path: root/src/dotty/tools/dotc/transform/FullParameterization.scala
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authorMartin Odersky <odersky@gmail.com>2014-07-13 17:59:02 +0200
committerMartin Odersky <odersky@gmail.com>2014-07-17 11:02:03 +0200
commit57d69f8f4d00bef8cbb51d498b5139ca649a8ca6 (patch)
treeb9d690d27d74c7ca8442f222fdc95b4f5e20be11 /src/dotty/tools/dotc/transform/FullParameterization.scala
parent3f3581c1fdefbebf06d4b3d12c6474c2997ec52d (diff)
Refactored reusable full parameterization code into base trait.
Methods dealing with fully parameterized versions of classes were pulled from `TypeUtils` and `ExtensionMethods` into `FullyParameterization`. `TypeUtils` is left for possible future use, but is empty right now.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/dotty/tools/dotc/transform/FullParameterization.scala')
1 files changed, 178 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/dotty/tools/dotc/transform/FullParameterization.scala b/src/dotty/tools/dotc/transform/FullParameterization.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3f02e11a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/dotty/tools/dotc/transform/FullParameterization.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+package dotty.tools.dotc
+package transform
+import core._
+import Types._
+import Contexts._
+import Symbols._
+import Decorators._
+import StdNames.nme
+import NameOps._
+import ast._
+import ast.Trees._
+/** Provides methods to produce fully parameterized versions of instance methods,
+ * where the `this` of the enclosing class is abstracted out in an extra leading
+ * `$this` parameter and type parameters of the class become additional type
+ * parameters of the fully parameterized method.
+ *
+ * Example usage scenarios are:
+ *
+ * - extension methods of value classes
+ * - implementations of trait methods
+ * - static protected accessors
+ * - local methods produced by tailrec transform
+ */
+trait FullParameterization {
+ import tpd._
+ /** If references to original `target` from fully parameterized method `derived` should be
+ * rewired to some fully parameterized method, that method symbol,
+ * otherwise NoSymbol.
+ */
+ protected def rewiredTarget(target: Symbol, derived: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Symbol
+ /** Converts the type `info` of a member of class `clazz` to a method type that
+ * takes the `this` of the class and any type parameters of the class
+ * as additional parameters. Example:
+ *
+ * class Foo[+A <: AnyRef](val xs: List[A]) extends AnyVal {
+ * def baz[B >: A](x: B): List[B] = ...
+ * }
+ *
+ * leads to:
+ *
+ * object Foo {
+ * def extension$baz[B >: A <: Any, A >: Nothing <: AnyRef]($this: Foo[A])(x: B): List[B]
+ * }
+ */
+ def fullyParameterizedType(info: Type, clazz: ClassSymbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = {
+ val (mtparamCount, origResult) = info match {
+ case info @ PolyType(mtnames) => (mtnames.length, info.resultType)
+ case info: ExprType => (0, info.resultType)
+ case _ => (0, info)
+ }
+ val ctparams = clazz.typeParams
+ val ctnames = ctparams.map(_.name.unexpandedName())
+ /** The method result type, prior to mapping any type parameters */
+ val resultType = {
+ val thisParamType = clazz.typeRef.appliedTo(ctparams.map(_.typeRef))
+ MethodType(nme.SELF :: Nil, thisParamType :: Nil)(mt =>
+ origResult.substThis(clazz, MethodParam(mt, 0)))
+ }
+ /** Replace class type parameters by the added type parameters of the polytype `pt` */
+ def mapClassParams(tp: Type, pt: PolyType): Type = {
+ val classParamsRange = (mtparamCount until mtparamCount + ctparams.length).toList
+ tp.subst(clazz.typeParams, classParamsRange map (PolyParam(pt, _)))
+ }
+ /** The bounds for the added type paraneters of the polytype `pt` */
+ def mappedClassBounds(pt: PolyType): List[TypeBounds] =
+ ctparams.map(tparam => mapClassParams(tparam.info, pt).bounds)
+ def mappedResultType(pt: PolyType): Type = mapClassParams(resultType, pt)
+ info match {
+ case info @ PolyType(mtnames) =>
+ PolyType(mtnames ++ ctnames)(
+ pt => (info.paramBounds ++ mappedClassBounds(pt))
+ .mapConserve(_.subst(info, pt).bounds),
+ pt => mappedResultType(pt).subst(info, pt))
+ case _ =>
+ if (ctparams.isEmpty) resultType
+ else PolyType(ctnames)(mappedClassBounds, mappedResultType)
+ }
+ }
+ /** Assuming `info` is a result of a `fullyParameterizedType` call, the signature of the
+ * original method type `X` such that `info = fullyParameterizedType(X, ...)`.
+ */
+ def memberSignature(info: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Signature = info match {
+ case info: PolyType => memberSignature(info.resultType)
+ case info @ MethodType(nme.SELF :: Nil, _) =>
+ val normalizedResultType = info.resultType match {
+ case rtp: MethodType => rtp
+ case rtp => ExprType(rtp)
+ }
+ normalizedResultType.signature
+ case _ =>
+ Signature.NotAMethod
+ }
+ /** The type parameters (skolems) of the method definition `originalDef`,
+ * followed by the class parameters of its enclosing class.
+ */
+ private def allInstanceTypeParams(originalDef: DefDef)(implicit ctx: Context): List[Symbol] =
+ originalDef.tparams.map(_.symbol) ::: originalDef.symbol.owner.typeParams
+ /** Given an instance method definition `originalDef`, return a
+ * fully parameterized method definition derived from `originalDef`, which
+ * has`derived` as symbol and `fullyParameterizedType(originalDef.symbol.info)`
+ * as info.
+ */
+ def fullyParameterizedDef(derived: TermSymbol, originalDef: DefDef)(implicit ctx: Context): Tree = {
+ val origMeth = originalDef.symbol
+ val origClass = origMeth.owner.asClass
+ val origTParams = allInstanceTypeParams(originalDef)
+ val origVParams = originalDef.vparamss.flatten map (_.symbol)
+ polyDefDef(derived, trefs => vrefss => {
+ val thisRef :: argRefs = vrefss.flatten
+ /** If tree should be rewired, the rewired tree, otherwise EmptyTree.
+ * @param targs Any type arguments passed to the rewired tree.
+ */
+ def rewire(tree: Tree, targs: List[Tree])(implicit ctx: Context): Tree = {
+ def rewireCall(thisArg: Tree): Tree = {
+ val sym = tree.symbol
+ val rewired = rewiredTarget(sym, derived)
+ if (rewired.exists) {
+ val base = thisArg.tpe.baseTypeWithArgs(origClass)
+ assert(base.exists)
+ ref(rewired.termRef)
+ .appliedToTypeTrees(targs ++ base.argInfos.map(TypeTree(_)))
+ .appliedTo(thisArg)
+ } else EmptyTree
+ }
+ tree match {
+ case Ident(_) => rewireCall(thisRef)
+ case Select(qual, _) => rewireCall(qual)
+ case tree @ TypeApply(fn, targs1) =>
+ assert(targs.isEmpty)
+ rewire(fn, targs1)
+ case Block(stats, expr) =>
+ // need special casing here, because an original termRef might leak out as
+ // the result of the Block if Block is copied using `cpy`.
+ val expr1 = rewire(expr, targs)
+ if (expr1.isEmpty) EmptyTree else Block(stats, expr1) withPos tree.pos
+ case _ => EmptyTree
+ }
+ }
+ new TreeTypeMap(
+ typeMap = _
+ .subst(origTParams, trefs)
+ .subst(origVParams, argRefs.map(_.tpe))
+ .substThis(origClass, thisRef.tpe),
+ ownerMap = (sym => if (sym eq origMeth) derived else sym),
+ treeMap = {
+ case tree: This if tree.symbol == origClass => thisRef
+ case tree => rewire(tree, Nil) orElse tree
+ }).transform(originalDef.rhs)
+ })
+ }
+ /** A forwarder expression which calls `derived`, passing along
+ * - the type parameters and enclosing class parameters of `originalDef`,
+ * - the `this` of the enclosing class,
+ * - the value parameters of the original method `originalDef`.
+ */
+ def forwarder(derived: TermSymbol, originalDef: DefDef)(implicit ctx: Context): Tree =
+ ref(derived.termRef)
+ .appliedToTypes(allInstanceTypeParams(originalDef).map(_.typeRef))
+ .appliedTo(This(originalDef.symbol.owner.asClass))
+ .appliedToArgss(originalDef.vparamss.nestedMap(vparam => ref(vparam.symbol)))
+ .withPos(originalDef.rhs.pos)
+} \ No newline at end of file