path: root/src/dotty/tools/dotc/sbt/ShowAPI.scala
diff options
authorGuillaume Martres <smarter@ubuntu.com>2016-05-17 00:17:06 +0200
committerGuillaume Martres <smarter@ubuntu.com>2016-05-28 22:23:46 +0200
commit4c865c5664bb699283d8f573f78359ce3b7f74e6 (patch)
tree40164b66118e52e88f877eca03fc0c8487896119 /src/dotty/tools/dotc/sbt/ShowAPI.scala
parentbcdddd98da13e74f47bbf016dba13be74e846e01 (diff)
Add sbt incremental compilation support
To test this with sbt, see https://github.com/lampepfl/dotty/wiki/Using-Dotty-with-sbt The following flags are added: - -Yforce-sbt-phases: Run the phases used by sbt for incremental compilation (ExtractDependencies and ExtractAPI) even if the compiler is ran outside of sbt, for debugging. - -Ydump-sbt-inc: For every compiled foo.scala, output the API representation and dependencies used for sbt incremental compilation in foo.inc, implies -Yforce-sbt-phases. This commit introduces two new phases which do not transform trees: - `ExtractDependencies` which extracts the dependency information of the current compilation unit and sends it to sbt via callbacks - `ExtractAPI` which creates a representation of the API of the current compilation unit and sends it to sbt via callbacks Briefly, when a file changes sbt will recompile it, if its API has changed (determined by what `ExtractAPI` sent) then sbt will determine which reverse-dependencies (determined by what `ExtractDependencies` sent) of the API have to be recompiled depending on what changed. See http://www.scala-sbt.org/0.13/docs/Understanding-Recompilation.html for more information on how sbt incremental compilation works. This phase was originally based on https://github.com/adriaanm/scala/tree/sbt-api-consolidate/src/compiler/scala/tools/sbt which attempts to integrate the sbt phases into scalac (and is itself based on https://github.com/sbt/sbt/tree/0.13/compile/interface/src/main/scala/xsbt), but it has been heavily refactored and adapted to Dotty. The main functional differences are: - ExtractDependencies runs right after Frontend (so that we don't lose dependency informations because of the simplifications done by PostTyper), but ExtractAPI runs right after PostTyper (so that SuperAccessors are part of the API). - `ExtractAPI` only extract types as they are defined and never "as seen from" some some specific prefix, see its documentation for more details. - `ExtractDependenciesTraverser` and `ExtractUsedNames` have been fused into one tree traversal in `ExtractDependenciesCollector`. TODO: Try to run these phases in parallel with the rest of the compiler pipeline since they're independent (except for the sbt callbacks in `GenBCode`) ?
Diffstat (limited to 'src/dotty/tools/dotc/sbt/ShowAPI.scala')
1 files changed, 156 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/dotty/tools/dotc/sbt/ShowAPI.scala b/src/dotty/tools/dotc/sbt/ShowAPI.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0e6b19867
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/dotty/tools/dotc/sbt/ShowAPI.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+// This file is copied straight from
+// https://github.com/sbt/sbt/blob/0.13/compile/api/src/main/scala/xsbt/api/ShowAPI.scala
+// It is convenient to be able to pretty-print the API from Dotty itself to test
+// the sbt phase without having to run sbt.
+/* sbt -- Simple Build Tool
+ * Copyright 2010 Mark Harrah
+ */
+package dotty.tools.dotc
+package sbt
+import xsbti.api._
+import scala.util.Try
+object DefaultShowAPI {
+ private lazy val defaultNesting = Try { java.lang.Integer.parseInt(sys.props.get("sbt.inc.apidiff.depth").get) } getOrElse 2
+ def apply(d: Definition) = ShowAPI.showDefinition(d)(defaultNesting)
+ def apply(d: Type) = ShowAPI.showType(d)(defaultNesting)
+ def apply(a: SourceAPI) = ShowAPI.showApi(a)(defaultNesting)
+object ShowAPI {
+ private lazy val numDecls = Try { java.lang.Integer.parseInt(sys.props.get("sbt.inc.apidiff.decls").get) } getOrElse 0
+ private def truncateDecls(decls: Array[Definition]): Array[Definition] = if (numDecls <= 0) decls else decls.take(numDecls)
+ private def lines(ls: Seq[String]): String = ls.mkString("\n", "\n", "\n")
+ def showApi(a: SourceAPI)(implicit nesting: Int) =
+ a.packages.map(pkg => "package " + pkg.name).mkString("\n") + lines(truncateDecls(a.definitions).map(showDefinition))
+ def showDefinition(d: Definition)(implicit nesting: Int): String = d match {
+ case v: Val => showMonoDef(v, "val") + ": " + showType(v.tpe)
+ case v: Var => showMonoDef(v, "var") + ": " + showType(v.tpe)
+ case d: Def => showPolyDef(d, "def") + showValueParams(d.valueParameters) + ": " + showType(d.returnType)
+ case ta: TypeAlias => showPolyDef(ta, "type") + " = " + showType(ta.tpe)
+ case td: TypeDeclaration => showPolyDef(td, "type") + showBounds(td.lowerBound, td.upperBound)
+ case cl: ClassLike => showPolyDef(cl, showDefinitionType(cl.definitionType)) + " extends " + showTemplate(cl)
+ }
+ private def showTemplate(cl: ClassLike)(implicit nesting: Int) =
+ if (nesting <= 0) "<nesting level reached>"
+ else {
+ val showSelf = if (cl.selfType.isInstanceOf[EmptyType]) "" else " self: " + showNestedType(cl.selfType) + " =>"
+ cl.structure.parents.map(showNestedType).mkString("", " with ", " {") + showSelf +
+ lines(truncateDecls(cl.structure.inherited).map(d => "^inherited^ " + showNestedDefinition(d))) +
+ lines(truncateDecls(cl.structure.declared).map(showNestedDefinition)) +
+ "}"
+ }
+ def showType(t: Type)(implicit nesting: Int): String = t match {
+ case st: Projection => showType(st.prefix) + "#" + st.id
+ case st: ParameterRef => "<" + st.id + ">"
+ case st: Singleton => showPath(st.path)
+ case st: EmptyType => "<empty>"
+ case p: Parameterized => showType(p.baseType) + p.typeArguments.map(showType).mkString("[", ", ", "]")
+ case c: Constant => showType(c.baseType) + "(" + c.value + ")"
+ case a: Annotated => showAnnotations(a.annotations) + " " + showType(a.baseType)
+ case s: Structure =>
+ s.parents.map(showType).mkString(" with ") + (
+ if (nesting <= 0) "{ <nesting level reached> }"
+ else truncateDecls(s.declared).map(showNestedDefinition).mkString(" {", "\n", "}"))
+ case e: Existential =>
+ showType(e.baseType) + (
+ if (nesting <= 0) " forSome { <nesting level reached> }"
+ else e.clause.map(t => "type " + showNestedTypeParameter(t)).mkString(" forSome { ", "; ", " }"))
+ case p: Polymorphic => showType(p.baseType) + (
+ if (nesting <= 0) " [ <nesting level reached> ]"
+ else showNestedTypeParameters(p.parameters))
+ }
+ private def showPath(p: Path): String = p.components.map(showPathComponent).mkString(".")
+ private def showPathComponent(pc: PathComponent) = pc match {
+ case s: Super => "super[" + showPath(s.qualifier) + "]"
+ case _: This => "this"
+ case i: Id => i.id
+ }
+ private def space(s: String) = if (s.isEmpty) s else s + " "
+ private def showMonoDef(d: Definition, label: String)(implicit nesting: Int): String =
+ space(showAnnotations(d.annotations)) + space(showAccess(d.access)) + space(showModifiers(d.modifiers)) + space(label) + d.name
+ private def showPolyDef(d: ParameterizedDefinition, label: String)(implicit nesting: Int): String =
+ showMonoDef(d, label) + showTypeParameters(d.typeParameters)
+ private def showTypeParameters(tps: Seq[TypeParameter])(implicit nesting: Int): String =
+ if (tps.isEmpty) ""
+ else tps.map(showTypeParameter).mkString("[", ", ", "]")
+ private def showTypeParameter(tp: TypeParameter)(implicit nesting: Int): String =
+ showAnnotations(tp.annotations) + " " + showVariance(tp.variance) + tp.id + showTypeParameters(tp.typeParameters) + " " + showBounds(tp.lowerBound, tp.upperBound)
+ private def showAnnotations(as: Seq[Annotation])(implicit nesting: Int) = as.map(showAnnotation).mkString(" ")
+ private def showAnnotation(a: Annotation)(implicit nesting: Int) =
+ "@" + showType(a.base) + (
+ if (a.arguments.isEmpty) ""
+ else a.arguments.map(a => a.name + " = " + a.value).mkString("(", ", ", ")")
+ )
+ private def showBounds(lower: Type, upper: Type)(implicit nesting: Int): String = ">: " + showType(lower) + " <: " + showType(upper)
+ private def showValueParams(ps: Seq[ParameterList])(implicit nesting: Int): String =
+ ps.map(pl =>
+ pl.parameters.map(mp =>
+ mp.name + ": " + showParameterModifier(showType(mp.tpe), mp.modifier) + (if (mp.hasDefault) "= ..." else "")
+ ).mkString(if (pl.isImplicit) "(implicit " else "(", ", ", ")")
+ ).mkString("")
+ private def showParameterModifier(base: String, pm: ParameterModifier): String = pm match {
+ case ParameterModifier.Plain => base
+ case ParameterModifier.Repeated => base + "*"
+ case ParameterModifier.ByName => "=> " + base
+ }
+ private def showDefinitionType(d: DefinitionType) = d match {
+ case DefinitionType.Trait => "trait"
+ case DefinitionType.ClassDef => "class"
+ case DefinitionType.Module => "object"
+ case DefinitionType.PackageModule => "package object"
+ }
+ private def showAccess(a: Access) = a match {
+ case p: Public => ""
+ case p: Protected => "protected" + showQualifier(p.qualifier)
+ case p: Private => "private" + showQualifier(p.qualifier)
+ }
+ private def showQualifier(q: Qualifier) = q match {
+ case _: Unqualified => ""
+ case _: ThisQualifier => "[this]"
+ case i: IdQualifier => "[" + i.value + "]"
+ }
+ private def showModifiers(m: Modifiers) = List(
+ (m.isOverride, "override"),
+ (m.isFinal, "final"),
+ (m.isSealed, "sealed"),
+ (m.isImplicit, "implicit"),
+ (m.isAbstract, "abstract"),
+ (m.isLazy, "lazy")
+ ).collect { case (true, mod) => mod }.mkString(" ")
+ private def showVariance(v: Variance) = v match {
+ case Variance.Invariant => ""
+ case Variance.Covariant => "+"
+ case Variance.Contravariant => "-"
+ }
+ // limit nesting to prevent cycles and generally keep output from getting humongous
+ private def showNestedType(tp: Type)(implicit nesting: Int) = showType(tp)(nesting - 1)
+ private def showNestedTypeParameter(tp: TypeParameter)(implicit nesting: Int) = showTypeParameter(tp)(nesting - 1)
+ private def showNestedTypeParameters(tps: Seq[TypeParameter])(implicit nesting: Int) = showTypeParameters(tps)(nesting - 1)
+ private def showNestedDefinition(d: Definition)(implicit nesting: Int) = showDefinition(d)(nesting - 1)