diff options
4 files changed, 58 insertions, 79 deletions
diff --git a/dottydoc/jvm/src/dotty/tools/dottydoc/html/EntityPage.scala b/dottydoc/jvm/src/dotty/tools/dottydoc/html/EntityPage.scala
index f1abafc8b..3ace813f0 100644
--- a/dottydoc/jvm/src/dotty/tools/dottydoc/html/EntityPage.scala
+++ b/dottydoc/jvm/src/dotty/tools/dottydoc/html/EntityPage.scala
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ import model._
case class EntityPage(entity: Entity, packages: Map[String, Package]) {
import CustomTags._
- import spray.json._
import model.json._
import util.internal.setters._
@@ -78,7 +77,7 @@ case class EntityPage(entity: Entity, packages: Map[String, Package]) {
- raw(s"""|UnparsedIndex.currentEntity = ${entity.flat.toJson};
+ raw(s"""|UnparsedIndex.currentEntity = ${entity.flat.json};
| .main(document.getElementById("entity-container"));
diff --git a/dottydoc/jvm/src/dotty/tools/dottydoc/model/json.scala b/dottydoc/jvm/src/dotty/tools/dottydoc/model/json.scala
index 0b6c00a84..da6e4d909 100644
--- a/dottydoc/jvm/src/dotty/tools/dottydoc/model/json.scala
+++ b/dottydoc/jvm/src/dotty/tools/dottydoc/model/json.scala
@@ -1,93 +1,76 @@
package dotty.tools.dottydoc
package model
-import spray.json._
+import model.comment._
-/** This object provides a protocol for serializing the package AST to JSON,
- * this is supposed to be one-way for performance reasons
+/** This object provides a protocol for serializing the package AST to JSON
+ *
+ * TODO: It might be a good ideat to represent the JSON better than just
+ * serializing a big string-blob in the future.
-object json extends DefaultJsonProtocol {
- import model._
- import model.comment._
- import model.internal._
+object json {
+ implicit class JsonString(val str: String) extends AnyVal {
+ def json: String = {
+ val cleanedString = str
+ .replaceAll("\\\\","\\\\\\\\")
+ .replaceAll("\\\"", "\\\\\"")
+ .replaceAll("\n", "\\\\n")
- implicit val commentFormat = jsonFormat2(Comment.apply)
- implicit val textFormat: JsonFormat[Text] = lazyFormat(jsonFormat(Text, "text"))
- implicit object InlineJsonFormat extends RootJsonFormat[Inline] {
- def write(i: Inline) = i match {
- case i: Text => i.toJson
- case _ => JsString("could not serialize")
+ s""""$cleanedString""""
- def read(json: JsValue) = ??? // The json serialization is supposed to be one way
- implicit val matLinkFormat = lazyFormat(jsonFormat(MaterializedLink, "title", "target"))
- implicit val noLinkFormat = lazyFormat(jsonFormat(NoLink, "title", "target"))
- implicit val unsLinkFormat = lazyFormat(jsonFormat(UnsetLink, "title", "query"))
- implicit object MaterializableLinkFormat extends RootJsonFormat[MaterializableLink] {
- def write(obj: MaterializableLink) = obj match {
- case obj: MaterializedLink => addKind(obj.toJson, "MaterializedLink")
- case obj: UnsetLink => addKind(obj.toJson, "UnsetLink")
- case obj: NoLink => addKind(obj.toJson, "NoLink")
- }
- def read(json: JsValue) = ??? // The json serialization is supposed to be one way
+ implicit class JsonComment(val cmt: Comment) extends AnyVal {
+ def json: String = s"""{"body":${cmt.body.json},"short":${cmt.short.json}}"""
- implicit object ReferenceFormat extends RootJsonFormat[Reference] {
- def write(obj: Reference) = obj match {
- case obj: AndTypeReference => addKind(obj.toJson, "AndTypeReference")
- case obj: OrTypeReference => addKind(obj.toJson, "OrTypeReference")
- case obj: TypeReference => addKind(obj.toJson, "TypeReference")
- case obj: NamedReference => addKind(obj.toJson, "NamedReference")
- case obj: ConstantReference => addKind(obj.toJson, "ConstantReference")
+ implicit class LinkJson(val link: MaterializableLink) extends AnyVal {
+ def json: String = {
+ val (secondTitle, secondValue, kind) = link match {
+ case ul: UnsetLink => ("query".json, ul.query.json, "UnsetLink".json)
+ case ml: MaterializedLink => ("target", ml.target.json, "MaterializedLink".json)
+ case nl: NoLink => ("target".json, nl.target.json, "NoLink".json)
+ }
+ s"""{"title":${link.title.json},$secondTitle:${secondValue},"kind":$kind}"""
- def read(json: JsValue) = ??? // The json serialization is supposed to be one way
- implicit val tpeRefFormat = lazyFormat(jsonFormat(TypeReference, "title", "tpeLink", "paramLinks"))
- implicit val orRefFormat = lazyFormat(jsonFormat(OrTypeReference, "left", "right"))
- implicit val andRefFormat = lazyFormat(jsonFormat(AndTypeReference, "left", "right"))
- implicit val namedRefFormat = lazyFormat(jsonFormat(NamedReference, "title", "ref"))
- implicit val constRefFormat = lazyFormat(jsonFormat(ConstantReference, "title"))
- implicit object EntityJsonFormat extends RootJsonFormat[Entity] {
- def write(e: Entity) = e match {
- case e: PackageImpl => addKind(e.toJson, "package")
- case e: ClassImpl => addKind(e.toJson, "class")
- case e: CaseClassImpl => addKind(e.toJson, "case class")
- case e: TraitImpl => addKind(e.toJson, "trait")
- case e: ObjectImpl => addKind(e.toJson, "object")
- case e: DefImpl => addKind(e.toJson, "def")
- case e: ValImpl => addKind(e.toJson, "val")
- }
- def read(json: JsValue) = ??? // The json serialization is supposed to be one way
+ private def refToJson(ref: Reference): String = ref match {
+ case ref: TypeReference =>
+ s"""{"title":${ref.title.json},"tpeLink":${ref.tpeLink.json},"paramLinks":${ref.paramLinks.map(_.json).mkString("[",",","]")},"kind":"TypeReference"}"""
+ case ref: AndTypeReference =>
+ s"""{"left":${refToJson(ref.left)},"right":${refToJson(ref.right)},"kind":"AndTypeReference"}"""
+ case ref: OrTypeReference =>
+ s"""{"left":${refToJson(ref.left)},"right":${refToJson(ref.right)},"kind":"OrTypeReference"}"""
+ case ref: NamedReference =>
+ s"""{"title":${ref.title.json},"ref":${refToJson(ref.ref)},"kind":"NamedReference"}"""
+ case ref: ConstantReference =>
+ s"""{"title":${ref.title.json},"kind": "ConstantReference"}"""
+ implicit class ReferenceJson(val ref: Reference) extends AnyVal { def json: String = refToJson(ref) }
- implicit object PackageFormat extends RootJsonFormat[Package] {
- def write(obj: Package) = obj match { case obj: PackageImpl => addKind(obj.toJson, "package") }
- def read(json: JsValue) = ??? // The json serialization is supposed to be one way
+ private def entToJson(ent: Entity): String = ent match {
+ case ent: Package =>
+ s"""{"name":${ent.name.json},"members":${ent.members.map(_.json).mkString("[",",","]")},"path":${ent.path.map(_.json).mkString("[",",","]")},${ent.comment.map(_.json).fold("")(cmt => s""""comment":$cmt,""")}"kind":"package"}"""
+ case ent: Class =>
+ s"""{"name":${ent.name.json},"members":${ent.members.map(_.json).mkString("[",",","]")},"modifiers":${ent.modifiers.map(_.json).mkString("[",",","]")},"path":${ent.path.map(_.json).mkString("[",",","]")},"typeParams":${ent.typeParams.map(_.json).mkString("[",",","]")},"superTypes":${ent.superTypes.map(_.json).mkString("[",",","]")},${ent.comment.map(_.json).fold("")(cmt => s""""comment":$cmt,""")}"kind":"class"}"""
+ case ent: CaseClass =>
+ s"""{"name":${ent.name.json},"members":${ent.members.map(_.json).mkString("[",",","]")},"modifiers":${ent.modifiers.map(_.json).mkString("[",",","]")},"path":${ent.path.map(_.json).mkString("[",",","]")},"typeParams":${ent.typeParams.map(_.json).mkString("[",",","]")},"superTypes":${ent.superTypes.map(_.json).mkString("[",",","]")},${ent.comment.map(_.json).fold("")(cmt => s""""comment":$cmt,""")}"kind":"case class"}"""
+ case ent: Trait =>
+ s"""{"name":${ent.name.json},"members":${ent.members.map(_.json).mkString("[",",","]")},"modifiers":${ent.modifiers.map(_.json).mkString("[",",","]")},"path":${ent.path.map(_.json).mkString("[",",","]")},"typeParams":${ent.typeParams.map(_.json).mkString("[",",","]")},"superTypes":${ent.superTypes.map(_.json).mkString("[",",","]")},${ent.comment.map(_.json).fold("")(cmt => s""""comment":$cmt,""")}"kind":"trait"}"""
+ case ent: Object =>
+ s"""{"name":${ent.name.json},"members":${ent.members.map(_.json).mkString("[",",","]")},"modifiers":${ent.modifiers.map(_.json).mkString("[",",","]")},"path":${ent.path.map(_.json).mkString("[",",","]")},"superTypes":${ent.superTypes.map(_.json).mkString("[",",","]")},${ent.comment.map(_.json).fold("")(cmt => s""""comment":$cmt,""")}"kind":"object"}"""
+ case ent: Def =>
+ s"""{"name":${ent.name.json},"modifiers":${ent.modifiers.map(_.json).mkString("[",",","]")},"path":${ent.path.map(_.json).mkString("[",",","]")},"returnValue":${ent.returnValue.json},"typeParams":${ent.typeParams.map(_.json).mkString("[",",","]")},"paramLists":${ent.paramLists.map{ xs =>xs.map(_.json).mkString("[",",","]")}.mkString("[",",","]")},${ent.comment.map(_.json).fold("")(cmt => s""""comment":$cmt,""")}"kind":"def"}"""
+ case ent: Val =>
+ s"""{"name":${ent.name.json},"modifiers":${ent.modifiers.map(_.json).mkString("[",",","]")},"path":${ent.path.map(_.json).mkString("[",",","]")},"returnValue":${ent.returnValue.json},${ent.comment.map(_.json).fold("")(cmt => s""""comment":$cmt,""")}"kind":"val"}"""
+ implicit class EntityJson(val ent: Entity) extends AnyVal { def json: String = entToJson(ent) }
+ implicit class PackageJson(val pack: Package) extends AnyVal { def json: String = (pack: Entity).json }
- private def addKind(json: JsValue, kind: String): JsValue = json match {
- case json: JsObject => JsObject(json.fields + ("kind" -> JsString(kind)))
- case other => other
+ implicit class PackMapJson(val packs: Map[String, Package]) extends AnyVal {
+ def json: String = packs
+ .map { case (k, v) => s"${k.json}: ${v.json}" }
+ .mkString("{",",","}")
- implicit val valFormat: JsonFormat[ValImpl] =
- lazyFormat(jsonFormat(ValImpl, "name", "modifiers", "path", "returnValue", "comment"))
- implicit val defFormat: JsonFormat[DefImpl] =
- lazyFormat(jsonFormat(DefImpl, "name", "modifiers", "path", "returnValue", "typeParams", "paramLists", "comment"))
- implicit val objFormat: JsonFormat[ObjectImpl] =
- lazyFormat(jsonFormat(ObjectImpl, "name", "members", "modifiers", "path", "superTypes", "comment"))
- implicit val traitormat: JsonFormat[TraitImpl] =
- lazyFormat(jsonFormat(TraitImpl, "name", "members", "modifiers", "path", "typeParams", "superTypes", "comment"))
- implicit val cclassFormat: JsonFormat[CaseClassImpl] =
- lazyFormat(jsonFormat(CaseClassImpl, "name", "members", "modifiers", "path", "typeParams", "superTypes", "comment"))
- implicit val classFormat: JsonFormat[ClassImpl] =
- lazyFormat(jsonFormat(ClassImpl, "name", "members", "modifiers", "path", "typeParams", "superTypes", "comment"))
- implicit val packageFormat: JsonFormat[PackageImpl] =
- lazyFormat(jsonFormat(PackageImpl, "name", "members", "path", "comment"))
diff --git a/dottydoc/jvm/src/dotty/tools/dottydoc/util/OutputWriter.scala b/dottydoc/jvm/src/dotty/tools/dottydoc/util/OutputWriter.scala
index 7febb520c..fdbcd49cb 100644
--- a/dottydoc/jvm/src/dotty/tools/dottydoc/util/OutputWriter.scala
+++ b/dottydoc/jvm/src/dotty/tools/dottydoc/util/OutputWriter.scala
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ package util
import java.io.{File => JFile, BufferedInputStream, FileInputStream, FileOutputStream, BufferedOutputStream}
import html.EntityPage
import model.Package
-import spray.json._
import model.json._
class OutputWriter {
@@ -31,8 +30,7 @@ class OutputWriter {
// Write full index to outPath
- val pickled = packs.toJson
- val js = "UnparsedIndex = {}; UnparsedIndex.packages = " + pickled + ";"
+ val js = "UnparsedIndex = {}; UnparsedIndex.packages = " + packs.json + ";"
println("Writing index.js...")
writeFile(js, outPath + "/", "index.js")
diff --git a/project/Build.scala b/project/Build.scala
index 09f465d49..ca7916701 100644
--- a/project/Build.scala
+++ b/project/Build.scala
@@ -285,7 +285,6 @@ object DottyInjectedPlugin extends AutoPlugin {
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"org.scala-js" % "scalajs-dom_sjs0.6_2.11" % "0.9.0",
- "io.spray" %% "spray-json" % "1.3.2",
"com.lihaoyi" %% "scalatags" % "0.5.5",
"com.novocode" % "junit-interface" % "0.11" % "test"