path: root/test/test/DottyBytecodeTest.scala
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authorFelix Mulder <felix.mulder@gmail.com>2016-05-17 11:01:08 +0200
committerFelix Mulder <felix.mulder@gmail.com>2016-05-17 11:01:08 +0200
commiteaf2520b63fcc9fe65cf02d88c96849c4caf8177 (patch)
tree6df23f47aded46a5cb2b99011fde78cbd9a0712c /test/test/DottyBytecodeTest.scala
parent134ad7a6a172fec97dc438dd0aff3766a0f0944a (diff)
Add bytecode checking infrastructure
Diffstat (limited to 'test/test/DottyBytecodeTest.scala')
1 files changed, 174 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/test/DottyBytecodeTest.scala b/test/test/DottyBytecodeTest.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6b39116f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/test/DottyBytecodeTest.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+package test
+import dotty.tools.dotc.core.Contexts.{Context, ContextBase}
+import dotty.tools.dotc.core.Phases.Phase
+import dotty.tools.backend.jvm.GenBCode
+import dotty.tools.dotc.Compiler
+import scala.reflect.io.{VirtualDirectory => Directory}
+import scala.tools.asm
+import asm._
+import asm.tree._
+import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
+import scala.tools.nsc.util.JavaClassPath
+import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
+import scala.tools.asm.{ClassWriter, ClassReader}
+import scala.tools.asm.tree._
+import java.io.{File => JFile, InputStream}
+private[test] class TestGenBCode(val outDir: String) extends GenBCode {
+ override def phaseName: String = "testGenBCode"
+ val virtualDir = new Directory(outDir, None)
+ override def outputDir(implicit ctx: Context) = virtualDir
+trait DottyBytecodeTest extends DottyTest {
+ import AsmNode._
+ import ASMConverters._
+ private def bCodeCheckingComp(phase: TestGenBCode)(check: Directory => Unit) =
+ new Compiler {
+ override def phases = {
+ val updatedPhases = {
+ def replacePhase: Phase => Phase =
+ { p => if (p.phaseName == "genBCode") phase else p }
+ for (phaseList <- super.phases) yield phaseList.map(replacePhase)
+ }
+ val checkerPhase = List(List(new Phase {
+ def phaseName = "assertionChecker"
+ override def run(implicit ctx: Context): Unit =
+ check(phase.virtualDir)
+ }))
+ updatedPhases ::: checkerPhase
+ }
+ }
+ private def outPath(obj: Any) =
+ "/genBCodeTest" + math.abs(obj.hashCode) + System.currentTimeMillis
+ /** Checks source code from raw string */
+ def checkBCode(source: String)(assertion: Directory => Unit) = {
+ val comp = bCodeCheckingComp(new TestGenBCode(outPath(source)))(assertion)
+ comp.rootContext(ctx)
+ comp.newRun.compile(source)
+ }
+ /** Checks actual _files_ referenced in `sources` list */
+ def checkBCode(sources: List[String])(assertion: Directory => Unit) = {
+ val comp = bCodeCheckingComp(new TestGenBCode(outPath(sources)))(assertion)
+ comp.rootContext(ctx)
+ comp.newRun.compile(sources)
+ }
+ protected def loadClassNode(input: InputStream, skipDebugInfo: Boolean = true): ClassNode = {
+ val cr = new ClassReader(input)
+ val cn = new ClassNode()
+ cr.accept(cn, if (skipDebugInfo) ClassReader.SKIP_DEBUG else 0)
+ cn
+ }
+ protected def getMethod(classNode: ClassNode, name: String): MethodNode =
+ classNode.methods.asScala.find(_.name == name) getOrElse
+ sys.error(s"Didn't find method '$name' in class '${classNode.name}'")
+ def diffInstructions(isa: List[Instruction], isb: List[Instruction]): String = {
+ val len = Math.max(isa.length, isb.length)
+ val sb = new StringBuilder
+ if (len > 0 ) {
+ val width = isa.map(_.toString.length).max
+ val lineWidth = len.toString.length
+ (1 to len) foreach { line =>
+ val isaPadded = isa.map(_.toString) orElse Stream.continually("")
+ val isbPadded = isb.map(_.toString) orElse Stream.continually("")
+ val a = isaPadded(line-1)
+ val b = isbPadded(line-1)
+ sb append (s"""$line${" " * (lineWidth-line.toString.length)} ${if (a==b) "==" else "<>"} $a${" " * (width-a.length)} | $b""")
+ }
+ }
+ sb.toString
+ }
+ /**************************** Comparison Methods ****************************/
+ def sameBytecode(methA: MethodNode, methB: MethodNode) = {
+ val isa = instructionsFromMethod(methA)
+ val isb = instructionsFromMethod(methB)
+ assert(isa == isb, s"Bytecode wasn't same:\n${diffInstructions(isa, isb)}")
+ }
+ def similarBytecode(
+ methA: MethodNode,
+ methB: MethodNode,
+ similar: (List[Instruction], List[Instruction]) => Boolean
+ ) = {
+ val isa = instructionsFromMethod(methA)
+ val isb = instructionsFromMethod(methB)
+ assert(
+ similar(isa, isb),
+ s"""|Bytecode wasn't similar according to the provided predicate:
+ |${diffInstructions(isa, isb)}""".stripMargin)
+ }
+ def sameMethodAndFieldSignatures(clazzA: ClassNode, clazzB: ClassNode) =
+ sameCharacteristics(clazzA, clazzB)(_.characteristics)
+ /**
+ * Same as sameMethodAndFieldSignatures, but ignoring generic signatures.
+ * This allows for methods which receive the same descriptor but differing
+ * generic signatures. In particular, this happens with value classes, which
+ * get a generic signature where a method written in terms of the underlying
+ * values does not.
+ */
+ def sameMethodAndFieldDescriptors(clazzA: ClassNode, clazzB: ClassNode): Unit = {
+ val (succ, msg) = sameCharacteristics(clazzA, clazzB)(_.erasedCharacteristics)
+ assert(succ, msg)
+ }
+ private def sameCharacteristics(clazzA: ClassNode, clazzB: ClassNode)(f: AsmNode[_] => String): (Boolean, String) = {
+ val ms1 = clazzA.fieldsAndMethods.toIndexedSeq
+ val ms2 = clazzB.fieldsAndMethods.toIndexedSeq
+ val name1 = clazzA.name
+ val name2 = clazzB.name
+ if (ms1.length != ms2.length) {
+ (false, s"Different member counts in $name1 and $name2")
+ } else {
+ val msg = new StringBuilder
+ val success = (ms1, ms2).zipped forall { (m1, m2) =>
+ val c1 = f(m1)
+ val c2 = f(m2).replaceAllLiterally(name2, name1)
+ if (c1 == c2)
+ msg append (s"[ok] $m1")
+ else
+ msg append (s"[fail]\n in $name1: $c1\n in $name2: $c2")
+ c1 == c2
+ }
+ (success, msg.toString)
+ }
+ }
+ def correctNumberOfNullChecks(expectedChecks: Int, insnList: InsnList) = {
+ /** Is given instruction a null check?
+ *
+ * This will detect direct null comparison as in
+ * if (x == null) ...
+ * and not indirect as in
+ * val foo = null
+ * if (x == foo) ...
+ */
+ def isNullCheck(node: asm.tree.AbstractInsnNode): Boolean = {
+ val opcode = node.getOpcode
+ (opcode == asm.Opcodes.IFNULL) || (opcode == asm.Opcodes.IFNONNULL)
+ }
+ val actualChecks = insnList.iterator.asScala.count(isNullCheck)
+ assert(expectedChecks == actualChecks,
+ s"Wrong number of null checks ($actualChecks), expected: $expectedChecks"
+ )
+ }