path: root/tests
diff options
authorMartin Odersky <odersky@gmail.com>2014-01-18 12:03:59 +0100
committerMartin Odersky <odersky@gmail.com>2014-01-18 12:05:23 +0100
commitcb3adb9ff93c45101150dd71b927295e327b3c81 (patch)
tree5fe09e319c738259e0f37f81c5ced22323fbce3d /tests
parent5a5806b4c5fb6678d63d9f1da06669447cb97eab (diff)
Refine avoiding local refs in block's type.
If all else fails, force all type variables with fullyDefinedType. This can avoid references to locals. Example in file dotctest: SourceFile.scala, method calculateLineIndices.
Diffstat (limited to 'tests')
1 files changed, 102 insertions, 494 deletions
diff --git a/tests/pos/dotctest.scala b/tests/pos/dotctest.scala
index 93456dac9..4e1eb224a 100644
--- a/tests/pos/dotctest.scala
+++ b/tests/pos/dotctest.scala
@@ -1,527 +1,135 @@
package dotty.tools
package dotc
-package core
-import Periods._
-import Transformers._
-import Names._, Scopes._
-import Flags._
-import java.lang.AssertionError
-import Decorators._
-import Symbols._
-import Contexts._
-import SymDenotations._
-import printing.Texts._
-import printing.Printer
-import Types._, Annotations._, util.Positions._, StdNames._, NameOps._
-import ast.tpd.{TreeMapper, SharedTree}
-import Denotations.{ Denotation, SingleDenotation, MultiDenotation }
-import collection.mutable
-import io.AbstractFile
-import language.implicitConversions
-/** Creation methods for symbols */
-trait Symbols { this: Context =>
- // import Symbols._
-// ---- Factory methods for symbol creation ----------------------
-// All symbol creations should be done via the next two methods.
- /** Create a symbol without a denotation.
- * Note this uses a cast instead of a direct type refinement because
- * it's debug-friendlier not to create an anonymous class here.
- */
- def newNakedSymbol[N <: Name](coord: Coord = NoCoord): Symbol { type ThisName = N } =
- new Symbol(coord).asInstanceOf[Symbol { type ThisName = N }]
- /** Create a class symbol without a denotation. */
- def newNakedClassSymbol(coord: Coord = NoCoord, assocFile: AbstractFile = null) =
- new ClassSymbol(coord, assocFile)
-// ---- Symbol creation methods ----------------------------------
- /** Create a symbol from a function producing its denotation */
- def newSymbolDenoting[N <: Name](denotFn: Symbol => SymDenotation, coord: Coord = NoCoord): Symbol { type ThisName = N } = {
- val sym = newNakedSymbol[N](coord)
- sym.denot = denotFn(sym)
- sym
- }
- /** Create a symbol from its fields (info may be lazy) */
- def newSymbol[N <: Name](
- owner: Symbol,
- name: N,
- flags: FlagSet,
- info: Type,
- privateWithin: Symbol = NoSymbol,
- coord: Coord = NoCoord): Symbol { type ThisName = N } = {
- val sym = newNakedSymbol[N](coord)
- val denot = SymDenotation(sym, owner, name, flags, info, privateWithin)
- sym.denot = denot
- sym
- }
- /** Create a class symbol from a function producing its denotation */
- def newClassSymbolDenoting(denotFn: ClassSymbol => SymDenotation, coord: Coord = NoCoord, assocFile: AbstractFile = null): ClassSymbol = {
- val cls = newNakedClassSymbol(coord, assocFile)
- cls.denot = denotFn(cls)
- cls
- }
- /** Create a class symbol from its non-info fields and a function
- * producing its info (the produced info may be lazy).
- */
- def newClassSymbol(
- owner: Symbol,
- name: TypeName,
- flags: FlagSet,
- infoFn: ClassSymbol => Type,
- privateWithin: Symbol = NoSymbol,
- coord: Coord = NoCoord,
- assocFile: AbstractFile = null): ClassSymbol
- = {
- val cls = newNakedClassSymbol(coord, assocFile)
- val denot = SymDenotation(cls, owner, name, flags, infoFn(cls), privateWithin)
- cls.denot = denot
- cls
- }
- /** Create a class symbol from its non-info fields and the fields of its info. */
- def newCompleteClassSymbol(
- owner: Symbol,
- name: TypeName,
- flags: FlagSet,
- parents: List[TypeRef],
- decls: Scope = newScope,
- selfInfo: Type = NoType,
- privateWithin: Symbol = NoSymbol,
- coord: Coord = NoCoord,
- assocFile: AbstractFile = null): ClassSymbol =
- newClassSymbol(
- owner, name, flags,
- ClassInfo(owner.thisType, _, parents, decls, selfInfo),
- privateWithin, coord, assocFile)
- /** Create a module symbol with associated module class
- * from its non-info fields and a function producing the info
- * of the module class (this info may be lazy).
- */
- def newModuleSymbol(
- owner: Symbol,
- name: TermName,
- modFlags: FlagSet,
- clsFlags: FlagSet,
- infoFn: (TermSymbol, ClassSymbol) => Type, // typically a ModuleClassCompleterWithDecls
- privateWithin: Symbol = NoSymbol,
- coord: Coord = NoCoord,
- assocFile: AbstractFile = null): TermSymbol
- = {
- val base = owner.thisType
- val module = newNakedSymbol[TermName](coord)
- val modcls = newNakedClassSymbol(coord, assocFile)
- val modclsFlags = clsFlags | ModuleClassCreationFlags
- val modclsName = name.toTypeName.adjustIfModuleClass(modclsFlags)
- val cdenot = SymDenotation(
- modcls, owner, modclsName, modclsFlags,
- infoFn(module, modcls), privateWithin)
- val mdenot = SymDenotation(
- module, owner, name, modFlags | ModuleCreationFlags,
- if (cdenot.isCompleted) TypeRef(owner.thisType, modclsName) withSym modcls
- else new ModuleCompleter(modcls)(condensed))
- module.denot = mdenot
- modcls.denot = cdenot
- module
- }
- /** Create a module symbol with associated module class
- * from its non-info fields and the fields of the module class info.
- * @param flags The combined flags of the module and the module class
- * These are masked with RetainedModuleValFlags/RetainedModuleClassFlags.
- */
- def newCompleteModuleSymbol(
- owner: Symbol,
- name: TermName,
- modFlags: FlagSet,
- clsFlags: FlagSet,
- parents: List[TypeRef],
- decls: Scope,
- privateWithin: Symbol = NoSymbol,
- coord: Coord = NoCoord,
- assocFile: AbstractFile = null): TermSymbol =
- newModuleSymbol(
- owner, name, modFlags, clsFlags,
- (module, modcls) => ClassInfo(
- owner.thisType, modcls, parents, decls, TermRef(owner.thisType, name) withSym module),
- privateWithin, coord, assocFile)
- /** Create a package symbol with associated package class
- * from its non-info fields and a lazy type for loading the package's members.
- */
- def newPackageSymbol(
- owner: Symbol,
- name: TermName,
- infoFn: (TermSymbol, ClassSymbol) => LazyType): TermSymbol =
- newModuleSymbol(owner, name, PackageCreationFlags, PackageCreationFlags, infoFn)
- /** Create a package symbol with associated package class
- * from its non-info fields its member scope.
- */
- def newCompletePackageSymbol(
- owner: Symbol,
- name: TermName,
- modFlags: FlagSet = EmptyFlags,
- clsFlags: FlagSet = EmptyFlags,
- decls: Scope = newScope): TermSymbol =
- newCompleteModuleSymbol(
- owner, name,
- modFlags | PackageCreationFlags, clsFlags | PackageCreationFlags,
- Nil, decls)
- /** Create a stub symbol that will issue a missing reference error
- * when attempted to be completed.
- */
- def newStubSymbol(owner: Symbol, name: Name, file: AbstractFile = null): Symbol = {
- def stubCompleter = new StubInfo()(condensed)
- val normalizedOwner = if (owner is ModuleVal) owner.moduleClass else owner
- println(s"creating stub for ${name.show}, owner = ${normalizedOwner.denot.debugString}, file = $file")
- println(s"decls = ${normalizedOwner.decls.toList.map(_.debugString).mkString("\n ")}") // !!! DEBUG
- if (base.settings.debug.value) throw new Error()
- val stub = name match {
- case name: TermName =>
- newModuleSymbol(normalizedOwner, name, EmptyFlags, EmptyFlags, stubCompleter, assocFile = file)
- case name: TypeName =>
- newClassSymbol(normalizedOwner, name, EmptyFlags, stubCompleter, assocFile = file)
+package util
+import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
+import dotty.tools.io._
+import annotation.tailrec
+import java.util.regex.Pattern
+import java.io.IOException
+import Chars._
+import ScriptSourceFile._
+import Positions._
+object ScriptSourceFile {
+ private val headerPattern = Pattern.compile("""^(::)?!#.*(\r|\n|\r\n)""", Pattern.MULTILINE)
+ private val headerStarts = List("#!", "::#!")
+ def apply(file: AbstractFile, content: Array[Char]) = {
+ /** Length of the script header from the given content, if there is one.
+ * The header begins with "#!" or "::#!" and ends with a line starting
+ * with "!#" or "::!#".
+ */
+ val headerLength =
+ if (headerStarts exists (content startsWith _)) {
+ val matcher = headerPattern matcher content.mkString
+ if (matcher.find) matcher.end
+ else throw new IOException("script file does not close its header with !# or ::!#")
+ } else 0
+ new SourceFile(file, content drop headerLength) {
+ override val underlying = new SourceFile(file, content)
- stubs = stub :: stubs
- stub
- /** Create the local template dummy of given class `cls`. */
- def newLocalDummy(cls: Symbol, coord: Coord = NoCoord) =
- newSymbol(cls, nme.localDummyName(cls), EmptyFlags, NoType)
- /** Create an import symbol pointing back to given qualifier `expr`. */
- def newImportSymbol(expr: SharedTree, coord: Coord = NoCoord) =
- newSymbol(NoSymbol, nme.IMPORT, EmptyFlags, ImportType(expr), coord = coord)
- /** Create a class constructor symbol for given class `cls`. */
- def newConstructor(cls: ClassSymbol, flags: FlagSet, paramNames: List[TermName], paramTypes: List[Type], privateWithin: Symbol = NoSymbol, coord: Coord = NoCoord) =
- newSymbol(cls, nme.CONSTRUCTOR, flags | Method, MethodType(paramNames, paramTypes)(_ => cls.typeRef), privateWithin, coord)
- /** Create an empty default constructor symbol for given class `cls`. */
- def newDefaultConstructor(cls: ClassSymbol) =
- newConstructor(cls, EmptyFlags, Nil, Nil)
+case class SourceFile(file: AbstractFile, content: Array[Char]) {
- /** Create a symbol representing a selftype declaration for class `cls`. */
- def newSelfSym(cls: ClassSymbol, name: TermName = nme.WILDCARD, selfInfo: Type = NoType): TermSymbol =
- ctx.newSymbol(cls, name, SelfSymFlags, selfInfo orElse cls.classInfo.selfType, coord = cls.coord)
+ def this(_file: AbstractFile) = this(_file, _file.toCharArray)
+ def this(sourceName: String, cs: Seq[Char]) = this(new VirtualFile(sourceName), cs.toArray)
+ def this(file: AbstractFile, cs: Seq[Char]) = this(file, cs.toArray)
- /** Create new type parameters with given owner, names, and flags.
- * @param boundsFn A function that, given type refs to the newly created
- * parameters returns a list of their bounds.
- */
- def newTypeParams(
- owner: Symbol,
- names: List[TypeName],
- flags: FlagSet,
- boundsFn: List[TypeRef] => List[Type]): List[TypeSymbol] = {
+ /** Tab increment; can be overridden */
+ def tabInc = 8
- val tparamBuf = new mutable.ListBuffer[TypeSymbol]
- val trefBuf = new mutable.ListBuffer[TypeRef]
- for (name <- names) {
- val tparam = newNakedSymbol[TypeName](NoCoord)
- tparamBuf += tparam
- trefBuf += TypeRef(owner.thisType, name) withSym tparam
- }
- val tparams = tparamBuf.toList
- val bounds = boundsFn(trefBuf.toList)
- for ((name, tparam, bound) <- (names, tparams, bounds).zipped)
- tparam.denot = SymDenotation(tparam, owner, name, flags | TypeParamCreationFlags, bound)
- tparams
+ override def equals(that : Any) = that match {
+ case that : SourceFile => file.path == that.file.path && start == that.start
+ case _ => false
+ override def hashCode = file.path.## + start.##
- def newSkolem(tp: Type) = newSymbol(defn.RootClass, nme.SKOLEM, SyntheticArtifact, tp)
- def newErrorSymbol(owner: Symbol, name: Name) =
- newSymbol(owner, name, SyntheticArtifact,
- if (name.isTypeName) TypeAlias(ErrorType) else ErrorType)
+ def apply(idx: Int) = content.apply(idx)
- type OwnerMap = Symbol => Symbol
+ val length = content.length
- /** Map given symbols, subjecting all types to given type map and owner map.
- * Cross symbol references are brought over from originals to copies.
- * Do not copy any symbols if all attributes of all symbols stay the same.
- */
- def mapSymbols(
- originals: List[Symbol],
- typeMap: TypeMap = IdentityTypeMap,
- ownerMap: OwnerMap = identity)
- =
- if (originals forall (sym =>
- (typeMap(sym.info) eq sym.info) && (ownerMap(sym.owner) eq sym.owner)))
- originals
- else {
- val copies: List[Symbol] = for (original <- originals) yield
- newNakedSymbol[original.ThisName](original.coord)
- val treeMap = new TreeMapper(typeMap, ownerMap)
- .withSubstitution(originals, copies)
- (originals, copies).zipped foreach {(original, copy) =>
- val odenot = original.denot
- copy.denot = odenot.copySymDenotation(
- symbol = copy,
- owner = treeMap.ownerMap(odenot.owner),
- info = treeMap.typeMap(odenot.info),
- privateWithin = ownerMap(odenot.privateWithin), // since this refers to outer symbols, need not include copies (from->to) in ownermap here.
- annotations = odenot.annotations.mapConserve(treeMap.apply))
- }
- copies
- }
-// ----- Locating predefined symbols ----------------------------------------
- def requiredPackage(path: PreName): TermSymbol =
- base.staticRef(path.toTermName).requiredSymbol(_ is Package).asTerm
- def requiredClass(path: PreName): ClassSymbol =
- base.staticRef(path.toTypeName).requiredSymbol(_.isClass).asClass
- def requiredModule(path: PreName): TermSymbol =
- base.staticRef(path.toTermName).requiredSymbol(_ is Module).asTerm
+ /** true for all source files except `NoSource` */
+ def exists: Boolean = true
- def requiredMethod(cls: ClassSymbol, name: PreName): TermSymbol =
- cls.info.member(name.toTermName).requiredSymbol(_ is Method).asTerm
+ /** The underlying source file */
+ def underlying: SourceFile = this
-object Symbols {
+ /** The start of this file in the underlying source file */
+ def start = 0
- var _nextId = 0 // !!! DEBUG, use global counter instead
- def nextId = { _nextId += 1; _nextId }
+ def atPos(pos: Position): SourcePosition =
+ if (pos.exists) SourcePosition(underlying, pos)
+ else NoSourcePosition
+ def isSelfContained = underlying eq this
- /** A Symbol represents a Scala definition/declaration or a package.
+ /** Map a position to a position in the underlying source file.
+ * For regular source files, simply return the argument.
- class Symbol private[Symbols] (val coord: Coord) extends DotClass with printing.Showable {
- type ThisName <: Name
- private[this] var _id: Int = nextId
- //assert(_id != 5859)
- /** The unique id of this symbol */
- def id = _id
- /** The last denotation of this symbol */
- private[this] var lastDenot: SymDenotation = _
- /** Set the denotation of this symbol */
- private[Symbols] def denot_=(d: SymDenotation) =
- lastDenot = d
- /** The current denotation of this symbol */
- final def denot(implicit ctx: Context): SymDenotation = {
- var denot = lastDenot
- if (!(denot.validFor contains ctx.period))
- denot = denot.current.asInstanceOf[SymDenotation]
- denot
- }
- private def defRunId: RunId =
- if (lastDenot == null) NoRunId else lastDenot.validFor.runId
- /** Does this symbol come from a currently compiled source file? */
- final def isDefinedInCurrentRun(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean = {
- pos.exists && defRunId == ctx.runId
+ def positionInUltimateSource(position: SourcePosition): SourcePosition =
+ SourcePosition(underlying, position.pos shift start)
+ def isLineBreak(idx: Int) =
+ if (idx >= length) false else {
+ val ch = content(idx)
+ // don't identify the CR in CR LF as a line break, since LF will do.
+ if (ch == CR) (idx + 1 == length) || (content(idx + 1) != LF)
+ else isLineBreakChar(ch)
- /** Subclass tests and casts */
- final def isTerm(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean = denot.isTerm
- final def isType(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean = denot.isType
- final def isClass: Boolean = isInstanceOf[ClassSymbol]
- final def asTerm(implicit ctx: Context): TermSymbol = { assert(isTerm, this); asInstanceOf[TermSymbol] }
- final def asType(implicit ctx: Context): TypeSymbol = { assert(isType, this); asInstanceOf[TypeSymbol] }
- final def asClass: ClassSymbol = asInstanceOf[ClassSymbol]
- /** A unique, densely packed integer tag for each class symbol, -1
- * for all other symbols. To save memory, this method
- * should be called only if class is a super class of some other class.
- */
- def superId(implicit ctx: Context): Int = -1
- /** This symbol entered into owner's scope (owner must be a class). */
- final def entered(implicit ctx: Context): this.type = {
- assert(this.owner.isClass, this.owner.denot) // !!! DEBUG
- this.owner.asClass.enter(this)
- if (this is Module) this.owner.asClass.enter(this.moduleClass)
- this
- }
- /** This symbol, if it exists, otherwise the result of evaluating `that` */
- def orElse(that: => Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context) =
- if (this.exists) this else that
- /** If this symbol satisfies predicate `p` this symbol, otherwise `NoSymbol` */
- def filter(p: Symbol => Boolean): Symbol = if (p(this)) this else NoSymbol
- /** Is symbol a primitive value class? */
- def isPrimitiveValueClass(implicit ctx: Context) = defn.ScalaValueClasses contains this
- /** Is symbol a phantom class for which no runtime representation exists? */
- def isPhantomClass(implicit ctx: Context) = defn.PhantomClasses contains this
- /** The current name of this symbol */
- final def name(implicit ctx: Context): ThisName = denot.name.asInstanceOf[ThisName]
- /** The source or class file from which this class or
- * the class containing this symbol was generated, null if not applicable.
- * Overridden in ClassSymbol
- */
- def associatedFile(implicit ctx: Context): AbstractFile =
- denot.topLevelClass.symbol.associatedFile
- /** The class file from which this class was generated, null if not applicable. */
- final def binaryFile(implicit ctx: Context): AbstractFile =
- pickFile(associatedFile, classFile = true)
- /** The source file from which this class was generated, null if not applicable. */
- final def sourceFile(implicit ctx: Context): AbstractFile =
- pickFile(associatedFile, classFile = false)
- /** Desire to re-use the field in ClassSymbol which stores the source
- * file to also store the classfile, but without changing the behavior
- * of sourceFile (which is expected at least in the IDE only to
- * return actual source code.) So sourceFile has classfiles filtered out.
- */
- private def pickFile(file: AbstractFile, classFile: Boolean): AbstractFile =
- if ((file eq null) || classFile != (file.path endsWith ".class")) null else file
- /** The position of this symbol, or NoPosition is symbol was not loaded
- * from source.
- */
- def pos: Position = if (coord.isPosition) coord.toPosition else NoPosition
-// -------- GADT handling -----------------------------------------------
- /** Perform given operation `op` where this symbol allows tightening of
- * its type bounds.
- */
- private[dotc] def withGADTFlexType[T](op: () => T)(implicit ctx: Context): () => T = { () =>
- assert((denot is TypeParam) && denot.owner.isTerm)
- val saved = denot
- denot = denot.copySymDenotation(initFlags = denot.flags | GADTFlexType)
- try op()
- finally denot = saved
- }
- /** Disallow tightening of type bounds for this symbol from now on */
- private[dotc] def resetGADTFlexType()(implicit ctx: Context): Unit = {
- assert(denot is GADTFlexType)
- denot = denot.copySymDenotation(initFlags = denot.flags &~ GADTFlexType)
- }
- /** Change info of this symbol to new, tightened type bounds */
- private[core] def changeGADTInfo(bounds: TypeBounds)(implicit ctx: Context): Unit = {
- assert(denot is GADTFlexType)
- denot = denot.copySymDenotation(info = bounds)
- }
-// -------- Printing --------------------------------------------------------
- /** The prefix string to be used when displaying this symbol without denotation */
- protected def prefixString = "Symbol"
- override def toString: String =
- if (lastDenot == null) s"Naked$prefixString#$id"
- else lastDenot.toString// +"#"+id // !!! DEBUG
- def toText(printer: Printer): Text = printer.toText(this)
- def showLocated(implicit ctx: Context): String = ctx.locatedText(this).show
- def showDcl(implicit ctx: Context): String = ctx.dclText(this).show
- def showKind(implicit ctx: Context): String = ctx.kindString(this)
- def showName(implicit ctx: Context): String = ctx.nameString(this)
- def showFullName(implicit ctx: Context): String = ctx.fullNameString(this)
+ def calculateLineIndices(cs: Array[Char]) = {
+ val buf = new ArrayBuffer[Int]
+ buf += 0
+ for (i <- 0 until cs.length) if (isLineBreak(i)) buf += i + 1
+ buf += cs.length // sentinel, so that findLine below works smoother
+ buf.toArray
+ private lazy val lineIndices: Array[Int] = calculateLineIndices(content)
- type TermSymbol = Symbol { type ThisName = TermName }
- type TypeSymbol = Symbol { type ThisName = TypeName }
+ /** Map line to offset of first character in line */
+ def lineToOffset(index : Int): Int = lineIndices(index)
- class ClassSymbol private[Symbols] (coord: Coord, assocFile: AbstractFile)
- extends Symbol(coord) {
+ /** A cache to speed up offsetToLine searches to similar lines */
+ private var lastLine = 0
- type ThisName = TypeName
+ /** Convert offset to line in this source file
+ * Lines are numbered from 0
+ */
+ def offsetToLine(offset: Int): Int = {
+ val lines = lineIndices
+ def findLine(lo: Int, hi: Int, mid: Int): Int =
+ if (offset < lines(mid)) findLine(lo, mid - 1, (lo + mid - 1) / 2)
+ else if (offset >= lines(mid + 1)) findLine(mid + 1, hi, (mid + 1 + hi) / 2)
+ else mid
+ lastLine = findLine(0, lines.length, lastLine)
+ lastLine
+ }
- /** The source or class file from which this class was generated, null if not applicable. */
- override def associatedFile(implicit ctx: Context): AbstractFile =
- if (assocFile != null || (this.owner is PackageClass)) assocFile
- else super.associatedFile
+ def startOfLine(offset: Int): Int = lineToOffset(offsetToLine(offset))
- final def classDenot(implicit ctx: Context): ClassDenotation =
- denot.asInstanceOf[ClassDenotation]
+ def nextLine(offset: Int): Int =
+ lineToOffset(offsetToLine(offset) + 1 min lineIndices.length - 1)
- private var superIdHint: Int = -1
+ def lineContents(offset: Int): String =
+ content.slice(startOfLine(offset), nextLine(offset)).mkString
- override def superId(implicit ctx: Context): Int = {
- val hint = superIdHint
- val key = this.typeRef
- if (hint >= 0 && hint <= ctx.lastSuperId && (ctx.classOfId(hint) eq key))
- hint
- else {
- val id = ctx.superIdOfClass get key match {
- case Some(id) =>
- id
- case None =>
- val id = ctx.nextSuperId
- ctx.superIdOfClass(key) = id
- ctx.classOfId(id) = key
- id
- }
- superIdHint = id
- id
- }
+ def column(offset: Int): Int = {
+ var idx = startOfLine(offset)
+ var col = 0
+ while (idx != offset) {
+ col += (if (content(idx) == '\t') tabInc - col % tabInc else 1)
+ idx += 1
- /** Have we seen a subclass of this class? */
- def hasChildren = superIdHint >= 0
- override protected def prefixString = "ClassSymbol"
- }
- class ErrorSymbol(val underlying: Symbol, msg: => String)(implicit ctx: Context) extends Symbol(NoCoord) {
- type ThisName = underlying.ThisName
- denot = underlying.denot
- }
- object NoSymbol extends Symbol(NoCoord) {
- denot = NoDenotation
+ col + 1
- implicit class Copier[N <: Name](sym: Symbol { type ThisName = N })(implicit ctx: Context) {
- /** Copy a symbol, overriding selective fields */
- def copy(
- owner: Symbol = sym.owner,
- name: N = sym.name,
- flags: FlagSet = sym.flags,
- info: Type = sym.info,
- privateWithin: Symbol = sym.privateWithin,
- coord: Coord = sym.coord,
- associatedFile: AbstractFile = sym.associatedFile): Symbol =
- if (sym.isClass)
- ctx.newClassSymbol(owner, name.asTypeName, flags, _ => info, privateWithin, coord, associatedFile)
- else
- ctx.newSymbol(owner, name, flags, info, privateWithin, coord)
- }
- implicit def defn(implicit ctx: Context): Definitions = ctx.definitions
- /** Makes all denotation operations available on symbols */
- implicit def toDenot(sym: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): SymDenotation = sym.denot
- /** Makes all class denotations available on class symbols */
- implicit def toClassDenot(cls: ClassSymbol)(implicit ctx: Context): ClassDenotation = cls.classDenot
+ override def toString = file.toString
- var stubs: List[Symbol] = Nil // diagnostic
+object NoSource extends SourceFile("<no source>", Nil) {
+ override def exists = false