diff options
5 files changed, 107 insertions, 90 deletions
diff --git a/doc-tool/src/dotty/tools/dottydoc/DocCompiler.scala b/doc-tool/src/dotty/tools/dottydoc/DocCompiler.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..af4aaae4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc-tool/src/dotty/tools/dottydoc/DocCompiler.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+package dotty.tools
+package dottydoc
+import core._
+import core.transform._
+import dotc.core.Phases.Phase
+import dotc.Compiler
+/** Custom Compiler with phases for the documentation tool
+ *
+ * The idea here is to structure `dottydoc` around the new infrastructure. As
+ * such, dottydoc will itself be a compiler. It will, however, produce a format
+ * that can be used by other tools or web-browsers.
+ *
+ * Example:
+ * 1. Use the existing FrontEnd to typecheck the code being fed to dottydoc,
+ * wihtout discarding AnyVal interfaces
+ * 2. Create an AST that is serializable
+ * 3. Serialize to JS object
+ */
+class DocCompiler extends Compiler {
+ override def phases: List[List[Phase]] = List(
+ List(new DocFrontEnd),
+ List(new DocImplicitsPhase),
+ List(new DocASTPhase),
+ List(DocMiniTransformations(new UsecasePhase,
+ new DocstringPhase,
+ new LinkReturnTypes,
+ new LinkParamListTypes,
+ new LinkImplicitlyAddedTypes,
+ new LinkSuperTypes,
+ new AlternateConstructors,
+ new SortMembers))
+ )
diff --git a/doc-tool/src/dotty/tools/dottydoc/DocDriver.scala b/doc-tool/src/dotty/tools/dottydoc/DocDriver.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..430fb8083
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc-tool/src/dotty/tools/dottydoc/DocDriver.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+package dotty.tools
+package dottydoc
+import dotty.tools.dottydoc.util.syntax._
+import core.ContextDottydoc
+import dotc.core.Contexts._
+import dotc.{ Compiler, Driver }
+import model.Package
+import model.json._
+import dotc.config._
+import dotc.core.Comments.ContextDoc
+/** `DocDriver` implements the main entry point to the Dotty documentation
+ * tool. It's methods are used by the external scala and java APIs.
+ */
+class DocDriver extends Driver {
+ import _root_.java.util.{ Map => JMap }
+ import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
+ override def setup(args: Array[String], rootCtx: Context): (List[String], Context) = {
+ val ctx = rootCtx.fresh
+ val summary = CompilerCommand.distill(args)(ctx)
+ ctx.setSettings(summary.sstate)
+ ctx.setSetting(ctx.settings.YkeepComments, true)
+ ctx.setSetting(ctx.settings.YnoInline, true)
+ ctx.setProperty(ContextDoc, new ContextDottydoc)
+ val fileNames = CompilerCommand.checkUsage(summary, sourcesRequired)(ctx)
+ (fileNames, ctx)
+ }
+ override def newCompiler(implicit ctx: Context): Compiler = new DocCompiler
+ def compiledDocs(args: Array[String]): collection.Map[String, Package] = {
+ val (fileNames, ctx) = setup(args, initCtx.fresh)
+ doCompile(newCompiler(ctx), fileNames)(ctx)
+ ctx.docbase.packages
+ }
+ def compiledDocsJava(args: Array[String]): JMap[String, Package] =
+ compiledDocs(args).asJava
+ def indexToJson(index: collection.Map[String, Package]): String =
+ index.json
+ def indexToJsonJava(index: JMap[String, Package]): String =
+ indexToJson(index.asScala)
diff --git a/doc-tool/src/dotty/tools/dottydoc/DocFrontEnd.scala b/doc-tool/src/dotty/tools/dottydoc/DocFrontEnd.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..30c5e3e87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc-tool/src/dotty/tools/dottydoc/DocFrontEnd.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+package dotty.tools
+package dottydoc
+import dotc.typer.FrontEnd
+import dotc.core.Contexts.Context
+import dotc.CompilationUnit
+/** `DocFrontEnd` uses the Dotty `FrontEnd` without discarding the AnyVal
+ * interfaces for Boolean, Int, Char, Long, Byte etc.
+ *
+ * It currently still throws away Java sources by overriding
+ * `discardAfterTyper`.
+ */
+class DocFrontEnd extends FrontEnd {
+ override protected def discardAfterTyper(unit: CompilationUnit)(implicit ctx: Context) =
+ unit.isJava
diff --git a/doc-tool/src/dotty/tools/dottydoc/DottyDoc.scala b/doc-tool/src/dotty/tools/dottydoc/DottyDoc.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index e6aaddb48..000000000
--- a/doc-tool/src/dotty/tools/dottydoc/DottyDoc.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-package dotty.tools
-package dottydoc
-import dotty.tools.dottydoc.util.syntax._
-import core._
-import core.transform._
-import dotc.config.CompilerCommand
-import dotc.config.Printers.dottydoc
-import dotc.core.Contexts._
-import dotc.core.Comments.ContextDoc
-import dotc.core.Phases.Phase
-import dotc.typer.FrontEnd
-import dotc.{ CompilationUnit, Compiler, Driver, Run }
-import io.PlainFile
-import model.Package
-import model.json._
-import _root_.java.util.{ Map => JMap }
-/** Custom Compiler with phases for the documentation tool
- *
- * The idea here is to structure `dottydoc` around the new infrastructure. As
- * such, dottydoc will itself be a compiler. It will, however, produce a format
- * that can be used by other tools or web-browsers.
- *
- * Example:
- * 1. Use the existing FrontEnd to typecheck the code being fed to dottydoc
- * 2. Create an AST that is serializable
- * 3. Serialize to JS object
- */
-class DocCompiler extends Compiler {
- override def phases: List[List[Phase]] = List(
- List(new DocFrontEnd),
- List(new DocImplicitsPhase),
- List(new DocASTPhase),
- List(DocMiniTransformations(new UsecasePhase,
- new DocstringPhase,
- new LinkReturnTypes,
- new LinkParamListTypes,
- new LinkImplicitlyAddedTypes,
- new LinkSuperTypes,
- new AlternateConstructors,
- new SortMembers))
- )
-class DocFrontEnd extends FrontEnd {
- override protected def discardAfterTyper(unit: CompilationUnit)(implicit ctx: Context) =
- unit.isJava
-class DocDriver extends Driver {
- import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
- override def setup(args: Array[String], rootCtx: Context): (List[String], Context) = {
- val ctx = rootCtx.fresh
- val summary = CompilerCommand.distill(args)(ctx)
- ctx.setSettings(summary.sstate)
- ctx.setSetting(ctx.settings.YkeepComments, true)
- ctx.setSetting(ctx.settings.YnoInline, true)
- ctx.setProperty(ContextDoc, new ContextDottydoc)
- val fileNames = CompilerCommand.checkUsage(summary, sourcesRequired)(ctx)
- (fileNames, ctx)
- }
- override def newCompiler(implicit ctx: Context): Compiler = new DocCompiler
- def compiledDocs(args: Array[String]): collection.Map[String, Package] = {
- val (fileNames, ctx) = setup(args, initCtx.fresh)
- doCompile(newCompiler(ctx), fileNames)(ctx)
- ctx.docbase.packages
- }
- def compiledDocsJava(args: Array[String]): JMap[String, Package] =
- compiledDocs(args).asJava
- def indexToJson(index: collection.Map[String, Package]): String =
- index.json
- def indexToJsonJava(index: JMap[String, Package]): String =
- indexToJson(index.asScala)
diff --git a/doc-tool/test/GenDocs.scala b/doc-tool/test/GenDocs.scala
index 770904016..358e52fdf 100644
--- a/doc-tool/test/GenDocs.scala
+++ b/doc-tool/test/GenDocs.scala
@@ -19,6 +19,11 @@ trait LocalResources extends api.scala.Dottydoc {
+ def getFiles(file: JFile): Array[JFile] =
+ if (file.isDirectory) file.listFiles.flatMap(getFiles)
+ else if (file.getAbsolutePath.endsWith(".scala")) Array(file)
+ else Array()
assert(template.exists, "please specify a template.html file using DOC_TEMPLATE env var")
assert(resources.forall(_.exists), "please specify a resource dir using DOC_RESOURCES env var")
@@ -43,11 +48,6 @@ object GenCollections extends LocalResources {
object GenDottyDocs extends LocalResources {
import Files._
- def getFiles(file: JFile): Array[JFile] =
- if (file.isDirectory) file.listFiles.flatMap(getFiles)
- else if (file.getAbsolutePath.endsWith(".scala")) Array(file)
- else Array()
val dottyFiles = new JFile("../compiler/src/dotty").listFiles.flatMap(getFiles).map(_.getAbsolutePath)
override def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = buildDocs(