path: root/docs/blog/_posts/2016-01-02-new-year-resolutions.md
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authorFelix Mulder <felix.mulder@gmail.com>2016-10-05 17:39:21 +0200
committerFelix Mulder <felix.mulder@gmail.com>2016-10-06 16:39:40 +0200
commitd6583e52da599a6067f12950b7df575b31b3fbee (patch)
tree6423f06e0e6adb49fa41fb8cc4136df10b72cb3b /docs/blog/_posts/2016-01-02-new-year-resolutions.md
parent6777edc4f8bbd14a82a282740545d91af4d2f7b5 (diff)
Add Jekyll as static site generator
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/blog/_posts/2016-01-02-new-year-resolutions.md')
1 files changed, 65 insertions, 0 deletions
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+layout: blog
+title: New Year Resolutions
+author: Martin Odersky
+authorImg: /images/martin.jpg
+For most of us, the change of the year is an occasion for thinking
+about what we missed doing last year and where we want to improve. I decided
+there are a couple of things where I would like to do better in 2016
+than in 2015. The first is that I would like to do more blogging and
+writing in general. I have been pretty silent for most of the last
+year. This was mostly caused by the fact that I had been heads down to
+work on DOT, Scala's foundations, and _dotty_, the new Scala compiler
+platform we are working on. It's been a lot of work, but we are finally
+getting good results. DOT now has a mechanized proof of type soundness
+and the dotty compiler [can now compile
+as well as large parts of Scala's standard library.
+The dotty compiler has a completely new and quite unusual
+architecture, which makes it resemble a functional database or a
+functional reactive program. My [talk at the JVM language
+summit](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WxyyJyB_Ssc) gives an
+overview. In the coming months I want to write together with my
+collaborators a series of blog posts
+ that explain details of the code base. The
+aim of these posts will be to present the new architectural patterns
+to a larger audience and also to help existing and potential
+contributors get familiar with the code base.
+My second resolution is to take a larger effort to promote simplicity
+in Scala. I believe the recent [blog post by Jim
+Plush](http://jimplush.com/talk/2015/12/19/moving-a-team-from-scala-to-golang/) should be a wakeup call for our
+community. Scala is a very powerful and un-opinionated language. This
+means we have a large spectrum of choice how to write a Scala
+application or library. It's very important for all of us to use this
+power wisely, and to promote simplicity of usage wherever possible.
+Unfortunately, most of us fall all too easily into the complexity
+trap, as Alex Payne's tweet sums it up very nicely.
+<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">“Complexity is like a bug light for smart people. We can&#39;t resist it, even though we know it&#39;s bad for us.” <a href="https://t.co/V9Izi573CF">https://t.co/V9Izi573CF</a></p>&mdash; Alex Payne (@al3x) <a href="https://twitter.com/al3x/status/683036775942496256">January 1, 2016</a></blockquote>
+<script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
+I have been as guilty of complication as everybody else. Is
+`CanBuildFrom` the most appropriate solution to deal with the
+constraints of embedding special types such as arrays and strings in a
+collection library? It achieves its purpose of providing a uniform
+user-level API on disparate datatypes. But I now think with more
+effort we might be able come up with a solution that works as well and
+is simpler. Another example, where I have doubts if not regrets are
+the `/:` and `:\` operators in scala.collections. They are cute
+synonyms for folds, and I am still fond of the analogy with falling
+dominoes they evoke. But in retrospect I think maybe they did give a
+bad example for others to go overboard with symbolic operators.
+So my main agenda for the coming year is to work on making Scala
+simpler: The language, its foundations, its libraries. I hope you
+will join me in that venture.
+With that thought, I wish you a happy new year 2016.