path: root/compiler/test/dotty/tools
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/test/dotty/tools')
3 files changed, 9 insertions, 621 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/test/dotty/tools/StdLibSources.scala b/compiler/test/dotty/tools/StdLibSources.scala
index 24ca9b80b..0c1121058 100644
--- a/compiler/test/dotty/tools/StdLibSources.scala
+++ b/compiler/test/dotty/tools/StdLibSources.scala
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
package dotty.tools
import java.io.File
import scala.io.Source
+import org.junit.Test
+import org.junit.Assert._
object StdLibSources {
@@ -59,9 +60,6 @@ object StdLibSources {
class StdLibSources {
- import org.junit.Test
- import org.junit.Assert._
@Test def checkWBLists = {
val stdlibFilesBlackListed = StdLibSources.blacklisted
diff --git a/compiler/test/dotty/tools/dotc/CompilerTest.scala b/compiler/test/dotty/tools/dotc/CompilerTest.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index f35f9f919..000000000
--- a/compiler/test/dotty/tools/dotc/CompilerTest.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,613 +0,0 @@
-package dotty.tools.dotc
-import repl.TestREPL
-import core.Contexts._
-import dotty.partest.DPConfig
-import interfaces.Diagnostic.ERROR
-import reporting._
-import diagnostic.MessageContainer
-import util.SourcePosition
-import config.CompilerCommand
-import dotty.tools.io.PlainFile
-import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
-import scala.reflect.io.{ Path, Directory, File => SFile, AbstractFile }
-import scala.tools.partest.nest.{ FileManager, NestUI }
-import scala.annotation.tailrec
-import java.io.{ RandomAccessFile, File => JFile }
-/** This class has two modes: it can directly run compiler tests, or it can
- * generate the necessary file structure for partest in the directory
- * DPConfig.testRoot. Both modes are regular JUnit tests. Which mode is used
- * depends on the existence of the tests/locks/partest-ppid.lock file which is
- * created by sbt to trigger partest generation. Sbt will then run partest on
- * the generated sources.
- *
- * Through overriding the partestableXX methods, tests can always be run as
- * JUnit compiler tests. Run tests cannot be run by JUnit, only by partest.
- *
- * A test can either be a file or a directory. Partest will generate a
- * <test>-<kind>.log file with output of failed tests. Partest reads compiler
- * flags and the number of errors expected from a neg test from <test>.flags
- * and <test>.nerr files (also generated). The test is in a parent directory
- * that determines the kind of test:
- * - pos: checks that compilation succeeds
- * - neg: checks that compilation fails with the given number of errors
- * - run: compilation succeeds, partest: test run generates the output in
- * <test>.check. Run tests always need to be:
- * object Test { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = ... }
- * Classpath jars can be added to partestDeps in the sbt Build.scala.
- */
-abstract class CompilerTest {
- /** Override with output dir of test so it can be patched. Partest expects
- * classes to be in partest-generated/[kind]/[testname]-[kind].obj/ */
- val defaultOutputDir: String
- /** Override to filter out tests that should not be run by partest. */
- def partestableFile(prefix: String, fileName: String, extension: String, args: List[String]) = true
- def partestableDir(prefix: String, dirName: String, args: List[String]) = true
- def partestableList(testName: String, files: List[String], args: List[String]) = true
- val generatePartestFiles = {
- /* Because we fork in test, the JVM in which this JUnit test runs has a
- * different pid from the one that started the partest. But the forked VM
- * receives the pid of the parent as system property. If the lock file
- * exists, the parent is requesting partest generation. This mechanism
- * allows one sbt instance to run test (JUnit only) and another partest.
- * We cannot run two instances of partest at the same time, because they're
- * writing to the same directories. The sbt lock file generation prevents
- * this.
- */
- val pid = System.getProperty("partestParentID")
- if (pid == null)
- false
- else
- new JFile(".." + JFile.separator + "tests" + JFile.separator + "locks" + JFile.separator + s"partest-$pid.lock").exists
- }
- // Delete generated files from previous run and create new log
- val logFile = if (!generatePartestFiles) None else Some(CompilerTest.init)
- /** Always run with JUnit. */
- def compileLine(cmdLine: String)(implicit defaultOptions: List[String]): Unit = {
- if (generatePartestFiles)
- log("WARNING: compileLine will always run with JUnit, no partest files generated.")
- compileArgs(cmdLine.split("\n"), Nil)
- }
- /** Compiles the given code file.
- *
- * @param prefix the parent directory (including separator at the end)
- * @param fileName the filename, by default without extension
- * @param args arguments to the compiler
- * @param extension the file extension, .scala by default
- * @param defaultOptions more arguments to the compiler
- */
- def compileFile(prefix: String, fileName: String, args: List[String] = Nil, extension: String = ".scala", runTest: Boolean = false)
- (implicit defaultOptions: List[String]): Unit = {
- val filePath = s"$prefix$fileName$extension"
- val expErrors = expectedErrors(filePath)
- if (!generatePartestFiles || !partestableFile(prefix, fileName, extension, args ++ defaultOptions)) {
- if (runTest)
- log(s"WARNING: run tests can only be run by partest, JUnit just verifies compilation: $prefix$fileName$extension")
- if (args.contains("-rewrite")) {
- val file = new PlainFile(filePath)
- val data = file.toByteArray
- // compile with rewrite
- compileArgs((filePath :: args).toArray, expErrors)
- // compile again, check that file now compiles without -language:Scala2
- val plainArgs = args.filter(arg => arg != "-rewrite" && arg != "-language:Scala2")
- compileFile(prefix, fileName, plainArgs, extension, runTest)
- // restore original test file
- val out = file.output
- out.write(data)
- out.close()
- }
- else compileArgs((filePath :: args).toArray, expErrors)
- } else {
- val kind = testKind(prefix, runTest)
- log(s"generating partest files for test file: $prefix$fileName$extension of kind $kind")
- val sourceFile = new JFile(prefix + fileName + extension)
- if (sourceFile.exists) {
- val firstDest = SFile(DPConfig.testRoot + JFile.separator + kind + JFile.separator + fileName + extension)
- val xerrors = expErrors.map(_.totalErrors).sum
- computeDestAndCopyFiles(sourceFile, firstDest, kind, args ++ defaultOptions, xerrors.toString)
- } else {
- throw new java.io.FileNotFoundException(s"Unable to locate test file $prefix$fileName")
- }
- }
- }
- def runFile(prefix: String, fileName: String, args: List[String] = Nil, extension: String = ".scala")
- (implicit defaultOptions: List[String]): Unit = {
- compileFile(prefix, fileName, args, extension, true)
- }
- def findJarFromRuntime(partialName: String): String = {
- val urls = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader.asInstanceOf[java.net.URLClassLoader].getURLs.map(_.getFile.toString)
- urls.find(_.contains(partialName)).getOrElse {
- throw new java.io.FileNotFoundException(
- s"""Unable to locate $partialName on classpath:\n${urls.toList.mkString("\n")}"""
- )
- }
- }
- private def compileWithJavac(
- fs: Array[String],
- args: Array[String]
- )(implicit defaultOptions: List[String]): Boolean = {
- val scalaLib = findJarFromRuntime("scala-library")
- val fullArgs = Array(
- "javac",
- "-classpath",
- s".:$scalaLib"
- ) ++ args ++ defaultOptions.dropWhile("-d" != _).take(2) ++ fs
- Runtime.getRuntime.exec(fullArgs).waitFor() == 0
- }
- /** Compiles the code files in the given directory together. If args starts
- * with "-deep", all files in subdirectories (and so on) are included. */
- def compileDir(prefix: String, dirName: String, args: List[String] = Nil, runTest: Boolean = false)
- (implicit defaultOptions: List[String]): Unit = {
- def computeFilePathsAndExpErrors = {
- val dir = Directory(prefix + dirName)
- val (files, normArgs) = args match {
- case "-deep" :: args1 => (dir.deepFiles, args1)
- case _ => (dir.files, args)
- }
- val (filePaths, javaFilePaths) = files
- .toArray.map(_.toString)
- .foldLeft((Array.empty[String], Array.empty[String])) { case (acc @ (fp, jfp), name) =>
- if (name endsWith ".scala") (name +: fp, jfp)
- else if (name endsWith ".java") (fp, name +: jfp)
- else (fp, jfp)
- }
- val expErrors = expectedErrors(filePaths.toList)
- (filePaths, javaFilePaths, normArgs, expErrors)
- }
- if (!generatePartestFiles || !partestableDir(prefix, dirName, args ++ defaultOptions)) {
- if (runTest)
- log(s"WARNING: run tests can only be run by partest, JUnit just verifies compilation: $prefix$dirName")
- val (filePaths, javaFilePaths, normArgs, expErrors) = computeFilePathsAndExpErrors
- compileWithJavac(javaFilePaths, Array.empty) // javac needs to run first on dotty-library
- compileArgs(javaFilePaths ++ filePaths ++ normArgs, expErrors)
- } else {
- val (sourceDir, flags, deep) = args match {
- case "-deep" :: args1 => (flattenDir(prefix, dirName), args1 ++ defaultOptions, "deep")
- case _ => (new JFile(prefix + dirName), args ++ defaultOptions, "shallow")
- }
- val kind = testKind(prefix, runTest)
- log(s"generating partest files for test directory ($deep): $prefix$dirName of kind $kind")
- if (sourceDir.exists) {
- val firstDest = Directory(DPConfig.testRoot + JFile.separator + kind + JFile.separator + dirName)
- val xerrors = if (isNegTest(prefix)) {
- val (_, _, _, expErrors) = computeFilePathsAndExpErrors
- expErrors.map(_.totalErrors).sum
- } else 0
- computeDestAndCopyFiles(sourceDir, firstDest, kind, flags, xerrors.toString)
- if (deep == "deep")
- Directory(sourceDir).deleteRecursively
- } else {
- throw new java.io.FileNotFoundException(s"Unable to locate test dir $prefix$dirName")
- }
- }
- }
- def runDir(prefix: String, dirName: String, args: List[String] = Nil)
- (implicit defaultOptions: List[String]): Unit =
- compileDir(prefix, dirName, args, true)
- /** Compiles each source in the directory path separately by calling
- * compileFile resp. compileDir. */
- def compileFiles(path: String, args: List[String] = Nil, verbose: Boolean = true, runTest: Boolean = false,
- compileSubDirs: Boolean = true)(implicit defaultOptions: List[String]): Unit = {
- val dir = Directory(path)
- val fileNames = dir.files.toArray.map(_.jfile.getName).filter(name => (name endsWith ".scala") || (name endsWith ".java"))
- for (name <- fileNames) {
- if (verbose) log(s"testing $path$name")
- compileFile(path, name, args, "", runTest)
- }
- if (compileSubDirs)
- for (subdir <- dir.dirs) {
- if (verbose) log(s"testing $subdir")
- compileDir(path, subdir.jfile.getName, args, runTest)
- }
- }
- def runFiles(path: String, args: List[String] = Nil, verbose: Boolean = true)
- (implicit defaultOptions: List[String]): Unit =
- compileFiles(path, args, verbose, true)
- /** Compiles the given list of code files. */
- def compileList(testName: String, files: List[String], args: List[String] = Nil)
- (implicit defaultOptions: List[String]): Unit = {
- if (!generatePartestFiles || !partestableList(testName, files, args ++ defaultOptions)) {
- val expErrors = expectedErrors(files)
- compileArgs((files ++ args).toArray, expErrors)
- } else {
- val destDir = Directory(DPConfig.testRoot + JFile.separator + testName)
- files.foreach({ file =>
- val sourceFile = new JFile(file)
- val destFile = destDir / (if (file.startsWith("../")) file.substring(3) else file)
- recCopyFiles(sourceFile, destFile)
- })
- compileDir(DPConfig.testRoot + JFile.separator, testName, args)
- destDir.deleteRecursively
- }
- }
- // ========== HELPERS =============
- private def expectedErrors(filePaths: List[String]): List[ErrorsInFile] = if (filePaths.exists(isNegTest(_))) filePaths.map(getErrors(_)) else Nil
- private def expectedErrors(filePath: String): List[ErrorsInFile] = expectedErrors(List(filePath))
- private def isNegTest(testPath: String) = testPath.contains("/neg/")
- private def compileArgs(args: Array[String], expectedErrorsPerFile: List[ErrorsInFile])
- (implicit defaultOptions: List[String]): Unit = {
- val allArgs = args ++ defaultOptions
- val verbose = allArgs.contains("-verbose")
- //println(s"""all args: ${allArgs.mkString("\n")}""")
- val processor = if (allArgs.exists(_.startsWith("#"))) Bench else Main
- val storeReporter = new Reporter with UniqueMessagePositions with HideNonSensicalMessages {
- private val consoleReporter = new ConsoleReporter()
- private val innerStoreReporter = new StoreReporter(consoleReporter)
- def doReport(m: MessageContainer)(implicit ctx: Context): Unit = {
- if (m.level == ERROR || verbose) {
- innerStoreReporter.flush()
- consoleReporter.doReport(m)
- }
- else if (errorCount > 0) consoleReporter.doReport(m)
- else innerStoreReporter.doReport(m)
- }
- }
- val reporter = processor.process(allArgs, storeReporter)
- val nerrors = reporter.errorCount
- val xerrors = (expectedErrorsPerFile map {_.totalErrors}).sum
- def expectedErrorFiles =
- expectedErrorsPerFile.collect{
- case er if er.totalErrors > 0 => er.fileName
- }
- assert(nerrors == xerrors,
- s"""Wrong # of errors. Expected: $xerrors, found: $nerrors
- |Files with expected errors: $expectedErrorFiles
- |errors:
- """.stripMargin)
- if (xerrors > 0) {
- val errorLines = reporter.allErrors.map(_.pos)
- // reporter didn't record as many errors as its errorCount says
- assert(errorLines.length == nerrors, s"Not enough errors recorded.")
- // Some compiler errors have an associated source position. Each error
- // needs to correspond to a "// error" marker on that line in the source
- // file and vice versa.
- // Other compiler errors don't have an associated source position. Their
- // number should correspond to the total count of "// nopos-error"
- // markers in all files
- val (errorsByFile, errorsWithoutPos) = errorLines.groupBy(_.source.file).toList.partition(_._1.toString != "<no source>")
- // check errors with source position
- val foundErrorsPerFile = errorsByFile.map({ case (fileName, errorList) =>
- val posErrorLinesToNr = errorList.groupBy(_.line).toList.map({ case (line, list) => (line, list.length) }).sortBy(_._1)
- ErrorsInFile(fileName.toString, 0, posErrorLinesToNr)
- })
- val expectedErrorsPerFileZeroed = expectedErrorsPerFile.map({
- case ErrorsInFile(fileName, _, posErrorLinesToNr) =>
- ErrorsInFile(fileName.toString, 0, posErrorLinesToNr)
- })
- checkErrorsWithPosition(expectedErrorsPerFileZeroed, foundErrorsPerFile)
- // check errors without source position
- val expectedNoPos = expectedErrorsPerFile.map(_.noposErrorNr).sum
- val foundNoPos = errorsWithoutPos.map(_._2.length).sum
- assert(foundNoPos == expectedNoPos,
- s"Wrong # of errors without source position. Expected (all files): $expectedNoPos, found (compiler): $foundNoPos")
- }
- }
- // ========== NEG TEST HELPERS =============
- /** Captures the number of nopos-errors in the given file and the number of
- * errors with a position, represented as a tuple of source line and number
- * of errors on that line. */
- case class ErrorsInFile(fileName: String, noposErrorNr: Int, posErrorLinesToNr: List[(Int, Int)]) {
- def totalErrors = noposErrorNr + posErrorLinesToNr.map(_._2).sum
- }
- /** Extracts the errors expected for the given neg test file. */
- def getErrors(fileName: String): ErrorsInFile = {
- val content = SFile(fileName).slurp
- val (line, rest) = content.span(_ != '\n')
- @tailrec
- def checkLine(line: String, rest: String, index: Int, noposAcc: Int, posAcc: List[(Int, Int)]): ErrorsInFile = {
- val posErrors = "// ?error".r.findAllIn(line).length
- val newPosAcc = if (posErrors > 0) (index, posErrors) :: posAcc else posAcc
- val newNoPosAcc = noposAcc + "// ?nopos-error".r.findAllIn(line).length
- val (newLine, newRest) = rest.span(_ != '\n')
- if (newRest.isEmpty)
- ErrorsInFile(fileName.toString, newNoPosAcc, newPosAcc.reverse)
- else
- checkLine(newLine, newRest.tail, index + 1, newNoPosAcc, newPosAcc) // skip leading '\n'
- }
- checkLine(line, rest.tail, 0, 0, Nil) // skip leading '\n'
- }
- /** Asserts that the expected and found number of errors correspond, and
- * otherwise throws an error with the filename, plus optionally a line
- * number if available. */
- def errorMsg(fileName: String, lineNumber: Option[Int], exp: Int, found: Int) = {
- val i = lineNumber.map({ i => ":" + (i + 1) }).getOrElse("")
- assert(found == exp, s"Wrong # of errors for $fileName$i. Expected (file): $exp, found (compiler): $found")
- }
- /** Compares the expected with the found errors and creates a nice error
- * message if they don't agree. */
- def checkErrorsWithPosition(expected: List[ErrorsInFile], found: List[ErrorsInFile]): Unit = {
- // create nice error messages
- expected.diff(found) match {
- case Nil => // nothing missing
- case ErrorsInFile(fileName, _, expectedLines) :: xs =>
- found.find(_.fileName == fileName) match {
- case None =>
- // expected some errors, but none found for this file
- errorMsg(fileName, None, expectedLines.map(_._2).sum, 0)
- case Some(ErrorsInFile(_,_,foundLines)) =>
- // found wrong number/location of markers for this file
- compareLines(fileName, expectedLines, foundLines)
- }
- }
- found.diff(expected) match {
- case Nil => // nothing missing
- case ErrorsInFile(fileName, _, foundLines) :: xs =>
- expected.find(_.fileName == fileName) match {
- case None =>
- // found some errors, but none expected for this file
- errorMsg(fileName, None, 0, foundLines.map(_._2).sum)
- case Some(ErrorsInFile(_,_,expectedLines)) =>
- // found wrong number/location of markers for this file
- compareLines(fileName, expectedLines, foundLines)
- }
- }
- }
- /** Gives an error message for one line where the expected number of errors and
- * the number of compiler errors differ. */
- def compareLines(fileName: String, expectedLines: List[(Int, Int)], foundLines: List[(Int, Int)]) = {
- expectedLines foreach{
- case (line, expNr) =>
- foundLines.find(_._1 == line) match {
- case Some((_, `expNr`)) => // this line is ok
- case Some((_, foundNr)) => errorMsg(fileName, Some(line), expNr, foundNr)
- case None =>
- println(s"expected lines = $expectedLines%, %")
- println(s"found lines = $foundLines%, %")
- errorMsg(fileName, Some(line), expNr, 0)
- }
- }
- foundLines foreach {
- case (line, foundNr) =>
- expectedLines.find(_._1 == line) match {
- case Some((_, `foundNr`)) => // this line is ok
- case Some((_, expNr)) => errorMsg(fileName, Some(line), expNr, foundNr)
- case None => errorMsg(fileName, Some(line), 0, foundNr)
- }
- }
- }
- // ========== PARTEST HELPERS =============
- // In particular, don't copy flags from scalac tests
- private val extensionsToCopy = scala.collection.immutable.HashSet("scala", "java")
- /** Determines what kind of test to run. */
- private def testKind(prefixDir: String, runTest: Boolean) = {
- if (runTest) "run"
- else if (isNegTest(prefixDir)) "neg"
- else if (prefixDir.endsWith("run" + JFile.separator)) {
- log("WARNING: test is being run as pos test despite being in a run directory. " +
- "Use runFile/runDir instead of compileFile/compileDir to do a run test")
- "pos"
- } else "pos"
- }
- /** The three possibilities: no generated sources exist yet, the same sources
- * exist already, different sources exist. */
- object Difference extends Enumeration {
- type Difference = Value
- val NotExists, ExistsSame, ExistsDifferent = Value
- }
- import Difference._
- /** The same source might be used for several partest test cases (e.g. with
- * different flags). Detects existing versions and computes the path to be
- * used for this version, e.g. testname_v1 for the first alternative. */
- private def computeDestAndCopyFiles(source: JFile, dest: Path, kind: String, oldFlags: List[String], nerr: String,
- nr: Int = 0, oldOutput: String = defaultOutputDir): Unit = {
- val partestOutput = dest.jfile.getParentFile + JFile.separator + dest.stripExtension + "-" + kind + ".obj"
- val altOutput =
- source.getParentFile.getAbsolutePath.map(x => if (x == JFile.separatorChar) '_' else x)
- val (beforeCp, remaining) = oldFlags
- .map(f => if (f == oldOutput) partestOutput else f)
- .span(_ != "-classpath")
- val flags = beforeCp ++ List("-classpath", (partestOutput :: remaining.drop(1)).mkString(":"))
- val difference = getExisting(dest).isDifferent(source, flags, nerr)
- difference match {
- case NotExists => copyFiles(source, dest, partestOutput, flags, nerr, kind)
- case ExistsSame => // nothing else to do
- case ExistsDifferent =>
- val nextDest = dest.parent / (dest match {
- case d: Directory =>
- val newVersion = replaceVersion(d.name, nr).getOrElse(altOutput)
- Directory(newVersion)
- case f =>
- val newVersion = replaceVersion(f.stripExtension, nr).getOrElse(altOutput)
- SFile(newVersion).addExtension(f.extension)
- })
- computeDestAndCopyFiles(source, nextDest, kind, flags, nerr, nr + 1, partestOutput)
- }
- }
- /** Copies the test sources. Creates flags, nerr, check and output files. */
- private def copyFiles(sourceFile: Path, dest: Path, partestOutput: String, flags: List[String], nerr: String, kind: String) = {
- recCopyFiles(sourceFile, dest)
- new JFile(partestOutput).mkdirs
- if (flags.nonEmpty)
- dest.changeExtension("flags").createFile(true).writeAll(flags.mkString(" "))
- if (nerr != "0")
- dest.changeExtension("nerr").createFile(true).writeAll(nerr)
- sourceFile.changeExtension("check").ifFile({ check =>
- if (kind == "run") {
- FileManager.copyFile(check.jfile, dest.changeExtension("check").jfile)
- dest.changeExtension("checksrc").createFile(true).writeAll("check file generated from source:\n" + check.toString)
- } else {
- log(s"WARNING: ignoring $check for test kind $kind")
- }
- })
- }
- /** Recursively copy over source files and directories, excluding extensions
- * that aren't in extensionsToCopy. */
- private def recCopyFiles(sourceFile: Path, dest: Path): Unit = {
- @tailrec def copyfile(file: SFile, bytewise: Boolean): Unit = {
- if (bytewise) {
- val in = file.inputStream()
- val out = SFile(dest).outputStream()
- val buffer = new Array[Byte](1024)
- @tailrec def loop(available: Int):Unit = {
- if (available < 0) {()}
- else {
- out.write(buffer, 0, available)
- val read = in.read(buffer)
- loop(read)
- }
- }
- loop(0)
- in.close()
- out.close()
- } else {
- try {
- SFile(dest)(scala.io.Codec.UTF8).writeAll((s"/* !!!!! WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY. Original is at: $file !!!!! */").replace("\\", "/"), file.slurp("UTF-8"))
- } catch {
- case unmappable: java.nio.charset.MalformedInputException =>
- copyfile(file, true) //there are bytes that can't be mapped with UTF-8. Bail and just do a straight byte-wise copy without the warning header.
- }
- }
- }
- processFileDir(sourceFile, { sf =>
- if (extensionsToCopy.contains(sf.extension)) {
- dest.parent.jfile.mkdirs
- copyfile(sf, false)
- } else {
- log(s"WARNING: ignoring $sf")
- }
- }, { sdir =>
- dest.jfile.mkdirs
- sdir.list.foreach(path => recCopyFiles(path, dest / path.name))
- }, Some("DPCompilerTest.recCopyFiles: sourceFile not found: " + sourceFile))
- }
- /** Reads the existing files for the given test source if any. */
- private def getExisting(dest: Path): ExistingFiles = {
- val content: Option[Option[String]] = processFileDir(dest, f => try Some(f.slurp("UTF8")) catch {case io: java.io.IOException => Some(io.toString())}, d => Some(""))
- if (content.isDefined && content.get.isDefined) {
- val flags = (dest changeExtension "flags").toFile.safeSlurp
- val nerr = (dest changeExtension "nerr").toFile.safeSlurp
- ExistingFiles(content.get, flags, nerr)
- } else ExistingFiles()
- }
- /** Encapsulates existing generated test files. */
- case class ExistingFiles(genSrc: Option[String] = None, flags: Option[String] = None, nerr: Option[String] = None) {
- def isDifferent(sourceFile: JFile, otherFlags: List[String], otherNerr: String): Difference = {
- if (!genSrc.isDefined) {
- NotExists
- } else {
- val source = processFileDir(sourceFile, { f => try Some(f.slurp("UTF8")) catch {case _: java.io.IOException => None} }, { d => Some("") },
- Some("DPCompilerTest sourceFile doesn't exist: " + sourceFile)).get
- if (source == genSrc) {
- nerr match {
- case Some(n) if (n != otherNerr) => ExistsDifferent
- case None if (otherNerr != "0") => ExistsDifferent
- case _ if (flags.map(_ == otherFlags.mkString(" ")).getOrElse(otherFlags.isEmpty)) => ExistsSame
- case _ => ExistsDifferent
- }
- } else ExistsDifferent
- }
- }
- }
- import scala.util.matching.Regex
- val nrFinder = """(.*_v)(\d+)""".r
- /** Changes the version number suffix in the name (without extension). */
- private def replaceVersion(name: String, nr: Int): Option[String] = {
- val nrString = nr.toString
- name match {
- case nrFinder(prefix, `nrString`) => Some(prefix + (nr + 1))
- case _ if nr != 0 => None
- case _ => Some(name + "_v1")
- }
- }
- /** Returns None if the given path doesn't exist, otherwise returns Some of
- * applying either processFile or processDir, depending on what the path
- * refers to in the file system. If failMsgOnNone is defined, this function
- * asserts that the file exists using the provided message. */
- private def processFileDir[T](input: Path, processFile: SFile => T, processDir: Directory => T, failMsgOnNone: Option[String] = None): Option[T] = {
- val res = input.ifFile(f => processFile(f)).orElse(input.ifDirectory(d => processDir(d)))
- (failMsgOnNone, res) match {
- case (Some(msg), None) => assert(false, msg); None
- case _ => res
- }
- }
- /** Creates a temporary directory and copies all (deep) files over, thus
- * flattening the directory structure. */
- private def flattenDir(prefix: String, dirName: String): JFile = {
- val destDir = Directory(DPConfig.testRoot + JFile.separator + "_temp")
- Directory(prefix + dirName).deepFiles.foreach(source => recCopyFiles(source, destDir / source.name))
- destDir.jfile
- }
- /** Write either to console (JUnit) or log file (partest). */
- private def log(msg: String) = logFile.map(_.appendAll(msg + "\n")).getOrElse(println(msg))
-object CompilerTest extends App {
- /** Deletes generated partest sources from a previous run, recreates
- * directory and returns the freshly created log file. */
- lazy val init: SFile = {
- scala.reflect.io.Directory(DPConfig.testRoot).deleteRecursively
- new JFile(DPConfig.testRoot).mkdirs
- val log = DPConfig.genLog.createFile(true)
- println(s"CompilerTest is generating tests for partest, log: $log")
- log
- }
-// val dotcDir = "/Users/odersky/workspace/dotty/src/dotty/"
-// new CompilerTest().compileFile(dotcDir + "tools/dotc/", "CompilationUnit")
-// new CompilerTest().compileFile(dotcDir + "tools/dotc/", "Compiler")
-// new CompilerTest().compileFile(dotcDir + "tools/dotc/", "Driver")
-// new CompilerTest().compileFile(dotcDir + "tools/dotc/", "Main")
-// new CompilerTest().compileFile(dotcDir + "tools/dotc/", "Run")
-// new CompilerTest().compileDir(dotcDir + "tools/dotc")
- // new CompilerTest().compileFile(dotcDir + "tools/dotc/", "Run")
diff --git a/compiler/test/dotty/tools/dotc/ParallelTesting.scala b/compiler/test/dotty/tools/dotc/ParallelTesting.scala
index 2c9e813e1..62bd9fb7b 100644
--- a/compiler/test/dotty/tools/dotc/ParallelTesting.scala
+++ b/compiler/test/dotty/tools/dotc/ParallelTesting.scala
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import reporting.diagnostic.MessageContainer
import interfaces.Diagnostic.ERROR
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
import java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING
-import java.nio.file.{ Files, Path, Paths }
+import java.nio.file.{ Files, Path, Paths, NoSuchFileException }
import java.util.concurrent.{ Executors => JExecutors, TimeUnit }
import scala.util.control.NonFatal
import java.util.HashMap
@@ -343,10 +343,10 @@ trait ParallelTesting {
times: Int,
shouldDelete: Boolean
) {
- def this(target: Target, fromDir: String, flags: Array[String]) =
+ private[ParallelTesting] def this(target: Target, fromDir: String, flags: Array[String]) =
this(List(target), fromDir, flags, 1, true)
- def this(targets: List[Target], fromDir: String, flags: Array[String]) =
+ private[ParallelTesting] def this(targets: List[Target], fromDir: String, flags: Array[String]) =
this(targets, fromDir, flags, 1, true)
def pos: this.type = {
@@ -389,7 +389,10 @@ trait ParallelTesting {
private def delete(file: JFile): Unit = {
if (file.isDirectory) file.listFiles.foreach(delete)
- Files.delete(file.toPath)
+ try Files.delete(file.toPath)
+ catch {
+ case _: NoSuchFileException => // already deleted, everything's fine
+ }