path: root/bridge/src/test/scala/xsbt/DependencySpecification.scala
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Diffstat (limited to 'bridge/src/test/scala/xsbt/DependencySpecification.scala')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 151 deletions
diff --git a/bridge/src/test/scala/xsbt/DependencySpecification.scala b/bridge/src/test/scala/xsbt/DependencySpecification.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 60545091b..000000000
--- a/bridge/src/test/scala/xsbt/DependencySpecification.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
-/** Adapted from https://github.com/sbt/sbt/blob/0.13/compile/interface/src/test/scala/xsbt/DependencySpecification.scala */
-package xsbt
-import org.junit.runner.RunWith
-import xsbti.api.ClassLike
-import xsbti.api.Def
-import xsbt.api.SameAPI
-import org.specs2.mutable.Specification
-import org.specs2.runner.JUnitRunner
-import ScalaCompilerForUnitTesting.ExtractedSourceDependencies
-class DependencySpecification extends Specification {
- "Extracted source dependencies from public members" in {
- val sourceDependencies = extractSourceDependenciesPublic
- val memberRef = sourceDependencies.memberRef
- val inheritance = sourceDependencies.inheritance
- memberRef('A) === Set.empty
- inheritance('A) === Set.empty
- memberRef('B) === Set('A, 'D)
- inheritance('B) === Set('D)
- memberRef('C) === Set('A)
- inheritance('C) === Set.empty
- memberRef('D) === Set.empty
- inheritance('D) === Set.empty
- memberRef('E) === Set.empty
- inheritance('E) === Set.empty
- memberRef('F) === Set('A, 'B, 'C, 'D, 'E, 'G)
- inheritance('F) === Set('A, 'E)
- memberRef('H) === Set('B, 'E, 'G)
- // aliases and applied type constructors are expanded so we have inheritance dependency on B
- inheritance('H) === Set('B, 'E)
- }
- "Extracted source dependencies from private members" in {
- val sourceDependencies = extractSourceDependenciesPrivate
- val memberRef = sourceDependencies.memberRef
- val inheritance = sourceDependencies.inheritance
- memberRef('A) === Set.empty
- inheritance('A) === Set.empty
- memberRef('B) === Set.empty
- inheritance('B) === Set.empty
- memberRef('C) === Set('A)
- inheritance('C) === Set('A)
- memberRef('D) === Set('B)
- inheritance('D) === Set('B)
- }
- "Extracted source dependencies with trait as first parent" in {
- val sourceDependencies = extractSourceDependenciesTraitAsFirstPatent
- val memberRef = sourceDependencies.memberRef
- val inheritance = sourceDependencies.inheritance
- memberRef('A) === Set.empty
- inheritance('A) === Set.empty
- memberRef('B) === Set('A)
- inheritance('B) === Set('A)
- // verify that memberRef captures the oddity described in documentation of `Relations.inheritance`
- // we are mainly interested whether dependency on A is captured in `memberRef` relation so
- // the invariant that says that memberRef is superset of inheritance relation is preserved
- memberRef('C) === Set('A, 'B)
- inheritance('C) === Set('A, 'B)
- // same as above but indirect (C -> B -> A), note that only A is visible here
- memberRef('D) === Set('A, 'C)
- inheritance('D) === Set('A, 'C)
- }
- /*
- "Extracted source dependencies from macro arguments" in {
- val sourceDependencies = extractSourceDependenciesFromMacroArgument
- val memberRef = sourceDependencies.memberRef
- val inheritance = sourceDependencies.inheritance
- memberRef('A) === Set('B, 'C)
- inheritance('A) === Set.empty
- memberRef('B) === Set.empty
- inheritance('B) === Set.empty
- memberRef('C) === Set.empty
- inheritance('C) === Set.empty
- }
- */
- private def extractSourceDependenciesPublic: ExtractedSourceDependencies = {
- val srcA = "class A"
- val srcB = "class B extends D[A]"
- val srcC = """|class C {
- | def a: A = null
- |}""".stripMargin
- val srcD = "class D[T]"
- val srcE = "trait E[T]"
- val srcF = "trait F extends A with E[D[B]] { self: G.MyC => }"
- val srcG = "object G { type T[x] = B ; type MyC = C }"
- // T is a type constructor [x]B
- // B extends D
- // E verifies the core type gets pulled out
- val srcH = "trait H extends G.T[Int] with (E[Int] @unchecked)"
- val compilerForTesting = new ScalaCompilerForUnitTesting(nameHashing = true)
- val sourceDependencies = compilerForTesting.extractDependenciesFromSrcs('A -> srcA, 'B -> srcB, 'C -> srcC,
- 'D -> srcD, 'E -> srcE, 'F -> srcF, 'G -> srcG, 'H -> srcH)
- sourceDependencies
- }
- private def extractSourceDependenciesPrivate: ExtractedSourceDependencies = {
- val srcA = "class A"
- val srcB = "class B"
- val srcC = "class C { private class Inner1 extends A }"
- val srcD = "class D { def foo: Unit = { class Inner2 extends B } }"
- val compilerForTesting = new ScalaCompilerForUnitTesting(nameHashing = true)
- val sourceDependencies =
- compilerForTesting.extractDependenciesFromSrcs('A -> srcA, 'B -> srcB, 'C -> srcC, 'D -> srcD)
- sourceDependencies
- }
- private def extractSourceDependenciesTraitAsFirstPatent: ExtractedSourceDependencies = {
- val srcA = "class A"
- val srcB = "trait B extends A"
- val srcC = "trait C extends B"
- val srcD = "class D extends C"
- val compilerForTesting = new ScalaCompilerForUnitTesting(nameHashing = true)
- val sourceDependencies =
- compilerForTesting.extractDependenciesFromSrcs('A -> srcA, 'B -> srcB, 'C -> srcC, 'D -> srcD)
- sourceDependencies
- }
- /*
- private def extractSourceDependenciesFromMacroArgument: ExtractedSourceDependencies = {
- val srcA = "class A { println(B.printTree(C.foo)) }"
- val srcB = """
- |import scala.language.experimental.macros
- |import scala.reflect.macros._
- |object B {
- | def printTree(arg: Any) = macro printTreeImpl
- | def printTreeImpl(c: Context)(arg: c.Expr[Any]): c.Expr[String] = {
- | val argStr = arg.tree.toString
- | val literalStr = c.universe.Literal(c.universe.Constant(argStr))
- | c.Expr[String](literalStr)
- | }
- |}""".stripMargin
- val srcC = "object C { val foo = 1 }"
- val compilerForTesting = new ScalaCompilerForUnitTesting(nameHashing = true)
- val sourceDependencies =
- compilerForTesting.extractDependenciesFromSrcs(List(Map('B -> srcB, 'C -> srcC), Map('A -> srcA)))
- sourceDependencies
- }
- */