path: root/doc-tool/src/dotty/tools/dottydoc/model/comment/HtmlParsers.scala
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diff --git a/doc-tool/src/dotty/tools/dottydoc/model/comment/HtmlParsers.scala b/doc-tool/src/dotty/tools/dottydoc/model/comment/HtmlParsers.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..27a2c2587
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc-tool/src/dotty/tools/dottydoc/model/comment/HtmlParsers.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+package dotty.tools
+package dottydoc
+package model
+package comment
+import dotc.core.Contexts.Context
+import com.vladsch.flexmark.ast.{ Node => MarkdownNode }
+import dotty.tools.dottydoc.util.syntax._
+import util.MemberLookup
+object HtmlParsers {
+ implicit class MarkdownToHtml(val node: MarkdownNode) extends AnyVal {
+ def fromMarkdown(origin: Entity)(implicit ctx: Context): String = {
+ import com.vladsch.flexmark.util.sequence.CharSubSequence
+ import com.vladsch.flexmark.ast.{ Link, Visitor, VisitHandler, NodeVisitor }
+ import com.vladsch.flexmark.parser.Parser
+ import com.vladsch.flexmark.html.HtmlRenderer
+ implicit def toCharSeq(str: String) = CharSubSequence.of(str)
+ val inlineToHtml = InlineToHtml(origin)
+ def isOuter(url: String) =
+ url.startsWith("http://") ||
+ url.startsWith("https://") ||
+ url.startsWith("ftp://") ||
+ url.startsWith("ftps://")
+ def isRelative(url: String) =
+ url.startsWith("../") ||
+ url.startsWith("./")
+ val linkVisitor = new NodeVisitor(
+ new VisitHandler(classOf[Link], new Visitor[Link] with MemberLookup {
+ def queryToUrl(link: String) = lookup(origin, ctx.docbase.packages, link) match {
+ case Tooltip(_) => "#"
+ case LinkToExternal(_, url) => url
+ case LinkToEntity(t: Entity) => t match {
+ case e: Entity with Members => inlineToHtml.relativePath(t)
+ case x => x.parent.fold("#") { xpar => inlineToHtml.relativePath(xpar) }
+ }
+ }
+ override def visit(link: Link) = {
+ val linkUrl = link.getUrl.toString
+ if (!isOuter(linkUrl) && !isRelative(linkUrl))
+ link.setUrl(queryToUrl(linkUrl))
+ }
+ })
+ )
+ linkVisitor.visit(node)
+ HtmlRenderer.builder(ctx.docbase.markdownOptions).build().render(node)
+ }
+ }
+ implicit class BodyToHtml(val body: Body) extends AnyVal {
+ def fromBody(origin: Entity): String = {
+ val inlineToHtml = InlineToHtml(origin)
+ def bodyToHtml(body: Body): String =
+ (body.blocks map blockToHtml).mkString
+ def blockToHtml(block: Block): String = block match {
+ case Title(in, 1) => s"<h1>${inlineToHtml(in)}</h1>"
+ case Title(in, 2) => s"<h2>${inlineToHtml(in)}</h2>"
+ case Title(in, 3) => s"<h3>${inlineToHtml(in)}</h3>"
+ case Title(in, _) => s"<h4>${inlineToHtml(in)}</h4>"
+ case Paragraph(in) => s"<p>${inlineToHtml(in)}</p>"
+ case Code(data) => s"""<pre><code class="scala">$data</code></pre>"""
+ case UnorderedList(items) =>
+ s"<ul>${listItemsToHtml(items)}</ul>"
+ case OrderedList(items, listStyle) =>
+ s"<ol class=${listStyle}>${listItemsToHtml(items)}</ol>"
+ case DefinitionList(items) =>
+ s"<dl>${items map { case (t, d) => s"<dt>${inlineToHtml(t)}</dt><dd>${blockToHtml(d)}</dd>" } }</dl>"
+ case HorizontalRule() =>
+ "<hr/>"
+ }
+ def listItemsToHtml(items: Seq[Block]) =
+ items.foldLeft(""){ (list, item) =>
+ item match {
+ case OrderedList(_, _) | UnorderedList(_) => // html requires sub ULs to be put into the last LI
+ list + s"<li>${blockToHtml(item)}</li>"
+ case Paragraph(inline) =>
+ list + s"<li>${inlineToHtml(inline)}</li>" // LIs are blocks, no need to use Ps
+ case block =>
+ list + s"<li>${blockToHtml(block)}</li>"
+ }
+ }
+ bodyToHtml(body)
+ }
+ }
+ case class InlineToHtml(origin: Entity) {
+ def apply(inline: Inline) = toHtml(inline)
+ def relativePath(target: Entity) =
+ util.traversing.relativePath(origin, target)
+ def toHtml(inline: Inline): String = inline match {
+ case Chain(items) => (items map toHtml).mkString
+ case Italic(in) => s"<i>${toHtml(in)}</i>"
+ case Bold(in) => s"<b>${toHtml(in)}</b>"
+ case Underline(in) => s"<u>${toHtml(in)}</u>"
+ case Superscript(in) => s"<sup>${toHtml(in)}</sup>"
+ case Subscript(in) => s"<sub>${toHtml(in) }</sub>"
+ case Link(raw, title) => s"""<a href=$raw target="_blank">${toHtml(title)}</a>"""
+ case Monospace(in) => s"<code>${toHtml(in)}</code>"
+ case Text(text) => text
+ case Summary(in) => toHtml(in)
+ case HtmlTag(tag) => tag
+ case EntityLink(target, link) => enityLinkToHtml(target, link)
+ }
+ def enityLinkToHtml(target: Inline, link: LinkTo) = link match {
+ case Tooltip(_) => toHtml(target)
+ case LinkToExternal(n, url) => s"""<a href="$url">$n</a>"""
+ case LinkToEntity(t: Entity) => t match {
+ // Entity is a package member
+ case e: Entity with Members =>
+ s"""<a href="${relativePath(t)}">${toHtml(target)}</a>"""
+ // Entity is a Val / Def
+ case x => x.parent.fold(toHtml(target)) { xpar =>
+ s"""<a href="${relativePath(xpar)}#${x.name}">${toHtml(target)}</a>"""
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }