path: root/src/dotty/tools/dotc/sbt/ExtractAPI.scala
diff options
authorGuillaume Martres <smarter@ubuntu.com>2016-05-17 00:17:06 +0200
committerGuillaume Martres <smarter@ubuntu.com>2016-05-28 22:23:46 +0200
commit4c865c5664bb699283d8f573f78359ce3b7f74e6 (patch)
tree40164b66118e52e88f877eca03fc0c8487896119 /src/dotty/tools/dotc/sbt/ExtractAPI.scala
parentbcdddd98da13e74f47bbf016dba13be74e846e01 (diff)
Add sbt incremental compilation support
To test this with sbt, see https://github.com/lampepfl/dotty/wiki/Using-Dotty-with-sbt The following flags are added: - -Yforce-sbt-phases: Run the phases used by sbt for incremental compilation (ExtractDependencies and ExtractAPI) even if the compiler is ran outside of sbt, for debugging. - -Ydump-sbt-inc: For every compiled foo.scala, output the API representation and dependencies used for sbt incremental compilation in foo.inc, implies -Yforce-sbt-phases. This commit introduces two new phases which do not transform trees: - `ExtractDependencies` which extracts the dependency information of the current compilation unit and sends it to sbt via callbacks - `ExtractAPI` which creates a representation of the API of the current compilation unit and sends it to sbt via callbacks Briefly, when a file changes sbt will recompile it, if its API has changed (determined by what `ExtractAPI` sent) then sbt will determine which reverse-dependencies (determined by what `ExtractDependencies` sent) of the API have to be recompiled depending on what changed. See http://www.scala-sbt.org/0.13/docs/Understanding-Recompilation.html for more information on how sbt incremental compilation works. This phase was originally based on https://github.com/adriaanm/scala/tree/sbt-api-consolidate/src/compiler/scala/tools/sbt which attempts to integrate the sbt phases into scalac (and is itself based on https://github.com/sbt/sbt/tree/0.13/compile/interface/src/main/scala/xsbt), but it has been heavily refactored and adapted to Dotty. The main functional differences are: - ExtractDependencies runs right after Frontend (so that we don't lose dependency informations because of the simplifications done by PostTyper), but ExtractAPI runs right after PostTyper (so that SuperAccessors are part of the API). - `ExtractAPI` only extract types as they are defined and never "as seen from" some some specific prefix, see its documentation for more details. - `ExtractDependenciesTraverser` and `ExtractUsedNames` have been fused into one tree traversal in `ExtractDependenciesCollector`. TODO: Try to run these phases in parallel with the rest of the compiler pipeline since they're independent (except for the sbt callbacks in `GenBCode`) ?
Diffstat (limited to 'src/dotty/tools/dotc/sbt/ExtractAPI.scala')
1 files changed, 479 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/dotty/tools/dotc/sbt/ExtractAPI.scala b/src/dotty/tools/dotc/sbt/ExtractAPI.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c0a3c3dfe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/dotty/tools/dotc/sbt/ExtractAPI.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,479 @@
+package dotty.tools.dotc
+package sbt
+import ast.{Trees, tpd}
+import core._, core.Decorators._
+import Contexts._, Flags._, Phases._, Trees._, Types._, Symbols._
+import Names._, NameOps._, StdNames._
+import dotty.tools.io.Path
+import java.io.PrintWriter
+import scala.collection.mutable
+/** This phase sends a representation of the API of classes to sbt via callbacks.
+ *
+ * This is used by sbt for incremental recompilation.
+ *
+ * See the documentation of `ExtractAPICollector`, `ExtractDependencies`,
+ * `ExtractDependenciesCollector` and
+ * http://www.scala-sbt.org/0.13/docs/Understanding-Recompilation.html for more
+ * information on incremental recompilation.
+ *
+ * The following flags affect this phase:
+ * -Yforce-sbt-phases
+ * -Ydump-sbt-inc
+ *
+ * @see ExtractDependencies
+ */
+class ExtractAPI extends Phase {
+ override def phaseName: String = "sbt-api"
+ // SuperAccessors need to be part of the API (see the scripted test
+ // `trait-super` for an example where this matters), this is only the case
+ // after `PostTyper` (unlike `ExtractDependencies`, the simplication to trees
+ // done by `PostTyper` do not affect this phase because it only cares about
+ // definitions, and `PostTyper` does not change definitions).
+ override def runsAfter = Set(classOf[transform.PostTyper])
+ override def run(implicit ctx: Context): Unit = {
+ val unit = ctx.compilationUnit
+ val dumpInc = ctx.settings.YdumpSbtInc.value
+ val forceRun = dumpInc || ctx.settings.YforceSbtPhases.value
+ if ((ctx.sbtCallback != null || forceRun) && !unit.isJava) {
+ val sourceFile = unit.source.file.file
+ val apiTraverser = new ExtractAPICollector
+ val source = apiTraverser.apiSource(unit.tpdTree)
+ if (dumpInc) {
+ // Append to existing file that should have been created by ExtractDependencies
+ val pw = new PrintWriter(Path(sourceFile).changeExtension("inc").toFile
+ .bufferedWriter(append = true), true)
+ try {
+ pw.println(DefaultShowAPI(source))
+ } finally pw.close()
+ }
+ if (ctx.sbtCallback != null)
+ ctx.sbtCallback.api(sourceFile, source)
+ }
+ }
+/** Extracts full (including private members) API representation out of Symbols and Types.
+ *
+ * The exact representation used for each type is not important: the only thing
+ * that matters is that a binary-incompatible or source-incompatible change to
+ * the API (for example, changing the signature of a method, or adding a parent
+ * to a class) should result in a change to the API representation so that sbt
+ * can recompile files that depend on this API.
+ *
+ * Note that we only records types as they are defined and never "as seen from"
+ * some other prefix because `Types#asSeenFrom` is a complex operation and
+ * doing it for every inherited member would be slow, and because the number
+ * of prefixes can be enormous in some cases:
+ *
+ * class Outer {
+ * type T <: S
+ * type S
+ * class A extends Outer { /*...*/ }
+ * class B extends Outer { /*...*/ }
+ * class C extends Outer { /*...*/ }
+ * class D extends Outer { /*...*/ }
+ * class E extends Outer { /*...*/ }
+ * }
+ *
+ * `S` might be refined in an arbitrary way inside `A` for example, this
+ * affects the type of `T` as seen from `Outer#A`, so we could record that, but
+ * the class `A` also contains itself as a member, so `Outer#A#A#A#...` is a
+ * valid prefix for `T`. Even if we avoid loops, we still have a combinatorial
+ * explosion of possible prefixes, like `Outer#A#B#C#D#E`.
+ *
+ * It is much simpler to record `T` once where it is defined, but that means
+ * that the API representation of `T` may not change even though `T` as seen
+ * from some prefix has changed. This is why in `ExtractDependencies` we need
+ * to traverse used types to not miss dependencies, see the documentation of
+ * `ExtractDependencies#usedTypeTraverser`.
+ *
+ * TODO: sbt does not store the full representation that we compute, instead it
+ * hashes parts of it to reduce memory usage, then to see if something changed,
+ * it compares the hashes instead of comparing the representations. We should
+ * investigate whether we can just directly compute hashes in this phase
+ * without going through an intermediate representation, see
+ * http://www.scala-sbt.org/0.13/docs/Understanding-Recompilation.html#Hashing+an+API+representation
+ */
+private class ExtractAPICollector(implicit val ctx: Context) extends ThunkHolder {
+ import tpd._
+ import xsbti.api
+ /** This cache is necessary for correctness, see the comment about inherited
+ * members in `apiClassStructure`
+ */
+ private[this] val classLikeCache = new mutable.HashMap[ClassSymbol, api.ClassLike]
+ /** This cache is optional, it avoids recomputing representations */
+ private[this] val typeCache = new mutable.HashMap[Type, api.Type]
+ private[this] object Constants {
+ val emptyStringArray = Array[String]()
+ val local = new api.ThisQualifier
+ val public = new api.Public
+ val privateLocal = new api.Private(local)
+ val protectedLocal = new api.Protected(local)
+ val unqualified = new api.Unqualified
+ val thisPath = new api.This
+ val emptyType = new api.EmptyType
+ val emptyModifiers =
+ new api.Modifiers(false, false, false, false, false,false, false, false)
+ }
+ /** Some Dotty types do not have a corresponding type in xsbti.api.* that
+ * represents them. Until this is fixed we can workaround this by using
+ * special annotations that can never appear in the source code to
+ * represent these types.
+ *
+ * @param tp An approximation of the type we're trying to represent
+ * @param marker A special annotation to differentiate our type
+ */
+ private def withMarker(tp: api.Type, marker: api.Annotation) =
+ new api.Annotated(tp, Array(marker))
+ private def marker(name: String) =
+ new api.Annotation(new api.Constant(Constants.emptyType, name), Array())
+ val orMarker = marker("Or")
+ val byNameMarker = marker("ByName")
+ /** Extract the API representation of a source file */
+ def apiSource(tree: Tree): api.SourceAPI = {
+ val classes = new mutable.ListBuffer[api.ClassLike]
+ def apiClasses(tree: Tree): Unit = tree match {
+ case PackageDef(_, stats) =>
+ stats.foreach(apiClasses)
+ case tree: TypeDef =>
+ classes += apiClass(tree.symbol.asClass)
+ case _ =>
+ }
+ apiClasses(tree)
+ forceThunks()
+ new api.SourceAPI(Array(), classes.toArray)
+ }
+ def apiClass(sym: ClassSymbol): api.ClassLike =
+ classLikeCache.getOrElseUpdate(sym, computeClass(sym))
+ private def computeClass(sym: ClassSymbol): api.ClassLike = {
+ import xsbti.api.{DefinitionType => dt}
+ val defType =
+ if (sym.is(Trait)) dt.Trait
+ else if (sym.is(ModuleClass)) {
+ if (sym.is(PackageClass)) dt.PackageModule
+ else dt.Module
+ } else dt.ClassDef
+ val selfType = apiType(sym.classInfo.givenSelfType)
+ val name = if (sym.is(ModuleClass)) sym.fullName.sourceModuleName else sym.fullName
+ val tparams = sym.typeParams.map(tparam => apiTypeParameter(
+ tparam.name.toString, tparam.variance,
+ tparam.info.bounds.lo, tparam.info.bounds.lo))
+ val structure = apiClassStructure(sym)
+ new api.ClassLike(
+ defType, strict2lzy(selfType), strict2lzy(structure), Constants.emptyStringArray,
+ tparams.toArray, name.toString, apiAccess(sym), apiModifiers(sym),
+ apiAnnotations(sym).toArray)
+ }
+ private[this] val LegacyAppClass = ctx.requiredClass("dotty.runtime.LegacyApp")
+ def apiClassStructure(csym: ClassSymbol): api.Structure = {
+ val cinfo = csym.classInfo
+ val bases = linearizedAncestorTypes(cinfo)
+ val apiBases = bases.map(apiType)
+ // Synthetic methods that are always present do not affect the API
+ // and can therefore be ignored.
+ def alwaysPresent(s: Symbol) =
+ s.isCompanionMethod || (csym.is(ModuleClass) && s.isConstructor)
+ val decls = cinfo.decls.filterNot(alwaysPresent).toList
+ val apiDecls = apiDefinitions(decls)
+ val declSet = decls.toSet
+ // TODO: We shouldn't have to compute inherited members. Instead, `Structure`
+ // should have a lazy `parentStructures` field.
+ val inherited = cinfo.baseClasses
+ // We cannot filter out `LegacyApp` because it contains the main method,
+ // see the comment about main class discovery in `computeType`.
+ .filter(bc => !bc.is(Scala2x) || bc.eq(LegacyAppClass))
+ .flatMap(_.classInfo.decls.filterNot(s => s.is(Private) || declSet.contains(s)))
+ // Inherited members need to be computed lazily because a class might contain
+ // itself as an inherited member, like in `class A { class B extends A }`,
+ // this works because of `classLikeCache`
+ val apiInherited = lzy(apiDefinitions(inherited).toArray)
+ new api.Structure(strict2lzy(apiBases.toArray), strict2lzy(apiDecls.toArray), apiInherited)
+ }
+ def linearizedAncestorTypes(info: ClassInfo): List[Type] = {
+ val ref = info.fullyAppliedRef
+ // Note that the ordering of classes in `baseClasses` is important.
+ info.baseClasses.tail.map(ref.baseTypeWithArgs)
+ }
+ def apiDefinitions(defs: List[Symbol]): List[api.Definition] = {
+ // The hash generated by sbt for definitions is supposed to be symmetric so
+ // we shouldn't have to sort them, but it actually isn't symmetric for
+ // definitions which are classes, therefore we need to sort classes to
+ // ensure a stable hash.
+ // Modules and classes come first and are sorted by name, all other
+ // definitions come later and are not sorted.
+ object classFirstSort extends Ordering[Symbol] {
+ override def compare(a: Symbol, b: Symbol) = {
+ val aIsClass = a.isClass
+ val bIsClass = b.isClass
+ if (aIsClass == bIsClass) {
+ if (aIsClass) {
+ if (a.is(Module) == b.is(Module))
+ a.fullName.toString.compareTo(b.fullName.toString)
+ else if (a.is(Module))
+ -1
+ else
+ 1
+ } else
+ 0
+ } else if (aIsClass)
+ -1
+ else
+ 1
+ }
+ }
+ defs.sorted(classFirstSort).map(apiDefinition)
+ }
+ def apiDefinition(sym: Symbol): api.Definition = {
+ if (sym.isClass) {
+ apiClass(sym.asClass)
+ } else if (sym.isType) {
+ apiTypeMember(sym.asType)
+ } else if (sym.is(Mutable, butNot = Accessor)) {
+ new api.Var(apiType(sym.info), sym.name.toString,
+ apiAccess(sym), apiModifiers(sym), apiAnnotations(sym).toArray)
+ } else if (sym.isStable) {
+ new api.Val(apiType(sym.info), sym.name.toString,
+ apiAccess(sym), apiModifiers(sym), apiAnnotations(sym).toArray)
+ } else {
+ apiDef(sym.asTerm)
+ }
+ }
+ def apiDef(sym: TermSymbol): api.Def = {
+ def paramLists(t: Type, start: Int = 0): List[api.ParameterList] = t match {
+ case mt @ MethodType(pnames, ptypes) =>
+ // TODO: We shouldn't have to work so hard to find the default parameters
+ // of a method, Dotty should expose a convenience method for that, see #1143
+ val defaults =
+ if (sym.is(DefaultParameterized)) {
+ val qual =
+ if (sym.isClassConstructor)
+ sym.owner.companionModule // default getters for class constructors are found in the companion object
+ else
+ sym.owner
+ (0 until pnames.length).map(i => qual.info.member(sym.name.defaultGetterName(start + i)).exists)
+ } else
+ (0 until pnames.length).map(Function.const(false))
+ val params = (pnames, ptypes, defaults).zipped.map((pname, ptype, isDefault) =>
+ new api.MethodParameter(pname.toString, apiType(ptype),
+ isDefault, api.ParameterModifier.Plain))
+ new api.ParameterList(params.toArray, mt.isImplicit) :: paramLists(mt.resultType, params.length)
+ case _ =>
+ Nil
+ }
+ val tparams = sym.info match {
+ case pt: PolyType =>
+ (pt.paramNames, pt.paramBounds).zipped.map((pname, pbounds) =>
+ apiTypeParameter(pname.toString, 0, pbounds.lo, pbounds.hi))
+ case _ =>
+ Nil
+ }
+ val vparamss = paramLists(sym.info)
+ val retTp = sym.info.finalResultType.widenExpr
+ new api.Def(vparamss.toArray, apiType(retTp), tparams.toArray,
+ sym.name.toString, apiAccess(sym), apiModifiers(sym), apiAnnotations(sym).toArray)
+ }
+ def apiTypeMember(sym: TypeSymbol): api.TypeMember = {
+ val typeParams = Array[api.TypeParameter]()
+ val name = sym.name.toString
+ val access = apiAccess(sym)
+ val modifiers = apiModifiers(sym)
+ val as = apiAnnotations(sym)
+ val tpe = sym.info
+ if (sym.isAliasType)
+ new api.TypeAlias(apiType(tpe.bounds.hi), typeParams, name, access, modifiers, as.toArray)
+ else {
+ assert(sym.isAbstractType)
+ new api.TypeDeclaration(apiType(tpe.bounds.lo), apiType(tpe.bounds.hi), typeParams, name, access, modifiers, as.to)
+ }
+ }
+ def apiType(tp: Type): api.Type = {
+ typeCache.getOrElseUpdate(tp, computeType(tp))
+ }
+ private def computeType(tp: Type): api.Type = {
+ // TODO: Never dealias. We currently have to dealias because
+ // sbt main class discovery relies on the signature of the main
+ // method being fully dealiased. See https://github.com/sbt/zinc/issues/102
+ val tp2 = if (!tp.isHK) tp.dealias else tp
+ tp2 match {
+ case NoPrefix | NoType =>
+ Constants.emptyType
+ case tp: NamedType =>
+ val sym = tp.symbol
+ // Normalize package prefix to avoid instability of representation
+ val prefix = if (sym.isClass && sym.owner.is(Package))
+ sym.owner.thisType
+ else
+ tp.prefix
+ new api.Projection(simpleType(prefix), sym.name.toString)
+ case TypeApplications.AppliedType(tycon, args) =>
+ def processArg(arg: Type): api.Type = arg match {
+ case arg @ TypeBounds(lo, hi) => // Handle wildcard parameters
+ if (lo.eq(defn.NothingType) && hi.eq(defn.AnyType))
+ Constants.emptyType
+ else {
+ val name = "_"
+ val ref = new api.ParameterRef(name)
+ new api.Existential(ref,
+ Array(apiTypeParameter(name, arg.variance, lo, hi)))
+ }
+ case _ =>
+ apiType(arg)
+ }
+ val apiTycon = simpleType(tycon)
+ val apiArgs = args.map(processArg)
+ new api.Parameterized(apiTycon, apiArgs.toArray)
+ case rt: RefinedType =>
+ val name = rt.refinedName.toString
+ val parent = apiType(rt.parent)
+ def typeRefinement(name: String, tp: TypeBounds): api.TypeMember = tp match {
+ case TypeAlias(alias) =>
+ new api.TypeAlias(apiType(alias),
+ Array(), name, Constants.public, Constants.emptyModifiers, Array())
+ case TypeBounds(lo, hi) =>
+ new api.TypeDeclaration(apiType(lo), apiType(hi),
+ Array(), name, Constants.public, Constants.emptyModifiers, Array())
+ }
+ val decl: Array[api.Definition] = rt.refinedInfo match {
+ case rinfo: TypeBounds =>
+ Array(typeRefinement(name, rinfo))
+ case _ =>
+ ctx.debuglog(i"sbt-api: skipped structural refinement in $rt")
+ Array()
+ }
+ new api.Structure(strict2lzy(Array(parent)), strict2lzy(decl), strict2lzy(Array()))
+ case tp: AndOrType =>
+ val parents = List(apiType(tp.tp1), apiType(tp.tp2))
+ // TODO: Add a real representation for AndOrTypes in xsbti. The order of
+ // types in an `AndOrType` does not change the API, so the API hash should
+ // be symmetric.
+ val s = new api.Structure(strict2lzy(parents.toArray), strict2lzy(Array()), strict2lzy(Array()))
+ if (tp.isAnd)
+ s
+ else
+ withMarker(s, orMarker)
+ case ExprType(resultType) =>
+ withMarker(apiType(resultType), byNameMarker)
+ case ConstantType(constant) =>
+ new api.Constant(apiType(constant.tpe), constant.stringValue)
+ case AnnotatedType(tpe, annot) =>
+ // TODO: Annotation support
+ ctx.debuglog(i"sbt-api: skipped annotation in $tp2")
+ apiType(tpe)
+ case tp: ThisType =>
+ apiThis(tp.cls)
+ case RefinedThis(binder) =>
+ apiThis(binder.typeSymbol)
+ case tp: ParamType =>
+ new api.ParameterRef(tp.paramName.toString)
+ case tp: LazyRef =>
+ apiType(tp.ref)
+ case tp: TypeVar =>
+ apiType(tp.underlying)
+ case _ => {
+ ctx.warning(i"sbt-api: Unhandled type ${tp.getClass} : $tp")
+ Constants.emptyType
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // TODO: Get rid of this method. See https://github.com/sbt/zinc/issues/101
+ def simpleType(tp: Type): api.SimpleType = apiType(tp) match {
+ case tp: api.SimpleType =>
+ tp
+ case _ =>
+ ctx.debuglog("sbt-api: Not a simple type: " + tp.show)
+ Constants.emptyType
+ }
+ def apiThis(sym: Symbol): api.Singleton = {
+ val pathComponents = sym.ownersIterator.takeWhile(!_.isEffectiveRoot)
+ .map(s => new api.Id(s.name.toString))
+ new api.Singleton(new api.Path(pathComponents.toArray.reverse ++ Array(Constants.thisPath)))
+ }
+ def apiTypeParameter(name: String, variance: Int, lo: Type, hi: Type): api.TypeParameter =
+ new api.TypeParameter(name, Array(), Array(), apiVariance(variance),
+ apiType(lo), apiType(hi))
+ def apiVariance(v: Int): api.Variance = {
+ import api.Variance._
+ if (v < 0) Contravariant
+ else if (v > 0) Covariant
+ else Invariant
+ }
+ def apiAccess(sym: Symbol): api.Access = {
+ // Symbols which are private[foo] do not have the flag Private set,
+ // but their `privateWithin` exists, see `Parsers#ParserCommon#normalize`.
+ if (!sym.is(Protected | Private) && !sym.privateWithin.exists)
+ Constants.public
+ else if (sym.is(PrivateLocal))
+ Constants.privateLocal
+ else if (sym.is(ProtectedLocal))
+ Constants.protectedLocal
+ else {
+ val qualifier =
+ if (sym.privateWithin eq NoSymbol)
+ Constants.unqualified
+ else
+ new api.IdQualifier(sym.privateWithin.fullName.toString)
+ if (sym.is(Protected))
+ new api.Protected(qualifier)
+ else
+ new api.Private(qualifier)
+ }
+ }
+ def apiModifiers(sym: Symbol): api.Modifiers = {
+ val absOver = sym.is(AbsOverride)
+ val abs = sym.is(Abstract) || sym.is(Deferred) || absOver
+ val over = sym.is(Override) || absOver
+ new api.Modifiers(abs, over, sym.is(Final), sym.is(Sealed),
+ sym.is(Implicit), sym.is(Lazy), sym.is(Macro), sym.is(SuperAccessor))
+ }
+ // TODO: Annotation support
+ def apiAnnotations(s: Symbol): List[api.Annotation] = Nil