path: root/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/pickling
diff options
authorMartin Odersky <odersky@gmail.com>2015-02-08 10:06:43 +0100
committerDmitry Petrashko <dmitry.petrashko@gmail.com>2015-03-18 11:09:43 +0100
commit340dc52a567de022c56acb1533c5772d21405f2a (patch)
treeae5dc41d2de3879d27abffc6413c18b25019e61b /src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/pickling
parent61cb51acaedbe603add8c4af9e390a27f8b33f09 (diff)
First prototype of pickler.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/pickling')
7 files changed, 1129 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/pickling/NameBuffer.scala b/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/pickling/NameBuffer.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c9994ecb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/pickling/NameBuffer.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+package dotty.tools
+package dotc
+package core
+package pickling
+import collection.mutable
+import Names.{Name, chrs}
+import Decorators._
+import TastyBuffer._
+import scala.io.Codec
+import TastyName._
+import PickleFormat._
+class NameBuffer extends TastyBuffer(100000) {
+ private val nameRefs = new mutable.LinkedHashMap[TastyName, Ref]
+ def nameIndex(name: TastyName): Ref = nameRefs.get(name) match {
+ case Some(ref) =>
+ ref
+ case None =>
+ val ref = new Ref(nameRefs.size)
+ nameRefs(name) = ref
+ ref
+ }
+ def nameIndex(name: Name): Ref = nameIndex(Simple(name.toTermName))
+ def nameIndex(str: String): Ref = nameIndex(str.toTermName)
+ private def withLength(op: => Unit): Unit = {
+ val lengthAddr = currentAddr
+ writeByte(0)
+ op
+ val length = currentAddr.index - lengthAddr.index - 1
+ assert(length < 128)
+ putNat(lengthAddr, length, 1)
+ }
+ def writeRef(ref: Ref) = writeNat(ref.index)
+ def pickleName(name: TastyName): Unit = name match {
+ case Simple(name) =>
+ val bytes = Codec.toUTF8(chrs, name.start, name.length)
+ writeByte(UTF8)
+ writeNat(bytes.length)
+ writeBytes(bytes, bytes.length)
+ case Qualified(qualified, selector) =>
+ writeByte(QUALIFIED)
+ withLength { writeRef(qualified); writeRef(selector) }
+ case Signed(original, params, result) =>
+ writeByte(SIGNED)
+ withLength { writeRef(original); writeRef(result); params.foreach(writeRef) }
+ case Expanded(original) =>
+ writeByte(EXPANDED)
+ withLength { writeRef(original) }
+ case ModuleClass(module) =>
+ writeByte(MODULECLASS)
+ withLength { writeRef(module) }
+ case SuperAccessor(accessed) =>
+ withLength { writeRef(accessed) }
+ case DefaultGetter(method, paramNumer) =>
+ withLength { writeRef(method); writeNat(paramNumer) }
+ }
+ override def assemble(): Unit = {
+ var i = 0
+ for ((name, ref) <- nameRefs) {
+ assert(ref.index == i)
+ i += 1
+ pickleName(name)
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/pickling/PickleFormat.scala b/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/pickling/PickleFormat.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..16356718c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/pickling/PickleFormat.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,317 @@
+package dotty.tools.dotc
+package core
+package pickling
+We use BNF notation. Terminal symbols start with at least two
+consecutive upper case letters. Each terminal is represented as a
+single byte tag. Non-terminals are mixed case. Prefixes of the form
+lower case letter*_ are for explanation of semantic content only, they
+can be dropped without changing the grammar.
+ LongNat = Digit* StopDigit // big endian, value fits in a Long without overflow
+ Nat = LongNat // value fits in an Int without overflow
+ Digit = 0 | ... | 127
+ StopDigit = 128 | ... | 255 // value = digit - 128
+ FullInt = Byte Byte Byte Byte
+ FullLong = Byte Byte Byte Byte Byte Byte Byte Byte
+ Byte - 0 | ... | 255
+ File = Header majorVersion_Nat minorVersion_Nat nameTable_Length Name* Section*
+ Header = "5CA1AB1F"
+ Section = NameRef Length Bytes
+ Length = Nat // length of rest of entry in bytes
+ Name = UTF8 Length UTF8-CodePoint*
+ QUALIFIED Length qualified_NameRef selector_NameRef
+ SIGNED Length original_NameRef resultSig_NameRef paramSig_NameRef*
+ EXPANDED Length original_NameRef
+ MODULECLASS Length module_NameRef
+ SUPERACCESSOR Length accessed_NameRef
+ DEFAULTGETTER Length method_NameRef paramNumber_Nat
+ ...
+ NameRef = Nat // ordinal number of name in name table, starting from 1.
+Note: Unqualified names in the name table are strings. The context decides whether a name is
+a type-name or a term-name. The same string can represent both.
+Standard-Section: "ASTs" Tree*
+ Tree = PACKAGE Length Path Tree*
+ Stat
+ Stat = Term
+ VALDEF Length NameRef Type rhs_Tree Modifier*
+ DEFDEF Length NameRef TypeParam* Params* return_Type rhs_Tree
+ Modifier*
+ TYPEDEF Length NameRef (Type | Template) Modifier*
+ IMPORT Length qual_Term Selector*
+ TypeParam = TYPEPARAM Length NameRef Type Modifier*
+ Params = PARAMS Length Param*
+ Param = PARAM Length NameRef Type Modifier
+ Selector = IMPORTED Length name_NameRef
+ RENAMED Length from_NameRef to_NameRef
+ Term = Path
+ SELECT qual_Term possiblySigned_NameRef
+ SUPER Length this_Term mixinTrait_Type?
+ APPLY Length fn_Term arg_Term*
+ TYPEAPPLY Length fn_Term arg_Term*
+ NEW Length cls_Type
+ PAIR Length left_Term right_Term
+ TYPED Length expr_Term ascription_Type
+ NAMEDARG Length paramName_NameRef arg_Term
+ ASSIGN Length lhs_Term rhs_Term
+ BLOCK Length expr_Term Stat*
+ IF Length cond_Term then_Term else_Term
+ CLOSURE Length meth_Term target_Type env_Term*
+ MATCH Length sel_Term CaseDef*
+ RETURN Length meth_ASTRef expr_Term?
+ TRY Length expr_Term CaseDef* finalizer_Term?
+ THROW Length expr_Term
+ SEQLITERAL Length elem_Term*
+ JSEQLITERAL Length elem_Term*
+ BIND Length boundName_NameRef pat_Type pat_Term
+ ALTERNATIVE Length alt_Term*
+ UNAPPLY Length fun_Term ImplicitArg* pat_Term*
+ ANNOTATED Length annot_Term underlying_Term
+ CaseDef = CASEDEF Length pat_Tree guard_Tree rhs_Tree
+ ImplicitArg = IMPLICITARG Length arg_Tree
+ Template = TEMPLATE Length parent_Tree* SelfDef? Stat*
+// if there is a primary constructor, it is the first statement in Stat*..
+ SelfDef = Param
+ ASTRef = Nat // byte position in AST payload
+ Path = Constant
+ TERMREFdirect sym_ASTRef
+ TERMREFsymbol qual_Type sym_ASTRef
+ TERMREF qual_Type possiblySigned_NameRef
+ THIS Length clsRef_Type
+ SHARED path_ASTRef
+ Constant = UNITconst
+ FALSEconst
+ TRUEconst
+ BYTEconst Nat
+ BYTEneg NegNat
+ SHORTconst Nat
+ SHORTneg NegNat
+ CHARconst Nat
+ INTconst Nat
+ INTneg NegNat
+ LONGconst LongNat
+ LONGneg NegLongNat
+ FLOATconst FullInt
+ DOUBLEconst FullLong
+ STRINGconst NameRef
+ NULLconst
+ CLASSconst Length Type
+ ENUMconst Length Path
+ NegNat = Nat // negValue = -natValue - 1
+ NegLongNat = LongNat // negValue = -natValue - 1
+ Type = Path
+ TYPEREFdirect sym_ASTRef
+ TYPEREFsymbol qual_Type sym_ASTRef
+ TYPEREF qual_Type possiblySigned_NameRef
+ SUPERtype Length this_Type underlying_Type
+ SKOLEMtype Length underlying_Type
+ REFINEDtype Length refinement_NameRef info_Type
+ APPLIEDtype Length tycon_Type arg_Type*
+ TYPEBOUNDS Length low_Type high_Type
+ TYPEALIAS Length alias_Type
+ ANNOTATED Length annot_Tree underlying_Type
+ ANDtype Length left_Type right_Type
+ ORtype Length left_Type right_Type
+ BYNAMEtype Length underlying_Type
+ SHARED type_ASTRef
+ Modifier = PRIVATE
+ INTERNAL // package private
+ PRIVATEqualified qualifier_ASTRef // will be dropped
+ PROTECTEDqualified qualifier_ASTRef // will be dropped
+ ABSOVERRIDE // abstract override
+ STATIC // mapped to static Java member
+ MODULE // an object or its class
+ LOCAL // private[this] or protected[this]
+ SYNTHETIC // generated by Scala compiler
+ ARTIFACT // to be tagged Java Synthetic
+ MUTABLE // a var
+ LABEL // method generated as a label
+ FIELDaccessor // getter or setter
+ PARAMaccessor // getter or setter for class param
+ CASEaccessor // getter for case class param
+ COVARIANT // type param marked “+”
+ CONTRAVARIANT // type param marked “-”
+ SCALA2X // Imported from Scala2.x
+ DEFAULTparameterized // Method with default params
+ DEFAULTinit // variable with “_” initializer
+ annotation_Term
+Note: Tree tags are grouped into 4 categories that determine what follows, and thus allow to compute the size of the tagged tree in a generic way.
+ Category 1 (tags 0-95): tag
+ Category 2 (tags 96-127): tag Nat
+ Category 3 (tags 128-159): tag AST Nat
+ Category 4 (tags 160-255): tag Length <payload>
+Standard Section: "Positions" startPos_Index endPos_Index
+ Index = Length Assoc*
+ Assoc = Delta ASTRef // largest tree starting/ending at offset
+ Delta = Nat // # chars from last offset or start of file
+object PickleFormat {
+ final val header = "5CA1AB1F"
+ final val MajorVersion = 0
+ final val MinorVersion = 1
+ // Name tags
+ final val UTF8 = 1
+ final val QUALIFIED = 2
+ final val SIGNED = 3
+ final val EXPANDED = 4
+ final val MODULECLASS = 5
+ final val SUPERACCESSOR = 6
+ final val DEFAULTGETTER = 7
+// AST tags
+ final val EMPTYTREE = 0
+ final val NOTYPE = 1
+ final val NOPREFIX = 2
+ final val UNITconst = 3
+ final val FALSEconst = 4
+ final val TRUEconst = 5
+ final val NULLconst = 6
+ final val PRIVATE = 7
+ final val INTERNAL = 8
+ final val PROTECTED = 9
+ final val ABSTRACT = 10
+ final val FINAL = 11
+ final val SEALED = 12
+ final val CASE = 13
+ final val IMPLICIT = 14
+ final val LAZY = 15
+ final val OVERRIDE = 16
+ final val INLINE = 17
+ final val ABSOVERRIDE = 18
+ final val STATIC = 19
+ final val MODULE = 20
+ final val LOCAL = 21
+ final val SYNTHETIC = 22
+ final val ARTIFACT = 23
+ final val MUTABLE = 24
+ final val LABEL = 25
+ final val FIELDaccessor = 26
+ final val PARAMaccessor = 27
+ final val CASEaccessor = 28
+ final val COVARIANT = 29
+ final val CONTRAVARIANT = 30
+ final val SCALA2X = 31
+ final val DEFAULTparameterized = 32
+ final val DEFAULTinit = 33
+ final val SHARED = 96
+ final val TERMREFdirect = 97
+ final val TYPEREFdirect = 98
+ final val BYTEconst = 99
+ final val BYTEneg = 100
+ final val SHORTconst = 101
+ final val SHORTneg = 102
+ final val CHARconst = 103
+ final val INTconst = 104
+ final val INTneg = 105
+ final val LONGconst = 106
+ final val LONGneg = 107
+ final val FLOATconst = 108
+ final val DOUBLEconst = 109
+ final val STRINGconst = 110
+ final val PRIVATEqualified = 111
+ final val PROTECTEDqualified = 112
+ final val SELECT = 128
+ final val TERMREFsymbol = 129
+ final val TERMREF = 130
+ final val TYPEREFsymbol = 131
+ final val TYPEREF = 132
+ final val PACKAGE = 160
+ final val VALDEF = 161
+ final val DEFDEF = 162
+ final val TYPEDEF = 163
+ final val IMPORT = 164
+ final val TYPEPARAM = 165
+ final val PARAMS = 166
+ final val PARAM = 167
+ final val IMPORTED = 168
+ final val RENAMED = 169
+ final val APPLY = 170
+ final val TYPEAPPLY = 171
+ final val NEW = 172
+ final val PAIR = 173
+ final val TYPED = 174
+ final val NAMEDARG = 175
+ final val ASSIGN = 176
+ final val BLOCK = 177
+ final val IF = 178
+ final val CLOSURE = 179
+ final val MATCH = 180
+ final val RETURN = 181
+ final val TRY = 182
+ final val THROW = 183
+ final val SEQLITERAL = 184
+ final val JSEQLITERAL = 185
+ final val BIND = 186
+ final val ALTERNATIVE = 187
+ final val UNAPPLY = 188
+ final val ANNOTATED = 189
+ final val CASEDEF = 190
+ final val IMPLICITarg = 191
+ final val TEMPLATE = 192
+ final val THIS = 193
+ final val SUPER = 194
+ final val CLASSconst = 195
+ final val ENUMconst = 196
+ final val SUPERtype = 197
+ final val SKOLEMtype = 198
+ final val REFINEDtype = 199
+ final val APPLIEDtype = 200
+ final val TYPEBOUNDS = 201
+ final val TYPEALIAS = 202
+ final val ANDtype = 203
+ final val ORtype = 204
+ final val BYNAMEtype = 205
+ final val IMPLICITARG = 206
+ final val firstSimpleTreeTag = EMPTYTREE
+ final val firstNatTreeTag = SHARED
+ final val firstTreeNatTreeTag = SELECT
+ final val firstLengthTreeTag = PACKAGE
diff --git a/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/pickling/TastyBuffer.scala b/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/pickling/TastyBuffer.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f6a7a17b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/pickling/TastyBuffer.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+package dotty.tools
+package dotc
+package core
+package pickling
+import util.Util.dble
+object TastyBuffer {
+ /** The number of digits of the natural number `nat`, written in base 128 format. */
+ def natSize(nat: Int): Int =
+ if (nat < 128) 1 else natSize(nat >>> 7) + 1
+ /** An address pointing to an index in a Tasty buffer's byte array */
+ class Addr(val index: Int) extends AnyVal {
+ def -(delta: Int): Addr = new Addr(this.index - delta)
+ def +(delta: Int): Addr = new Addr(this.index + delta)
+ def relativeTo(base: Addr): Addr = this - base.index - AddrWidth
+ }
+ /** The maximal number of address bytes.
+ * Since addresses are written as base-128 natural numbers,
+ * the value of 4 gives a maximal array size of 512M.
+ */
+ final val AddrWidth = 4
+import TastyBuffer._
+/** A byte array buffer that can be filled with bytes or natural numbers in TASTY format,
+ * and that supports reading and patching addresses represented as natural numbers.
+ */
+class TastyBuffer(initialSize: Int) {
+ /** The current byte array, will be expanded as needed */
+ var bytes = new Array[Byte](initialSize)
+ /** The number of bytes written */
+ var length = 0
+ // -- Output routines --------------------------------------------
+ /** Write a byte of data. */
+ def writeByte(b: Int): Unit = {
+ if (length == bytes.length) bytes = dble(bytes)
+ bytes(length) = b.toByte
+ length += 1
+ }
+ /** Write the first `n` bytes of `data`. */
+ def writeBytes(data: Array[Byte], n: Int): Unit = {
+ while (bytes.length < length + data.length) bytes = dble(bytes)
+ Array.copy(data, 0, bytes, length, n)
+ length += n
+ }
+ /** Write a natural number in big endian format, base 128.
+ * All but the last digits have bit 0x80 set.
+ */
+ def writeNat(x: Int): Unit =
+ writeLongNat(x.toLong & 0x00000000FFFFFFFFL)
+ /**
+ * Like writeNat, but for longs. This is not the same as
+ * writeRaw, which writes in base 256. Note that the
+ * binary representation of LongNat is identical to Nat
+ * if the long value is in the range Int.MIN_VALUE to
+ * Int.MAX_VALUE.
+ */
+ def writeLongNat(x: Long): Unit = {
+ def writeNatPrefix(x: Long): Unit = {
+ val y = x >>> 7
+ if (y != 0L) writeNatPrefix(y)
+ writeByte(((x & 0x7f) | 0x80).toInt)
+ }
+ val y = x >>> 7
+ if (y != 0L) writeNatPrefix(y)
+ writeByte((x & 0x7f).toInt)
+ }
+ /** Write the `nbytes` least significant bytes of `x` in big endian format */
+ def writeRaw(x: Long, nbytes: Int): Unit = {
+ def recur(x: Long, n: Int): Unit =
+ if (n > 0) {
+ recur(x >>> 8, n - 1)
+ writeByte((x & 0xff).toInt)
+ }
+ recur(x, nbytes)
+ }
+ // -- Address handling --------------------------------------------
+ /** Write natural number `x` right-adjusted in a field of `width` bytes
+ * starting with address `at`.
+ */
+ def putNat(at: Addr, x: Int, width: Int): Unit = {
+ var y = x
+ var w = width
+ var digit = y & 0x7f | 0x80
+ while (w > 0) {
+ w -= 1
+ bytes(at.index + w) = digit.toByte
+ y >>>= 7
+ digit = y & 0x7f
+ }
+ assert(y == 0, s"number $x too large to fit in $width bytes")
+ }
+ /** The byte at given address */
+ def getByte(at: Addr): Int = bytes(at.index)
+ /** The natural number at address `at` */
+ def getNat(at: Addr): Int = getLongNat(at).toInt
+ /** The long natural number at address `at` */
+ def getLongNat(at: Addr): Long = {
+ var b = 0L
+ var x = 0L
+ var idx = at.index
+ do {
+ b = bytes(idx)
+ x = (x << 7) + (b & 0x7f)
+ idx += 1
+ } while ((b & 0x80) != 0L)
+ x
+ }
+ /** The address (represented as a natural number) at address `at` */
+ def getAddr(at: Addr) = new Addr(getNat(at))
+ /** The smallest address equal to or following `at` which points to a non-zero byte */
+ final def skipZeroes(at: Addr): Addr =
+ if (getByte(at) != 0) at else skipZeroes(at + 1)
+ /** The address after the natural number found at address `at`. */
+ final def skipNat(at: Addr): Addr = {
+ val next = at + 1
+ if ((getByte(at) & 0x80) != 0) next else skipNat(next)
+ }
+ /** The address referring to the end of data written so far */
+ def currentAddr: Addr = new Addr(length)
+ /** Reserve `AddrWidth` bytes to write an address into */
+ def reserveAddr(): Addr = {
+ val result = currentAddr
+ length += AddrWidth
+ result
+ }
+ /** Fill reserved space at address `at` with address `target` */
+ def fillAddr(at: Addr, target: Addr) =
+ putNat(at, target.index, AddrWidth)
+ // -- Finalization --------------------------------------------
+ /** Hook to be overridden in subclasses.
+ * Perform all actions necessary to assemble the final byte array.
+ * After `assemble` no more output actions to this buffer are permitted.
+ */
+ def assemble(): Unit = ()
diff --git a/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/pickling/TastyName.scala b/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/pickling/TastyName.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..911d4c0cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/pickling/TastyName.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+package dotty.tools
+package dotc
+package core
+package pickling
+import core.Names.TermName
+abstract class TastyName
+object TastyName {
+ class Ref(val index: Int) extends AnyVal
+ case class Simple(name: TermName) extends TastyName
+ case class Qualified(qualified: Ref, selector: Ref) extends TastyName
+ case class Signed(original: Ref, params: List[Ref], result: Ref) extends TastyName
+ case class Expanded(original: Ref) extends TastyName
+ case class ModuleClass(module: Ref) extends TastyName
+ case class SuperAccessor(accessed: Ref) extends TastyName
+ case class DefaultGetter(method: Ref, num: Int) extends TastyName
diff --git a/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/pickling/TastyPickler.scala b/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/pickling/TastyPickler.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2ae6848e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/pickling/TastyPickler.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+package dotty.tools
+package dotc
+package core
+package pickling
+import PickleFormat._
+import collection.mutable
+import TastyBuffer._
+class TastyPickler {
+ private val sections = new mutable.ArrayBuffer[(TastyName.Ref, TastyBuffer)]
+ private val headerBuffer = {
+ val buf = new TastyBuffer(16)
+ for (ch <- header) buf.writeByte(ch.toByte)
+ buf.writeNat(MajorVersion)
+ buf.writeNat(MinorVersion)
+ buf
+ }
+ val nameBuffer = new NameBuffer
+ def newSection(name: String, buf: TastyBuffer) =
+ sections += ((nameBuffer.nameIndex(name), buf))
+ def assembleParts: Array[Byte] = {
+ def lengthWithLength(buf: TastyBuffer) = {
+ buf.assemble()
+ buf.length + natSize(buf.length)
+ }
+ val totalSize =
+ headerBuffer.length +
+ lengthWithLength(nameBuffer) + {
+ for ((nameRef, buf) <- sections) yield
+ natSize(nameRef.index) + lengthWithLength(buf)
+ }.sum
+ val all = new TastyBuffer(totalSize)
+ all.writeBytes(headerBuffer.bytes, headerBuffer.length)
+ all.writeNat(nameBuffer.length)
+ all.writeBytes(nameBuffer.bytes, nameBuffer.length)
+ for ((nameRef, buf) <- sections) {
+ all.writeNat(nameRef.index)
+ all.writeNat(buf.length)
+ all.writeBytes(buf.bytes, buf.length)
+ }
+ assert(all.length == totalSize && all.bytes.length == totalSize)
+ all.bytes
+ }
diff --git a/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/pickling/TreeBuffer.scala b/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/pickling/TreeBuffer.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5a445124d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/pickling/TreeBuffer.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+package dotty.tools
+package dotc
+package core
+package pickling
+import util.Util.{bestFit, dble}
+import TastyBuffer.{Addr, AddrWidth}
+class TreeBuffer extends TastyBuffer(1000000) {
+ private final val ItemsOverOffsets = 2
+ private val initialOffsetSize = bytes.length / (AddrWidth * ItemsOverOffsets)
+ private var offsets = new Array[Int](initialOffsetSize)
+ private var isRelative = new Array[Boolean](initialOffsetSize)
+ private var delta: Array[Int] = _
+ private var numOffsets = 0
+ private def offset(i: Int): Addr = new Addr(offsets(i))
+ private def keepOffset(relative: Boolean): Unit = {
+ if (numOffsets == offsets.length) {
+ offsets = dble(offsets)
+ isRelative = dble(isRelative)
+ }
+ offsets(numOffsets) = length
+ isRelative(numOffsets) = relative
+ numOffsets += 1
+ }
+ def reserveRef(relative: Boolean): Addr = {
+ val addr = currentAddr
+ keepOffset(relative)
+ reserveAddr()
+ addr
+ }
+ def writeRef(target: Addr) = {
+ keepOffset(relative = false)
+ writeNat(target.index)
+ }
+ def fillRef(at: Addr, target: Addr, relative: Boolean) = {
+ val addr = if (relative) target.relativeTo(at) else target
+ fillAddr(at, addr)
+ }
+ def adjusted(x: Addr): Addr = {
+ val idx = bestFit(offsets, x.index - 1)
+ if (idx < 0) x else x - delta(idx)
+ }
+ private def computeDeltas() = {
+ delta = new Array[Int](numOffsets)
+ var lastDelta = 0
+ var i = 0
+ while (i < numOffsets) {
+ val off = offset(i)
+ val skippedOff = skipZeroes(off)
+ val skippedCount = skippedOff.index - off.index
+ assert(skippedCount < AddrWidth, s"unset field at position $off")
+ lastDelta += skippedCount
+ delta(i) = lastDelta
+ i += 1
+ }
+ }
+ private def adjustedOffset(at: Addr, isRelative: Boolean): Addr = {
+ val original = getAddr(at)
+ if (isRelative) {
+ val start = skipNat(at).index
+ adjusted(original + start) - start
+ } else adjusted(original)
+ }
+ private def adjustOffsets(): Unit = {
+ for (i <- 0 until numOffsets) {
+ val off = offset(i)
+ val original = getAddr(off)
+ val corrected = adjustedOffset(off, isRelative(i))
+ fillAddr(off, corrected)
+ }
+ }
+ private def adjustDeltas(): Int = {
+ val delta1 = new Array[Int](delta.length)
+ var lastDelta = 0
+ var i = 0
+ while (i < numOffsets) {
+ val corrected = adjustedOffset(offset(i), isRelative(i))
+ lastDelta += AddrWidth - TastyBuffer.natSize(corrected.index)
+ delta1(i) = lastDelta
+ i += 1
+ }
+ val saved =
+ if (numOffsets == 0) 0
+ else delta1(numOffsets - 1) - delta(numOffsets - 1)
+ delta = delta1
+ saved
+ }
+ private def compress(): Int = {
+ var lastDelta = 0
+ var start = 0
+ var i = 0
+ var wasted = 0
+ while (i < numOffsets) {
+ val next = offsets(i)
+ Array.copy(bytes, start, bytes, start - lastDelta, next - start)
+ start = next + delta(i) - lastDelta
+ val pastZeroes = skipZeroes(new Addr(next)).index
+ assert(pastZeroes >= start, s"something's wrong: eliminated non-zero")
+ wasted += (pastZeroes - start)
+ lastDelta = delta(i)
+ i += 1
+ }
+ length -= lastDelta
+ wasted
+ }
+ override def assemble(): Unit = {
+ val origLength = length
+ computeDeltas()
+ adjustOffsets()
+ if (false) {
+ var saved = 0
+ do saved = adjustDeltas()
+ while (saved > 0 && length / saved < 100)
+ }
+ val wasted = compress()
+ println(s"original length: $origLength, compressed to: $length, wasted: $wasted")
+ }
diff --git a/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/pickling/TreePickler.scala b/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/pickling/TreePickler.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8c92e2ed8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/pickling/TreePickler.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,371 @@
+package dotty.tools
+package dotc
+package core
+package pickling
+import util.Util.{bestFit, dble}
+import ast.Trees._
+import PickleFormat._
+import core._
+import Contexts._, Symbols._, Types._, Names._, Constants._, Decorators._
+import collection.mutable
+import TastyBuffer._
+class TreePickler(pickler: TastyPickler, picklePositions: Boolean) {
+ val buf = new TreeBuffer
+ pickler.newSection("ASTs", buf)
+ import buf._
+ import pickler.nameBuffer.nameIndex
+ import ast.tpd._
+ private val symRefs = new mutable.HashMap[Symbol, Addr]
+ private val forwardSymRefs = new mutable.HashMap[Symbol, List[Addr]]
+ private val pickledTypes = new java.util.IdentityHashMap[Type, Any] // Value type is really Addr, but that's not compatible with null
+ private def withLength(op: => Unit) = {
+ val lengthAddr = reserveRef(relative = true)
+ op
+ fillRef(lengthAddr, currentAddr, relative = true)
+ }
+ def registerDef(sym: Symbol) = {
+ symRefs(sym) = currentAddr
+ forwardSymRefs.get(sym) match {
+ case Some(refs) =>
+ refs.foreach(fillRef(_, currentAddr, relative = false))
+ forwardSymRefs -= sym
+ case None =>
+ }
+ }
+ private def pickleName(name: Name) = writeNat(nameIndex(name).index)
+ private def pickleName(name: TastyName) = writeNat(nameIndex(name).index)
+ private def pickleNameAndSig(name: Name, sig: Signature) = {
+ val Signature(params, result) = sig
+ pickleName(TastyName.Signed(nameIndex(name), params.map(nameIndex), nameIndex(result)))
+ }
+ private def pickleSym(sym: Symbol) = symRefs.get(sym) match {
+ case Some(label) =>
+ writeRef(label)
+ case None =>
+ val ref = reserveRef(relative = false)
+ forwardSymRefs(sym) = ref :: forwardSymRefs.getOrElse(sym, Nil)
+ }
+ def pickle(tree: Tree)(implicit ctx: Context) = {
+ def pickleConstant(c: Constant): Unit = {
+ def pickleNum(nonNegTag: Int, negTag: Int) = {
+ val x = c.longValue
+ if (x < 0) {
+ writeByte(negTag)
+ writeLongNat(-(x + 1))
+ }
+ else {
+ writeByte(nonNegTag)
+ writeLongNat(x)
+ }
+ }
+ c.tag match {
+ case UnitTag =>
+ writeByte(UNITconst)
+ case BooleanTag =>
+ writeByte(if (c.booleanValue) TRUEconst else FALSEconst)
+ case ByteTag =>
+ pickleNum(BYTEconst, BYTEneg)
+ case ShortTag =>
+ pickleNum(SHORTconst, SHORTneg)
+ case CharTag =>
+ writeByte(CHARconst)
+ writeNat(c.charValue)
+ case IntTag =>
+ pickleNum(INTconst, INTneg)
+ case LongTag =>
+ pickleNum(LONGconst, LONGneg)
+ case FloatTag =>
+ writeByte(FLOATconst)
+ writeRaw(java.lang.Float.floatToRawIntBits(c.floatValue), 4)
+ case DoubleTag =>
+ writeByte(DOUBLEconst)
+ writeRaw(java.lang.Double.doubleToRawLongBits(c.doubleValue), 8)
+ case StringTag =>
+ writeByte(STRINGconst)
+ writeNat(nameIndex(c.stringValue).index)
+ case NullTag =>
+ writeByte(NULLconst)
+ case ClazzTag =>
+ writeByte(CLASSconst)
+ withLength { pickleType(c.typeValue) }
+ case EnumTag =>
+ writeByte(ENUMconst)
+ withLength { pickleType(c.symbolValue.termRef) }
+ }
+ }
+ def pickleType(tpe: Type): Unit = {
+ val prev = pickledTypes.get(tpe)
+ if (prev == null) {
+ val addr = currentAddr
+ pickleNewType(tpe)
+ pickledTypes.put(tpe, addr)
+ }
+ else {
+ writeByte(SHARED)
+ writeRef(prev.asInstanceOf[Addr])
+ }
+ }
+ def pickleNewType(tpe: Type)= tpe match {
+ case ConstantType(value) => pickleConstant(value)
+ case tpe: WithFixedSym =>
+ if (tpe.prefix == NoPrefix) {
+ writeByte(if (tpe.isType) TYPEREFdirect else TERMREFdirect)
+ pickleSym(tpe.symbol)
+ }
+ else {
+ writeByte(if (tpe.isType) TYPEREFsymbol else TERMREFsymbol)
+ pickleType(tpe.prefix); pickleSym(tpe.symbol)
+ }
+ case tpe: TermRefWithSignature =>
+ writeByte(TERMREF)
+ pickleType(tpe.prefix); pickleNameAndSig(tpe.name, tpe.signature)
+ case tpe: NamedType =>
+ writeByte(if (tpe.isType) TYPEREF else TERMREF)
+ pickleType(tpe.prefix); pickleName(tpe.name)
+ case tpe: ThisType =>
+ writeByte(THIS)
+ pickleType(tpe.tref)
+ case tpe: SuperType =>
+ writeByte(SUPERtype)
+ withLength { pickleType(tpe.thistpe); pickleType(tpe.supertpe)}
+ case tpe: SkolemType =>
+ writeByte(SKOLEMtype)
+ withLength { pickleType(tpe.underlying) }
+ case tpe: RefinedType =>
+ val args = tpe.argInfos(interpolate = false)
+ if (args.isEmpty) {
+ writeByte(REFINEDtype)
+ withLength { pickleName(tpe.refinedName); pickleType(tpe.refinedInfo) }
+ }
+ else {
+ writeByte(APPLIEDtype)
+ withLength { pickleType(tpe.withoutArgs(args)); args.foreach(pickleType) }
+ }
+ case tpe: TypeAlias =>
+ writeByte(TYPEALIAS)
+ withLength { pickleType(tpe.alias) }
+ case tpe: TypeBounds =>
+ writeByte(TYPEBOUNDS)
+ withLength { pickleType(tpe.lo); pickleType(tpe.hi) }
+ case tpe: AnnotatedType =>
+ writeByte(ANNOTATED)
+ withLength { pickleTree(tpe.annot.tree); pickleType(tpe.tpe) }
+ case tpe: AndOrType =>
+ writeByte(if (tpe.isAnd) ANDtype else ORtype)
+ withLength { pickleType(tpe.tp1); pickleType(tpe.tp2) }
+ case tpe: ExprType =>
+ writeByte(BYNAMEtype)
+ withLength { pickleType(tpe.underlying) }
+ case NoType =>
+ writeByte(NOTYPE)
+// case NoPrefix => // not sure we need this!
+// writeByte(NOPREFIX)
+ }
+ def pickleTpt(tpt: Tree): Unit = pickleType(tpt.tpe) // TODO correlate with original when generating positions
+ def pickleTreeIfNonEmpty(tree: Tree): Unit =
+ if (!tree.isEmpty) pickleTree(tree)
+ def pickleTree(tree: Tree): Unit = tree match {
+ case Ident(_) | This(_) =>
+ pickleType(tree.tpe)
+ case Select(qual, name) =>
+ writeByte(SELECT)
+ val sig = tree.tpe.signature
+ if (sig == Signature.NotAMethod) pickleName(name)
+ else pickleNameAndSig(name, sig)
+ case Apply(fun, args) =>
+ writeByte(APPLY)
+ withLength {
+ pickleTree(fun)
+ args.foreach(pickleTree)
+ }
+ case TypeApply(fun, args) =>
+ writeByte(TYPEAPPLY)
+ withLength {
+ pickleTree(fun)
+ args.foreach(pickleTree)
+ }
+ case Literal(const) =>
+ pickleConstant(const)
+ case Super(qual, mix) =>
+ writeByte(SUPER)
+ withLength {
+ pickleTree(qual);
+ if (!mix.isEmpty) {
+ val SuperType(_, mixinType) = tree.tpe
+ pickleType(mixinType)
+ }
+ }
+ case New(tpt) =>
+ writeByte(NEW)
+ withLength { pickleTpt(tpt) }
+ case Pair(left, right) =>
+ writeByte(PAIR)
+ withLength { pickleTree(left); pickleTree(right) }
+ case Typed(expr, tpt) =>
+ writeByte(TYPED)
+ withLength { pickleTree(expr); pickleTpt(tpt) }
+ case NamedArg(name, arg) =>
+ writeByte(NAMEDARG)
+ withLength { pickleName(name); pickleTree(arg) }
+ case Assign(lhs, rhs) =>
+ writeByte(ASSIGN)
+ withLength { pickleTree(lhs); pickleTree(rhs) }
+ case Block(stats, expr) =>
+ writeByte(BLOCK)
+ withLength { pickleTree(expr); stats.foreach(pickleTree) }
+ case If(cond, thenp, elsep) =>
+ writeByte(IF)
+ withLength{ pickleTree(cond); pickleTree(thenp); pickleTree(elsep) }
+ case Closure(env, meth, tpt) =>
+ writeByte(CLOSURE)
+ withLength{ pickleTree(meth); pickleTpt(tpt); env.foreach(pickleTree) }
+ case Match(selector, cases) =>
+ writeByte(MATCH)
+ withLength { pickleTree(selector); cases.foreach(pickleTree) }
+ case CaseDef(pat, guard, rhs) =>
+ writeByte(CASEDEF)
+ withLength { pickleTree(pat); pickleTree(guard); pickleTree(rhs) }
+ case Return(expr, from) =>
+ writeByte(RETURN)
+ withLength { pickleSym(from.symbol); pickleTreeIfNonEmpty(expr) }
+ case Try(block, cases, finalizer) =>
+ writeByte(TRY)
+ withLength { pickleTree(block); cases.foreach(pickleTree); pickleTreeIfNonEmpty(finalizer) }
+ case Throw(expr) =>
+ writeByte(THROW)
+ withLength { pickleTree(expr) }
+ case SeqLiteral(elems) =>
+ writeByte(if (tree.isInstanceOf[JavaSeqLiteral]) JSEQLITERAL else SEQLITERAL)
+ withLength { elems.foreach(pickleTree) }
+ case TypeTree(original) =>
+ pickleTpt(tree)
+ case Bind(name, body) =>
+ registerDef(tree.symbol)
+ writeByte(BIND)
+ withLength { pickleName(name); pickleType(tree.symbol.info); pickleTree(body) }
+ case Alternative(alts) =>
+ writeByte(ALTERNATIVE)
+ withLength { alts.foreach(pickleTree) }
+ case UnApply(fun, implicits, patterns) =>
+ writeByte(UNAPPLY)
+ withLength {
+ pickleTree(fun)
+ for (implicitArg <- implicits) {
+ writeByte(IMPLICITARG)
+ withLength { pickleTree(implicitArg) }
+ }
+ patterns.foreach(pickleTree)
+ }
+ case tree: ValDef =>
+ pickleDef(VALDEF, tree.symbol, tree.rhs)
+ case tree: DefDef =>
+ def pickleParams = {
+ for (tparam <- tree.tparams) pickleDef(TYPEPARAM, tparam.symbol, EmptyTree)
+ for (vparams <- tree.vparamss) {
+ writeByte(PARAMS)
+ withLength {
+ for (vparam <- vparams) pickleDef(PARAM, vparam.symbol, EmptyTree)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ pickleDef(DEFDEF, tree.symbol, tree.rhs, pickleParams)
+ case tree: TypeDef =>
+ pickleDef(TYPEDEF, tree.symbol, tree.rhs)
+ case tree: Template =>
+ writeByte(TEMPLATE)
+ withLength {
+ tree.parents.foreach(pickleTree)
+ if (!tree.self.isEmpty)
+ pickleDef(PARAM, tree.self.symbol, EmptyTree)
+ pickleTreeIfNonEmpty(tree.constr)
+ tree.body.foreach(pickleTree)
+ }
+ case Import(expr, selectors) =>
+ writeByte(IMPORT)
+ withLength {
+ pickleTree(expr)
+ selectors foreach {
+ case Pair(Ident(from), Ident(to)) =>
+ writeByte(RENAMED)
+ withLength { pickleName(from); pickleName(to) }
+ case Ident(name) =>
+ writeByte(IMPORTED)
+ withLength { pickleName(name) }
+ }
+ }
+ case PackageDef(pid, stats) =>
+ writeByte(PACKAGE)
+ withLength { pickleType(pid.tpe); stats.foreach(pickleTree) }
+ case Annotated(annot, arg) =>
+ writeByte(ANNOTATED)
+ withLength { pickleTree(annot); pickleTree(arg) }
+ }
+ def pickleDef(tag: Int, sym: Symbol, rhs: Tree, pickleParams: => Unit = ()) = {
+ registerDef(sym)
+ writeByte(tag)
+ withLength {
+ pickleName(sym.name)
+ pickleParams
+ if (tag != TYPEDEF) pickleType(sym.info.finalResultType)
+ if (tag != PARAM && tag != TYPEPARAM) pickleTree(rhs)
+ pickleModifiers(sym)
+ }
+ }
+ def pickleModifiers(sym: Symbol): Unit = {
+ import Flags._
+ val flags = sym.flags
+ val privateWithin = sym.privateWithin
+ if (privateWithin.exists) {
+ writeByte(if (flags is Protected) PROTECTEDqualified else PRIVATEqualified)
+ pickleSym(privateWithin)
+ }
+ if (flags is Private) writeByte(PRIVATE)
+ if (flags is Protected) if (!privateWithin.exists) writeByte(PROTECTED)
+ if (flags is Final) writeByte(FINAL)
+ if (flags is Case) writeByte(CASE)
+ if (flags is Override) writeByte(OVERRIDE)
+ if (flags is Inline) writeByte(INLINE)
+ if (flags is JavaStatic) writeByte(STATIC)
+ if (flags is Module) writeByte(MODULE)
+ if (flags is Local) writeByte(LOCAL)
+ if (flags is Synthetic) writeByte(SYNTHETIC)
+ if (flags is Artifact) writeByte(ARTIFACT)
+ if (flags is Scala2x) writeByte(SCALA2X)
+ if (sym.isTerm) {
+ if (flags is Implicit) writeByte(IMPLICIT)
+ if (flags is Lazy) writeByte(LAZY)
+ if (flags is AbsOverride) writeByte(ABSOVERRIDE)
+ if (flags is Mutable) writeByte(MUTABLE)
+ if (flags is Accessor) writeByte(FIELDaccessor)
+ if (flags is ParamAccessor) writeByte(PARAMaccessor)
+ if (flags is CaseAccessor) writeByte(CASEaccessor)
+ if (flags is DefaultParameterized) writeByte(DEFAULTparameterized)
+ if (flags is DefaultInit) writeByte(DEFAULTinit)
+ } else {
+ if (flags is Sealed) writeByte(SEALED)
+ if (flags is Abstract) writeByte(ABSTRACT)
+ if (flags is Covariant) writeByte(COVARIANT)
+ if (flags is Contravariant) writeByte(CONTRAVARIANT)
+ }
+ sym.annotations.foreach(ann => pickleTree(ann.tree))
+ }
+ pickleTree(tree)
+ }