path: root/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/pickling/UnPickler.scala
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authorMartin Odersky <odersky@gmail.com>2013-02-06 15:39:54 +0100
committerMartin Odersky <odersky@gmail.com>2013-02-06 15:39:54 +0100
commitf8e3a9bf3a5f2550a20d59c8d025f2c7247ed1fd (patch)
treea46ef4912be650bc61fec7748874a98529524c23 /src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/pickling/UnPickler.scala
parent6aee0dcb43feb12984d65d198210b90f7704c3a4 (diff)
Integration of unpicklers
Diffstat (limited to 'src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/pickling/UnPickler.scala')
1 files changed, 1008 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/pickling/UnPickler.scala b/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/pickling/UnPickler.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2142df937
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/pickling/UnPickler.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,1008 @@
+package dotty.tools
+package dotc
+package core
+package pickling
+import java.io.IOException
+import java.lang.Float.intBitsToFloat
+import java.lang.Double.longBitsToDouble
+import Contexts._, Symbols._, Types._, Scopes._, SymDenotations._, Names._
+import StdNames._, Denotations._, NameOps._, Flags._, Constants._, Annotations._
+import scala.reflect.internal.pickling.PickleFormat._
+import scala.collection.{ mutable, immutable }
+import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
+import scala.annotation.switch
+/** @author Martin Odersky
+ * @version 1.0
+ */
+abstract class UnPickler {
+ /** Unpickle symbol table information descending from a class and/or module root
+ * from an array of bytes.
+ * @param bytes bytearray from which we unpickle
+ * @param offset offset from which unpickling starts
+ * @param classroot the top-level class which is unpickled, or NoSymbol if inapplicable
+ * @param moduleroot the top-level module class which is unpickled, or NoSymbol if inapplicable
+ * @param filename filename associated with bytearray, only used for error messages
+ */
+ def unpickle(bytes: Array[Byte], offset: Int, classRoot: Symbol, moduleRoot: Symbol, filename: String)(implicit ctx: Context) {
+ try {
+ new Scan(bytes, offset, classRoot, moduleRoot, filename).run()
+ } catch {
+ case ex: IOException =>
+ throw ex
+ case ex: MissingRequirementError =>
+ throw ex
+ case ex: Throwable =>
+ /*if (settings.debug.value)*/ ex.printStackTrace()
+ throw new RuntimeException("error reading Scala signature of "+filename+": "+ex.getMessage())
+ }
+ }
+ class Scan(_bytes: Array[Byte], offset: Int, classRoot: Symbol, moduleRoot: Symbol, filename: String)(implicit ctx: Context) extends PickleBuffer(_bytes, offset, -1) {
+ //println("unpickle " + classRoot + " and " + moduleRoot)//debug
+ protected def debug = ctx.settings.debug.value
+ checkVersion()
+ private val loadingMirror = defn // was: mirrorThatLoaded(classRoot)
+ /** A map from entry numbers to array offsets */
+ private val index = createIndex
+ /** A map from entry numbers to symbols, types, or annotations */
+ private val entries = new Array[AnyRef](index.length)
+ /** A map from symbols to their associated `decls` scopes */
+ private val symScopes = mutable.HashMap[Symbol, Scope]()
+ /** A map from refinement classes to their associated refinement types */
+ private val refinementTypes = mutable.HashMap[Symbol, RefinedType]()
+ //println("unpickled " + classRoot + ":" + classRoot.rawInfo + ", " + moduleRoot + ":" + moduleRoot.rawInfo);//debug
+ // Laboriously unrolled for performance.
+ def run() {
+ var i = 0
+ while (i < index.length) {
+ if (entries(i) == null && isSymbolEntry(i)) {
+ val savedIndex = readIndex
+ readIndex = index(i)
+ entries(i) = readSymbol()
+ readIndex = savedIndex
+ }
+ i += 1
+ }
+ // read children last, fix for #3951
+ i = 0
+ while (i < index.length) {
+ if (entries(i) == null) {
+ if (isSymbolAnnotationEntry(i)) {
+ val savedIndex = readIndex
+ readIndex = index(i)
+ readSymbolAnnotation()
+ readIndex = savedIndex
+ }
+ else if (isChildrenEntry(i)) {
+ val savedIndex = readIndex
+ readIndex = index(i)
+ readChildren()
+ readIndex = savedIndex
+ }
+ }
+ i += 1
+ }
+ }
+ private def checkVersion() {
+ val major = readNat()
+ val minor = readNat()
+ if (major != MajorVersion || minor > MinorVersion)
+ throw new IOException("Scala signature " + classRoot.fullName.decode +
+ " has wrong version\n expected: " +
+ MajorVersion + "." + MinorVersion +
+ "\n found: " + major + "." + minor +
+ " in "+filename)
+ }
+ /** The `decls` scope associated with given symbol */
+ protected def symScope(sym: Symbol) = symScopes.getOrElseUpdate(sym, newScope)
+ /** Does entry represent an (internal) symbol */
+ protected def isSymbolEntry(i: Int): Boolean = {
+ val tag = bytes(index(i)).toInt
+ (firstSymTag <= tag && tag <= lastSymTag &&
+ (tag != CLASSsym || !isRefinementSymbolEntry(i)))
+ }
+ /** Does entry represent an (internal or external) symbol */
+ protected def isSymbolRef(i: Int): Boolean = {
+ val tag = bytes(index(i))
+ (firstSymTag <= tag && tag <= lastExtSymTag)
+ }
+ /** Does entry represent a name? */
+ protected def isNameEntry(i: Int): Boolean = {
+ val tag = bytes(index(i)).toInt
+ tag == TERMname || tag == TYPEname
+ }
+ /** Does entry represent a symbol annotation? */
+ protected def isSymbolAnnotationEntry(i: Int): Boolean = {
+ val tag = bytes(index(i)).toInt
+ tag == SYMANNOT
+ }
+ /** Does the entry represent children of a symbol? */
+ protected def isChildrenEntry(i: Int): Boolean = {
+ val tag = bytes(index(i)).toInt
+ tag == CHILDREN
+ }
+ /** Does entry represent a refinement symbol?
+ * pre: Entry is a class symbol
+ */
+ protected def isRefinementSymbolEntry(i: Int): Boolean = {
+ val savedIndex = readIndex
+ readIndex = index(i)
+ val tag = readByte().toInt
+ assert(tag == CLASSsym)
+ readNat(); // read length
+ val result = readNameRef() == tpnme.REFINE_CLASS
+ readIndex = savedIndex
+ result
+ }
+ protected def isRefinementClass(sym: Symbol): Boolean =
+ sym.name == tpnme.REFINE_CLASS
+ protected def isLocal(sym: Symbol) = {
+ val root = sym.topLevelClass
+ sym == moduleRoot || sym == classRoot
+ }
+ /** If entry at <code>i</code> is undefined, define it by performing
+ * operation <code>op</code> with <code>readIndex at start of i'th
+ * entry. Restore <code>readIndex</code> afterwards.
+ */
+ protected def at[T <: AnyRef](i: Int, op: () => T): T = {
+ var r = entries(i)
+ if (r eq null) {
+ val savedIndex = readIndex
+ readIndex = index(i)
+ r = op()
+ assert(entries(i) eq null, entries(i))
+ entries(i) = r
+ readIndex = savedIndex
+ }
+ r.asInstanceOf[T]
+ }
+ /** Read a name */
+ protected def readName(): Name = {
+ val tag = readByte()
+ val len = readNat()
+ tag match {
+ case TERMname => termName(bytes, readIndex, len)
+ case TYPEname => typeName(bytes, readIndex, len)
+ case _ => errorBadSignature("bad name tag: " + tag)
+ }
+ }
+ protected def readTermName(): TermName = readName().toTermName
+ protected def readTypeName(): TypeName = readName().toTypeName
+ /** Read a symbol */
+ protected def readSymbol(): Symbol = readDisambiguatedSymbol(Function.const(true))()
+ /** Read a symbol, with possible disambiguation */
+ protected def readDisambiguatedSymbol(disambiguate: Symbol => Boolean)(): Symbol = {
+ val tag = readByte()
+ val end = readNat() + readIndex
+ def atEnd = readIndex == end
+ def readExtSymbol(): Symbol = {
+ val name = readNameRef()
+ val owner = if (atEnd) loadingMirror.RootClass else readSymbolRef()
+ def adjust(denot: Denotation) = {
+ val denot1 = if (denot.isOverloaded) denot filter disambiguate else denot
+ if (denot1.isOverloaded)
+ throw new TypeError(s"failure to disambiguate overloaded reference $denot1")
+ val sym = denot1.symbol
+ if (tag == EXTref) sym else sym.moduleClass
+ }
+ def fromName(name: Name): Symbol = name.toTermName match {
+ case nme.ROOT => loadingMirror.RootClass
+ case nme.ROOTPKG => loadingMirror.RootPackage
+ case _ => adjust(owner.info.decl(name))
+ }
+ def nestedObjectSymbol: Symbol = {
+ // If the owner is overloaded (i.e. a method), it's not possible to select the
+ // right member, so return NoSymbol. This can only happen when unpickling a tree.
+ // the "case Apply" in readTree() takes care of selecting the correct alternative
+ // after parsing the arguments.
+ //if (owner.isOverloaded)
+ // return NoSymbol
+ if (tag == EXTMODCLASSref) {
+ ???
+ val moduleVar = owner.info.decl(name.toTermName.moduleVarName).symbol
+ if (moduleVar.isLazyAccessor)
+ return moduleVar.lazyAccessor.lazyAccessor
+ }
+ NoSymbol
+ }
+ // (1) Try name.
+ fromName(name) orElse {
+ // (2) Try with expanded name. Can happen if references to private
+ // symbols are read from outside: for instance when checking the children
+ // of a class. See #1722.
+ fromName(name.toTermName.expandedName(owner)) orElse {
+ // (3) Try as a nested object symbol.
+ nestedObjectSymbol orElse {
+// // (4) Call the mirror's "missing" hook.
+// adjust(mirrorThatLoaded(owner).missingHook(owner, name)) orElse {
+// }
+ // (5) Create a stub symbol to defer hard failure a little longer.
+ ctx.newStubSymbol(owner, name)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ tag match {
+ case NONEsym => return NoSymbol
+ case EXTref | EXTMODCLASSref => return readExtSymbol()
+ case _ => ()
+ }
+ // symbols that were pickled with Pickler.writeSymInfo
+ val nameref = readNat()
+ val name = at(nameref, readName)
+ val owner = readSymbolRef()
+ val flags = unpickleScalaFlags(readLongNat())
+ var inforef = readNat()
+ val privateWithin =
+ if (!isSymbolRef(inforef)) NoSymbol
+ else {
+ val pw = at(inforef, readSymbol)
+ inforef = readNat()
+ pw
+ }
+ def isClassRoot = (name == classRoot.name) && (owner == classRoot.owner)
+ def isModuleRoot = (name.toTermName == moduleRoot.name.toTermName) && (owner == moduleRoot.owner)
+ def completeSym(tag: Int): SymCompleter = {
+ val aliasRef =
+ if (atEnd) {
+ assert(!(flags is SuperAccessor), name)
+ -1
+ } else {
+ assert(flags is (SuperAccessor | ParamAccessor), name)
+ readNat()
+ }
+ new SymRestCompleter(tag, inforef, aliasRef)
+ }
+ def completeClass: ClassCompleter = {
+ val selfTypeRef = if (atEnd) -1 else readNat()
+ new ClassRestCompleter(inforef, selfTypeRef)
+ }
+ def completeRoot(sym: Symbol): Symbol = {
+ completeClass.complete(sym.denot.asInstanceOf[LazyClassDenotation])
+ sym
+ }
+ def finishSym(sym: Symbol): Symbol = {
+ sym.denot.asInstanceOf[isLazy[_]].privateWithin = privateWithin
+ if (sym.owner.isClass && !(
+ sym == classRoot ||
+ sym == moduleRoot ||
+ (sym is (ModuleClass | TypeParam | Scala2Existential)) ||
+ isRefinementClass(sym)))
+ symScope(sym.owner) enter sym
+ sym
+ }
+ finishSym(tag match {
+ case TYPEsym | ALIASsym =>
+ var name1 = name.asTypeName
+ var flags1 = flags
+ if (flags is TypeParam) {
+ name1 = name1.expandedName(owner)
+ flags1 |= ProtectedLocal
+ }
+ ctx.newLazyTypeSymbol(owner, name1, flags1, completeSym(tag))
+ case CLASSsym =>
+ if (isClassRoot) completeRoot(classRoot)
+ else if (isModuleRoot) completeRoot(moduleRoot)
+ else ctx.newLazyClassSymbol(owner, name.asTypeName, flags, completeClass)
+ case MODULEsym =>
+ val info = at(inforef, () => readType()) // after the NMT_TRANSITION period, we can leave off the () => ... ()
+ if (isModuleRoot) {
+ moduleRoot.denot.asInstanceOf[LazyClassDenotation].flags = flags
+ moduleRoot
+ } else ctx.newTermSymbol(owner, name.asTermName, flags, info)
+ case VALsym =>
+ if (isModuleRoot) { assert(false); NoSymbol }
+ else ctx.newLazyTermSymbol(owner, name.asTermName, flags, completeSym(tag))
+ case _ =>
+ errorBadSignature("bad symbol tag: " + tag)
+ })
+ }
+ case class TempPolyType(tparams: List[Symbol], tpe: Type) extends UncachedGroundType
+ /** Temporary type for classinfos, will be decomposed on completion of the class */
+ case class TempClassInfoType(parentTypes: List[Type], decls: Scope, clazz: Symbol) extends UncachedGroundType
+ /** Convert
+ * tp { type name = sym } forSome { sym >: L <: H }
+ * to
+ * tp { name >: L <: H }
+ * and
+ * tp { name: sym } forSome { sym <: T with Singleton }
+ * to
+ * tp { name: T }
+ */
+ def elimExistentials(boundSyms: List[Symbol], tp: Type): Type = {
+ def removeSingleton(tp: Type): Type =
+ if (tp.typeSymbol == defn.SingletonClass) defn.AnyType else tp
+ def elim(tp: Type): Type = tp match {
+ case tp @ RefinedType(parent, name) =>
+ val parent1 = elim(tp.parent)
+ tp.info match {
+ case TypeAlias(info: TypeRefBySym) if boundSyms contains info.fixedSym =>
+ RefinedType(parent1, name, info.fixedSym.info)
+ case info: TypeRefBySym if boundSyms contains info.fixedSym =>
+ val info1 = info.fixedSym.info
+ assert(info1 <:< defn.SingletonClass.typeConstructor)
+ RefinedType(parent1, name, info1.mapAnd(removeSingleton))
+ case info =>
+ tp.derivedRefinedType(parent1, name, info)
+ }
+ case _ =>
+ tp
+ }
+ val tp1 = elim(tp)
+ val isBound = (tp: Type) => boundSyms contains tp.typeSymbol
+ if (tp1 exists isBound) {
+ val tp2 = tp1.subst(boundSyms, boundSyms map (_ => defn.AnyType))
+ ctx.warning(s"""failure to eliminate existential
+ |original type : $tp forSome {${ctx.show(boundSyms, "; ")}}
+ |reduces to : $tp1
+ |type used instead: $tp2
+ |proceed at own risk.""".stripMargin)
+ tp2
+ } else tp1
+ }
+ /** Read a type
+ *
+ * @param forceProperType is used to ease the transition to NullaryMethodTypes (commentmarker: NMT_TRANSITION)
+ * the flag say that a type of kind * is expected, so that PolyType(tps, restpe) can be disambiguated to PolyType(tps, NullaryMethodType(restpe))
+ * (if restpe is not a ClassInfoType, a MethodType or a NullaryMethodType, which leaves TypeRef/SingletonType -- the latter would make the polytype a type constructor)
+ */
+ protected def readType(forceProperType: Boolean = false): Type = {
+ val tag = readByte()
+ val end = readNat() + readIndex
+ (tag: @switch) match {
+ case NOtpe =>
+ NoType
+ case NOPREFIXtpe =>
+ NoPrefix
+ case THIStpe =>
+ val cls = readSymbolRef().asClass
+ if (isRefinementClass(cls)) RefinedThis(refinementTypes(cls))
+ else ThisType(cls)
+ case SINGLEtpe =>
+ val pre = readTypeRef()
+ def notAMethod(sym: Symbol) = sym.info match {
+ case _: PolyType | _: MethodType => false
+ case _ => true
+ }
+ val sym = readDisambiguatedSymbol(notAMethod)
+ if (isLocal(sym)) TermRef(pre, sym.asTerm)
+ else TermRef(pre, sym.name.asTermName, NullSignature)
+ case SUPERtpe =>
+ val thistpe = readTypeRef()
+ val supertpe = readTypeRef()
+ SuperType(thistpe, supertpe)
+ case CONSTANTtpe =>
+ ConstantType(readConstantRef())
+ case TYPEREFtpe =>
+ val pre = readTypeRef()
+ val sym = readSymbolRef()
+ val tycon =
+ if (isLocal(sym)) TypeRef(pre, sym.asType)
+ else TypeRef(pre, sym.name.asTypeName)
+ tycon.applyToArgs(until(end, readTypeRef))
+ case TYPEBOUNDStpe =>
+ TypeBounds(readTypeRef(), readTypeRef())
+ case REFINEDtpe =>
+ val clazz = readSymbolRef()
+ val decls = symScope(clazz)
+ symScopes(clazz) = EmptyScope // prevent further additions
+ val parents = until(end, readTypeRef)
+ val parent = parents.reduceLeft(_ & _)
+ if (decls.isEmpty) parent
+ else {
+ def addRefinement(tp: Type, sym: Symbol) =
+ RefinedType(tp, sym.name, sym.info)
+ val result = (parent /: decls.toList)(addRefinement).asInstanceOf[RefinedType]
+ assert(!refinementTypes.isDefinedAt(clazz), clazz+"/"+decls)
+ refinementTypes(clazz) = result
+ result
+ }
+ case CLASSINFOtpe =>
+ val clazz = readSymbolRef()
+ TempClassInfoType(until(end, readTypeRef), symScope(clazz), clazz)
+ val restpe = readTypeRef()
+ val params = until(end, readSymbolRef)
+ val maker = if (tag == METHODtpe) MethodType else ImplicitMethodType
+ maker.fromSymbols(params, restpe)
+ case POLYtpe =>
+ val restpe = readTypeRef()
+ val typeParams = until(end, readSymbolRef)
+ if (typeParams.nonEmpty) {
+ // NMT_TRANSITION: old class files denoted a polymorphic nullary method as PolyType(tps, restpe), we now require PolyType(tps, NullaryMethodType(restpe))
+ // when a type of kind * is expected (forceProperType is true), we know restpe should be wrapped in a NullaryMethodType (if it wasn't suitably wrapped yet)
+ def transitionNMT(restpe: Type) = {
+ val resTpeCls = restpe.getClass.toString // what's uglier than isInstanceOf? right! -- isInstanceOf does not work since the concrete types are defined in the compiler (not in scope here)
+ if(forceProperType /*&& pickleformat < 2.9 */ && !(resTpeCls.endsWith("MethodType"))) { assert(!resTpeCls.contains("ClassInfoType"))
+ ExprType(restpe) }
+ else restpe
+ }
+ TempPolyType(typeParams, transitionNMT(restpe))
+ } else ExprType(restpe)
+ case EXISTENTIALtpe =>
+ val restpe = readTypeRef()
+ val boundSyms = until(end, readSymbolRef)
+ elimExistentials(boundSyms, restpe)
+ case ANNOTATEDtpe =>
+ ???
+ /*
+ var typeRef = readNat()
+ val selfsym = if (isSymbolRef(typeRef)) {
+ val s = at(typeRef, readSymbol)
+ typeRef = readNat()
+ s
+ } else NoSymbol // selfsym can go.
+ val tp = at(typeRef, () => readType(forceProperType)) // NMT_TRANSITION
+ val annots = until(end, readAnnotationRef)
+ if (selfsym == NoSymbol) AnnotatedType(annots, tp, selfsym)
+ else tp
+ */
+ case _ =>
+ noSuchTypeTag(tag, end)
+ }
+ }
+ def noSuchTypeTag(tag: Int, end: Int): Type =
+ errorBadSignature("bad type tag: " + tag)
+ /** Read a constant */
+ protected def readConstant(): Constant = {
+ val tag = readByte().toInt
+ val len = readNat()
+ (tag: @switch) match {
+ case LITERALunit => Constant(())
+ case LITERALboolean => Constant(readLong(len) != 0L)
+ case LITERALbyte => Constant(readLong(len).toByte)
+ case LITERALshort => Constant(readLong(len).toShort)
+ case LITERALchar => Constant(readLong(len).toChar)
+ case LITERALint => Constant(readLong(len).toInt)
+ case LITERALlong => Constant(readLong(len))
+ case LITERALfloat => Constant(intBitsToFloat(readLong(len).toInt))
+ case LITERALdouble => Constant(longBitsToDouble(readLong(len)))
+ case LITERALstring => Constant(readNameRef().toString)
+ case LITERALnull => Constant(null)
+ case LITERALclass => Constant(readTypeRef())
+ case LITERALenum => Constant(readSymbolRef())
+ case _ => noSuchConstantTag(tag, len)
+ }
+ }
+ def noSuchConstantTag(tag: Int, len: Int): Constant =
+ errorBadSignature("bad constant tag: " + tag)
+ /** Read children and store them into the corresponding symbol.
+ */
+ protected def readChildren() {
+ val tag = readByte()
+ assert(tag == CHILDREN)
+ val end = readNat() + readIndex
+ val target = readSymbolRef()
+ while (readIndex != end)
+ target.addAnnotation(Child(readSymbolRef().asClass))
+ }
+ /* Read a reference to a pickled item */
+ protected def readSymbolRef(): Symbol = {//OPT inlined from: at(readNat(), readSymbol) to save on closure creation
+ val i = readNat()
+ var r = entries(i)
+ if (r eq null) {
+ val savedIndex = readIndex
+ readIndex = index(i)
+ r = readSymbol()
+ assert(entries(i) eq null, entries(i))
+ entries(i) = r
+ readIndex = savedIndex
+ }
+ r.asInstanceOf[Symbol]
+ }
+ protected def readNameRef(): Name = at(readNat(), readName)
+ protected def readTypeRef(): Type = at(readNat(), () => readType()) // after the NMT_TRANSITION period, we can leave off the () => ... ()
+ protected def readConstantRef(): Constant = at(readNat(), readConstant)
+ protected def readTypeNameRef(): TypeName = readNameRef().toTypeName
+ protected def readTermNameRef(): TermName = readNameRef().toTermName
+ protected def readSymbolAnnotation(): Unit = ???
+ protected def readAnnotationRef(): Annotation = ??? // at(readNat(), readAnnotation)
+// protected def readModifiersRef(): Modifiers = at(readNat(), readModifiers)
+// protected def readTreeRef(): Tree = at(readNat(), readTree)
+ /** Read an annotation argument, which is pickled either
+ * as a Constant or a Tree.
+ */
+ protected def readAnnotArg(i: Int): Tree = bytes(index(i)) match {
+ case TREE => at(i, readTree)
+ case _ =>
+ val const = at(i, readConstant)
+ Literal(const) setType const.tpe
+ }
+ /** Read a ClassfileAnnotArg (argument to a classfile annotation)
+ */
+ private def readArrayAnnot() = {
+ readByte() // skip the `annotargarray` tag
+ val end = readNat() + readIndex
+ until(end, () => readClassfileAnnotArg(readNat())).toArray(JavaArgumentTag)
+ }
+ protected def readClassfileAnnotArg(i: Int): ClassfileAnnotArg = bytes(index(i)) match {
+ case ANNOTINFO => NestedAnnotArg(at(i, readAnnotation))
+ case ANNOTARGARRAY => at(i, () => ArrayAnnotArg(readArrayAnnot()))
+ case _ => LiteralAnnotArg(at(i, readConstant))
+ }
+ /** Read an AnnotationInfo. Not to be called directly, use
+ * readAnnotation or readSymbolAnnotation
+ */
+ protected def readAnnotationInfo(end: Int): AnnotationInfo = {
+ val atp = readTypeRef()
+ val args = new ListBuffer[Tree]
+ val assocs = new ListBuffer[(Name, ClassfileAnnotArg)]
+ while (readIndex != end) {
+ val argref = readNat()
+ if (isNameEntry(argref)) {
+ val name = at(argref, readName)
+ val arg = readClassfileAnnotArg(readNat())
+ assocs += ((name, arg))
+ }
+ else
+ args += readAnnotArg(argref)
+ }
+ AnnotationInfo(atp, args.toList, assocs.toList)
+ }
+ /** Read an annotation and as a side effect store it into
+ * the symbol it requests. Called at top-level, for all
+ * (symbol, annotInfo) entries. */
+ protected def readSymbolAnnotation() {
+ val tag = readByte()
+ if (tag != SYMANNOT)
+ errorBadSignature("symbol annotation expected ("+ tag +")")
+ val end = readNat() + readIndex
+ val target = readSymbolRef()
+ target.addAnnotation(readAnnotationInfo(end))
+ }
+ /** Read an annotation and return it. Used when unpickling
+ * an ANNOTATED(WSELF)tpe or a NestedAnnotArg */
+ protected def readAnnotation(): AnnotationInfo = {
+ val tag = readByte()
+ if (tag != ANNOTINFO)
+ errorBadSignature("annotation expected (" + tag + ")")
+ val end = readNat() + readIndex
+ readAnnotationInfo(end)
+ }
+ /* Read an abstract syntax tree */
+ protected def readTree(): Tree = {
+ val outerTag = readByte()
+ if (outerTag != TREE)
+ errorBadSignature("tree expected (" + outerTag + ")")
+ val end = readNat() + readIndex
+ val tag = readByte()
+ val tpe = if (tag == EMPTYtree) NoType else readTypeRef()
+ // Set by the three functions to follow. If symbol is non-null
+ // after the new tree 't' has been created, t has its Symbol
+ // set to symbol; and it always has its Type set to tpe.
+ var symbol: Symbol = null
+ var mods: Modifiers = null
+ var name: Name = null
+ /** Read a Symbol, Modifiers, and a Name */
+ def setSymModsName() {
+ symbol = readSymbolRef()
+ mods = readModifiersRef()
+ name = readNameRef()
+ }
+ /** Read a Symbol and a Name */
+ def setSymName() {
+ symbol = readSymbolRef()
+ name = readNameRef()
+ }
+ /** Read a Symbol */
+ def setSym() {
+ symbol = readSymbolRef()
+ }
+ val t = tag match {
+ case EMPTYtree =>
+ EmptyTree
+ case PACKAGEtree =>
+ setSym()
+ val pid = readTreeRef().asInstanceOf[RefTree]
+ val stats = until(end, readTreeRef)
+ PackageDef(pid, stats)
+ case CLASStree =>
+ setSymModsName()
+ val impl = readTemplateRef()
+ val tparams = until(end, readTypeDefRef)
+ ClassDef(mods, name.toTypeName, tparams, impl)
+ case MODULEtree =>
+ setSymModsName()
+ ModuleDef(mods, name.toTermName, readTemplateRef())
+ case VALDEFtree =>
+ setSymModsName()
+ val tpt = readTreeRef()
+ val rhs = readTreeRef()
+ ValDef(mods, name.toTermName, tpt, rhs)
+ case DEFDEFtree =>
+ setSymModsName()
+ val tparams = times(readNat(), readTypeDefRef)
+ val vparamss = times(readNat(), () => times(readNat(), readValDefRef))
+ val tpt = readTreeRef()
+ val rhs = readTreeRef()
+ DefDef(mods, name.toTermName, tparams, vparamss, tpt, rhs)
+ case TYPEDEFtree =>
+ setSymModsName()
+ val rhs = readTreeRef()
+ val tparams = until(end, readTypeDefRef)
+ TypeDef(mods, name.toTypeName, tparams, rhs)
+ case LABELtree =>
+ setSymName()
+ val rhs = readTreeRef()
+ val params = until(end, readIdentRef)
+ LabelDef(name.toTermName, params, rhs)
+ case IMPORTtree =>
+ setSym()
+ val expr = readTreeRef()
+ val selectors = until(end, () => {
+ val from = readNameRef()
+ val to = readNameRef()
+ ImportSelector(from, -1, to, -1)
+ })
+ Import(expr, selectors)
+ case TEMPLATEtree =>
+ setSym()
+ val parents = times(readNat(), readTreeRef)
+ val self = readValDefRef()
+ val body = until(end, readTreeRef)
+ Template(parents, self, body)
+ case BLOCKtree =>
+ val expr = readTreeRef()
+ val stats = until(end, readTreeRef)
+ Block(stats, expr)
+ case CASEtree =>
+ val pat = readTreeRef()
+ val guard = readTreeRef()
+ val body = readTreeRef()
+ CaseDef(pat, guard, body)
+ case ALTERNATIVEtree =>
+ Alternative(until(end, readTreeRef))
+ case STARtree =>
+ Star(readTreeRef())
+ case BINDtree =>
+ setSymName()
+ Bind(name, readTreeRef())
+ case UNAPPLYtree =>
+ val fun = readTreeRef()
+ val args = until(end, readTreeRef)
+ UnApply(fun, args)
+ case ARRAYVALUEtree =>
+ val elemtpt = readTreeRef()
+ val trees = until(end, readTreeRef)
+ ArrayValue(elemtpt, trees)
+ case FUNCTIONtree =>
+ setSym()
+ val body = readTreeRef()
+ val vparams = until(end, readValDefRef)
+ Function(vparams, body)
+ case ASSIGNtree =>
+ val lhs = readTreeRef()
+ val rhs = readTreeRef()
+ Assign(lhs, rhs)
+ case IFtree =>
+ val cond = readTreeRef()
+ val thenp = readTreeRef()
+ val elsep = readTreeRef()
+ If(cond, thenp, elsep)
+ case MATCHtree =>
+ val selector = readTreeRef()
+ val cases = until(end, readCaseDefRef)
+ Match(selector, cases)
+ case RETURNtree =>
+ setSym()
+ Return(readTreeRef())
+ case TREtree =>
+ val block = readTreeRef()
+ val finalizer = readTreeRef()
+ val catches = until(end, readCaseDefRef)
+ Try(block, catches, finalizer)
+ case THROWtree =>
+ Throw(readTreeRef())
+ case NEWtree =>
+ New(readTreeRef())
+ case TYPEDtree =>
+ val expr = readTreeRef()
+ val tpt = readTreeRef()
+ Typed(expr, tpt)
+ case TYPEAPPLYtree =>
+ val fun = readTreeRef()
+ val args = until(end, readTreeRef)
+ TypeApply(fun, args)
+ case APPLYtree =>
+ val fun = readTreeRef()
+ val args = until(end, readTreeRef)
+ if (fun.symbol.isOverloaded) {
+ fun.setType(fun.symbol.info)
+ inferMethodAlternative(fun, args map (_.tpe), tpe)
+ }
+ Apply(fun, args)
+ case APPLYDYNAMICtree =>
+ setSym()
+ val qual = readTreeRef()
+ val args = until(end, readTreeRef)
+ ApplyDynamic(qual, args)
+ case SUPERtree =>
+ setSym()
+ val qual = readTreeRef()
+ val mix = readTypeNameRef()
+ Super(qual, mix)
+ case THIStree =>
+ setSym()
+ This(readTypeNameRef())
+ case SELECTtree =>
+ setSym()
+ val qualifier = readTreeRef()
+ val selector = readNameRef()
+ Select(qualifier, selector)
+ case IDENTtree =>
+ setSymName()
+ Ident(name)
+ case LITERALtree =>
+ Literal(readConstantRef())
+ case TYPEtree =>
+ TypeTree()
+ case ANNOTATEDtree =>
+ val annot = readTreeRef()
+ val arg = readTreeRef()
+ Annotated(annot, arg)
+ case SINGLETONTYPEtree =>
+ SingletonTypeTree(readTreeRef())
+ case SELECTFROMTYPEtree =>
+ val qualifier = readTreeRef()
+ val selector = readTypeNameRef()
+ SelectFromTypeTree(qualifier, selector)
+ case COMPOUNDTYPEtree =>
+ CompoundTypeTree(readTemplateRef())
+ case APPLIEDTYPEtree =>
+ val tpt = readTreeRef()
+ val args = until(end, readTreeRef)
+ AppliedTypeTree(tpt, args)
+ case TYPEBOUNDStree =>
+ val lo = readTreeRef()
+ val hi = readTreeRef()
+ TypeBoundsTree(lo, hi)
+ val tpt = readTreeRef()
+ val whereClauses = until(end, readTreeRef)
+ ExistentialTypeTree(tpt, whereClauses)
+ case _ =>
+ noSuchTreeTag(tag, end)
+ }
+ if (symbol == null) t setType tpe
+ else t setSymbol symbol setType tpe
+ }
+ def noSuchTreeTag(tag: Int, end: Int) =
+ errorBadSignature("unknown tree type (" + tag + ")")
+ def readModifiers(): Modifiers = {
+ val tag = readNat()
+ if (tag != MODIFIERS)
+ errorBadSignature("expected a modifiers tag (" + tag + ")")
+ val end = readNat() + readIndex
+ val pflagsHi = readNat()
+ val pflagsLo = readNat()
+ val pflags = (pflagsHi.toLong << 32) + pflagsLo
+ val flags = pickledToRawFlags(pflags)
+ val privateWithin = readNameRef()
+ Modifiers(flags, privateWithin, Nil)
+ }
+ protected def readTemplateRef(): Template =
+ readTreeRef() match {
+ case templ:Template => templ
+ case other =>
+ errorBadSignature("expected a template (" + other + ")")
+ }
+ protected def readCaseDefRef(): CaseDef =
+ readTreeRef() match {
+ case tree:CaseDef => tree
+ case other =>
+ errorBadSignature("expected a case def (" + other + ")")
+ }
+ protected def readValDefRef(): ValDef =
+ readTreeRef() match {
+ case tree:ValDef => tree
+ case other =>
+ errorBadSignature("expected a ValDef (" + other + ")")
+ }
+ protected def readIdentRef(): Ident =
+ readTreeRef() match {
+ case tree:Ident => tree
+ case other =>
+ errorBadSignature("expected an Ident (" + other + ")")
+ }
+ protected def readTypeDefRef(): TypeDef =
+ readTreeRef() match {
+ case tree:TypeDef => tree
+ case other =>
+ errorBadSignature("expected an TypeDef (" + other + ")")
+ }
+ protected def errorBadSignature(msg: String) =
+ throw new RuntimeException("malformed Scala signature of " + classRoot.name + " at " + readIndex + "; " + msg)
+ protected def errorMissingRequirement(name: Name, owner: Symbol): Symbol =
+ MissingRequirementError.signal(
+ s"bad reference while unpickling $filename: ${ctx.showNameDetailed(name)} not found in $owner"
+ )
+// def inferMethodAlternative(fun: Tree, argtpes: List[Type], restpe: Type) {} // can't do it; need a compiler for that.
+ /** Convert to a type error, that is printed gracefully instead of crashing.
+ *
+ * Similar in intent to what SymbolLoader does (but here we don't have access to
+ * error reporting, so we rely on the typechecker to report the error).
+ */
+ def toTypeError(e: MissingRequirementError) = {
+ // e.printStackTrace()
+ new TypeError(e.msg)
+ }
+ def depoly(tp: Type): Type = tp match {
+ case TempPolyType(tparams, restpe) => PolyType.fromSymbols(tparams, restpe)
+ case tp => tp
+ }
+ /** A lazy type which when completed returns type at index `i` and
+ * if `j >= 0`, set alias of completed symbol to symbol at index `j`.
+ */
+ private class SymRestCompleter(tag: Int, i: Int, j: Int) extends SymCompleter {
+ override def complete(denot: LazySymDenotation) : Unit = try {
+ val tp = at(i, () => readType(forceProperType = denot.isTerm))
+ denot.info = if (tag == ALIASsym) TypeBounds(tp, tp) else depoly(tp)
+ def disambiguate(alt: Symbol) =
+ denot.info =:= denot.owner.thisType.memberInfo(alt)
+ if (j >= 0) {
+ val alias = at(j, readDisambiguatedSymbol(disambiguate))
+ denot.setAlias(alias)
+ }
+ } catch {
+ case e: MissingRequirementError => throw toTypeError(e)
+ }
+ }
+ /** A lazy type which when completed returns type at index `i` and
+ * if `j >= 0`, set alias of completed symbol to symbol at index `j`.
+ */
+ private class ClassRestCompleter(i: Int, j: Int) extends ClassCompleter {
+ override def complete(denot: LazyClassDenotation) : Unit = try {
+ val cls = denot.symbol
+ val (tparams, TempClassInfoType(parents, decls, clazz)) =
+ at(i, () => readType()) match {
+ case TempPolyType(tps, cinfo) => (tps, cinfo)
+ case cinfo => (Nil, cinfo)
+ }
+ val selfType = if (j > 0) at(j, () => readType()) else denot.typeConstructor
+ var refinements = Map[TypeName, Type]().withDefaultValue(NoType)
+ def normalizeToRef(tp: Type): TypeRef = tp match {
+ case tp @ RefinedType(tp1, name: TypeName) =>
+ refinements = (refinements + (name -> (refinements(name) & tp.info)))
+ .withDefaultValue(NoType)
+ normalizeToRef(tp1)
+ case tp: TypeRef =>
+ tp
+ case _ =>
+ throw new TypeError(s"unexpected parent type: $tp")
+ }
+ denot.parents = parents map normalizeToRef
+ denot.selfType = selfType
+ denot.decls = newScope
+ tparams foreach denot.decls.enter
+ for ((name, tpe) <- refinements) denot.decls.enter {
+ val formal = cls.info.member(name).symbol
+ val bounds = tpe.toAlias(formal)
+ ctx.newTypeSymbol(cls, name, formal.flags & RetainedTypeArgFlags, bounds)
+ }
+ } catch {
+ case e: MissingRequirementError => throw toTypeError(e)
+ }
+ }
+ }