path: root/docs
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authorMartin Odersky <odersky@gmail.com>2014-05-29 18:43:53 +0200
committerMartin Odersky <odersky@gmail.com>2014-05-30 14:28:06 +0200
commit8492c211c2788b93acd2414bea1c8d58fb7ddc29 (patch)
tree4bc25ddbef13f50f6a8a94d43fcc3d6414828674 /docs
parent8a4186ff782efefb98686aa35bf7f5dd1418210d (diff)
Version 2, picking up on an idea of Adriaan.
Diffstat (limited to 'docs')
1 files changed, 326 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/docs/HigherKinded-v2.md b/docs/HigherKinded-v2.md
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index 000000000..1d29b35ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/HigherKinded-v2.md
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+Higher-Kinded Types in Dotty V2
+This note outlines how we intend to represent higher-kinded types in
+Dotty. The principal idea is to collapse the four previously
+disparate features of refinements, type parameters, existentials and
+higher-kinded types into just one: refinements of type members. All
+other features will be encoded using these refinements.
+The complexity of type systems tends to grow exponentially with the
+number of independent features, because there are an exponential
+number of possible feature interactions. Consequently, a reduction
+from 4 to 1 fundamental features achieves a dramatic reduction of
+complexity. It also adds some nice usablilty improvements, notably in
+the area of partial type application.
+This is a second version of the scheme which differs in a key aspect
+from the first one: Following Adriaan's idea, we use traits with type
+members to model type lambdas and type applications. This is both more
+general and more robust than the intersections with type constructor
+traits that we had in the first version.
+The duality
+The core idea: A parameterized class such as
+ class Map[K, V]
+is treated as equivalent to a type with type members:
+ class Map { type Map$K; type Map$V }
+The type members are name-mangled (i.e. `Map$K`) so that they do not conflict with other
+members or parameters named `K` or `V`.
+A type-instance such as `Map[String, Int]` would then be treated as equivalent to
+ Map { type Map$K = String; type Map$V = Int }
+Named type parameters
+Type parameters can have unmangled names. This is achieved by adding the `type` keyword
+to a type parameter declaration, analogous to how `val` indicates a named field. For instance,
+ class Map[type K, type V]
+is treated as equivalent to
+ class Map { type K; type V }
+The parameters are made visible as fields.
+A wildcard type such as `Map[_, Int]` is equivalent to
+ Map { type Map$V = Int }
+I.e. `_`'s omit parameters from being instantiated. Wildcard arguments
+can have bounds. E.g.
+ Map[_ <: AnyRef, Int]
+is equivalent to
+ Map { type Map$K <: AnyRef; type Map$V = Int }
+Type parameters in the Encodings
+The notion of type parameters makes sense even for encoded types,
+which do not contain parameter lists in their syntax. Specifically,
+the type parameters of a type are a sequence of type fields that
+correspond to paraneters in the unencoded type. They are determined as
+ - The type parameters of a class or trait type are those parameter fields declared in the class
+ that are not yet instantiated, in the order they are given. Type parameter fields of parents
+ are not considered.
+ - The type parameters of an abstract type are the type parameters of its upper bound.
+ - The type parameters of an alias type are the type parameters of its right hand side.
+ - The type parameters of every other type is the empty sequence.
+Partial applications
+The definition of type parameters in the previous section leads to a simple model of partial applications.
+Consider for instance:
+ type Histogram = Map[_, Int]
+`Histogram` is a higher-kinded type that still has one type parameter.
+would be a possible type instance, and it would be equivalent to `Map[String, Int]`.
+Modelling polymorphic type declarations
+The partial application scheme gives us a new -- and quite elegant --
+way to do higher-kinded types. But how do we interprete the
+poymorphic types that exist in current Scala?
+More concretely, current Scala allows us to write parameterize type
+definitions, abstract types, and type parameters. In the new scheme,
+only classes (and traits) can have parameters and these are treated as
+equivalent to type members. Type aliases and abstract types do not
+allow the definition of type members so we have to interprete
+polymorphic type aliases and abstract types specially.
+Modelling polymorphic type aliases
+A polymorphic type alias such as
+ type Pair[T] = (T, T)
+is represented as a monomorphic type alias of a type lambda. Here's the expanded version of
+the definition above:
+ type Pair = Lambda1 { type Apply = (Arg1, Arg1) }
+Here, `Lambda1` is a standard trait defined as follows:
+ trait Lambda1[type Arg1, type Apply]
+According to our definitions of type parameters `Lambda1` has two type parameters
+and `Pair` has one.
+There are `LambdaN` traits for higher arities as well. `Lambda` traits are special in that
+they influence how type applications are expanded: If standard type applicatuon `T[X1, ..., Xn]`
+leads to a subtype `S` of a type instance
+ LambdaN { type Arg1 = T1; ...; type ArgN = Tn; type Apply ... }
+where all argument fields `Arg1, ..., ArgN` are concretely defined
+and the definition of the `Apply` field may be either abstract or concrete, then the application
+is further expanded to `S # Apply`.
+For instance, the type instance `Pair[String]` would be expanded to
+ Lambda1 { type Arg1 = String; type Apply = (Arg1, Arg1) } # Apply
+which turns out to be equal to `(String, String)`.
+2nd Example: Consider the two aliases
+ type RMap[K, V] = Map[V, K]]
+ type RRMap[K, V] = RMap[V, K]
+These expand as follows:
+ type RMap = Lambda2 { self1 => type Apply = Map[self1.Arg2, self1.Arg1] }
+ type RRMap = Lambda2 { self2 => type Apply = RMap[self2.Arg2, self2.Arg1] }
+Substituting the definition of `RMap` and expanding the type application gives:
+ type RRMap = Lambda2 { self2 => type Apply =
+ Lambda2 { self1 => type Apply = Map[self1.Arg2, self1.Arg1] }
+ { type Arg1 = self2.Arg2; type Arg2 = self2.Arg1 } # Apply }
+Substituting the definitions `self1.Arg{1,2}` gives:
+ type RRMap = Lambda2 { self2 => type Apply =
+ Lambda2 { self1 => type Apply = Map[self2.Arg1, self2.Arg2] }
+ { type Arg1 = self2.Arg2; type Arg2 = self2.Arg1 } # Apply }
+Simplifiying the `# Apply` selection gives:
+ type RRMap = Lambda2 { self2 => type Apply = Map[self2.Arg1, self2.Arg2] }
+This can be regarded as the eta-expanded version of `Map`. It has the same expansion as
+ type IMap[K, V] = Map[K, V]
+Modelling higher-kinded types
+The encoding of higher-kinded types uses again the `Lambda` traits to represent type constructors.
+Consider the higher-kinded type declaration
+ type Rep[T]
+We expand this to
+ type Rep <: Lambda1
+The type parameters of `Rep` are the type parameters of its upper bound, so
+`Rep` is a uniary type constructor.
+More generally, a higher-kinded type declaration
+ type T[X1 >: S1 <: U1, ..., XN >: S1 <: UN] >: SR <: UR
+is encoded as
+ type T <: LambdaN { self =>
+ type Arg1 >: s(S1) <: s(U1)
+ ...
+ type ArgN >: s(SN) <: s(UN)
+ type Apply >: s(SR) <: s(UR)
+ }
+where `s` is the substitution `[XI := self.ArgI | I = 1,...,N]`.
+If we instantiate `Rep` with a type argument, this is expanded as was explained before.
+ Rep[String]
+would expand to
+ Rep { type Arg1 = String } # Apply
+If we instantiate the higher-kinded type with a concrete type constructor (i.e. a parameterized
+trait or class, we have to do one extra adaptation to make it work. The parameterized trait
+or class has to be eta-expansed so that it comforms to the `Lambda` bound. For instance,
+ type Rep = Set
+would expand to
+ type Rep = Lambda1 { type Apply = Set[Arg1] }
+ type Rep = Map[String, _]
+would expand to
+ type Rep = Lambda1 { type Apply = Map[String, Arg1] }
+Full example
+Consider the higher-kinded `Functor` type class
+ class Functor[F[_]] {
+ def map[A, B](f: A => B): F[A] => F[B]
+ }
+This would be represented as follows:
+ class Functor[F <: Lambda1] {
+ def map[A, B](f: A => B): F { type Arg1 = A } # Apply => F { type Arg1 = B } # Apply
+ }
+The type `Functor[List]` would be represented as follows
+ Functor {
+ type F = Lambda1 { type Apply = List[Arg1] }
+ }
+Now, assume we have a value
+ val ml: Functor[List]
+Then `ml.map` would have type
+ s(F { type Arg1 = A } # Apply => F { type Arg1 = B } # Apply)
+where `s` is the substitution of `[F := Lambda1 { type Apply = List[Arg1] }]`.
+This gives:
+ Lambda1 { type Apply = List[Arg1] } { type Arg1 = A } # Apply
+ => Lambda1 { type Apply = List[Arg1] } { type Arg1 = B } # Apply
+This type simplifies to:
+ List[A] => List[B]
+Status of #
+In the scheme above we have silently assumed that `#` "does the right
+thing", i.e. that the types are well-formed and we can collapse a type
+alias with a `#` projection, thereby giving us a form of beta
+In Scala 2.x, this would not work, because `T#X` means `x.X forSome { val x: T }`.
+Hence, two occurrences of `Rep[Int]` say, would not be recognized to be equal because the
+existential would be opened each time afresh.
+In pre-existentials Scala, this would not have worked either. There, `T#X` was a fundamental
+type constructor, but was restricted to alias types or classes for both `T` and `X`.
+Roughly, `#` was meant to encode Java's inner classes. In Java, given the classes
+ class Outer { class Inner }
+ class Sub1 extends Outer
+ class Sub2 extends Outer
+The types `Outer#Inner`, `Sub1#Inner` and `Sub2#Inner` would all exist and be
+regarded as equal to each other. But if `Outer` had abstract type members this would
+not work, since that type member could be instantiated differently in `Sub1` and `Sub2`.
+Assuming that `Sub1#Inner = Sub2#Inner` could then lead to a soundness hole. To avoid soundness
+problems, the types in `X#Y` were restricted so that `Y` was (an alias of) a class type and
+`X` was (an alias of) a class type with no abstract type members.
+I believe we can drop this restriction and allow arbitrary type projects `X#Y` if we
+are more careful with the subtyping rules. Specifically:
+ A # X <: B # X
+if either `A = B`, or the following three conditions hold:
+ 1. `X` is (an alias of) a class type,
+ 2. `B` is (an alias of) a class type without abstract type members.
+ 3. `A <: B`.
+In essence, we allow abstract types `X`, `Y` in a project `X#Y` but we prevent in this
+case hiding conflicting type information in a subtype widening.
+It would be good to study these rules formally, trying to verify their soundness.