path: root/doc-tool/src/dotty/tools
diff options
authorFelix Mulder <felix.mulder@gmail.com>2017-01-06 13:57:00 +0100
committerFelix Mulder <felix.mulder@gmail.com>2017-01-31 14:31:04 +0100
commit87f1f5f44585e855a8c8234955e1e48dcbbc3a21 (patch)
treefabf1666fcff6ec08991d93675d22bd5565001bd /doc-tool/src/dotty/tools
parentcbb9ae997825592e6d307d2feb89ba9e0a202820 (diff)
Add beginnings of Site class
Diffstat (limited to 'doc-tool/src/dotty/tools')
1 files changed, 62 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc-tool/src/dotty/tools/dottydoc/staticsite/Site.scala b/doc-tool/src/dotty/tools/dottydoc/staticsite/Site.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d51b881e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc-tool/src/dotty/tools/dottydoc/staticsite/Site.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+package dotty.tools
+package dottydoc
+package staticsite
+import _root_.java.io.{ File => JFile }
+import dotc.config.Printers.dottydoc
+import dotc.core.Contexts.Context
+import scala.io.Source
+class Site(val root: JFile) {
+ /** If, for some reason, the supplied default files cannot be found - this
+ * exception will be thrown in `layouts`.
+ */
+ final case class ResourceNotFoundException(message: String) extends Exception(message)
+ /** Files that define a layout then referred to by `layout: filename-no-ext`
+ * in yaml front-matter.
+ *
+ * The compiler will look in two locations, `<root>/_layouts/` and
+ * in the bundled jar file's resources `/_layouts`.
+ *
+ * If the user supplies a layout that has the same name as one of the
+ * defaults, the user-defined one will take precedence.
+ */
+ val layouts: Map[String, String] = {
+ def collectLayouts(dir: JFile): Map[String, String] =
+ dir
+ .listFiles
+ .filter(f => f.getName.endsWith(".md") || f.getName.endsWith(".html"))
+ .map { f =>
+ (f.getName.substring(0, f.getName.lastIndexOf('.')), Source.fromFile(f).mkString)
+ }
+ .toMap
+ def getResource(p: String): String =
+ Option(getClass.getResourceAsStream(p)).map(scala.io.Source.fromInputStream)
+ .map(_.mkString)
+ .getOrElse(throw ResourceNotFoundException(p))
+ val userDefinedLayouts =
+ root
+ .listFiles.find(d => d.getName == "_layouts" && d.isDirectory)
+ .map(collectLayouts)
+ .getOrElse(Map.empty)
+ val defaultLayouts: Map[String, String] = Map(
+ "main" -> "/_layouts/main.html"
+ ).mapValues(getResource)
+ defaultLayouts ++ userDefinedLayouts
+ }
+ def render(page: Page, params: Map[String, AnyRef])(implicit ctx: Context): String = {
+ page.yaml.get("layout").flatMap(layouts.get(_)) match {
+ case Some(layout) =>
+ (new HtmlPage(layout, Map("content" -> page.html) ++ params)).html
+ case None =>
+ page.html
+ }
+ }