path: root/src/dotty/tools/dotc/parsing/MarkupParsers.scala
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authorMartin Odersky <odersky@gmail.com>2013-05-09 19:37:15 +0200
committerMartin Odersky <odersky@gmail.com>2013-05-09 19:37:15 +0200
commitcf4c428cc58ed330faa236bf54d06c1fad902c8a (patch)
treee56522e356c8ba7c84e7509c618d545e16ec19a8 /src/dotty/tools/dotc/parsing/MarkupParsers.scala
parentbfa03db8ea8897f51316cd77a7c71b2ca25ba531 (diff)
Some parser revisions
(1) Added markup parsers (2) Syntax change relating to modifiers and annotations of primary constructor (3) Review of parsing with bug fixes and simplifications.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/dotty/tools/dotc/parsing/MarkupParsers.scala')
1 files changed, 460 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/dotty/tools/dotc/parsing/MarkupParsers.scala b/src/dotty/tools/dotc/parsing/MarkupParsers.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1422c83b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/dotty/tools/dotc/parsing/MarkupParsers.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,460 @@
+package dotty.tools
+package dotc
+package parsing
+import scala.collection.mutable
+import mutable.{ Buffer, ArrayBuffer, ListBuffer }
+import scala.util.control.ControlThrowable
+import util.SourceFile
+import scala.xml.{ Text, TextBuffer }
+import scala.xml.parsing.MarkupParserCommon
+import scala.xml.Utility.{ isNameStart, isNameChar, isSpace }
+import scala.reflect.internal.Chars.{ SU, LF }
+import Parsers._
+import util.Positions._
+import core._
+import Trees._
+import Constants._
+// XXX/Note: many/most of the functions in here are almost direct cut and pastes
+// from another file - scala.xml.parsing.MarkupParser, it looks like.
+// (It was like that when I got here.) They used to be commented "[Duplicate]" butx
+// since approximately all of them were, I snipped it as noise. As far as I can
+// tell this wasn't for any particularly good reason, but slightly different
+// compiler and library parser interfaces meant it would take some setup.
+// I rewrote most of these, but not as yet the library versions: so if you are
+// tempted to touch any of these, please be aware of that situation and try not
+// to let it get any worse. -- paulp
+/** This trait ...
+ *
+ * @author Burak Emir
+ * @version 1.0
+ */
+object MarkupParsers {
+ import UntypedTrees.{untpd, ugen}
+ import untpd._
+ case object MissingEndTagControl extends ControlThrowable {
+ override def getMessage = "start tag was here: "
+ }
+ case object ConfusedAboutBracesControl extends ControlThrowable {
+ override def getMessage = " I encountered a '}' where I didn't expect one, maybe this tag isn't closed <"
+ }
+ case object TruncatedXMLControl extends ControlThrowable {
+ override def getMessage = "input ended while parsing XML"
+ }
+ class MarkupParser(parser: Parser, final val preserveWS: Boolean) extends MarkupParserCommon {
+ import Tokens.{ EMPTY, LBRACE, RBRACE }
+ type PositionType = Position
+ type InputType = CharArrayReader
+ type ElementType = Tree
+ type AttributesType = mutable.Map[String, Tree]
+ type NamespaceType = Any // namespaces ignored
+ def mkAttributes(name: String, other: NamespaceType): AttributesType = xAttributes
+ val eof = false
+ def truncatedError(msg: String): Nothing = throw TruncatedXMLControl
+ def xHandleError(that: Char, msg: String) =
+ if (ch == SU) throw TruncatedXMLControl
+ else reportSyntaxError(msg)
+ var input : CharArrayReader = _
+ def lookahead(): BufferedIterator[Char] =
+ (input.buf drop input.charOffset).iterator.buffered
+ import parser.{ symbXMLBuilder => handle }
+ def curOffset : Int = input.charOffset - 1
+ var tmppos : Position = NoPosition
+ def ch = input.ch
+ /** this method assign the next character to ch and advances in input */
+ def nextch() { input.nextChar() }
+ protected def ch_returning_nextch: Char = {
+ val result = ch; input.nextChar(); result
+ }
+ def mkProcInstr(position: Position, name: String, text: String): ElementType =
+ parser.symbXMLBuilder.procInstr(position, name, text)
+ var xEmbeddedBlock = false
+ private var debugLastStartElement = new mutable.Stack[(Int, String)]
+ private def debugLastPos = debugLastStartElement.top._1
+ private def debugLastElem = debugLastStartElement.top._2
+ private def errorBraces() = {
+ reportSyntaxError("in XML content, please use '}}' to express '}'")
+ throw ConfusedAboutBracesControl
+ }
+ def errorNoEnd(tag: String) = {
+ reportSyntaxError("expected closing tag of " + tag)
+ throw MissingEndTagControl
+ }
+ /** checks whether next character starts a Scala block, if yes, skip it.
+ * @return true if next character starts a scala block
+ */
+ def xCheckEmbeddedBlock: Boolean = {
+ // attentions, side-effect, used in xText
+ xEmbeddedBlock = (ch == '{') && { nextch; (ch != '{') }
+ xEmbeddedBlock
+ }
+ /** parse attribute and add it to listmap
+ * [41] Attributes ::= { S Name Eq AttValue }
+ * AttValue ::= `'` { _ } `'`
+ * | `"` { _ } `"`
+ * | `{` scalablock `}`
+ */
+ def xAttributes = {
+ val aMap = mutable.LinkedHashMap[String, Tree]()
+ while (isNameStart(ch)) {
+ val start = curOffset
+ val key = xName
+ xEQ
+ val delim = ch
+ val mid = curOffset
+ val value: Tree = ch match {
+ case '"' | '\'' =>
+ val tmp = xAttributeValue(ch_returning_nextch)
+ try handle.parseAttribute(Position(start, curOffset, mid), tmp)
+ catch {
+ case e: RuntimeException =>
+ errorAndResult("error parsing attribute value", parser.errorTermTree)
+ }
+ case '{' =>
+ nextch
+ xEmbeddedExpr
+ case SU =>
+ throw TruncatedXMLControl
+ case _ =>
+ errorAndResult("' or \" delimited attribute value or '{' scala-expr '}' expected", Literal(Constant("<syntax-error>")))
+ }
+ // well-formedness constraint: unique attribute names
+ if (aMap contains key)
+ reportSyntaxError("attribute %s may only be defined once" format key)
+ aMap(key) = value
+ if (ch != '/' && ch != '>')
+ xSpace
+ }
+ aMap
+ }
+ /** '<! CharData ::= [CDATA[ ( {char} - {char}"]]>"{char} ) ']]>'
+ *
+ * see [15]
+ */
+ def xCharData: Tree = {
+ val start = curOffset
+ xToken("[CDATA[")
+ val mid = curOffset
+ xTakeUntil(handle.charData, () => Position(start, curOffset, mid), "]]>")
+ }
+ def xUnparsed: Tree = {
+ val start = curOffset
+ xTakeUntil(handle.unparsed, () => Position(start, curOffset, start), "</xml:unparsed>")
+ }
+ /** Comment ::= '<!--' ((Char - '-') | ('-' (Char - '-')))* '-->'
+ *
+ * see [15]
+ */
+ def xComment: Tree = {
+ val start = curOffset - 2 // Rewinding to include "<!"
+ xToken("--")
+ xTakeUntil(handle.comment, () => Position(start, curOffset, start), "-->")
+ }
+ def appendText(pos: Position, ts: Buffer[Tree], txt: String) {
+ val toAppend =
+ if (preserveWS) Seq(txt)
+ else TextBuffer.fromString(txt).toText map (_.text)
+ toAppend foreach (t => ts append handle.text(pos, t))
+ }
+ /** adds entity/character to ts as side-effect
+ * @precond ch == '&'
+ */
+ def content_AMP(ts: ArrayBuffer[Tree]) {
+ nextch
+ val toAppend = ch match {
+ case '#' => // CharacterRef
+ nextch
+ val theChar = handle.text(tmppos, xCharRef)
+ xToken(';')
+ theChar
+ case _ => // EntityRef
+ val n = xName
+ xToken(';')
+ handle.entityRef(tmppos, n)
+ }
+ ts append toAppend
+ }
+ /**
+ * @precond ch == '{'
+ * @postcond: xEmbeddedBlock == false!
+ */
+ def content_BRACE(p: Position, ts: ArrayBuffer[Tree]): Unit =
+ if (xCheckEmbeddedBlock) ts append xEmbeddedExpr
+ else appendText(p, ts, xText)
+ /** Returns true if it encounters an end tag (without consuming it),
+ * appends trees to ts as side-effect.
+ *
+ * @param ts ...
+ * @return ...
+ */
+ private def content_LT(ts: ArrayBuffer[Tree]): Boolean = {
+ if (ch == '/')
+ return true // end tag
+ val toAppend = ch match {
+ case '!' => nextch ; if (ch =='[') xCharData else xComment // CDATA or Comment
+ case '?' => nextch ; xProcInstr // PI
+ case _ => element // child node
+ }
+ ts append toAppend
+ false
+ }
+ def content: Buffer[Tree] = {
+ val ts = new ArrayBuffer[Tree]
+ while (true) {
+ if (xEmbeddedBlock)
+ ts append xEmbeddedExpr
+ else {
+ tmppos = Position(curOffset)
+ ch match {
+ // end tag, cdata, comment, pi or child node
+ case '<' => nextch ; if (content_LT(ts)) return ts
+ // either the character '{' or an embedded scala block }
+ case '{' => content_BRACE(tmppos, ts) // }
+ // EntityRef or CharRef
+ case '&' => content_AMP(ts)
+ case SU => return ts
+ // text content - here xEmbeddedBlock might be true
+ case _ => appendText(tmppos, ts, xText)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ unreachable
+ }
+ /** '<' element ::= xmlTag1 '>' { xmlExpr | '{' simpleExpr '}' } ETag
+ * | xmlTag1 '/' '>'
+ */
+ def element: Tree = {
+ val start = curOffset
+ val (qname, attrMap) = xTag(())
+ if (ch == '/') { // empty element
+ xToken("/>")
+ handle.element(Position(start, curOffset, start), qname, attrMap, true, new ListBuffer[Tree])
+ }
+ else { // handle content
+ xToken('>')
+ if (qname == "xml:unparsed")
+ return xUnparsed
+ debugLastStartElement.push((start, qname))
+ val ts = content
+ xEndTag(qname)
+ debugLastStartElement.pop
+ val pos = Position(start, curOffset, start)
+ qname match {
+ case "xml:group" => handle.group(pos, ts)
+ case _ => handle.element(pos, qname, attrMap, false, ts)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /** parse character data.
+ * precondition: xEmbeddedBlock == false (we are not in a scala block)
+ */
+ private def xText: String = {
+ assert(!xEmbeddedBlock, "internal error: encountered embedded block")
+ val buf = new StringBuilder
+ def done = buf.toString
+ while (ch != SU) {
+ if (ch == '}') {
+ if (charComingAfter(nextch) == '}') nextch
+ else errorBraces()
+ }
+ buf append ch
+ nextch
+ if (xCheckEmbeddedBlock || ch == '<' || ch == '&')
+ return done
+ }
+ done
+ }
+ /** Some try/catch/finally logic used by xLiteral and xLiteralPattern. */
+ private def xLiteralCommon(f: () => Tree, ifTruncated: String => Unit): Tree = {
+ try return f()
+ catch {
+ case c @ TruncatedXMLControl =>
+ ifTruncated(c.getMessage)
+ case c @ (MissingEndTagControl | ConfusedAboutBracesControl) =>
+ parser.syntaxError(c.getMessage + debugLastElem + ">", debugLastPos)
+ case _: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException =>
+ parser.syntaxError("missing end tag in XML literal for <%s>" format debugLastElem, debugLastPos)
+ }
+ finally parser.in resume Tokens.XMLSTART
+ parser.errorTermTree
+ }
+ /** Use a lookahead parser to run speculative body, and return the first char afterward. */
+ private def charComingAfter(body: => Unit): Char = {
+ try {
+ input = input.lookaheadReader
+ body
+ ch
+ }
+ finally input = parser.in
+ }
+ /** xLiteral = element { element }
+ * @return Scala representation of this xml literal
+ */
+ def xLiteral: Tree = xLiteralCommon(
+ () => {
+ input = parser.in
+ handle.isPattern = false
+ val ts = new ArrayBuffer[Tree]
+ val start = curOffset
+ tmppos = Position(curOffset) // Iuli: added this line, as it seems content_LT uses tmppos when creating trees
+ content_LT(ts)
+ // parse more XML ?
+ if (charComingAfter(xSpaceOpt) == '<') {
+ xSpaceOpt
+ while (ch == '<') {
+ nextch
+ ts append element
+ xSpaceOpt
+ }
+ handle.makeXMLseq(Position(start, curOffset, start), ts)
+ }
+ else {
+ assert(ts.length == 1)
+ ts(0)
+ }
+ },
+ msg => parser.incompleteInputError(msg)
+ )
+ /** @see xmlPattern. resynchronizes after successful parse
+ * @return this xml pattern
+ */
+ def xLiteralPattern: Tree = xLiteralCommon(
+ () => {
+ input = parser.in
+ saving[Boolean, Tree](handle.isPattern, handle.isPattern = _) {
+ handle.isPattern = true
+ val tree = xPattern
+ xSpaceOpt
+ tree
+ }
+ },
+ msg => parser.syntaxError(msg, curOffset)
+ )
+ def escapeToScala[A](op: => A, kind: String) = {
+ xEmbeddedBlock = false
+ val res = saving[List[Int], A](parser.in.sepRegions, parser.in.sepRegions = _) {
+ parser.in resume LBRACE
+ op
+ }
+ if (parser.in.token != RBRACE)
+ reportSyntaxError(" expected end of Scala "+kind)
+ res
+ }
+ def xEmbeddedExpr: Tree = escapeToScala(parser.block(), "block")
+ /** xScalaPatterns ::= patterns
+ */
+ def xScalaPatterns: List[Tree] = escapeToScala(parser.patterns(), "pattern")
+ def reportSyntaxError(pos: Int, str: String) = parser.syntaxError(str, pos)
+ def reportSyntaxError(str: String) {
+ reportSyntaxError(curOffset, "in XML literal: " + str)
+ nextch()
+ }
+ /** '<' xPattern ::= Name [S] { xmlPattern | '{' pattern3 '}' } ETag
+ * | Name [S] '/' '>'
+ */
+ def xPattern: Tree = {
+ var start = curOffset
+ val qname = xName
+ debugLastStartElement.push((start, qname))
+ xSpaceOpt
+ val ts = new ArrayBuffer[Tree]
+ val isEmptyTag = (ch == '/') && { nextch ; true }
+ xToken('>')
+ if (!isEmptyTag) {
+ // recurses until it hits a termination condition, then returns
+ def doPattern: Boolean = {
+ val start1 = curOffset
+ if (xEmbeddedBlock) ts ++= xScalaPatterns
+ else ch match {
+ case '<' => // tag
+ nextch
+ if (ch != '/') ts append xPattern // child
+ else return false // terminate
+ case '{' => // embedded Scala patterns
+ while (ch == '{') {
+ nextch
+ ts ++= xScalaPatterns
+ }
+ assert(!xEmbeddedBlock, "problem with embedded block")
+ case SU =>
+ throw TruncatedXMLControl
+ case _ => // text
+ appendText(Position(start1, curOffset, start1), ts, xText)
+ // here xEmbeddedBlock might be true:
+ // if (xEmbeddedBlock) throw new ApplicationError("after:"+text); // assert
+ }
+ true
+ }
+ while (doPattern) { } // call until false
+ xEndTag(qname)
+ debugLastStartElement.pop
+ }
+ handle.makeXMLpat(Position(start, curOffset, start), qname, ts)
+ }
+ } /* class MarkupParser */