path: root/tests
diff options
authorodersky <odersky@gmail.com>2016-12-18 16:05:15 +0100
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2016-12-18 16:05:15 +0100
commit7866bc2620098a7a692b68ac9c37e6d8a05ec774 (patch)
treefa37e7fe072bfa501666823e2f8c1da7f0f13994 /tests
parent18b8daa30916b2efaa59638c21198d401a67e46a (diff)
parent2e99511840915e2805e7a2c07571d3859a3db698 (diff)
Merge pull request #1775 from dotty-staging/add-implicit-funtypes
Add implicit function types
Diffstat (limited to 'tests')
8 files changed, 588 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/bench/transactional/Benchmark.scala b/tests/bench/transactional/Benchmark.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8af7ebb83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/bench/transactional/Benchmark.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+package transactional
+abstract class Benchmark {
+ def run(): Int
diff --git a/tests/bench/transactional/ImplicitMega.scala b/tests/bench/transactional/ImplicitMega.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..80e9c4a43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/bench/transactional/ImplicitMega.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+package transactional
+object MegaBench extends Benchmark {
+ type Transactional[T] = implicit Transaction => T
+ def transaction[T](op: Transactional[T]): T = {
+ implicit val trans: Transaction = new Transaction
+ val res = op
+ trans.commit()
+ res
+ }
+ def thisTransaction: Transactional[Transaction] = implicitly[Transaction]
+ abstract class Op {
+ def f(x: Int): Transactional[Int]
+ }
+ class Op0 extends Op {
+ def f(x: Int): Transactional[Int] = {
+ thisTransaction.println("0th step")
+ x
+ }
+ }
+ class Op1 extends Op {
+ def f(x: Int): Transactional[Int] = {
+ thisTransaction.println("first step")
+ x + 1
+ }
+ }
+ class Op2 extends Op {
+ def f(x: Int): Transactional[Int] = {
+ thisTransaction.println("second step")
+ x + 2
+ }
+ }
+ class Op3 extends Op {
+ def f(x: Int): Transactional[Int] = {
+ thisTransaction.println("third step")
+ x + 3
+ }
+ }
+ val op = Array[Op](new Op0, new Op1, new Op2, new Op3)
+ def f(x: Int, n: Int): Transactional[Int] = {
+ thisTransaction.println("fourth step")
+ if (n > 0) f(op(n % 4).f(x), n - 1)
+ else {
+ if (x % 2 != 0) thisTransaction.abort()
+ x
+ }
+ }
+ def run(): Int = {
+ transaction {
+ val res = f(7, 10)
+ assert(!thisTransaction.isAborted)
+ assert(res == 22)
+ res
+ }
+ }
+object ImplicitMega extends Runner("megamorphic", MegaBench, 22)
diff --git a/tests/bench/transactional/ImplicitMono.scala b/tests/bench/transactional/ImplicitMono.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..10391f191
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/bench/transactional/ImplicitMono.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+package transactional
+object MonoBench extends Benchmark {
+ type Transactional[T] = implicit Transaction => T
+ def transaction[T](op: Transactional[T]): T = {
+ implicit val trans: Transaction = new Transaction
+ val res = op
+ trans.commit()
+ res
+ }
+ def thisTransaction: Transactional[Transaction] = implicitly[Transaction]
+ def f1(x: Int): Transactional[Int] = {
+ thisTransaction.println("first step")
+ f2(x + 1)
+ }
+ def f2(x: Int): Transactional[Int] = {
+ thisTransaction.println("second step")
+ f3(x * x)
+ }
+ def f3(x: Int): Transactional[Int] = {
+ thisTransaction.println("third step")
+ f4(x + 1, 7)
+ }
+ def f4(x: Int, n: Int): Transactional[Int] = {
+ thisTransaction.println("fourth step")
+ if (n > 0) f4(x + 1, n - 1)
+ else {
+ if (x % 2 != 0) thisTransaction.abort()
+ x
+ }
+ }
+ def run(): Int = {
+ transaction {
+ val res = f1(7)
+ assert(!thisTransaction.isAborted)
+ assert(res == 72)
+ res
+ }
+ }
+object ImplicitMono extends Runner("monomorphic implicits", MonoBench, 72)
diff --git a/tests/bench/transactional/ReaderMonadic.scala b/tests/bench/transactional/ReaderMonadic.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ce69c35ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/bench/transactional/ReaderMonadic.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+package transactional
+case class Reader[R,A](run: R => A) {
+ def map[B](f: A => B): Reader[R, B] = Reader(r => f(run(r)))
+ def flatMap[B](f: A => Reader[R, B]): Reader[R, B] = Reader(r => f(run(r)).run(r))
+object Reader {
+ def ask[R]: Reader[R,R] = Reader(r => r)
+object ReaderBench extends Benchmark {
+ type Transactional[T] = Reader[Transaction, T]
+ def transaction[T](op: Transactional[T]): T = {
+ implicit val trans: Transaction = new Transaction
+ val res = op.run(trans)
+ trans.commit()
+ res
+ }
+ def thisTransaction: Transactional[Transaction] = Reader.ask
+ abstract class Op {
+ def f(x: Int): Transactional[Int]
+ }
+ class Op0 extends Op {
+ def f(x: Int): Transactional[Int] =
+ for (trans <- thisTransaction)
+ yield { trans.println("0th step"); x }
+ }
+ class Op1 extends Op {
+ def f(x: Int): Transactional[Int] =
+ for (trans <- thisTransaction)
+ yield { trans.println("first step"); x + 1 }
+ }
+ class Op2 extends Op {
+ def f(x: Int): Transactional[Int] =
+ for (trans <- thisTransaction)
+ yield { trans.println("second step"); x + 2 }
+ }
+ class Op3 extends Op {
+ def f(x: Int): Transactional[Int] =
+ for (trans <- thisTransaction)
+ yield { trans.println("third step"); x + 3 }
+ }
+ val op = Array[Op](new Op0, new Op1, new Op2, new Op3)
+ def f(x: Int, n: Int): Transactional[Int] = {
+ def rest(trans: Transaction): Transactional[Int] = {
+ trans.println("fourth step")
+ if (n > 0) {
+ for {
+ y <- op(n % 4).f(x)
+ z <- f(y: Int, n - 1)
+ }
+ yield z
+ }
+ else {
+ if (x % 2 != 0)
+ for (trans <- thisTransaction)
+ yield { trans.abort(); () }
+ Reader(_ => x)
+ }
+ }
+ thisTransaction.flatMap(rest)
+ }
+ def run(): Int = {
+ transaction {
+ for (res <- f(7, 10))
+ yield {
+ for (trans <- thisTransaction)
+ yield { assert(!trans.isAborted); () }
+ assert(res == 22)
+ res
+ }
+ }
+ }
+object ReaderMonadic extends Runner("reader monadic", ReaderBench, 22)
diff --git a/tests/bench/transactional/Runner.scala b/tests/bench/transactional/Runner.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..48da7ff12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/bench/transactional/Runner.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+package transactional
+import System.nanoTime
+class Runner(name: String, bench: Benchmark, expected: Int) {
+ val numIters = 10000000
+ val numTests = 5
+ def run(): Unit = {
+ val start = nanoTime
+ var cnt = 0
+ var i = 0
+ while (i < numIters) {
+ cnt += bench.run()
+ i += 1
+ }
+ assert(cnt == expected * numIters)
+ val duration = nanoTime - start
+ println(s"$name in ${duration / 1000000}ms")
+ }
+ def main(args: Array[String]) =
+ for (i <- 0 until numTests)
+ run()
diff --git a/tests/bench/transactional/Transaction.scala b/tests/bench/transactional/Transaction.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dbb28d452
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/bench/transactional/Transaction.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+package transactional
+import collection.mutable.ListBuffer
+class Transaction {
+ private val log = new ListBuffer[String]
+ def println(s: String): Unit = log += s
+ private var aborted = false
+ private var committed = false
+ def abort(): Unit = { aborted = true }
+ def isAborted = aborted
+ def commit(): Unit =
+ if (!aborted && !committed) {
+ //Console.println("******* log ********")
+ //log.foreach(Console.println)
+ committed = true
+ }
diff --git a/tests/bench/transactional/results.md b/tests/bench/transactional/results.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..702617ebb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/bench/transactional/results.md
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+# Benchmark results for implicit compilation scenarios
+### Setup
+Three alternatives:
+ 1. No implicit shortcuts
+ 2. Implicit shortcuts only for possible targets of megamorphic dispatch
+ (`specializeMonoTargets` in [ShortcutImplicits.scala](../../../compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/transform/ShortcutImplicits.scala) set to false)
+ 3. Implicit shortcuts for all methods returning implicit function types
+ (`specializeMonoTargets` set to true)
+Two benchmarks:
+ - `ImplicitMono`: All calls are monomorphic.
+ Code in [ImplicitMono.scala](./ImplicitMono.scala).
+ - `ImplicitMega` : About half of the calls are (4-way) megamorphic,
+ the others are monomorphic.
+ Code in [ImplicitMega.scala](./ImplicitMega.scala).
+### Results
+| Scheme | ImplicitMono | ImplicitMega |
+| no shortcuts | 1354ms | 3260ms
+| | 955ms | 2906ms
+| | 908ms | 2899ms
+| | 906ms | 2887ms
+| | 886ms | 2872ms
+| only mega shortcuts | |
+ | 1243ms | 2472ms
+| | 926ms | 2146ms
+| | 925ms | 2169ms
+| | 902ms | 2136ms
+| | 913ms | 2179ms
+| all shortcuts | |
+| | 1354ms | 1940ms
+| | 1039ms | 1563ms
+| | 1031ms | 1593ms
+| | 1065ms | 1548ms
+| | 1016ms | 1579ms
+### Interpretation
+In the fully monomorphic benchmark, specializing
+only megamorphic targets has the same performance as
+not specializing at all (not surprising, since there
+are no megamorphic targets). Specializing everything
+incurs about a 14% performance hit (maybe due to the extra
+code generated; it's hard to pin down what it is).
+Note: We compute relative performance differences by comparing the
+second-best test runs of each series with each other.
+In the megamorphic benchmark, it's the other way round.
+Specializing only megamorphic call-sites leads to a performance
+improvement of about 36% compared to no specialization. Specializing
+everything leads to another 37% improvement (85% total compared
+to no specialization).
+I think we need larger benchmarks to decide whether we should
+specialize monomorphic call-targets or not.
+### Comparing with the Reader Monad
+Translating `ImplicitMega` to the reader monad (code in [ReaderMonadic.scala](./ReaderMonadic.scala)) gives the following runtimes:
+| Reader |
+| 11563ms |
+| 11108ms |
+| 11300ms |
+| 11098ms |
+| 11159ms |
+This translates to a 710% slowdown compared to implicit function types
+with full specialization. \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/run/implicitFuns.scala b/tests/run/implicitFuns.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..496fba0d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/run/implicitFuns.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
+object Test {
+ def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
+ implicit val world: String = "world!"
+ val i1 = (implicit (s: String) => s.length > 2)
+ val i2 = {implicit (s: String) => s.length > 2}
+ assert(i1)
+ assert(i2)
+ val x: implicit String => Boolean = { implicit (s: String) => s.length > 2 }
+ val xx: implicit (String, Int) => Int = implicit (x: String, y: Int) => x.length + y
+ val y: String => Boolean = x
+ object nested {
+ implicit val empty: String = ""
+ assert(!x)
+ }
+ val yy: (String, Int) => Any = xx
+ val z1: implicit String => Boolean = implicitly[String].length >= 2
+ assert(z1)
+ type StringlyBool = implicit String => Boolean
+ val z2: StringlyBool = implicitly[String].length >= 2
+ assert(z2)
+ type Stringly[T] = implicit String => T
+ val z3: Stringly[Boolean] = implicitly[String].length >= 2
+ assert(z3)
+ type GenericImplicit[X] = implicit X => Boolean
+ val z4: GenericImplicit[String] = implicitly[String].length >= 2
+ assert(z4)
+ val b = x("hello")
+ val b1: Boolean = b
+ val bi = x
+ val bi1: Boolean = bi
+ val c = xx("hh", 22)
+ val c1: Int = c
+ Contextual.main(args)
+ def foo(s: String): Stringly[Int] = 42
+ (if ("".isEmpty) foo("") else foo("")).apply("")
+ }
+object Contextual {
+ class Key[+V]
+ class Context(bindings: Map[Key[Any], Any]) {
+ def binding[V](key: Key[V]): Option[V] =
+ bindings.get(key).asInstanceOf[Option[V]]
+ def withBinding[V](key: Key[V], value: V): Context =
+ new Context(bindings + ((key, value)))
+ }
+ val rootContext = new Context(Map())
+ val Source = new Key[String]
+ val Options = new Key[List[String]]
+ type Ctx[T] = implicit Context => T
+ def ctx: Ctx[Context] = implicitly[Context]
+ def compile(s: String): Ctx[Boolean] =
+ runOn(new java.io.File(s))(ctx.withBinding(Source, s)) >= 0
+ def runOn(f: java.io.File): Ctx[Int] = {
+ val options = List("-verbose", "-explaintypes")
+ process(f).apply(ctx.withBinding(Options, options))
+ }
+ def process(f: java.io.File): Ctx[Int] =
+ ctx.binding(Source).get.length - ctx.binding(Options).get.length
+ def main(args: Array[String]) = {
+ implicit val context: Context = rootContext
+ assert(compile("abc"))
+ assert(compile("ab"))
+ assert(!compile("a"))
+ }
+import collection.mutable.ListBuffer
+class Transaction {
+ private val log = new ListBuffer[String]
+ def println(s: String): Unit = log += s
+ private var aborted = false
+ private var committed = false
+ def abort(): Unit = { aborted = true }
+ def isAborted = aborted
+ def commit(): Unit =
+ if (!aborted && !committed) {
+ Console.println("******* log ********")
+ log.foreach(Console.println)
+ committed = true
+ }
+object TransactionalExplicit {
+ def transaction[T](op: Transaction => T) = {
+ val trans: Transaction = new Transaction
+ op(trans)
+ trans.commit()
+ }
+ def f1(x: Int)(implicit thisTransaction: Transaction): Int = {
+ thisTransaction.println(s"first step: $x")
+ f2(x + 1)
+ }
+ def f2(x: Int)(implicit thisTransaction: Transaction): Int = {
+ thisTransaction.println(s"second step: $x")
+ f3(x * x)
+ }
+ def f3(x: Int)(implicit thisTransaction: Transaction): Int = {
+ thisTransaction.println(s"third step: $x")
+ if (x % 2 != 0) thisTransaction.abort()
+ x
+ }
+ def main(args: Array[String]) = {
+ transaction {
+ implicit thisTransaction =>
+ val res = f1(args.length)
+ println(if (thisTransaction.isAborted) "aborted" else s"result: $res")
+ }
+ }
+object Transactional {
+ type Transactional[T] = implicit Transaction => T
+ def transaction[T](op: Transactional[T]) = {
+ implicit val trans: Transaction = new Transaction
+ op
+ trans.commit()
+ }
+ def thisTransaction: Transactional[Transaction] = implicitly[Transaction]
+ def f1(x: Int): Transactional[Int] = {
+ thisTransaction.println(s"first step: $x")
+ f2(x + 1)
+ }
+ def f2(x: Int): Transactional[Int] = {
+ thisTransaction.println(s"second step: $x")
+ f3(x * x)
+ }
+ def f3(x: Int): Transactional[Int] = {
+ thisTransaction.println(s"third step: $x")
+ if (x % 2 != 0) thisTransaction.abort()
+ x
+ }
+ def main(args: Array[String]) = {
+ transaction {
+ val res = f1(args.length)
+ println(if (thisTransaction.isAborted) "aborted" else s"result: $res")
+ }
+ }
+object TransactionalExpansion {
+ def transaction[T](op: Transaction => T) = {
+ val trans: Transaction = new Transaction
+ op.apply(trans)
+ trans.commit()
+ }
+ def thisTransaction = $t: Transaction => $t
+ def f1(x: Int) = { $t: Transaction =>
+ thisTransaction.apply($t).println(s"first step: $x")
+ f2(x + 1).apply($t)
+ }
+ def f2(x: Int) = { $t: Transaction =>
+ thisTransaction.apply($t).println(s"second step: $x")
+ f3(x * x).apply($t)
+ }
+ def f3(x: Int) = { $t: Transaction =>
+ thisTransaction.apply($t).println(s"third step: $x")
+ if (x % 2 != 0) thisTransaction.apply($t).abort()
+ x
+ }
+ def main(args: Array[String]) = {
+ transaction { $t =>
+ val res = f1(args.length).apply($t)
+ println(if (thisTransaction.apply($t).isAborted) "aborted" else s"result: $res")
+ }
+ }
+object TransactionalAbstracted {
+ type Transactional[T] = implicit Transaction => T
+ trait TransOps {
+ def thisTransaction: Transactional[Transaction]
+ def f1(x: Int): Transactional[Int]
+ def f2(x: Int): Transactional[Int]
+ def f3(x: Int): Transactional[Int]
+ }
+ object TransOpsObj extends TransOps {
+ def thisTransaction: Transactional[Transaction] = implicitly[Transaction]
+ def f1(x: Int): Transactional[Int] = {
+ thisTransaction.println(s"first step: $x")
+ f2(x + 1)
+ }
+ def f2(x: Int): Transactional[Int] = {
+ thisTransaction.println(s"second step: $x")
+ f3(x * x)
+ }
+ def f3(x: Int): Transactional[Int] = {
+ thisTransaction.println(s"third step: $x")
+ if (x % 2 != 0) thisTransaction.abort()
+ x
+ }
+ }
+ val transOps: TransOps = TransOpsObj
+ def transaction[T](op: Transactional[T]) = {
+ implicit val trans: Transaction = new Transaction
+ op
+ trans.commit()
+ }
+ def main(args: Array[String]) = {
+ transaction {
+ val res = transOps.f1(args.length)
+ println(if (transOps.thisTransaction.isAborted) "aborted" else s"result: $res")
+ }
+ }