path: root/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/repl/ammonite/filters
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5 files changed, 989 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/repl/ammonite/filters/BasicFilters.scala b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/repl/ammonite/filters/BasicFilters.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..faa97c348
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/repl/ammonite/filters/BasicFilters.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+package dotty.tools
+package dotc
+package repl
+package ammonite
+package terminal
+package filters
+import ammonite.terminal.FilterTools._
+import ammonite.terminal.LazyList._
+import ammonite.terminal.SpecialKeys._
+import ammonite.terminal.Filter
+import ammonite.terminal._
+ * Filters for simple operation of a terminal: cursor-navigation
+ * (including with all the modifier keys), enter/ctrl-c-exit, etc.
+ */
+object BasicFilters {
+ def all = Filter.merge(
+ navFilter,
+ exitFilter,
+ enterFilter,
+ clearFilter,
+ //loggingFilter,
+ typingFilter
+ )
+ def injectNewLine(b: Vector[Char], c: Int, rest: LazyList[Int], indent: Int = 0) = {
+ val (first, last) = b.splitAt(c)
+ TermState(rest, (first :+ '\n') ++ last ++ Vector.fill(indent)(' '), c + 1 + indent)
+ }
+ def navFilter = Filter.merge(
+ Case(Up)((b, c, m) => moveUp(b, c, m.width)),
+ Case(Down)((b, c, m) => moveDown(b, c, m.width)),
+ Case(Right)((b, c, m) => (b, c + 1)),
+ Case(Left)((b, c, m) => (b, c - 1))
+ )
+ def tabColumn(indent: Int, b: Vector[Char], c: Int, rest: LazyList[Int]) = {
+ val (chunks, chunkStarts, chunkIndex) = FilterTools.findChunks(b, c)
+ val chunkCol = c - chunkStarts(chunkIndex)
+ val spacesToInject = indent - (chunkCol % indent)
+ val (lhs, rhs) = b.splitAt(c)
+ TS(rest, lhs ++ Vector.fill(spacesToInject)(' ') ++ rhs, c + spacesToInject)
+ }
+ def tabFilter(indent: Int): Filter = Filter("tabFilter") {
+ case TS(9 ~: rest, b, c, _) => tabColumn(indent, b, c, rest)
+ }
+ def loggingFilter: Filter = Filter("loggingFilter") {
+ case TS(Ctrl('q') ~: rest, b, c, _) =>
+ println("Char Display Mode Enabled! Ctrl-C to exit")
+ var curr = rest
+ while (curr.head != 3) {
+ println("Char " + curr.head)
+ curr = curr.tail
+ }
+ TS(curr, b, c)
+ }
+ def typingFilter: Filter = Filter("typingFilter") {
+ case TS(p"\u001b[3~$rest", b, c, _) =>
+// Debug("fn-delete")
+ val (first, last) = b.splitAt(c)
+ TS(rest, first ++ last.drop(1), c)
+ case TS(127 ~: rest, b, c, _) => // Backspace
+ val (first, last) = b.splitAt(c)
+ TS(rest, first.dropRight(1) ++ last, c - 1)
+ case TS(char ~: rest, b, c, _) =>
+// Debug("NORMAL CHAR " + char)
+ val (first, last) = b.splitAt(c)
+ TS(rest, (first :+ char.toChar) ++ last, c + 1)
+ }
+ def doEnter(b: Vector[Char], c: Int, rest: LazyList[Int]) = {
+ val (chunks, chunkStarts, chunkIndex) = FilterTools.findChunks(b, c)
+ if (chunkIndex == chunks.length - 1) Result(b.mkString)
+ else injectNewLine(b, c, rest)
+ }
+ def enterFilter: Filter = Filter("enterFilter") {
+ case TS(13 ~: rest, b, c, _) => doEnter(b, c, rest) // Enter
+ case TS(10 ~: rest, b, c, _) => doEnter(b, c, rest) // Enter
+ case TS(10 ~: 13 ~: rest, b, c, _) => doEnter(b, c, rest) // Enter
+ case TS(13 ~: 10 ~: rest, b, c, _) => doEnter(b, c, rest) // Enter
+ }
+ def exitFilter: Filter = Filter("exitFilter") {
+ case TS(Ctrl('c') ~: rest, b, c, _) =>
+ Result("")
+ case TS(Ctrl('d') ~: rest, b, c, _) =>
+ // only exit if the line is empty, otherwise, behave like
+ // "delete" (i.e. delete one char to the right)
+ if (b.isEmpty) Exit else {
+ val (first, last) = b.splitAt(c)
+ TS(rest, first ++ last.drop(1), c)
+ }
+ case TS(-1 ~: rest, b, c, _) => Exit // java.io.Reader.read() produces -1 on EOF
+ }
+ def clearFilter: Filter = Filter("clearFilter") {
+ case TS(Ctrl('l') ~: rest, b, c, _) => ClearScreen(TS(rest, b, c))
+ }
+ def moveStart(b: Vector[Char], c: Int, w: Int) = {
+ val (_, chunkStarts, chunkIndex) = findChunks(b, c)
+ val currentColumn = (c - chunkStarts(chunkIndex)) % w
+ b -> (c - currentColumn)
+ }
+ def moveEnd(b: Vector[Char], c: Int, w: Int) = {
+ val (chunks, chunkStarts, chunkIndex) = findChunks(b, c)
+ val currentColumn = (c - chunkStarts(chunkIndex)) % w
+ val c1 = chunks.lift(chunkIndex + 1) match {
+ case Some(next) =>
+ val boundary = chunkStarts(chunkIndex + 1) - 1
+ if ((boundary - c) > (w - currentColumn)) {
+ val delta= w - currentColumn
+ c + delta
+ }
+ else boundary
+ case None =>
+ c + 1 * 9999
+ }
+ b -> c1
+ }
+ def moveUpDown(
+ b: Vector[Char],
+ c: Int,
+ w: Int,
+ boundaryOffset: Int,
+ nextChunkOffset: Int,
+ checkRes: Int,
+ check: (Int, Int) => Boolean,
+ isDown: Boolean
+ ) = {
+ val (chunks, chunkStarts, chunkIndex) = findChunks(b, c)
+ val offset = chunkStarts(chunkIndex + boundaryOffset)
+ if (check(checkRes, offset)) checkRes
+ else chunks.lift(chunkIndex + nextChunkOffset) match {
+ case None => c + nextChunkOffset * 9999
+ case Some(next) =>
+ val boundary = chunkStarts(chunkIndex + boundaryOffset)
+ val currentColumn = (c - chunkStarts(chunkIndex)) % w
+ if (isDown) boundary + math.min(currentColumn, next)
+ else boundary + math.min(currentColumn - next % w, 0) - 1
+ }
+ }
+ def moveUp(b: Vector[Char], c: Int, w: Int) = {
+ b -> moveUpDown(b, c, w, 0, -1, c - w, _ > _, false)
+ }
+ def moveDown(b: Vector[Char], c: Int, w: Int) = {
+ b -> moveUpDown(b, c, w, 1, 1, c + w, _ <= _, true)
+ }
diff --git a/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/repl/ammonite/filters/GUILikeFilters.scala b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/repl/ammonite/filters/GUILikeFilters.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..69a9769c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/repl/ammonite/filters/GUILikeFilters.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+package dotty.tools
+package dotc
+package repl
+package ammonite
+package terminal
+package filters
+import terminal.FilterTools._
+import terminal.LazyList.~:
+import terminal.SpecialKeys._
+import terminal.DelegateFilter
+import terminal._
+ * Filters have hook into the various {Ctrl,Shift,Fn,Alt}x{Up,Down,Left,Right}
+ * combination keys, and make them behave similarly as they would on a normal
+ * GUI text editor: alt-{left, right} for word movement, hold-down-shift for
+ * text selection, etc.
+ */
+object GUILikeFilters {
+ case class SelectionFilter(indent: Int) extends DelegateFilter {
+ def identifier = "SelectionFilter"
+ var mark: Option[Int] = None
+ def setMark(c: Int) = {
+ Debug("setMark\t" + mark + "\t->\t" + c)
+ if (mark == None) mark = Some(c)
+ }
+ def doIndent(
+ b: Vector[Char],
+ c: Int,
+ rest: LazyList[Int],
+ slicer: Vector[Char] => Int
+ ) = {
+ val markValue = mark.get
+ val (chunks, chunkStarts, chunkIndex) = FilterTools.findChunks(b, c)
+ val min = chunkStarts.lastIndexWhere(_ <= math.min(c, markValue))
+ val max = chunkStarts.indexWhere(_ > math.max(c, markValue))
+ val splitPoints = chunkStarts.slice(min, max)
+ val frags = (0 +: splitPoints :+ 99999).sliding(2).zipWithIndex
+ var firstOffset = 0
+ val broken =
+ for((Seq(l, r), i) <- frags) yield {
+ val slice = b.slice(l, r)
+ if (i == 0) slice
+ else {
+ val cut = slicer(slice)
+ if (i == 1) firstOffset = cut
+ if (cut < 0) slice.drop(-cut)
+ else Vector.fill(cut)(' ') ++ slice
+ }
+ }
+ val flattened = broken.flatten.toVector
+ val deeperOffset = flattened.length - b.length
+ val (newMark, newC) =
+ if (mark.get > c) (mark.get + deeperOffset, c + firstOffset)
+ else (mark.get + firstOffset, c + deeperOffset)
+ mark = Some(newMark)
+ TS(rest, flattened, newC)
+ }
+ def filter = Filter.merge(
+ Case(ShiftUp) {(b, c, m) => setMark(c); BasicFilters.moveUp(b, c, m.width)},
+ Case(ShiftDown) {(b, c, m) => setMark(c); BasicFilters.moveDown(b, c, m.width)},
+ Case(ShiftRight) {(b, c, m) => setMark(c); (b, c + 1)},
+ Case(ShiftLeft) {(b, c, m) => setMark(c); (b, c - 1)},
+ Case(AltShiftUp) {(b, c, m) => setMark(c); BasicFilters.moveUp(b, c, m.width)},
+ Case(AltShiftDown) {(b, c, m) => setMark(c); BasicFilters.moveDown(b, c, m.width)},
+ Case(AltShiftRight) {(b, c, m) => setMark(c); wordRight(b, c)},
+ Case(AltShiftLeft) {(b, c, m) => setMark(c); wordLeft(b, c)},
+ Case(FnShiftRight) {(b, c, m) => setMark(c); BasicFilters.moveEnd(b, c, m.width)},
+ Case(FnShiftLeft) {(b, c, m) => setMark(c); BasicFilters.moveStart(b, c, m.width)},
+ Filter("fnOtherFilter") {
+ case TS(27 ~: 91 ~: 90 ~: rest, b, c, _) if mark.isDefined =>
+ doIndent(b, c, rest,
+ slice => -math.min(slice.iterator.takeWhile(_ == ' ').size, indent)
+ )
+ case TS(9 ~: rest, b, c, _) if mark.isDefined => // Tab
+ doIndent(b, c, rest,
+ slice => indent
+ )
+ // Intercept every other character.
+ case TS(char ~: inputs, buffer, cursor, _) if mark.isDefined =>
+ // If it's a special command, just cancel the current selection.
+ if (char.toChar.isControl &&
+ char != 127 /*backspace*/ &&
+ char != 13 /*enter*/ &&
+ char != 10 /*enter*/) {
+ mark = None
+ TS(char ~: inputs, buffer, cursor)
+ } else {
+ // If it's a printable character, delete the current
+ // selection and write the printable character.
+ val Seq(min, max) = Seq(mark.get, cursor).sorted
+ mark = None
+ val newBuffer = buffer.take(min) ++ buffer.drop(max)
+ val newInputs =
+ if (char == 127) inputs
+ else char ~: inputs
+ TS(newInputs, newBuffer, min)
+ }
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ object SelectionFilter {
+ def mangleBuffer(
+ selectionFilter: SelectionFilter,
+ string: Ansi.Str,
+ cursor: Int,
+ startColor: Ansi.Attr
+ ) = {
+ selectionFilter.mark match {
+ case Some(mark) if mark != cursor =>
+ val Seq(min, max) = Seq(cursor, mark).sorted
+ val displayOffset = if (cursor < mark) 0 else -1
+ val newStr = string.overlay(startColor, min, max)
+ (newStr, displayOffset)
+ case _ => (string, 0)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ val fnFilter = Filter.merge(
+ Case(FnUp)((b, c, m) => (b, c - 9999)),
+ Case(FnDown)((b, c, m) => (b, c + 9999)),
+ Case(FnRight)((b, c, m) => BasicFilters.moveEnd(b, c, m.width)),
+ Case(FnLeft)((b, c, m) => BasicFilters.moveStart(b, c, m.width))
+ )
+ val altFilter = Filter.merge(
+ Case(AltUp) {(b, c, m) => BasicFilters.moveUp(b, c, m.width)},
+ Case(AltDown) {(b, c, m) => BasicFilters.moveDown(b, c, m.width)},
+ Case(AltRight) {(b, c, m) => wordRight(b, c)},
+ Case(AltLeft) {(b, c, m) => wordLeft(b, c)}
+ )
+ val fnAltFilter = Filter.merge(
+ Case(FnAltUp) {(b, c, m) => (b, c)},
+ Case(FnAltDown) {(b, c, m) => (b, c)},
+ Case(FnAltRight) {(b, c, m) => (b, c)},
+ Case(FnAltLeft) {(b, c, m) => (b, c)}
+ )
+ val fnAltShiftFilter = Filter.merge(
+ Case(FnAltShiftRight) {(b, c, m) => (b, c)},
+ Case(FnAltShiftLeft) {(b, c, m) => (b, c)}
+ )
+ def consumeWord(b: Vector[Char], c: Int, delta: Int, offset: Int) = {
+ var current = c
+ while(b.isDefinedAt(current) && !b(current).isLetterOrDigit) current += delta
+ while(b.isDefinedAt(current) && b(current).isLetterOrDigit) current += delta
+ current + offset
+ }
+ // c -1 to move at least one character! Otherwise you get stuck at the start of
+ // a word.
+ def wordLeft(b: Vector[Char], c: Int) = b -> consumeWord(b, c - 1, -1, 1)
+ def wordRight(b: Vector[Char], c: Int) = b -> consumeWord(b, c, 1, 0)
diff --git a/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/repl/ammonite/filters/HistoryFilter.scala b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/repl/ammonite/filters/HistoryFilter.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dac1c9d23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/repl/ammonite/filters/HistoryFilter.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,334 @@
+package dotty.tools
+package dotc
+package repl
+package ammonite
+package terminal
+package filters
+import terminal.FilterTools._
+import terminal.LazyList._
+import terminal._
+ * Provides history navigation up and down, saving the current line, a well
+ * as history-search functionality (`Ctrl R` in bash) letting you quickly find
+ * & filter previous commands by entering a sub-string.
+ */
+class HistoryFilter(
+ history: () => IndexedSeq[String],
+ commentStartColor: String,
+ commentEndColor: String
+) extends DelegateFilter {
+ def identifier = "HistoryFilter"
+ /**
+ * `-1` means we haven't started looking at history, `n >= 0` means we're
+ * currently at history command `n`
+ */
+ var historyIndex = -1
+ /**
+ * The term we're searching for, if any.
+ *
+ * - `None` means we're not searching for anything, e.g. we're just
+ * browsing history
+ *
+ * - `Some(term)` where `term` is not empty is what it normally looks
+ * like when we're searching for something
+ *
+ * - `Some(term)` where `term` is empty only really happens when you
+ * start searching and delete things, or if you `Ctrl-R` on an empty
+ * prompt
+ */
+ var searchTerm: Option[Vector[Char]] = None
+ /**
+ * Records the last buffer that the filter has observed while it's in
+ * search/history mode. If the new buffer differs from this, assume that
+ * some other filter modified the buffer and drop out of search/history
+ */
+ var prevBuffer: Option[Vector[Char]] = None
+ /**
+ * Kicks the HistoryFilter from passive-mode into search-history mode
+ */
+ def startHistory(b: Vector[Char], c: Int): (Vector[Char], Int, String) = {
+ if (b.nonEmpty) searchTerm = Some(b)
+ up(Vector(), c)
+ }
+ def searchHistory(
+ start: Int,
+ increment: Int,
+ buffer: Vector[Char],
+ skipped: Vector[Char]
+ ) = {
+ def nextHistoryIndexFor(v: Vector[Char]) = {
+ HistoryFilter.findNewHistoryIndex(start, v, history(), increment, skipped)
+ }
+ val (newHistoryIndex, newBuffer, newMsg, newCursor) = searchTerm match {
+ // We're not searching for anything, just browsing history.
+ // Pass in Vector.empty so we scroll through all items
+ case None =>
+ val (i, b, c) = nextHistoryIndexFor(Vector.empty)
+ (i, b, "", 99999)
+ // We're searching for some item with a particular search term
+ case Some(b) if b.nonEmpty =>
+ val (i, b1, c) = nextHistoryIndexFor(b)
+ val msg =
+ if (i.nonEmpty) ""
+ else commentStartColor + HistoryFilter.cannotFindSearchMessage + commentEndColor
+ (i, b1, msg, c)
+ // We're searching for nothing in particular; in this case,
+ // show a help message instead of an unhelpful, empty buffer
+ case Some(b) if b.isEmpty =>
+ val msg = commentStartColor + HistoryFilter.emptySearchMessage + commentEndColor
+ // The cursor in this case always goes to zero
+ (Some(start), Vector(), msg, 0)
+ }
+ historyIndex = newHistoryIndex.getOrElse(-1)
+ (newBuffer, newCursor, newMsg)
+ }
+ def activeHistory = searchTerm.nonEmpty || historyIndex != -1
+ def activeSearch = searchTerm.nonEmpty
+ def up(b: Vector[Char], c: Int) =
+ searchHistory(historyIndex + 1, 1, b, b)
+ def down(b: Vector[Char], c: Int) =
+ searchHistory(historyIndex - 1, -1, b, b)
+ def wrap(rest: LazyList[Int], out: (Vector[Char], Int, String)) =
+ TS(rest, out._1, out._2, out._3)
+ def ctrlR(b: Vector[Char], c: Int) =
+ if (activeSearch) up(b, c)
+ else {
+ searchTerm = Some(b)
+ up(Vector(), c)
+ }
+ def printableChar(char: Char)(b: Vector[Char], c: Int) = {
+ searchTerm = searchTerm.map(_ :+ char)
+ searchHistory(historyIndex.max(0), 1, b :+ char, Vector())
+ }
+ def backspace(b: Vector[Char], c: Int) = {
+ searchTerm = searchTerm.map(_.dropRight(1))
+ searchHistory(historyIndex, 1, b, Vector())
+ }
+ /**
+ * Predicate to check if either we're searching for a term or if we're in
+ * history-browsing mode and some predicate is true.
+ *
+ * Very often we want to capture keystrokes in search-mode more aggressively
+ * than in history-mode, e.g. search-mode drops you out more aggressively
+ * than history-mode does, and its up/down keys cycle through history more
+ * aggressively on every keystroke while history-mode only cycles when you
+ * reach the top/bottom line of the multi-line input.
+ */
+ def searchOrHistoryAnd(cond: Boolean) =
+ activeSearch || (activeHistory && cond)
+ val dropHistoryChars = Set(9, 13, 10) // Tab or Enter
+ def endHistory() = {
+ historyIndex = -1
+ searchTerm = None
+ }
+ def filter = Filter.wrap("historyFilterWrap1") {
+ (ti: TermInfo) => {
+ prelude.op(ti) match {
+ case None =>
+ prevBuffer = Some(ti.ts.buffer)
+ filter0.op(ti) match {
+ case Some(ts: TermState) =>
+ prevBuffer = Some(ts.buffer)
+ Some(ts)
+ case x => x
+ }
+ case some => some
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def prelude: Filter = Filter("historyPrelude") {
+ case TS(inputs, b, c, _) if activeHistory && prevBuffer.exists(_ != b) =>
+ endHistory()
+ prevBuffer = None
+ TS(inputs, b, c)
+ }
+ def filter0: Filter = Filter("filter0") {
+ // Ways to kick off the history/search if you're not already in it
+ // `Ctrl-R`
+ case TS(18 ~: rest, b, c, _) => wrap(rest, ctrlR(b, c))
+ // `Up` from the first line in the input
+ case TermInfo(TS(p"\u001b[A$rest", b, c, _), w) if firstRow(c, b, w) && !activeHistory =>
+ wrap(rest, startHistory(b, c))
+ // `Ctrl P`
+ case TermInfo(TS(p"\u0010$rest", b, c, _), w) if firstRow(c, b, w) && !activeHistory =>
+ wrap(rest, startHistory(b, c))
+ // `Page-Up` from first character starts history
+ case TermInfo(TS(p"\u001b[5~$rest", b, c, _), w) if c == 0 && !activeHistory =>
+ wrap(rest, startHistory(b, c))
+ // Things you can do when you're already in the history search
+ // Navigating up and down the history. Each up or down searches for
+ // the next thing that matches your current searchTerm
+ // Up
+ case TermInfo(TS(p"\u001b[A$rest", b, c, _), w) if searchOrHistoryAnd(firstRow(c, b, w)) =>
+ wrap(rest, up(b, c))
+ // Ctrl P
+ case TermInfo(TS(p"\u0010$rest", b, c, _), w) if searchOrHistoryAnd(firstRow(c, b, w)) =>
+ wrap(rest, up(b, c))
+ // `Page-Up` from first character cycles history up
+ case TermInfo(TS(p"\u001b[5~$rest", b, c, _), w) if searchOrHistoryAnd(c == 0) =>
+ wrap(rest, up(b, c))
+ // Down
+ case TermInfo(TS(p"\u001b[B$rest", b, c, _), w) if searchOrHistoryAnd(lastRow(c, b, w)) =>
+ wrap(rest, down(b, c))
+ // `Ctrl N`
+ case TermInfo(TS(p"\u000e$rest", b, c, _), w) if searchOrHistoryAnd(lastRow(c, b, w)) =>
+ wrap(rest, down(b, c))
+ // `Page-Down` from last character cycles history down
+ case TermInfo(TS(p"\u001b[6~$rest", b, c, _), w) if searchOrHistoryAnd(c == b.length - 1) =>
+ wrap(rest, down(b, c))
+ // Intercept Backspace and delete a character in search-mode, preserving it, but
+ // letting it fall through and dropping you out of history-mode if you try to make
+ // edits
+ case TS(127 ~: rest, buffer, cursor, _) if activeSearch =>
+ wrap(rest, backspace(buffer, cursor))
+ // Any other control characters drop you out of search mode, but only the
+ // set of `dropHistoryChars` drops you out of history mode
+ case TS(char ~: inputs, buffer, cursor, _)
+ if char.toChar.isControl && searchOrHistoryAnd(dropHistoryChars(char)) =>
+ val newBuffer =
+ // If we're back to -1, it means we've wrapped around and are
+ // displaying the original search term with a wrap-around message
+ // in the terminal. Drop the message and just preserve the search term
+ if (historyIndex == -1) searchTerm.get
+ // If we're searching for an empty string, special-case this and return
+ // an empty buffer rather than the first history item (which would be
+ // the default) because that wouldn't make much sense
+ else if (searchTerm.exists(_.isEmpty)) Vector()
+ // Otherwise, pick whatever history entry we're at and use that
+ else history()(historyIndex).toVector
+ endHistory()
+ TS(char ~: inputs, newBuffer, cursor)
+ // Intercept every other printable character when search is on and
+ // enter it into the current search
+ case TS(char ~: rest, buffer, cursor, _) if activeSearch =>
+ wrap(rest, printableChar(char.toChar)(buffer, cursor))
+ // If you're not in search but are in history, entering any printable
+ // characters kicks you out of it and preserves the current buffer. This
+ // makes it harder for you to accidentally lose work due to history-moves
+ case TS(char ~: rest, buffer, cursor, _) if activeHistory && !char.toChar.isControl =>
+ historyIndex = -1
+ TS(char ~: rest, buffer, cursor)
+ }
+object HistoryFilter {
+ def mangleBuffer(
+ historyFilter: HistoryFilter,
+ buffer: Ansi.Str,
+ cursor: Int,
+ startColor: Ansi.Attr
+ ) = {
+ if (!historyFilter.activeSearch) buffer
+ else {
+ val (searchStart, searchEnd) =
+ if (historyFilter.searchTerm.get.isEmpty) (cursor, cursor+1)
+ else {
+ val start = buffer.plainText.indexOfSlice(historyFilter.searchTerm.get)
+ val end = start + (historyFilter.searchTerm.get.length max 1)
+ (start, end)
+ }
+ val newStr = buffer.overlay(startColor, searchStart, searchEnd)
+ newStr
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param startIndex The first index to start looking from
+ * @param searchTerm The term we're searching from; can be empty
+ * @param history The history we're searching through
+ * @param indexIncrement Which direction to search, +1 or -1
+ * @param skipped Any buffers which we should skip in our search results,
+ * e.g. because the user has seen them before.
+ */
+ def findNewHistoryIndex(
+ startIndex: Int,
+ searchTerm: Vector[Char],
+ history: IndexedSeq[String],
+ indexIncrement: Int,
+ skipped: Vector[Char]
+ ) = {
+ /**
+ * `Some(i)` means we found a reasonable result at history element `i`
+ * `None` means we couldn't find anything, and should show a not-found
+ * error to the user
+ */
+ def rec(i: Int): Option[Int] = history.lift(i) match {
+ // If i < 0, it means the user is pressing `down` too many times, which
+ // means it doesn't show anything but we shouldn't show an error
+ case None if i < 0 => Some(-1)
+ case None => None
+ case Some(s) if s.contains(searchTerm) && !s.contentEquals(skipped) =>
+ Some(i)
+ case _ => rec(i + indexIncrement)
+ }
+ val newHistoryIndex = rec(startIndex)
+ val foundIndex = newHistoryIndex.find(_ != -1)
+ val newBuffer = foundIndex match {
+ case None => searchTerm
+ case Some(i) => history(i).toVector
+ }
+ val newCursor = foundIndex match {
+ case None => newBuffer.length
+ case Some(i) => history(i).indexOfSlice(searchTerm) + searchTerm.length
+ }
+ (newHistoryIndex, newBuffer, newCursor)
+ }
+ val emptySearchMessage =
+ s" ...enter the string to search for, then `up` for more"
+ val cannotFindSearchMessage =
+ s" ...can't be found in history; re-starting search"
diff --git a/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/repl/ammonite/filters/ReadlineFilters.scala b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/repl/ammonite/filters/ReadlineFilters.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..eb79f2b04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/repl/ammonite/filters/ReadlineFilters.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+package dotty.tools
+package dotc
+package repl
+package ammonite
+package terminal
+package filters
+import terminal.FilterTools._
+import terminal.SpecialKeys._
+import terminal.{DelegateFilter, Filter, Terminal}
+ * Filters for injection of readline-specific hotkeys, the sort that
+ * are available in bash, python and most other interactive command-lines
+ */
+object ReadlineFilters {
+ // www.bigsmoke.us/readline/shortcuts
+ // Ctrl-b <- one char
+ // Ctrl-f -> one char
+ // Alt-b <- one word
+ // Alt-f -> one word
+ // Ctrl-a <- start of line
+ // Ctrl-e -> end of line
+ // Ctrl-x-x Toggle start/end
+ // Backspace <- delete char
+ // Del -> delete char
+ // Ctrl-u <- delete all
+ // Ctrl-k -> delete all
+ // Alt-d -> delete word
+ // Ctrl-w <- delete word
+ // Ctrl-u/- Undo
+ // Ctrl-l clear screen
+ // Ctrl-k -> cut all
+ // Alt-d -> cut word
+ // Alt-Backspace <- cut word
+ // Ctrl-y paste last cut
+ /**
+ * Basic readline-style navigation, using all the obscure alphabet hotkeys
+ * rather than using arrows
+ */
+ lazy val navFilter = Filter.merge(
+ Case(Ctrl('b'))((b, c, m) => (b, c - 1)), // <- one char
+ Case(Ctrl('f'))((b, c, m) => (b, c + 1)), // -> one char
+ Case(Alt + "b")((b, c, m) => GUILikeFilters.wordLeft(b, c)), // <- one word
+ Case(Alt + "B")((b, c, m) => GUILikeFilters.wordLeft(b, c)), // <- one word
+ Case(LinuxCtrlLeft)((b, c, m) => GUILikeFilters.wordLeft(b, c)), // <- one word
+ Case(Alt + "f")((b, c, m) => GUILikeFilters.wordRight(b, c)), // -> one word
+ Case(Alt + "F")((b, c, m) => GUILikeFilters.wordRight(b, c)), // -> one word
+ Case(LinuxCtrlRight)((b, c, m) => GUILikeFilters.wordRight(b, c)), // -> one word
+ Case(Home)((b, c, m) => BasicFilters.moveStart(b, c, m.width)), // <- one line
+ Case(HomeScreen)((b, c, m) => BasicFilters.moveStart(b, c, m.width)), // <- one line
+ Case(Ctrl('a'))((b, c, m) => BasicFilters.moveStart(b, c, m.width)),
+ Case(End)((b, c, m) => BasicFilters.moveEnd(b, c, m.width)), // -> one line
+ Case(EndScreen)((b, c, m) => BasicFilters.moveEnd(b, c, m.width)), // -> one line
+ Case(Ctrl('e'))((b, c, m) => BasicFilters.moveEnd(b, c, m.width)),
+ Case(Alt + "t")((b, c, m) => transposeWord(b, c)),
+ Case(Alt + "T")((b, c, m) => transposeWord(b, c)),
+ Case(Ctrl('t'))((b, c, m) => transposeLetter(b, c))
+ )
+ def transposeLetter(b: Vector[Char], c: Int) =
+ // If there's no letter before the cursor to transpose, don't do anything
+ if (c == 0) (b, c)
+ else if (c == b.length) (b.dropRight(2) ++ b.takeRight(2).reverse, c)
+ else (b.patch(c-1, b.slice(c-1, c+1).reverse, 2), c + 1)
+ def transposeWord(b: Vector[Char], c: Int) = {
+ val leftStart0 = GUILikeFilters.consumeWord(b, c - 1, -1, 1)
+ val leftEnd0 = GUILikeFilters.consumeWord(b, leftStart0, 1, 0)
+ val rightEnd = GUILikeFilters.consumeWord(b, c, 1, 0)
+ val rightStart = GUILikeFilters.consumeWord(b, rightEnd - 1, -1, 1)
+ // If no word to the left to transpose, do nothing
+ if (leftStart0 == 0 && rightStart == 0) (b, c)
+ else {
+ val (leftStart, leftEnd) =
+ // If there is no word to the *right* to transpose,
+ // transpose the two words to the left instead
+ if (leftEnd0 == b.length && rightEnd == b.length) {
+ val leftStart = GUILikeFilters.consumeWord(b, leftStart0 - 1, -1, 1)
+ val leftEnd = GUILikeFilters.consumeWord(b, leftStart, 1, 0)
+ (leftStart, leftEnd)
+ }else (leftStart0, leftEnd0)
+ val newB =
+ b.slice(0, leftStart) ++
+ b.slice(rightStart, rightEnd) ++
+ b.slice(leftEnd, rightStart) ++
+ b.slice(leftStart, leftEnd) ++
+ b.slice(rightEnd, b.length)
+ (newB, rightEnd)
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * All the cut-pasting logic, though for many people they simply
+ * use these shortcuts for deleting and don't use paste much at all.
+ */
+ case class CutPasteFilter() extends DelegateFilter {
+ def identifier = "CutPasteFilter"
+ var accumulating = false
+ var currentCut = Vector.empty[Char]
+ def prepend(b: Vector[Char]) = {
+ if (accumulating) currentCut = b ++ currentCut
+ else currentCut = b
+ accumulating = true
+ }
+ def append(b: Vector[Char]) = {
+ if (accumulating) currentCut = currentCut ++ b
+ else currentCut = b
+ accumulating = true
+ }
+ def cutCharLeft(b: Vector[Char], c: Int) = {
+ /* Do not edit current cut. Zsh(zle) & Bash(readline) do not edit the yank ring for Ctrl-h */
+ (b patch(from = c - 1, patch = Nil, replaced = 1), c - 1)
+ }
+ def cutAllLeft(b: Vector[Char], c: Int) = {
+ prepend(b.take(c))
+ (b.drop(c), 0)
+ }
+ def cutAllRight(b: Vector[Char], c: Int) = {
+ append(b.drop(c))
+ (b.take(c), c)
+ }
+ def cutWordRight(b: Vector[Char], c: Int) = {
+ val start = GUILikeFilters.consumeWord(b, c, 1, 0)
+ append(b.slice(c, start))
+ (b.take(c) ++ b.drop(start), c)
+ }
+ def cutWordLeft(b: Vector[Char], c: Int) = {
+ val start = GUILikeFilters.consumeWord(b, c - 1, -1, 1)
+ prepend(b.slice(start, c))
+ (b.take(start) ++ b.drop(c), start)
+ }
+ def paste(b: Vector[Char], c: Int) = {
+ accumulating = false
+ (b.take(c) ++ currentCut ++ b.drop(c), c + currentCut.length)
+ }
+ def filter = Filter.merge(
+ Case(Ctrl('u'))((b, c, m) => cutAllLeft(b, c)),
+ Case(Ctrl('k'))((b, c, m) => cutAllRight(b, c)),
+ Case(Alt + "d")((b, c, m) => cutWordRight(b, c)),
+ Case(Ctrl('w'))((b, c, m) => cutWordLeft(b, c)),
+ Case(Alt + "\u007f")((b, c, m) => cutWordLeft(b, c)),
+ // weird hacks to make it run code every time without having to be the one
+ // handling the input; ideally we'd change Filter to be something
+ // other than a PartialFunction, but for now this will do.
+ // If some command goes through that's not appending/prepending to the
+ // kill ring, stop appending and allow the next kill to override it
+ Filter.wrap("ReadLineFilterWrap") {_ => accumulating = false; None},
+ Case(Ctrl('h'))((b, c, m) => cutCharLeft(b, c)),
+ Case(Ctrl('y'))((b, c, m) => paste(b, c))
+ )
+ }
diff --git a/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/repl/ammonite/filters/UndoFilter.scala b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/repl/ammonite/filters/UndoFilter.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c265a7a4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/repl/ammonite/filters/UndoFilter.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+package dotty.tools
+package dotc
+package repl
+package ammonite
+package terminal
+package filters
+import terminal.FilterTools._
+import terminal.LazyList.~:
+import terminal._
+import scala.collection.mutable
+ * A filter that implements "undo" functionality in the ammonite REPL. It
+ * shares the same `Ctrl -` hotkey that the bash undo, but shares behavior
+ * with the undo behavior in desktop text editors:
+ *
+ * - Multiple `delete`s in a row get collapsed
+ * - In addition to edits you can undo cursor movements: undo will bring your
+ * cursor back to location of previous edits before it undoes them
+ * - Provides "redo" functionality under `Alt -`/`Esc -`: un-undo the things
+ * you didn't actually want to undo!
+ *
+ * @param maxUndo: the maximum number of undo-frames that are stored.
+ */
+case class UndoFilter(maxUndo: Int = 25) extends DelegateFilter {
+ def identifier = "UndoFilter"
+ /**
+ * The current stack of states that undo/redo would cycle through.
+ *
+ * Not really the appropriate data structure, since when it reaches
+ * `maxUndo` in length we remove one element from the start whenever we
+ * append one element to the end, which costs `O(n)`. On the other hand,
+ * It also costs `O(n)` to maintain the buffer of previous states, and
+ * so `n` is probably going to be pretty small anyway (tens?) so `O(n)`
+ * is perfectly fine.
+ */
+ val undoBuffer = mutable.Buffer[(Vector[Char], Int)](Vector[Char]() -> 0)
+ /**
+ * The current position in the undoStack that the terminal is currently in.
+ */
+ var undoIndex = 0
+ /**
+ * An enum representing what the user is "currently" doing. Used to
+ * collapse sequential actions into one undo step: e.g. 10 plai
+ * chars typed becomes 1 undo step, or 10 chars deleted becomes one undo
+ * step, but 4 chars typed followed by 3 chars deleted followed by 3 chars
+ * typed gets grouped into 3 different undo steps
+ */
+ var state = UndoState.Default
+ def currentUndo = undoBuffer(undoBuffer.length - undoIndex - 1)
+ def undo(b: Vector[Char], c: Int) = {
+ val msg =
+ if (undoIndex >= undoBuffer.length - 1) UndoFilter.cannotUndoMsg
+ else {
+ undoIndex += 1
+ state = UndoState.Default
+ UndoFilter.undoMsg
+ }
+ val (b1, c1) = currentUndo
+ (b1, c1, msg)
+ }
+ def redo(b: Vector[Char], c: Int) = {
+ val msg =
+ if (undoIndex <= 0) UndoFilter.cannotRedoMsg
+ else {
+ undoIndex -= 1
+ state = UndoState.Default
+ UndoFilter.redoMsg
+ }
+ currentUndo
+ val (b1, c1) = currentUndo
+ (b1, c1, msg)
+ }
+ def wrap(bc: (Vector[Char], Int, Ansi.Str), rest: LazyList[Int]) = {
+ val (b, c, msg) = bc
+ TS(rest, b, c, msg)
+ }
+ def pushUndos(b: Vector[Char], c: Int) = {
+ val (lastB, lastC) = currentUndo
+ // Since we don't have access to the `typingFilter` in this code, we
+ // instead attempt to reverse-engineer "what happened" to the buffer by
+ // comparing the old one with the new.
+ //
+ // It turns out that it's not that hard to identify the few cases we care
+ // about, since they're all result in either 0 or 1 chars being different
+ // between old and new buffers.
+ val newState =
+ // Nothing changed means nothing changed
+ if (lastC == c && lastB == b) state
+ // if cursor advanced 1, and buffer grew by 1 at the cursor, we're typing
+ else if (lastC + 1 == c && lastB == b.patch(c-1, Nil, 1)) UndoState.Typing
+ // cursor moved left 1, and buffer lost 1 char at that point, we're deleting
+ else if (lastC - 1 == c && lastB.patch(c, Nil, 1) == b) UndoState.Deleting
+ // cursor didn't move, and buffer lost 1 char at that point, we're also deleting
+ else if (lastC == c && lastB.patch(c - 1, Nil, 1) == b) UndoState.Deleting
+ // cursor moved around but buffer didn't change, we're navigating
+ else if (lastC != c && lastB == b) UndoState.Navigating
+ // otherwise, sit in the "Default" state where every change is recorded.
+ else UndoState.Default
+ if (state != newState || newState == UndoState.Default && (lastB, lastC) != (b, c)) {
+ // If something changes: either we enter a new `UndoState`, or we're in
+ // the `Default` undo state and the terminal buffer/cursor change, then
+ // truncate the `undoStack` and add a new tuple to the stack that we can
+ // build upon. This means that we lose all ability to re-do actions after
+ // someone starts making edits, which is consistent with most other
+ // editors
+ state = newState
+ undoBuffer.remove(undoBuffer.length - undoIndex, undoIndex)
+ undoIndex = 0
+ if (undoBuffer.length == maxUndo) undoBuffer.remove(0)
+ undoBuffer.append(b -> c)
+ } else if (undoIndex == 0 && (b, c) != undoBuffer(undoBuffer.length - 1)) {
+ undoBuffer(undoBuffer.length - 1) = (b, c)
+ }
+ state = newState
+ }
+ def filter = Filter.merge(
+ Filter.wrap("undoFilterWrapped") {
+ case TS(q ~: rest, b, c, _) =>
+ pushUndos(b, c)
+ None
+ },
+ Filter("undoFilter") {
+ case TS(31 ~: rest, b, c, _) => wrap(undo(b, c), rest)
+ case TS(27 ~: 114 ~: rest, b, c, _) => wrap(undo(b, c), rest)
+ case TS(27 ~: 45 ~: rest, b, c, _) => wrap(redo(b, c), rest)
+ }
+ )
+sealed class UndoState(override val toString: String)
+object UndoState {
+ val Default = new UndoState("Default")
+ val Typing = new UndoState("Typing")
+ val Deleting = new UndoState("Deleting")
+ val Navigating = new UndoState("Navigating")
+object UndoFilter {
+ val undoMsg = Ansi.Color.Blue(" ...undoing last action, `Alt -` or `Esc -` to redo")
+ val cannotUndoMsg = Ansi.Color.Blue(" ...no more actions to undo")
+ val redoMsg = Ansi.Color.Blue(" ...redoing last action")
+ val cannotRedoMsg = Ansi.Color.Blue(" ...no more actions to redo")