileEntryType <: ClassRepresentation] extends ClassPath {
+ val zipFile: File
+ assert(zipFile != null, "Zip file in ZipArchiveFileLookup cannot be null")
+ override def asURLs: Seq[URL] = Seq(zipFile.toURI.toURL)
+ override def asClassPathStrings: Seq[String] = Seq(zipFile.getPath)
+ private val archive = new FileZipArchive(zipFile)
+ override private[dotty] def packages(inPackage: String): Seq[PackageEntry] = {
+ val prefix = PackageNameUtils.packagePrefix(inPackage)
+ for {
+ dirEntry <- findDirEntry(inPackage).toSeq
+ entry <- dirEntry.iterator if entry.isPackage
+ } yield PackageEntryImpl(prefix + entry.name)
+ }
+ protected def files(inPackage: String): Seq[FileEntryType] =
+ for {
+ dirEntry <- findDirEntry(inPackage).toSeq
+ entry <- dirEntry.iterator if isRequiredFileType(entry)
+ } yield createFileEntry(entry)
+ override private[dotty] def list(inPackage: String): ClassPathEntries = {
+ val foundDirEntry = findDirEntry(inPackage)
+ foundDirEntry map { dirEntry =>
+ val pkgBuf = collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[PackageEntry]
+ val fileBuf = collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[FileEntryType]
+ val prefix = PackageNameUtils.packagePrefix(inPackage)
+ for (entry <- dirEntry.iterator) {
+ if (entry.isPackage)
+ pkgBuf += PackageEntryImpl(prefix + entry.name)
+ else if (isRequiredFileType(entry))
+ fileBuf += createFileEntry(entry)
+ }
+ ClassPathEntries(pkgBuf, fileBuf)
+ } getOrElse ClassPathEntries(Seq.empty, Seq.empty)
+ }
+ private def findDirEntry(pkg: String): Option[archive.DirEntry] = {
+ val dirName = s"${FileUtils.dirPath(pkg)}/"
+ archive.allDirs.get(dirName)
+ }
+ protected def createFileEntry(file: FileZipArchive#Entry): FileEntryType
+ protected def isRequiredFileType(file: AbstractFile): Boolean
diff --git a/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/config/JavaPlatform.scala b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/config/JavaPlatform.scala
index 8bc18c387..d2a8e18a2 100644
--- a/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/config/JavaPlatform.scala
+++ b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/config/JavaPlatform.scala
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ package dotty.tools
package dotc
package config
-import io.{AbstractFile,ClassPath,JavaClassPath,MergedClassPath,DeltaClassPath}
-import ClassPath.{ JavaContext, DefaultJavaContext }
+import io._
+import classpath.AggregateClassPath
import core._
import Symbols._, Types._, Contexts._, Denotations._, SymDenotations._, StdNames._, Names._
import Flags._, Scopes._, Decorators._, NameOps._, util.Positions._
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import transform.ExplicitOuter, transform.SymUtils._
class JavaPlatform extends Platform {
- private var currentClassPath: Option[MergedClassPath] = None
+ private var currentClassPath: Option[ClassPath] = None
def classPath(implicit ctx: Context): ClassPath = {
if (currentClassPath.isEmpty)
@@ -35,8 +35,12 @@ class JavaPlatform extends Platform {
/** Update classpath with a substituted subentry */
- def updateClassPath(subst: Map[ClassPath, ClassPath]) =
- currentClassPath = Some(new DeltaClassPath(currentClassPath.get, subst))
+ def updateClassPath(subst: Map[ClassPath, ClassPath]): Unit = currentClassPath.get match {
+ case AggregateClassPath(entries) =>
+ currentClassPath = Some(AggregateClassPath(entries map (e => subst.getOrElse(e, e))))
+ case cp: ClassPath =>
+ currentClassPath = Some(subst.getOrElse(cp, cp))
+ }
def rootLoader(root: TermSymbol)(implicit ctx: Context): SymbolLoader = new ctx.base.loaders.PackageLoader(root, classPath)
diff --git a/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/config/PathResolver.scala b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/config/PathResolver.scala
index 159989e6f..f0709f4d3 100644
--- a/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/config/PathResolver.scala
+++ b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/config/PathResolver.scala
@@ -4,8 +4,9 @@ package config
import java.net.{ URL, MalformedURLException }
import WrappedProperties.AccessControl
-import io.{ ClassPath, JavaClassPath, File, Directory, Path, AbstractFile }
-import ClassPath.{ JavaContext, DefaultJavaContext, join, split }
+import io.{ ClassPath, File, Directory, Path, AbstractFile }
+import classpath.{AggregateClassPath, ClassPathFactory }
+import ClassPath.{ JavaContext, join, split }
import PartialFunction.condOpt
import scala.language.postfixOps
import core.Contexts._
@@ -128,7 +129,7 @@ object PathResolver {
- def fromPathString(path: String)(implicit ctx: Context): JavaClassPath = {
+ def fromPathString(path: String)(implicit ctx: Context): ClassPath = {
val settings = ctx.settings.classpath.update(path)
new PathResolver()(ctx.fresh.setSettings(settings)).result
@@ -150,7 +151,11 @@ object PathResolver {
val pr = new PathResolver()(ctx.fresh.setSettings(sstate))
println(" COMMAND: 'scala %s'".format(args.mkString(" ")))
println("RESIDUAL: 'scala %s'\n".format(rest.mkString(" ")))
- pr.result.show
+ pr.result match {
+ case cp: AggregateClassPath =>
+ println(s"ClassPath has ${cp.aggregates.size} entries and results in:\n${cp.asClassPathStrings}")
+ }
@@ -159,7 +164,7 @@ import PathResolver.{ Defaults, Environment, firstNonEmpty, ppcp }
class PathResolver(implicit ctx: Context) {
import ctx.base.settings
- val context = ClassPath.DefaultJavaContext
+ private val classPathFactory = new ClassPathFactory
private def cmdLineOrElse(name: String, alt: String) = {
(commandLineFor(name) match {
@@ -214,7 +219,7 @@ class PathResolver(implicit ctx: Context) {
else sys.env.getOrElse("CLASSPATH", ".")
- import context._
+ import classPathFactory._
// Assemble the elements!
// priority class path takes precedence
@@ -254,8 +259,8 @@ class PathResolver(implicit ctx: Context) {
def containers = Calculated.containers
- lazy val result: JavaClassPath = {
- val cp = new JavaClassPath(containers.toIndexedSeq, context)
+ lazy val result: ClassPath = {
+ val cp = AggregateClassPath(containers.toIndexedSeq)
if (settings.Ylogcp.value) {
Console.println("Classpath built from " + settings.toConciseString(ctx.sstate))
diff --git a/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/config/ScalaSettings.scala b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/config/ScalaSettings.scala
index 63c3d5f74..941434dd5 100644
--- a/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/config/ScalaSettings.scala
+++ b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/config/ScalaSettings.scala
@@ -73,6 +73,8 @@ class ScalaSettings extends Settings.SettingGroup {
val log = PhasesSetting("-Ylog", "Log operations during")
val emitTasty = BooleanSetting("-YemitTasty", "Generate tasty in separate *.tasty file.")
val Ylogcp = BooleanSetting("-Ylog-classpath", "Output information about what classpath is being applied.")
+ val YdisableFlatCpCaching = BooleanSetting("-YdisableFlatCpCaching", "Do not cache flat classpath representation of classpath elements from jars across compiler instances.")
val YnoImports = BooleanSetting("-Yno-imports", "Compile without importing scala.*, java.lang.*, or Predef.")
val YnoPredef = BooleanSetting("-Yno-predef", "Compile without importing Predef.")
val Yskip = PhasesSetting("-Yskip", "Skip")
diff --git a/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/SymbolLoaders.scala b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/SymbolLoaders.scala
index e4d2d446f..63c2817a6 100644
--- a/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/SymbolLoaders.scala
+++ b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/SymbolLoaders.scala
@@ -9,7 +9,8 @@ package core
import java.io.IOException
import scala.compat.Platform.currentTime
-import dotty.tools.io.{ ClassPath, AbstractFile }
+import dotty.tools.io.{ ClassPath, ClassRepresentation, AbstractFile }
+import classpath._
import Contexts._, Symbols._, Flags._, SymDenotations._, Types._, Scopes._, util.Positions._, Names._
import StdNames._, NameOps._
import Decorators.{PreNamedString, StringInterpolators}
@@ -60,8 +61,7 @@ class SymbolLoaders {
/** Enter package with given `name` into scope of `owner`
* and give them `completer` as type.
- def enterPackage(owner: Symbol, pkg: ClassPath)(implicit ctx: Context): Symbol = {
- val pname = pkg.name.toTermName
+ def enterPackage(owner: Symbol, pname: TermName, completer: (TermSymbol, ClassSymbol) => PackageLoader)(implicit ctx: Context): Symbol = {
val preExisting = owner.info.decls lookup pname
if (preExisting != NoSymbol) {
// Some jars (often, obfuscated ones) include a package and
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ class SymbolLoaders {
ctx.newModuleSymbol(owner, pname, PackageCreationFlags, PackageCreationFlags,
- (module, modcls) => new PackageLoader(module, pkg)).entered
+ completer).entered
/** Enter class and module with given `name` into scope of `owner`
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ class SymbolLoaders {
/** Initialize toplevel class and module symbols in `owner` from class path representation `classRep`
- def initializeFromClassPath(owner: Symbol, classRep: ClassPath#ClassRep)(implicit ctx: Context): Unit = {
+ def initializeFromClassPath(owner: Symbol, classRep: ClassRepresentation)(implicit ctx: Context): Unit = {
((classRep.binary, classRep.source): @unchecked) match {
case (Some(bin), Some(src)) if needCompile(bin, src) && !binaryOnly(owner, classRep.name) =>
if (ctx.settings.verbose.value) ctx.inform("[symloader] picked up newer source file for " + src.path)
@@ -144,10 +144,10 @@ class SymbolLoaders {
/** Load contents of a package
- class PackageLoader(_sourceModule: TermSymbol, classpath: ClassPath)
+ class PackageLoader(_sourceModule: TermSymbol, classPath: ClassPath)
extends SymbolLoader {
override def sourceModule(implicit ctx: Context) = _sourceModule
- def description = "package loader " + classpath.name
+ def description(implicit ctx: Context) = "package loader " + sourceModule.fullName
private var enterFlatClasses: Option[Context => Unit] = None
@@ -188,23 +188,25 @@ class SymbolLoaders {
def isFlatName(name: SimpleTermName) = name.lastIndexOf('$', name.length - 2) >= 0
- def isFlatName(classRep: ClassPath#ClassRep) = {
+ def isFlatName(classRep: ClassRepresentation) = {
val idx = classRep.name.indexOf('$')
idx >= 0 && idx < classRep.name.length - 1
- def maybeModuleClass(classRep: ClassPath#ClassRep) = classRep.name.last == '$'
+ def maybeModuleClass(classRep: ClassRepresentation) = classRep.name.last == '$'
- private def enterClasses(root: SymDenotation, flat: Boolean)(implicit ctx: Context) = {
- def isAbsent(classRep: ClassPath#ClassRep) =
+ private def enterClasses(root: SymDenotation, packageName: String, flat: Boolean)(implicit ctx: Context) = {
+ def isAbsent(classRep: ClassRepresentation) =
if (!root.isRoot) {
- for (classRep <- classpath.classes)
+ val classReps = classPath.classes(packageName)
+ for (classRep <- classReps)
if (!maybeModuleClass(classRep) && isFlatName(classRep) == flat &&
(!flat || isAbsent(classRep))) // on 2nd enter of flat names, check that the name has not been entered before
initializeFromClassPath(root.symbol, classRep)
- for (classRep <- classpath.classes)
+ for (classRep <- classReps)
if (maybeModuleClass(classRep) && isFlatName(classRep) == flat &&
initializeFromClassPath(root.symbol, classRep)
@@ -217,14 +219,24 @@ class SymbolLoaders {
root.info = ClassInfo(pre, root.symbol.asClass, Nil, currentDecls, pre select sourceModule)
if (!sourceModule.isCompleted)
+ val packageName = if (root.isEffectiveRoot) "" else root.fullName.toString
enterFlatClasses = Some { ctx =>
enterFlatClasses = None
- enterClasses(root, flat = true)(ctx)
+ enterClasses(root, packageName, flat = true)(ctx)
- enterClasses(root, flat = false)
+ enterClasses(root, packageName, flat = false)
if (!root.isEmptyPackage)
- for (pkg <- classpath.packages)
- enterPackage(root.symbol, pkg)
+ for (pkg <- classPath.packages(packageName)) {
+ val fullName = pkg.name
+ val name =
+ if (packageName.isEmpty) fullName
+ else fullName.substring(packageName.length + 1)
+ enterPackage(root.symbol, name.toTermName,
+ (module, modcls) => new PackageLoader(module, classPath))
+ }
@@ -242,7 +254,7 @@ abstract class SymbolLoader extends LazyType {
/** Description of the resource (ClassPath, AbstractFile)
* being processed by this loader
- def description: String
+ def description(implicit ctx: Context): String
override def complete(root: SymDenotation)(implicit ctx: Context): Unit = {
def signalError(ex: Exception): Unit = {
@@ -283,7 +295,7 @@ class ClassfileLoader(val classfile: AbstractFile) extends SymbolLoader {
override def sourceFileOrNull: AbstractFile = classfile
- def description = "class file " + classfile.toString
+ def description(implicit ctx: Context) = "class file " + classfile.toString
def rootDenots(rootDenot: ClassDenotation)(implicit ctx: Context): (ClassDenotation, ClassDenotation) = {
val linkedDenot = rootDenot.scalacLinkedClass.denot match {
@@ -318,7 +330,7 @@ class ClassfileLoader(val classfile: AbstractFile) extends SymbolLoader {
class SourcefileLoader(val srcfile: AbstractFile) extends SymbolLoader {
- def description = "source file " + srcfile.toString
+ def description(implicit ctx: Context) = "source file " + srcfile.toString
override def sourceFileOrNull = srcfile
def doComplete(root: SymDenotation)(implicit ctx: Context): Unit = unsupported("doComplete")
diff --git a/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/classfile/ClassfileParser.scala b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/classfile/ClassfileParser.scala
index 27afa4d09..26c823f97 100644
--- a/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/classfile/ClassfileParser.scala
+++ b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/classfile/ClassfileParser.scala
@@ -665,7 +665,7 @@ class ClassfileParser(
for (entry <- innerClasses.values) {
// create a new class member for immediate inner classes
if (entry.outerName == currentClassName) {
- val file = ctx.platform.classPath.findBinaryFile(entry.externalName.toString) getOrElse {
+ val file = ctx.platform.classPath.findClassFile(entry.externalName.toString) getOrElse {
throw new AssertionError(entry.externalName)
enterClassAndModule(entry, file, entry.jflags)
diff --git a/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/repl/CompilingInterpreter.scala b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/repl/CompilingInterpreter.scala
index 65c64f708..eed75fe88 100644
--- a/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/repl/CompilingInterpreter.scala
+++ b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/repl/CompilingInterpreter.scala
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ class CompilingInterpreter(
private val prevRequests = new ArrayBuffer[Request]()
/** the compiler's classpath, as URL's */
- val compilerClasspath: List[URL] = ictx.platform.classPath(ictx).asURLs
+ val compilerClasspath: Seq[URL] = ictx.platform.classPath(ictx).asURLs
/* A single class loader is used for all commands interpreted by this Interpreter.
It would also be possible to create a new class loader for each command