path: root/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/TypeComparer.scala
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authorMartin Odersky <odersky@gmail.com>2013-07-08 11:05:55 +0200
committerMartin Odersky <odersky@gmail.com>2013-07-11 10:07:32 +0200
commitc9679f6c0f3c8200e1b1f537e89488094cfc2576 (patch)
tree59f142f2b241049737bfb71838235a4451d40cc1 /src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/TypeComparer.scala
parent0af96c0f5179104fca02cf1aa144c6176bdb71eb (diff)
Added functionality to deal with function applications.
- Added Applications class to represent applications - Added Constraint class to represent type constraints - Added TyperState class to represent typer state - Added Diagnostic class to buffer errors and warnings - Added Inferencing class that contains some common functionality for type inferencing (this one's still rudimentary). - Added extractor for FunctionType in Definitions - Added desugaring of default parameters to default getters in Desugar - Added flags to deal with default parameters - Added substitutions that replace bound parameters
Diffstat (limited to 'src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/TypeComparer.scala')
1 files changed, 336 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/TypeComparer.scala b/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/TypeComparer.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..479793326
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/TypeComparer.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,336 @@
+package dotty.tools
+package dotc
+package core
+import Types._, Contexts._, Symbols._, Flags._
+import collection.mutable
+import util.SimpleMap
+/** Provides methods to compare types.
+ * @param constraint The initial constraint which is assumed to hold for the comparisons.
+ * The constraint set is updated when undetermined type parameters
+ * in the constraint's domain are compared.
+ */
+class TypeComparer(implicit val ctx: Context) extends DotClass {
+ val state = ctx.typerState
+ import state.constraint
+ private var pendingSubTypes: mutable.Set[(Type, Type)] = null
+ private var recCount = 0
+ /** Add the constraint `<bounds.lo <: param <: bounds.hi>`
+ * to `constraint`.
+ * @pre `param` is in the constraint's domain
+ */
+ def addConstraint(param: PolyParam, bounds: TypeBounds): Boolean = {
+ val pt = param.binder
+ val pnum = param.paramNum
+ val oldEntries = constraint(pt)
+ val oldBounds = oldEntries(pnum).asInstanceOf[TypeBounds]
+ val newBounds = oldBounds & bounds
+ if (oldBounds ne newBounds) {
+ val newEntries = oldEntries.clone
+ newEntries(pnum) = newBounds
+ constraint = constraint.updated(pt, newEntries)
+ }
+ isSubType(newBounds.lo, newBounds.hi)
+ }
+ /** Solve constraint for given type parameter `param`.
+ * If `fromBelow` is true the parameter is approximated by its lower bound,
+ * otherwise it is approximated by its upper bound. However, any occurrences
+ * of the parameter in a refinement somewhere in the bound are removed.
+ * (Such occurrences can arise for F-bounded types).
+ * The type parameter is removed from the constraint's domain and all its
+ * occurrences are replaced by its approximation.
+ * @return the instantiating type
+ * @pre `param` is associated with type bounds in the current constraint.
+ */
+ def approximate(param: PolyParam, fromBelow: Boolean): Type = {
+ val removeParam = new TypeMap {
+ override def apply(tp: Type) = mapOver {
+ tp match {
+ case tp: RefinedType if param occursIn tp.refinedInfo => tp.parent
+ case _ => tp
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ val bounds = constraint(param).asInstanceOf[TypeBounds]
+ val bound = if (fromBelow) bounds.lo else bounds.hi
+ val inst = removeParam(bound)
+ constraint = constraint.replace(param, inst)
+ inst
+ }
+ def isSubType(tp1: Type, tp2: Type): Boolean =
+ if (tp1 == NoType || tp2 == NoType) false
+ else if (tp1 eq tp2) true
+ else {
+ val cs = constraint
+ try {
+ recCount += 1
+ val result =
+ if (recCount < LogPendingSubTypesThreshold) firstTry(tp1, tp2)
+ else monitoredIsSubType(tp1, tp2)
+ recCount -= 1
+ if (!result) constraint = cs
+ result
+ } catch {
+ case ex: Throwable =>
+ recCount -= 1
+ constraint = cs
+ throw ex
+ }
+ }
+ def monitoredIsSubType(tp1: Type, tp2: Type) = {
+ if (pendingSubTypes == null) {
+ pendingSubTypes = new mutable.HashSet[(Type, Type)]
+ ctx.log(s"!!! deep subtype recursion involving $tp1 <:< $tp2")
+ }
+ val p = (tp1, tp2)
+ !pendingSubTypes(p) && {
+ try {
+ pendingSubTypes += p
+ firstTry(tp1, tp2)
+ } finally {
+ pendingSubTypes -= p
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def firstTry(tp1: Type, tp2: Type): Boolean = ctx.debugTraceIndented(s"$tp1 <:< $tp2") {
+ tp2 match {
+ case tp2: NamedType =>
+ tp1 match {
+ case tp1: NamedType =>
+ val sym1 = tp1.symbol
+ val sym2 = tp2.symbol
+ val pre1 = tp1.prefix
+ val pre2 = tp2.prefix
+ if (sym1 == sym2) (
+ ctx.erasedTypes
+ || sym1.isStaticOwner
+ || isSubType(pre1, pre2))
+ else (
+ tp1.name == tp2.name && isSubType(pre1, pre2)
+ || sym2.isClass && {
+ val base = tp1.baseType(sym2)
+ (base ne tp1) && isSubType(base, tp2)
+ }
+ || thirdTryNamed(tp1, tp2))
+ case _ =>
+ secondTry(tp1, tp2)
+ }
+ case WildcardType | ErrorType =>
+ true
+ case tp2: TypeVar =>
+ firstTry(tp1, tp2.thisInstance)
+ case tp2: PolyParam =>
+ constraint(tp2) match {
+ case TypeBounds(lo, _) => isSubType(tp1, lo) || addConstraint(tp2, TypeBounds.lower(tp1))
+ case _ => secondTry(tp1, tp2)
+ }
+ case _ =>
+ secondTry(tp1, tp2)
+ }
+ }
+ def secondTry(tp1: Type, tp2: Type): Boolean = tp1 match {
+ case WildcardType | ErrorType =>
+ true
+ case tp1: TypeVar =>
+ secondTry(tp1.thisInstance, tp2)
+ case tp1: PolyParam =>
+ constraint(tp1) match {
+ case TypeBounds(_, hi) => isSubType(hi, tp2) || addConstraint(tp1, TypeBounds.upper(tp2))
+ case _ => thirdTry(tp1, tp2)
+ }
+ case _ =>
+ thirdTry(tp1, tp2)
+ }
+ def thirdTryNamed(tp1: Type, tp2: NamedType): Boolean = tp2.info match {
+ case TypeBounds(lo, _) =>
+ isSubType(tp1, lo)
+ case _ =>
+ val cls2 = tp2.symbol
+ (cls2 == defn.SingletonClass && tp1.isStable
+ || cls2 == defn.NotNullClass && tp1.isNotNull
+ || (defn.hkTraits contains cls2) && isSubTypeHK(tp1, tp2)
+ || fourthTry(tp1, tp2))
+ }
+ def thirdTry(tp1: Type, tp2: Type): Boolean = tp2 match {
+ case tp2: NamedType =>
+ thirdTryNamed(tp1, tp2)
+ case tp2: RefinedType =>
+ isSubType(tp1, tp2.parent) &&
+ isSubType(tp1.member(tp2.refinedName).info, tp2.refinedInfo)
+ case AndType(tp21, tp22) =>
+ isSubType(tp1, tp21) && isSubType(tp1, tp22)
+ case OrType(tp21, tp22) =>
+ isSubType(tp1, tp21) || isSubType(tp1, tp22)
+ case tp2 @ MethodType(_, formals1) =>
+ tp1 match {
+ case tp1 @ MethodType(_, formals2) =>
+ tp1.signature == tp2.signature &&
+ matchingParams(formals1, formals2, tp1.isJava, tp2.isJava) &&
+ tp1.isImplicit == tp2.isImplicit && // needed?
+ isSubType(tp1.resultType, tp2.resultType.subst(tp2, tp1))
+ case _ =>
+ false
+ }
+ case tp2: PolyType =>
+ tp1 match {
+ case tp1: PolyType =>
+ tp1.signature == tp2.signature &&
+ (tp1.paramBounds corresponds tp2.paramBounds)((b1, b2) =>
+ isSameType(b1, b2.subst(tp2, tp1))) &&
+ isSubType(tp1.resultType, tp2.resultType.subst(tp2, tp1))
+ case _ =>
+ false
+ }
+ case tp2 @ ExprType(restpe1) =>
+ tp1 match {
+ case tp1 @ ExprType(restpe2) =>
+ isSubType(restpe1, restpe2)
+ case _ =>
+ false
+ }
+ case TypeBounds(lo2, hi2) =>
+ tp1 match {
+ case TypeBounds(lo1, hi1) =>
+ isSubType(lo2, lo1) && isSubType(hi1, hi2)
+ case tp1: ClassInfo =>
+ val tt = tp1.typeConstructor // was typeTemplate
+ isSubType(lo2, tt) && isSubType(tt, hi2)
+ case _ =>
+ false
+ }
+ /* needed?
+ case ClassInfo(pre2, denot2) =>
+ tp1 match {
+ case ClassInfo(pre1, denot1) =>
+ (denot1 eq denot2) && isSubType(pre2, pre1) // !!! or isSameType?
+ }
+ case _ =>
+ fourthTry(tp1, tp2)
+ }
+ def fourthTry(tp1: Type, tp2: Type): Boolean = tp1 match {
+ case tp1: TypeRef =>
+ ((tp1 eq defn.NothingType)
+ || (tp1 eq defn.NullType) && tp2.dealias.typeSymbol.isNonValueClass
+ || !tp1.symbol.isClass && isSubType(tp1.info.bounds.hi, tp2))
+ case tp1: SingletonType =>
+ isSubType(tp1.underlying, tp2)
+ case tp1: RefinedType =>
+ isSubType(tp1.parent, tp2)
+ case AndType(tp11, tp12) =>
+ isSubType(tp11, tp2) || isSubType(tp12, tp2)
+ case OrType(tp11, tp12) =>
+ isSubType(tp11, tp2) && isSubType(tp12, tp2)
+ case _ =>
+ false
+ }
+ /* not needed
+ def isSubArgs(tps1: List[Type], tps2: List[Type], tparams: List[TypeSymbol]): Boolean = tparams match {
+ case tparam :: tparams1 =>
+ val variance = tparam.variance
+ val t1 = tps1.head
+ val t2 = tps2.head
+ (variance > 0 || isSubType(t2, t1)) &&
+ (variance < 0 || isSubType(t1, t2)) &&
+ isSubArgs(tps1.tail, tps2.tail, tparams1)
+ case _ =>
+ assert(tps1.isEmpty && tps2.isEmpty)
+ true
+ }
+ /** Is `tp1` a subtype of a type `tp2` of the form
+ * `scala.HigerKindedXYZ { ... }?
+ * This is the case if `tp1` and `tp2` have the same number
+ * of type parameters, the bounds of tp1's paremeters
+ * are contained in the corresponding bounds of tp2's parameters
+ * and the variances of correesponding parameters agree.
+ */
+ def isSubTypeHK(tp1: Type, tp2: Type): Boolean = {
+ val tparams = tp1.typeParams
+ val hkArgs = tp2.typeArgs
+ (hkArgs.length == tparams.length) && {
+ val base = ctx.newSkolemSingleton(tp1)
+ (tparams, hkArgs).zipped.forall { (tparam, hkArg) =>
+ base.memberInfo(tparam) <:< hkArg.bounds // TODO: base.memberInfo needed?
+ } &&
+ (tparams, tp2.typeSymbol.typeParams).zipped.forall { (tparam, tparam2) =>
+ tparam.variance == tparam2.variance
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /** A function implementing `tp1` matches `tp2`. */
+ final def matchesType(tp1: Type, tp2: Type, alwaysMatchSimple: Boolean): Boolean = tp1 match {
+ case tp1: MethodType =>
+ tp2 match {
+ case tp2: MethodType =>
+ tp1.isImplicit == tp2.isImplicit &&
+ matchingParams(tp1.paramTypes, tp2.paramTypes, tp1.isJava, tp2.isJava) &&
+ matchesType(tp1.resultType, tp2.resultType.subst(tp2, tp1), alwaysMatchSimple)
+ case tp2: ExprType =>
+ tp1.paramNames.isEmpty &&
+ matchesType(tp1.resultType, tp2.resultType, alwaysMatchSimple)
+ case _ =>
+ false
+ }
+ case tp1: ExprType =>
+ tp2 match {
+ case tp2: MethodType =>
+ tp2.paramNames.isEmpty &&
+ matchesType(tp1.resultType, tp2.resultType, alwaysMatchSimple)
+ case tp2: ExprType =>
+ matchesType(tp1.resultType, tp2.resultType, alwaysMatchSimple)
+ case _ =>
+ false // was: matchesType(tp1.resultType, tp2, alwaysMatchSimple)
+ }
+ case tp1: PolyType =>
+ tp2 match {
+ case tp2: PolyType =>
+ sameLength(tp1.paramNames, tp2.paramNames) &&
+ matchesType(tp1.resultType, tp2.resultType.subst(tp2, tp1), alwaysMatchSimple)
+ case _ =>
+ false
+ }
+ case _ =>
+ tp2 match {
+ case _: MethodType | _: PolyType =>
+ false
+ case tp2: ExprType =>
+ false // was: matchesType(tp1, tp2.resultType, alwaysMatchSimple)
+ case _ =>
+ alwaysMatchSimple || isSameType(tp1, tp2)
+ }
+ }
+ /** Are `syms1` and `syms2` parameter lists with pairwise equivalent types? */
+ private def matchingParams(formals1: List[Type], formals2: List[Type], isJava1: Boolean, isJava2: Boolean): Boolean = formals1 match {
+ case formal1 :: rest1 =>
+ formals2 match {
+ case formal2 :: rest2 =>
+ (isSameType(formal1, formal2)
+ || isJava1 && formal2 == defn.ObjectType && formal1 == defn.AnyType
+ || isJava2 && formal1 == defn.ObjectType && formal2 == defn.AnyType) && matchingParams(rest1, rest2, isJava1, isJava2)
+ case nil =>
+ false
+ }
+ case nil =>
+ formals2.isEmpty
+ }
+ def isSameType(tp1: Type, tp2: Type): Boolean =
+ if (tp1 == NoType || tp2 == NoType) false
+ else if (tp1 eq tp2) true
+ else isSubType(tp1, tp2) && isSubType(tp2, tp1)
+} \ No newline at end of file