path: root/library/src/dotty/runtime
diff options
authorFelix Mulder <felix.mulder@gmail.com>2016-10-18 17:42:57 +0200
committerGuillaume Martres <smarter@ubuntu.com>2016-11-22 01:35:06 +0100
commit2769e1b5b680868433c91b37d44f9420d728c4ac (patch)
treeba66613269a7b50746f124a92d9c970411521825 /library/src/dotty/runtime
parent2d10c87ce537fb42fdb134efcae53dca7305a7b7 (diff)
separate lib from compiler
Diffstat (limited to 'library/src/dotty/runtime')
5 files changed, 673 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/library/src/dotty/runtime/Arrays.scala b/library/src/dotty/runtime/Arrays.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9ec5512ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/src/dotty/runtime/Arrays.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+package dotty.runtime
+import scala.reflect.ClassTag
+import java.lang.{reflect => jlr}
+/** All but the first two operations should be short-circuited and implemented specially by
+ * the backend.
+ */
+object Arrays {
+ // note: this class is magical. Do not touch it unless you know what you are doing.`
+ /** Creates an array of some element type determined by the given `ClassTag`
+ * argument. The erased type of applications of this method is `Object`.
+ */
+ def newGenericArray[T](length: Int)(implicit tag: ClassTag[T]): Array[T] =
+ tag.newArray(length)
+ /** Convert a sequence to a Java array with element type given by `clazz`. */
+ def seqToArray[T](xs: Seq[T], clazz: Class[_]): Array[T] = {
+ val arr = java.lang.reflect.Array.newInstance(clazz, xs.length).asInstanceOf[Array[T]]
+ xs.copyToArray(arr)
+ arr
+ }
+ /** Create an array of a reference type T.
+ */
+ def newArray[Arr](componentType: Class[_], returnType: Class[Arr], dimensions: Array[Int]): Arr =
+ jlr.Array.newInstance(componentType, dimensions: _*).asInstanceOf[Arr]
diff --git a/library/src/dotty/runtime/LazyHolders.scala b/library/src/dotty/runtime/LazyHolders.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1e31cda66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/src/dotty/runtime/LazyHolders.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+package dotty.runtime
+ * Classes used as holders for local lazy vals
+ */
+class LazyInt {
+ var value: Int = _
+ @volatile var initialized: Boolean = false
+class LazyLong {
+ var value: Long = _
+ @volatile var initialized: Boolean = false
+class LazyBoolean {
+ var value: Boolean = _
+ @volatile var initialized: Boolean = false
+class LazyDouble {
+ var value: Double = _
+ @volatile var initialized: Boolean = false
+class LazyByte {
+ var value: Byte = _
+ @volatile var initialized: Boolean = false
+class LazyRef {
+ var value: AnyRef = _
+ @volatile var initialized: Boolean = false
+class LazyShort {
+ var value: Short = _
+ @volatile var initialized: Boolean = false
+class LazyChar {
+ var value: Char = _
+ @volatile var initialized: Boolean = false
diff --git a/library/src/dotty/runtime/LazyVals.scala b/library/src/dotty/runtime/LazyVals.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4dea0d34d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/src/dotty/runtime/LazyVals.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+package dotty.runtime
+import scala.annotation.tailrec
+ * Helper methods used in thread-safe lazy vals.
+ */
+object LazyVals {
+ private val unsafe = scala.concurrent.util.Unsafe.instance
+ final val BITS_PER_LAZY_VAL = 2L
+ final val LAZY_VAL_MASK = 3L
+ final val debug = false
+ @inline def STATE(cur: Long, ord: Int) = {
+ val r = (cur >> (ord * BITS_PER_LAZY_VAL)) & LAZY_VAL_MASK
+ if (debug)
+ println(s"STATE($cur, $ord) = $r")
+ r
+ }
+ @inline def CAS(t: Object, offset: Long, e: Long, v: Int, ord: Int) = {
+ if (debug)
+ println(s"CAS($t, $offset, $e, $v, $ord)")
+ val mask = ~(LAZY_VAL_MASK << ord * BITS_PER_LAZY_VAL)
+ val n = (e & mask) | (v << (ord * BITS_PER_LAZY_VAL))
+ compareAndSet(t, offset, e, n)
+ }
+ @inline def setFlag(t: Object, offset: Long, v: Int, ord: Int) = {
+ if (debug)
+ println(s"setFlag($t, $offset, $v, $ord)")
+ var retry = true
+ while (retry) {
+ val cur = get(t, offset)
+ if (STATE(cur, ord) == 1) retry = CAS(t, offset, cur, v, ord)
+ else {
+ // cur == 2, somebody is waiting on monitor
+ if (CAS(t, offset, cur, v, ord)) {
+ val monitor = getMonitor(t, ord)
+ monitor.synchronized {
+ monitor.notifyAll()
+ }
+ retry = false
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @inline def wait4Notification(t: Object, offset: Long, cur: Long, ord: Int) = {
+ if (debug)
+ println(s"wait4Notification($t, $offset, $cur, $ord)")
+ var retry = true
+ while (retry) {
+ val cur = get(t, offset)
+ val state = STATE(cur, ord)
+ if (state == 1) CAS(t, offset, cur, 2, ord)
+ else if (state == 2) {
+ val monitor = getMonitor(t, ord)
+ monitor.synchronized {
+ monitor.wait()
+ }
+ }
+ else retry = false
+ }
+ }
+ @inline def compareAndSet(t: Object, off: Long, e: Long, v: Long) = unsafe.compareAndSwapLong(t, off, e, v)
+ @inline def get(t: Object, off: Long) = {
+ if (debug)
+ println(s"get($t, $off)")
+ unsafe.getLongVolatile(t, off)
+ }
+ val processors: Int = java.lang.Runtime.getRuntime.availableProcessors()
+ val base: Int = 8 * processors * processors
+ val monitors: Array[Object] = (0 to base).map {
+ x => new Object()
+ }.toArray
+ @inline def getMonitor(obj: Object, fieldId: Int = 0) = {
+ var id = (
+ /*java.lang.System.identityHashCode(obj) + */ // should be here, but #548
+ fieldId) % base
+ if (id < 0) id += base
+ monitors(id)
+ }
+ @inline def getOffset(clz: Class[_], name: String) = {
+ val r = unsafe.objectFieldOffset(clz.getDeclaredField(name))
+ if (debug)
+ println(s"getOffset($clz, $name) = $r")
+ r
+ }
+ object Names {
+ final val state = "STATE"
+ final val cas = "CAS"
+ final val setFlag = "setFlag"
+ final val wait4Notification = "wait4Notification"
+ final val compareAndSet = "compareAndSet"
+ final val get = "get"
+ final val getOffset = "getOffset"
+ }
diff --git a/library/src/dotty/runtime/LegacyApp.scala b/library/src/dotty/runtime/LegacyApp.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2c4b295d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/src/dotty/runtime/LegacyApp.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+package dotty.runtime
+ * replaces the `scala.App` class which relies on `DelayedInit` functionality, not supported by Dotty.
+ */
+class LegacyApp {
+ def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = ()
diff --git a/library/src/dotty/runtime/vc/VCPrototype.scala b/library/src/dotty/runtime/vc/VCPrototype.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..212046ef8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/src/dotty/runtime/vc/VCPrototype.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,486 @@
+package dotty.runtime.vc
+import scala.reflect.ClassTag
+abstract class VCPrototype {
+abstract class VCArrayPrototype[T <: VCPrototype] extends Object with Cloneable {
+ def apply(idx: Int): Object
+ def update(idx: Int, el: T): Unit
+ def length: Int
+ override def clone(): Object = super.clone()
+abstract class VCFloatPrototype(val underlying: Float) extends VCPrototype {}
+abstract class VCFloatCasePrototype(underlying: Float) extends VCFloatPrototype(underlying) with Product1[Float] {
+ final def _1: Float = underlying
+ override final def hashCode(): Int = {
+ underlying.hashCode()
+ }
+ override final def toString: String = {
+ s"$productPrefix($underlying)"
+ }
+abstract class VCFloatCompanion[T <: VCFloatPrototype] extends ClassTag[T] {
+ def box(underlying: Float): T
+ final def unbox(boxed: T) = boxed.underlying
+ implicit def classTag: this.type = this
+ override def newArray(len: Int): Array[T] =
+ new VCFloatArray(this, len).asInstanceOf[Array[T]]
+ final def _1$extension(underlying: Float) = underlying
+ final def hashCode$extension(underlying: Float) = underlying.hashCode()
+ final def toString$extension(underlying: Float) = s"${productPrefix$extension(underlying)}($underlying)"
+ def productPrefix$extension(underlying: Float): String
+final class VCFloatArray[T <: VCFloatPrototype] private (val arr: Array[Float], val ct: VCFloatCompanion[T])
+ extends VCArrayPrototype[T] {
+ def this(ct: VCFloatCompanion[T], sz: Int) =
+ this(new Array[Float](sz), ct)
+ def apply(idx: Int) =
+ ct.box(arr(idx))
+ def update(idx: Int, elem: T) =
+ arr(idx) = ct.unbox(elem)
+ def length: Int = arr.length
+ override def clone(): VCFloatArray[T] = {
+ new VCFloatArray[T](arr.clone(), ct)
+ }
+ override def toString: String = {
+ "[" + ct.runtimeClass
+ }
+abstract class VCObjectPrototype(val underlying: Object) extends VCPrototype {}
+abstract class VCObjectCasePrototype(underlying: Object) extends VCObjectPrototype(underlying) with Product1[Object] {
+ final def _1: Object = underlying
+ override final def hashCode(): Int = {
+ underlying.hashCode()
+ }
+ override final def toString: String = {
+ s"$productPrefix($underlying)"
+ }
+abstract class VCObjectCompanion[T <: VCObjectPrototype] extends ClassTag[T] {
+ def box(underlying: Object): T
+ final def unbox(boxed: T) = boxed.underlying
+ implicit def classTag: this.type = this
+ override def newArray(len: Int): Array[T] =
+ new VCObjectArray(this, len).asInstanceOf[Array[T]]
+ final def _1$extension(underlying: Object) = underlying
+ final def hashCode$extension(underlying: Object) = underlying.hashCode()
+ final def toString$extension(underlying: Object) = s"${productPrefix$extension(underlying)}($underlying)"
+ def productPrefix$extension(underlying: Object): String
+final class VCObjectArray[T <: VCObjectPrototype] private (val arr: Array[Object], val ct: VCObjectCompanion[T])
+ extends VCArrayPrototype[T] {
+ def this(ct: VCObjectCompanion[T], sz: Int) =
+ this(new Array[Object](sz), ct)
+ def apply(idx: Int) =
+ ct.box(arr(idx))
+ def update(idx: Int, elem: T) =
+ arr(idx) = ct.unbox(elem)
+ def length: Int = arr.length
+ override def clone(): VCObjectArray[T] = {
+ new VCObjectArray[T](arr.clone(), ct)
+ }
+ override def toString: String = {
+ "[" + ct.runtimeClass
+ }
+abstract class VCShortPrototype(val underlying: Short) extends VCPrototype {}
+abstract class VCShortCasePrototype(underlying: Short) extends VCShortPrototype(underlying) with Product1[Short] {
+ final def _1: Short = underlying
+ override final def hashCode(): Int = {
+ underlying.hashCode()
+ }
+ override final def toString: String = {
+ s"$productPrefix($underlying)"
+ }
+abstract class VCShortCompanion[T <: VCShortPrototype] extends ClassTag[T] {
+ def box(underlying: Short): T
+ final def unbox(boxed: T) = boxed.underlying
+ implicit def classTag: this.type = this
+ override def newArray(len: Int): Array[T] =
+ new VCShortArray(this, len).asInstanceOf[Array[T]]
+ final def _1$extension(underlying: Short) = underlying
+ final def hashCode$extension(underlying: Short) = underlying.hashCode()
+ final def toString$extension(underlying: Short) = s"${productPrefix$extension(underlying)}($underlying)"
+ def productPrefix$extension(underlying: Short): String
+final class VCShortArray[T <: VCShortPrototype] private (val arr: Array[Short], val ct: VCShortCompanion[T])
+ extends VCArrayPrototype[T] {
+ def this(ct: VCShortCompanion[T], sz: Int) =
+ this(new Array[Short](sz), ct)
+ def apply(idx: Int) =
+ ct.box(arr(idx))
+ def update(idx: Int, elem: T) =
+ arr(idx) = ct.unbox(elem)
+ def length: Int = arr.length
+ override def clone(): VCShortArray[T] = {
+ new VCShortArray[T](arr.clone(), ct)
+ }
+ override def toString: String = {
+ "[" + ct.runtimeClass
+ }
+abstract class VCLongPrototype(val underlying: Long) extends VCPrototype {}
+abstract class VCLongCasePrototype(underlying: Long) extends VCLongPrototype(underlying) with Product1[Long] {
+ final def _1: Long = underlying
+ override final def hashCode(): Int = {
+ underlying.hashCode()
+ }
+ override final def toString: String = {
+ s"$productPrefix($underlying)"
+ }
+abstract class VCLongCompanion[T <: VCLongPrototype] extends ClassTag[T] {
+ def box(underlying: Long): T
+ final def unbox(boxed: T) = boxed.underlying
+ implicit def classTag: this.type = this
+ override def newArray(len: Int): Array[T] =
+ new VCLongArray(this, len).asInstanceOf[Array[T]]
+ final def _1$extension(underlying: Long) = underlying
+ final def hashCode$extension(underlying: Long) = underlying.hashCode()
+ final def toString$extension(underlying: Long) = s"${productPrefix$extension(underlying)}($underlying)"
+ def productPrefix$extension(underlying: Long): String
+final class VCLongArray[T <: VCLongPrototype] private (val arr: Array[Long], val ct: VCLongCompanion[T])
+ extends VCArrayPrototype[T] {
+ def this(ct: VCLongCompanion[T], sz: Int) =
+ this(new Array[Long](sz), ct)
+ def apply(idx: Int) =
+ ct.box(arr(idx))
+ def update(idx: Int, elem: T) =
+ arr(idx) = ct.unbox(elem)
+ def length: Int = arr.length
+ override def clone(): VCLongArray[T] = {
+ new VCLongArray[T](arr.clone(), ct)
+ }
+ override def toString: String = {
+ "[" + ct.runtimeClass
+ }
+abstract class VCIntPrototype(val underlying: Int) extends VCPrototype {}
+abstract class VCIntCasePrototype(underlying: Int) extends VCIntPrototype(underlying) with Product1[Int] {
+ final def _1: Int = underlying
+ override final def hashCode(): Int = {
+ underlying.hashCode()
+ }
+ override final def toString: String = {
+ s"$productPrefix($underlying)"
+ }
+abstract class VCIntCompanion[T <: VCIntPrototype] extends ClassTag[T] {
+ def box(underlying: Int): T
+ final def unbox(boxed: T) = boxed.underlying
+ implicit def classTag: this.type = this
+ override def newArray(len: Int): Array[T] =
+ new VCIntArray(this, len).asInstanceOf[Array[T]]
+ final def _1$extension(underlying: Int) = underlying
+ final def hashCode$extension(underlying: Int) = underlying.hashCode()
+ final def toString$extension(underlying: Int) = s"${productPrefix$extension(underlying)}($underlying)"
+ def productPrefix$extension(underlying: Int): String
+final class VCIntArray[T <: VCIntPrototype] private (val arr: Array[Int], val ct: VCIntCompanion[T])
+ extends VCArrayPrototype[T] {
+ def this(ct: VCIntCompanion[T], sz: Int) =
+ this(new Array[Int](sz), ct)
+ def apply(idx: Int) =
+ ct.box(arr(idx))
+ def update(idx: Int, elem: T) =
+ arr(idx) = ct.unbox(elem)
+ def length: Int = arr.length
+ override def clone(): VCIntArray[T] = {
+ new VCIntArray[T](arr.clone(), ct)
+ }
+ override def toString: String = {
+ "[" + ct.runtimeClass
+ }
+abstract class VCDoublePrototype(val underlying: Double) extends VCPrototype {}
+abstract class VCDoubleCasePrototype(underlying: Double) extends VCDoublePrototype(underlying) with Product1[Double] {
+ final def _1: Double = underlying
+ override final def hashCode(): Int = {
+ underlying.hashCode()
+ }
+ override final def toString: String = {
+ s"$productPrefix($underlying)"
+ }
+abstract class VCDoubleCompanion[T <: VCDoublePrototype] extends ClassTag[T] {
+ def box(underlying: Double): T
+ final def unbox(boxed: T) = boxed.underlying
+ implicit def classTag: this.type = this
+ override def newArray(len: Int): Array[T] =
+ new VCDoubleArray(this, len).asInstanceOf[Array[T]]
+ final def _1$extension(underlying: Double) = underlying
+ final def hashCode$extension(underlying: Double) = underlying.hashCode()
+ final def toString$extension(underlying: Double) = s"${productPrefix$extension(underlying)}($underlying)"
+ def productPrefix$extension(underlying: Double): String
+final class VCDoubleArray[T <: VCDoublePrototype] private (val arr: Array[Double], val ct: VCDoubleCompanion[T])
+ extends VCArrayPrototype[T] {
+ def this(ct: VCDoubleCompanion[T], sz: Int) =
+ this(new Array[Double](sz), ct)
+ def apply(idx: Int) =
+ ct.box(arr(idx))
+ def update(idx: Int, elem: T) =
+ arr(idx) = ct.unbox(elem)
+ def length: Int = arr.length
+ override def clone(): VCDoubleArray[T] = {
+ new VCDoubleArray[T](arr.clone(), ct)
+ }
+ override def toString: String = {
+ "[" + ct.runtimeClass
+ }
+abstract class VCBooleanPrototype(val underlying: Boolean) extends VCPrototype {}
+abstract class VCBooleanCasePrototype(underlying: Boolean) extends VCBooleanPrototype(underlying) with Product1[Boolean] {
+ final def _1: Boolean = underlying
+ override final def hashCode(): Int = {
+ underlying.hashCode()
+ }
+ override final def toString: String = {
+ s"$productPrefix($underlying)"
+ }
+abstract class VCBooleanCompanion[T <: VCBooleanPrototype] extends ClassTag[T] {
+ def box(underlying: Boolean): T
+ final def unbox(boxed: T) = boxed.underlying
+ implicit def classTag: this.type = this
+ override def newArray(len: Int): Array[T] =
+ new VCBooleanArray(this, len).asInstanceOf[Array[T]]
+ final def _1$extension(underlying: Boolean) = underlying
+ final def hashCode$extension(underlying: Boolean) = underlying.hashCode()
+ final def toString$extension(underlying: Boolean) = s"${productPrefix$extension(underlying)}($underlying)"
+ def productPrefix$extension(underlying: Boolean): String
+final class VCBooleanArray[T <: VCBooleanPrototype] private (val arr: Array[Boolean], val ct: VCBooleanCompanion[T])
+ extends VCArrayPrototype[T] {
+ def this(ct: VCBooleanCompanion[T], sz: Int) =
+ this(new Array[Boolean](sz), ct)
+ def apply(idx: Int) =
+ ct.box(arr(idx))
+ def update(idx: Int, elem: T) =
+ arr(idx) = ct.unbox(elem)
+ def length: Int = arr.length
+ override def clone(): VCBooleanArray[T] = {
+ new VCBooleanArray[T](arr.clone(), ct)
+ }
+ override def toString: String = {
+ "[" + ct.runtimeClass
+ }
+abstract class VCCharPrototype(val underlying: Char) extends VCPrototype {}
+abstract class VCCharCasePrototype(underlying: Char) extends VCCharPrototype(underlying) with Product1[Char] {
+ final def _1: Char = underlying
+ override final def hashCode(): Int = {
+ underlying.hashCode()
+ }
+ override final def toString: String = {
+ s"$productPrefix($underlying)"
+ }
+ // subclasses are expected to implement equals, productPrefix, and canEqual
+abstract class VCCharCompanion[T <: VCCharPrototype] extends ClassTag[T] {
+ def box(underlying: Char): T
+ final def unbox(boxed: T) = boxed.underlying
+ implicit def classTag: this.type = this
+ override def newArray(len: Int): Array[T] =
+ new VCCharArray(this, len).asInstanceOf[Array[T]]
+ final def _1$extension(underlying: Char) = underlying
+ final def hashCode$extension(underlying: Char) = underlying.hashCode()
+ final def toString$extension(underlying: Char) = s"${productPrefix$extension(underlying)}($underlying)"
+ def productPrefix$extension(underlying: Char): String
+final class VCCharArray[T <: VCCharPrototype] private (val arr: Array[Char], val ct: VCCharCompanion[T])
+ extends VCArrayPrototype[T] {
+ def this(ct: VCCharCompanion[T], sz: Int) =
+ this(new Array[Char](sz), ct)
+ def apply(idx: Int) =
+ ct.box(arr(idx))
+ def update(idx: Int, elem: T) =
+ arr(idx) = ct.unbox(elem)
+ def length: Int = arr.length
+ override def clone(): VCCharArray[T] = {
+ new VCCharArray[T](arr.clone(), ct)
+ }
+ override def toString: String = {
+ "[" + ct.runtimeClass
+ }
+abstract class VCBytePrototype(val underlying: Byte) extends VCPrototype {}
+abstract class VCByteCasePrototype(underlying: Byte) extends VCBytePrototype(underlying) with Product1[Byte] {
+ final def _1: Byte = underlying
+ override final def hashCode(): Int = {
+ underlying.hashCode()
+ }
+ override final def toString: String = {
+ s"$productPrefix($underlying)"
+ }
+abstract class VCByteCompanion[T <: VCBytePrototype] extends ClassTag[T] {
+ def box(underlying: Byte): T
+ final def unbox(boxed: T) = boxed.underlying
+ implicit def classTag: this.type = this
+ override def newArray(len: Int): Array[T] =
+ new VCByteArray(this, len).asInstanceOf[Array[T]]
+ final def _1$extension(underlying: Byte) = underlying
+ final def hashCode$extension(underlying: Byte) = underlying.hashCode()
+ final def toString$extension(underlying: Byte) = s"${productPrefix$extension(underlying)}($underlying)"
+ def productPrefix$extension(underlying: Byte): String
+final class VCByteArray[T <: VCBytePrototype] private (val arr: Array[Byte], val ct: VCByteCompanion[T])
+ extends VCArrayPrototype[T] {
+ def this(ct: VCByteCompanion[T], sz: Int) =
+ this(new Array[Byte](sz), ct)
+ def apply(idx: Int) =
+ ct.box(arr(idx))
+ def update(idx: Int, elem: T) =
+ arr(idx) = ct.unbox(elem)
+ def length: Int = arr.length
+ override def clone(): VCByteArray[T] = {
+ new VCByteArray[T](arr.clone(), ct)
+ }
+ override def toString: String = {
+ "[" + ct.runtimeClass
+ }